
ProcedureLocationProcedure TypeDescription
advance advance_mod Subroutine

Calculation of turbulent particle trajectories utilizing a * zero-acceleration scheme, which is corrected by a numerically more * accurate Petterssen scheme whenever possible. * * Particle positions are read in, incremented, and returned to the calling * program. * * In different regions of the atmosphere (PBL vs. free troposphere), * different parameters are needed for advection, parameterizing turbulent * velocities, etc. For efficiency, different interpolation routines have * been written for these different cases, with the disadvantage that there * exist several routines doing almost the same. They all share the * included file 'interpol_mod'. The following * interpolation routines are used: * * interpol_all(_nest) interpolates everything (called inside the PBL) * interpol_misslev(_nest) if a particle moves vertically in the PBL, * additional parameters are interpolated if it * crosses a model level * interpol_wind(_nest) interpolates the wind and determines the * standard deviation of the wind (called outside * PBL) also interpolates potential vorticity * interpol_wind_short(_nest) only interpolates the wind (needed for the * Petterssen scheme) * interpol_vdep(_nest) interpolates deposition velocities * * * Author: A. Stohl * * 16 December 1997 * * Changes: * * 8 April 2000: Deep convection parameterization * * May 2002: Petterssen scheme introduced * * 2021, L. Bakels: * - Separated PBL and above PBL computations in different * subroutines * - Moved all turbulence computations to turbulence_mod.f90 *

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alloc_com com_mod Subroutine
alloc_com_ndia com_mod Subroutine
alloc_convect conv_mod Subroutine
alloc_domainfill initialise_mod Subroutine
alloc_drydepo drydepo_mod Subroutine
alloc_fixedfields windfields_mod Subroutine
alloc_fixedfields_nest windfields_mod Subroutine
alloc_getfields getfields_mod Subroutine
alloc_grid outgrid_mod Subroutine
alloc_grid_unc unc_mod Subroutine
alloc_grid_unc_nest unc_mod Subroutine
alloc_interpol interpol_mod Subroutine
alloc_nest_properties windfields_mod Subroutine
alloc_netcdf netcdf_output_mod Subroutine
alloc_particle particle_mod Subroutine
alloc_particles particle_mod Subroutine Read more…
alloc_random random_mod Subroutine
alloc_receptor receptor_mod Subroutine Read more…
alloc_satellite receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine Read more…
alloc_totals totals_mod Subroutine Read more…
alloc_windfields windfields_mod Subroutine Read more…
alloc_windfields_nest windfields_mod Subroutine

Dynamic allocation of arrays

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apply_cloud_bounds verttransform_mod Subroutine
assignland drydepo_mod Subroutine

Belward, A.S., Estes, J.E., and Kline, K.D., 1999, * The IGBP-DIS 1-Km Land-Cover Data Set DISCover: * A Project Overview: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing , * v. 65, no. 9, p. 1013-1020 * * if there are no data in the inventory * the ECMWF land/sea mask is used to distinguish * between sea (-> ocean) and land (-> grasslands). * * Author: A. Stohl * * 5 December 1996 * 8 February 1999 Additional use of nests, A. Stohl * 29 December 2006 new landuse inventory, S. Eckhardt *

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bilin_spatial_interpol interpol_mod Subroutine

2.) Linear vertical interpolation on logarithmic scale

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bilin_spatial_interpol_nest interpol_mod Subroutine

2.) Linear vertical interpolation on logarithmic scale

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boundcond_domainfill initialise_mod Subroutine

Particles are created by this subroutine continuously throughout the * simulation at the boundaries of the domain-filling box. * All particles carry the same amount of mass which alltogether comprises the* mass of air within the box, which remains (more or less) constant. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 16 October 2002 * * Changes * 2022, L. Bakels: OpenMP parallelisation * *

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calc_min_run sort_mod Function

Returns the minimum length of a run from 32-63 so that N/MIN_RUN is less than or equal to a power of two. See

calceomday date_mod Function
calcfluxes flux_mod Subroutine

Variables: * * nage Age class of the particle considered * jpart Index of the particle considered * xold,yold,zold "Memorized" old positions of the particle * *

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calcmatrix conv_mod Subroutine

This subroutine calculates the matrix describing convective * redistribution of mass in a grid column, using the subroutine * convect43c.f provided by Kerry Emanuel. * * Petra Seibert, Bernd C. Krueger, 2000-2001 * *

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caldate date_mod Subroutine Read more…
cbl cbl_mod Subroutine

CBL skewed vertical profiles and formulation of LHH 1996 with profile of w^3 from LHB 2000 LHH formulation has been modified to account for variable density profiles and backward in time or forward in time simulations see Cassiani et al. BLM 2014 doi for explanations and references

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cc2gll cmapf_mod Subroutine

Written on 3/31/94 by Dr. Albion Taylor NOAA / OAR / ARL

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cgszll cmapf_mod Function

Written on 3/31/94 by Dr. Albion Taylor NOAA / OAR / ARL

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chemreaction chemistry_mod Subroutine

Variables: * itime [s] actual simulation time [s] * *

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cll2xy cmapf_mod Subroutine

Written on 3/31/94 by Dr. Albion Taylor NOAA / OAR / ARL

close_partoutput_file netcdf_output_mod Subroutine
close_receptor_netcdf receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine
close_satellite_netcdf receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine
collapse sort_mod Function
compute_sl_sq interpol_mod Subroutine
compute_sl_sq_nest interpol_mod Subroutine
conccalc output_mod Subroutine

Variables: * nspeciesdim = nspec for forward runs, 1 for backward runs * *

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concoutput binary_output_mod Subroutine

Variables: * outnum number of samples * ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * tot_mu 1 for forward, initial mass mixing ration for backw. runs * *

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concoutput_inversion binary_output_mod Subroutine

Variables: * outnum number of samples * ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * tot_mu 1 for forward, initial mass mixing ration for backw. runs * *

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concoutput_inversion_nest binary_output_mod Subroutine

Variables: * outnum number of samples * ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * tot_mu 1 for forward, initial mass mixing ration for backw. runs * *

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concoutput_nest binary_output_mod Subroutine

Variables: * outnum number of samples * ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * tot_mu 1 for forward, initial mass mixing ration for backw. runs * *

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concoutput_nest_netcdf netcdf_output_mod Subroutine

Variables: * itime current simulation time * outnum number of samples * *

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concoutput_netcdf netcdf_output_mod Subroutine

Variables: * outnum number of samples * ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * tot_mu 1 for forward, initial mass mixing ration for backw. runs * *

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CONVECT conv_mod Subroutine

T: Array of absolute temperature (K) of dimension ND, with first index corresponding to lowest model level. Note that this array will be altered by the subroutine if dry convective adjustment occurs and if IPBL is not equal to 0.

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convert_cloud_params verttransform_mod Subroutine
convmix conv_mod Subroutine

handles all the calculations related to convective mixing Petra Seibert, Bernd C. Krueger, Feb 2001 nested grids included, Bernd C. Krueger, May 2001

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coordtrafo point_mod Subroutine

DESCRIPTION: This subroutine transforms x and y coordinates of * particle release points to grid coordinates. * *

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create_particles_initialoutput netcdf_output_mod Subroutine

This subroutine creates an initial particle positions and properties * NetCDF file: * The release time, release number and positions, together with all fields * specified in the PARTOPTIONS option file will saved. * * Author: L. Bakels 2022 * *

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cxy2ll cmapf_mod Subroutine

Written on 3/31/94 by Dr. Albion Taylor NOAA / OAR / ARL

dealloc_all_particles particle_mod Subroutine
dealloc_com com_mod Subroutine
dealloc_convect conv_mod Subroutine
dealloc_domainfill initialise_mod Subroutine
dealloc_drydepo drydepo_mod Subroutine
dealloc_getfields getfields_mod Subroutine
dealloc_interpol interpol_mod Subroutine
dealloc_netcdf netcdf_output_mod Subroutine
dealloc_particle particle_mod Subroutine
dealloc_particle_range particle_mod Subroutine
dealloc_random random_mod Subroutine
dealloc_windfields windfields_mod Subroutine
dealloc_windfields_nest windfields_mod Subroutine
deposit_decay unc_mod Subroutine
detectformat windfields_mod Subroutine

This routine reads the 1st file with windfields to determine * the format. * * Authors: M. Harustak * * 6 May 2015 * * Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * - Added routine to FP10 Flexpart distribution *

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drydepo_massloss drydepo_mod Subroutine
drydepo_probability drydepo_mod Subroutine
drydepokernel drydepo_mod Subroutine

Variables: * * nunc uncertainty class of the respective particle * nage age class of the respective particle * deposit amount (kg) to be deposited * *

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drydepokernel_nest drydepo_mod Subroutine

Variables: * * nunc uncertainty class of the respective particle * nage age class of the respective particle * deposit amount (kg) to be deposited * *

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em_res_read emissions_mod Subroutine Read more…
em_res_write emissions_mod Subroutine Read more…
emissions emissions_mod Subroutine


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erf erf_mod Function
erfc erf_mod Function
erfcc erf_mod Function
ew qvsat_mod Function


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f_qvsat qvsat_mod Function

$ f_qvsat = rddrv * fespt / (p-(1.0-rddrv)*fespt) !old

finalise_output output_mod Subroutine
find_grid_distances interpol_mod Subroutine
find_grid_indices interpol_mod Subroutine
find_ngrid interpol_mod Interface
find_ngrid_dp interpol_mod Subroutine
find_ngrid_sp interpol_mod Subroutine
find_time_vars interpol_mod Subroutine
find_vert_vars interpol_mod Subroutine

This subroutine computes the vertical interpolation variables * logarithmically, unless log_interpol=.false. in the par_mod * * Author: L. Bakels *

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find_vert_vars_lin interpol_mod Subroutine
find_z_level interpol_mod Subroutine
find_z_level_eta interpol_mod Subroutine
find_z_level_eta_uv interpol_mod Subroutine
find_z_level_eta_w interpol_mod Subroutine
find_z_level_meters interpol_mod Subroutine
fluxoutput flux_mod Subroutine

Variables: * ncellse number of cells with non-zero values for eastward fluxes * sparsee .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * *

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gasdev random_mod Function
gasdev1 random_mod Subroutine Read more…
get_activated_frac wetdepo_mod Subroutine
get_alivepart_num particle_mod Subroutine

Returns number of particles currently alive *

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get_cloud_liquid wetdepo_mod Subroutine
get_gridfract wetdepo_mod Subroutine Read more…
get_newpart_index particle_mod Subroutine

Returns the first free spot to put a new particle

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get_settling settling_mod Subroutine

This subroutine calculates particle settling velocity. * * Author: A. Stohl * * May 2010 * * Improvement over traditional settling calculation in FLEXPART: * generalize to higher Reynolds numbers and also take into account the * temperature dependence of dynamic viscosity. * * Based on: * Naeslund E., and Thaning, L. (1991): On the settling velocity in a * nonstationary atmosphere, Aerosol Science and Technology 14, 247-256. * * Changes * Daria Tatsii 2022: implementation of shape factor according to * Bagheri & Bonadonna 2016 *

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get_totalpart_num particle_mod Subroutine

Returns total number of particles spawned *

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get_vdep_prob drydepo_mod Subroutine

Calculation of the probability for dry deposition * * Particle positions are read in - prob returned * *

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get_wetscav wetdepo_mod Subroutine

Calculation of wet deposition using the concept of scavenging coefficients.* For lack of detailed information, washout and rainout are jointly treated. * It is assumed that precipitation does not occur uniformly within the whole * grid cell, but that only a fraction of the grid cell experiences rainfall. * This fraction is parameterized from total cloud cover and rates of large * scale and convective precipitation. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 1 December 1996 * * Correction by Petra Seibert, Sept 2002: * use centred precipitation data for integration * Code may not be correct for decay of deposition! * * ZHG, for v10: use below-cloud scavenging according to Laakso et al (2003) * and Kyro et al (2009) as described in Grytte et al (2017, GMD) * * PS, AP 04/2019: - put back temporal interpolation of rain, from v10.01 * - tansferred BCSCHEME parameters to par_mod.f90 * - added call to rain interpolation subroutine with new * interpolation for rain and all cloud params * - cleaned up scavenging determination algorithm * - added new below-cloud scavenging scheme * *

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get_wetscav_belowcld_aerosol_rain wetdepo_mod Subroutine
get_wetscav_belowcld_aerosol_snow wetdepo_mod Subroutine
get_wetscav_belowcld_gas wetdepo_mod Subroutine
get_wetscav_incld_aerosol wetdepo_mod Subroutine
get_wetscav_incld_gas wetdepo_mod Subroutine
getchemfield chemistry_mod Subroutine

Variables: * * itime time since start of simulation in sec * *

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getchemhourly chemistry_mod Subroutine

Variables: * itime [s] actual simulation time [s] * *

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getemissions emissions_mod Subroutine Read more…
getfields getfields_mod Subroutine

This subroutine manages the 3 data fields to be kept in memory. * During the first time step of petterssen it has to be fulfilled that the * first data field must have |wftime|<itime, i.e. the absolute value of * wftime must be smaller than the absolute value of the current time in [s]. The other 2 fields are the next in time after the first one. * Pointers (memind) are used, because otherwise one would have to resort the wind fields, which costs a lot of computing time. Here only the pointers * are resorted. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 29 April 1994 * *

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getfilename receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine Read more…
getrb drydepo_mod Subroutine

Calculation of the quasilaminar sublayer resistance to dry deposition. * * AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl, 20 May 1995 * *

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getrc drydepo_mod Subroutine

Calculation of the surface resistance according to the procedure given * in: * Wesely (1989): Parameterization of surface resistances to gaseous * dry deposition in regional-scale numerical models. * Atmos. Environ. 23, 1293-1304. * * * AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl, 19 May 1995 * *

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getvdep drydepo_mod Subroutine

This routine calculates the dry deposition velocities. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 20 December 1996 * Sabine Eckhardt, Jan 07 * if the latitude is negative: add half a year to the julian day * *

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getvdep_nest drydepo_mod Subroutine

This routine calculates the dry deposition velocities. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 20 December 1996 * Sabine Eckhardt, Jan 07 * if the latitude is negative: add half a year to the julian day * *

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gribfile_centre class_gribfile_mod Function
gribfile_num_xlon class_gribfile_mod Function
gribfile_num_ylat class_gribfile_mod Function
gribfile_num_zlevel class_gribfile_mod Function
gribfile_object_create class_gribfile_mod Function
gribfile_printobj class_gribfile_mod Subroutine
gridcheck_ecmwf windfields_mod Subroutine

Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * - Renamed from gridcheck to gridcheck_ecmwf * * *
Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * *

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gridcheck_gfs windfields_mod Subroutine

Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * - Renamed routine from gridcheck to gridcheck_gfs * * *
Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * *

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gridcheck_nest windfields_mod Subroutine

Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * *

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hanna turbulence_mod Subroutine

Computation of \sigma_i and \tau_L based on the scheme of Hanna (1982) * Source: 'Atmospheric Turbulence and Air Polution', chapter 4 and 7, * J.A. Businger, edited by F.T.M. Nieuwstadt and H. van Dop * * * Author: A. Stohl * * 4 December 1997 * *

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hanna1 turbulence_mod Subroutine

Computation of \sigma_i and \tau_L based on the scheme of Hanna (1982) * Source: 'Atmospheric Turbulence and Air Polution', chapter 4 and 7, * J.A. Businger, edited by F.T.M. Nieuwstadt and H. van Dop * * Author: A. Stohl * * 4 December 1997 * *

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hanna_short turbulence_mod Subroutine

Computation of \sigma_i and \tau_L based on the scheme of Hanna (1982) * * Author: A. Stohl * * 4 December 1997 * *

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hor_interpol interpol_mod Interface
hor_interpol_2d interpol_mod Subroutine
hor_interpol_2d_nest interpol_mod Subroutine
hor_interpol_4d interpol_mod Subroutine
hor_interpol_4d_nest interpol_mod Subroutine
hor_interpol_nest interpol_mod Interface
identify_cloud verttransform_mod Subroutine Read more…
init_cbl_vel cbl_mod Subroutine
init_domainfill initialise_mod Subroutine

Initializes particles equally distributed over the first release location * specified in file RELEASES. This box is assumed to be the domain for doing * domain-filling trajectory calculations. * All particles carry the same amount of mass which alltogether comprises the* mass of air within the box. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 15 October 2002 * * Changes * 2022, L. Bakels: OpenMP parallelisation * 2023, L. Bakels: smooth vertical particle distribution instead of * distributing particles on fixed vertical layers * *

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init_domainfill_ncf initdomain_mod Subroutine

Initializes particles equally distributed over the first release location * specified in file RELEASES. This box is assumed to be the domain for doing * domain-filling trajectory calculations. * All particles carry the same amount of mass which alltogether comprises the* mass of air within the box. * * Author: A. Stohl, Oct 2002 * Modifications: * R. Thompson, Sep 2023: added initialization of mass from grid based * on code of S. Henne for Flexpart-CTM * *

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init_interpol interpol_mod Subroutine
init_mass_conversion initialise_mod Subroutine

AF IND_SOURCE switches between different units for concentrations at the source Af NOTE that in backward simulations the release of particles takes place at the Af receptor and the sampling at the source. Af 1="mass" Af 2="mass mixing ratio" Af IND_RECEPTOR switches between different units for concentrations at the receptor Af 1="mass" Af 2="mass mixing ratio" 3 = wet deposition in outputfield 4 = dry deposition in outputfield

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init_output output_mod Subroutine
init_particle initialise_mod Subroutine

Calculation of trajectories utilizing a zero-acceleration scheme. The time* step is determined by the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) criterion. This * means that the time step must be so small that the displacement within * this time step is smaller than 1 grid distance. Additionally, a temporal * CFL criterion is introduced: the time step must be smaller than the time * interval of the wind fields used for interpolation. * For random walk simulations, these are the only time step criteria. * For the other options, the time step is also limited by the Lagrangian * time scale. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 16 December 1997 * * Literature: * *

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initcond_calc outgrid_mod Subroutine

Changes * 2022 L. Bakels: OpenMP parallelisation *

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initcond_output binary_output_mod Subroutine

Variables: * ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * *

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initcond_output_inv binary_output_mod Subroutine

Variables: * ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * *

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initialise_particles FLEXPART.f90 Subroutine

This subroutine handles the different forms of starting FLEXPART * depending on IPIN (set in COMMAND) * * IPIN=0: this routine is not called and particles are read from the * RELEASE option file * IPIN=1: restarting from a restart.bin file, written by a previous run * IPIN=2: restarting from a file written by a previous * run, depending on what PARTOPTIONS the user has chosen, this * option might not be possible to use * IPIN=3: starting a run from a user defined initial particle conditions, * more on how to create such a file can be found in the manual * IPIN=4: restarting a run, while also reading in the initial particle * conditions * * Author: L. Bakels 2022 * *

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insert_head sort_mod Subroutine
insertion_sort sort_mod Subroutine
interpol_density interpol_mod Subroutine Read more…
interpol_htropo_hmix interpol_mod Subroutine
interpol_mesoscale interpol_mod Subroutine Read more…
interpol_partoutput_val interpol_mod Subroutine
interpol_pbl interpol_mod Subroutine

This subroutine interpolates everything that is needed for calculating the* dispersion. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 16 December 1997 * * Revision March 2005 by AST : all output variables in common block cal- * culation of standard deviation done in this * routine rather than subroutine call in order * to save computation time * *

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interpol_pbl_misslev interpol_mod Subroutine

This subroutine interpolates u,v,w, density and density gradients. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 16 December 1997 * Update: 2 March 1999 * * Revision March 2005 by AST : all output variables in common block cal- * culation of standard deviation done in this * routine rather than subroutine call in order * to save computation time * *

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interpol_pbl_short interpol_mod Subroutine
interpol_rain interpol_mod Subroutine

Interpolation of meteorological fields on 2-d model layers. * In horizontal direction bilinear interpolation is used. * Temporally a linear interpolation is used. * Seven fields are interpolated at the same time. * * This is a special version of levlininterpol to save CPU time. * * 1 first time * 2 second time * * * Author: A. Stohl * * 30 August 1996 * * * PS, AP 04/2019, 11/2020: * put back temporal interpolation of rain, from v10.01 * and cloud bottom / thickness interpolation * PS, AP 01/2021: * interpolate particle temperature and cloud total water * PS, AP 02/2021: * interpolation of precipitation using two additional fields * which are temporally equidistant between the main fields * *

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interpol_wind interpol_mod Subroutine

This subroutine interpolates the wind data to current trajectory position.* * Author: A. Stohl * * 16 December 1997 * * Revision March 2005 by AST : all output variables in common block cal- * culation of standard deviation done in this * routine rather than subroutine call in order * to save computation time * *

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interpol_wind_short interpol_mod Subroutine

This subroutine interpolates the wind data to current trajectory position.* * Author: A. Stohl * * 16 December 1997 * * Revision March 2005 by AST : all output variables in common block * *

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juldate date_mod Function Read more…
kindz_to_z initialise_mod Subroutine Read more…
mean mean_mod Interface
mean_dp mean_mod Subroutine

This subroutine calculates mean and standard deviation of a given element.* * AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl, 25 January 1994 * * Double precision version ESO 2016 *

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mean_mixed_dsd mean_mod Subroutine

This subroutine calculates mean and standard deviation of a given element.* * AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl, 25 January 1994 * * Mixed precision version ESO 2016 (dp in, sp out, dp out) *

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mean_mixed_dss mean_mod Subroutine

This subroutine calculates mean and standard deviation of a given element.* * AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl, 25 January 1994 * * Mixed precision version ESO 2016 (dp in, sp out, sp out) *

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mean_sp mean_mod Subroutine

This subroutine calculates mean and standard deviation of a given element.* * AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl, 25 January 1994 * * Single precision version ESO 2016 *

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merge sort_mod Subroutine
merge_sort sort_mod Subroutine
mpi_alloc_part com_mod Subroutine

Dynamic allocation of arrays

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nf90_err netcdf_output_mod Subroutine

netcdf error message handling

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open_partinit_file netcdf_output_mod Subroutine
open_partoutput_file netcdf_output_mod Subroutine
openouttraj plume_mod Subroutine

This routine opens the output file for the plume trajectory output * produced by the cluster analysis. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 27 January 2001 * *

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optval sort_mod Function
outgrid_init outgrid_mod Subroutine

This routine initializes the output grids * * Author: A. Stohl * * 7 August 2002 * * Changes * 2022 L. Bakels: OpenMP parallelisation *

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outgrid_init_nest outgrid_mod Subroutine

This routine calculates, for each grid cell of the output nest, the * volume and the surface area. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 30 August 2004 * * Changes * 2022 L. Bakels: OpenMP parallelisation *

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output_conc output_mod Subroutine Read more…
output_heightlevels verttransform_mod Subroutine
output_particles output_mod Subroutine

Variables: * *

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output_restart restart_mod Subroutine Read more…
part0 drydepo_mod Subroutine

Variables: * alpha help variable * cun 'slip-flow' correction after Cunningham * d01 [um] upper diameter * d02 [um] lower diameter * dc [m2/s] coefficient of Brownian diffusion * delta distance given in standard deviation units * density [kg/m3] density of the particle * dmean geometric mean diameter of interval * dquer [um] geometric mass mean particle diameter * dsigma e.g. dsigma=10 or dsigma=0.1 means that 68% of the mass * are between 0.1dquer and 10dquer * fract(ni) mass fraction of each diameter interval * kn Knudsen number * ni number of diameter intervals, for which deposition * is calculated * schmidt Schmidt number * schmi schmidt**2/3 * vsh [m/s] gravitational settling velocity of the particle * x01 normalized upper diameter * x02 normalized lower diameter * * Constants: * g [m/s2] Acceleration of gravity * kb [J/K] Stefan-Boltzmann constant * lam [m] mean free path of air molecules * myl [kg/m/s] dynamical viscosity of air * nyl [m2/s] kinematic viscosity of air * tr reference temperature * * Function: * erf calculates the integral of the Gauss function * *

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partdep drydepo_mod Subroutine

Variables: * alpha help variable * fract(nc,ni) mass fraction of each diameter interval * lpdep(nc) 1 for particle deposition, 0 else * nc actual number of chemical components * ni number of diameter intervals, for which vdepj is calc. rdp [s/m] deposition layer resistance * ra [s/m] aerodynamical resistance * schmi(nc,ni) Schmidt number*2/3 of each diameter interval * stokes Stokes number * ustar [m/s] friction velocity * vdep_tmp(nc) [m/s] deposition velocities of all components * vdepj [m/s] help, deposition velocity of 1 interval * vset(nc,ni) gravitational settling velocity of each interval * * Constants: * nc number of chemical species * ni number of diameter intervals, for which deposition * is calculated * *

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particle_allocated particle_mod Function

Checks if the memory of the particle is * still allocated *

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partinit_netcdf netcdf_output_mod Subroutine

This subroutine saves properties chosen by the user in PARTOPTIONS * to a NetCDF file created in create_particles_initialoutput. * This happens whenever a new particle is spawned. * * Author: L. Bakels 2022 * *

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partoutput_netcdf netcdf_output_mod Subroutine

Writing a field from PARTOPTIONS to created in * writeheader_partoutput * *
Author: L. Bakels 2021 * *

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partpos_avg output_mod Subroutine

This subroutine averages particle quantities, to be used for particle dump (in partoutput.f90). Averaging is done over output interval. Author: A. Stohl Changes L Bakels: - Computing fields defined in PARTOPTIONS

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pbl_profile pbl_profile_mod Subroutine


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plumetraj plume_mod Subroutine

Determines a plume centroid trajectory for each release site, and manages * clustering of particle locations. Certain parameters (average PV, * tropopause height, etc., are provided along the plume trajectories. * At the end, output is written to file 'trajectories.txt'. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 24 January 2002 * * Variables: * fclust fraction of particles belonging to each cluster * hmixcenter mean mixing height for all particles * ncluster number of clusters to be used * pvcenter mean PV for all particles * pvfract fraction of particles with PV<2pvu * rms total horizontal rms distance after clustering * rmsdist total horizontal rms distance before clustering * rmsclust horizontal rms distance for each individual cluster * topocenter mean topography underlying all particles * tropocenter mean tropopause height at the positions of particles * tropofract fraction of particles within the troposphere * zrms total vertical rms distance after clustering * zrmsdist total vertical rms distance before clustering * xclust,yclust, Cluster centroid positions * zclust * *

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psih pbl_profile_mod Function Read more…
psim pbl_profile_mod Function


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raerod drydepo_mod Function Read more…
ran1 random_mod Function
ran3 random_mod Function
read_heightlevels verttransform_mod Subroutine
read_options_and_initialise_flexpart FLEXPART.f90 Subroutine

Moved from main flexpart program: * Reading all option files, initialisation of random numbers, and * allocating memory for windfields, grids, etc. * * L. Bakels 2022 * *

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read_satellite_info receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine Read more…
readageclasses readoptions_mod Subroutine

Variables: * * Constants: * *

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readavailable readoptions_mod Subroutine

This routine reads the dates and times for which windfields are * available. * * Authors: A. Stohl * * 6 February 1994 * 8 February 1999, Use of nested fields, A. Stohl * *

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readchemfield chemistry_mod Subroutine

Variables: * * CL_name name of chemical reagent file * memid time index to chemical field variable * nr reagent index to chemical field variable * *

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readcommand readoptions_mod Subroutine

Variables: * bdate beginning date as Julian date * ctl factor by which time step must be smaller than * Lagrangian time scale * ibdate,ibtime beginnning date and time (YYYYMMDD, HHMISS) * ideltas [s] modelling period * iedate,ietime ending date and time (YYYYMMDD, HHMISS) * ifine reduction factor for vertical wind time step * outputforeachrel for forward runs it is possible either to create * one outputfield or several for each releasepoint * iflux switch to turn on (1)/off (0) flux calculations * iout 1 for conc. (residence time for backward runs) output, 2 for mixing ratio output, 3 both, 4 for plume * trajectory output, 5 = options 1 and 4 * ipin 1 continue simulation with restart.bin file, * 2 continue simulaion with dumped particle data, 0 no * 3 use self-defined initial conditions in netcdf * 4 initial run using option 3, restart from restart.bin ipout 0 no particle dump, 1 every output time, 3 only at end* ipoutfac increase particle dump interval by factor (default 1) * loutaver [s] concentration output is an average over loutaver * seconds * loutsample [s] average is computed from samples taken every [s] * seconds * loutstep [s] time interval of concentration output * lrecoutstep [s] time interval of receptor output * lrecoutaver [s] receptor output is an average of lrecoutaver seconds * lrecoutsample [s] average is computed from samples taken every [s] * lsynctime [s] synchronisation time interval for all particles * lagespectra switch to turn on (1)/off (0) calculation of age * spectra * lconvection value of either 0 and 1 indicating mixing by * convection * = 0 .. no convection * + 1 .. parameterisation of mixing by subgrid-scale * convection = on * lsubgrid switch to turn on (1)/off (0) subgrid topography * parameterization * method method used to compute the particle pseudovelocities * mdomainfill 1 use domain-filling option, 0 not, 2 use strat. O3 * * Constants: * unitcommand unit connected to file COMMAND * *

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readdepo readoptions_mod Subroutine

Reads dry deposition parameters needed by the procedure of Wesely (1989). * Wesely (1989): Parameterization of surface resistances to gaseous * dry deposition in regional-scale numerical models. * Atmos. Environ. 23, 1293-1304. * * * AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl, 19 May 1995 * *

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reademissions emissions_mod Subroutine


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readgridini initdomain_mod Subroutine

Variables: * ks relative number of species * lexist logical to indicate if INITCONC file specified * *

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readinitconditions_netcdf netcdf_output_mod Subroutine

IPIN=3: starting a run from a user defined initial particle conditions, * more on how to create such a file can be found in the manual * IPIN=4: restarting a run, while also reading in the initial particle * conditions * * Author: L. Bakels 2022 * *

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readlanduse readoptions_mod Subroutine

Variables: * i loop indices * landinvent(1200,600,13) area fractions of 13 landuse categories * LENGTH(numpath) length of the path names * PATH(numpath) contains the path names * unitland unit connected with landuse inventory * * ----- * Sabine Eckhardt, Dec 06 - new landuse inventary * after * Belward, A.S., Estes, J.E., and Kline, K.D., 1999, * The IGBP-DIS 1-Km Land-Cover Data Set DISCover: * A Project Overview: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, * v. 65, no. 9, p. 1013-1020 * * LANDUSE CATEGORIES: * * 1 Urban land * 2 Agricultural land * 3 Range land * 4 Deciduous forest * 5 Coniferous forest * 6 Mixed forest including wetland * 7 water, both salt and fresh * 8 barren land mostly desert * 9 nonforested wetland * 10 mixed agricultural and range land * 11 rocky open areas with low growing shrubs * 12 ice * 13 rainforest * *

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readoutgrid readoptions_mod Subroutine

Variables: * dxout,dyout grid distance * numxgrid,numygrid,numzgrid grid dimensions * outlon0,outlat0 lower left corner of grid * outheight(maxzgrid) height levels of output grid [m] * * Constants: * unitoutgrid unit connected to file OUTGRID * *

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readoutgrid_nest readoptions_mod Subroutine

Variables: * dxoutn,dyoutn grid distances of output nest * numxgridn,numygridn,numzgrid nest dimensions * outlon0n,outlat0n lower left corner of nest * outheight(maxzgrid) height levels of output grid [m] * * Constants: * unitoutgrid unit connected to file OUTGRID * *

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readpartoptions readoptions_mod Subroutine

Variables: * * Constants: * *

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readpartpositions initialise_mod Subroutine

This routine opens the particle dump file and reads all the particle * positions from a previous run to initialize the current run. * * * Author: A. Stohl * * 24 March 2000 * * Changes * 2022, L. Bakels: NetCDF option for reading particle information * *

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readpartpositions_netcdf netcdf_output_mod Subroutine

IPIN=2: restarting from a file written by a previous * run, depending on what PARTOPTIONS the user has chosen, this * option might not be possible to use * * Author: L. Bakels 2022 * *

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readpaths readoptions_mod Subroutine

Variables: * length(numpath) lengths of the path names * path(numpath) pathnames of input/output files * * Constants: * numpath number of pathnames to be read in * *

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readreagents chemistry_mod Subroutine

This routine reads names and input paths of chemical reagents * * Author: R. Thompson, Sep 2023 * *

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readreceptors readoptions_mod Subroutine

Variables: * receptorarea area of dx*dy at location of receptor * receptorname names of receptors * xreceptor,yreceptor coordinates of receptor points * * Constants: * unitreceptor unit connected to file RECEPTORS * *

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readreceptors_satellite receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine Read more…
readreleases readoptions_mod Subroutine

Variables: * decay decay constant of species * dquer [um] mean particle diameters * dsigma e.g. dsigma=10 or dsigma=0.1 means that 68% of the mass are between 0.1dquer and 10dquer * ireleasestart, ireleaseend [s] starting time and ending time of each * release * kindz 1: zpoint is in m agl, 2: zpoint is in m asl, 3: zpoint is in hPa * npart number of particles to be released * nspec number of species to be released * density [kg/m3] density of the particles * rm [s/m] Mesophyll resistance * species name of species * xmass total mass of each species * xpoint1,ypoint1 geograf. coordinates of lower left corner of release * area * xpoint2,ypoint2 geograf. coordinates of upper right corner of release * area * weta_gas, wetb_gas parameters for below-cloud scavenging (gas) * crain_aero, csnow_aero parameters for below-cloud scavenging (aerosol) * ccn_aero, in_aero parameters for in-cloud scavenging (aerosol) * zpoint1,zpoint2 height range, over which release takes place * num_min_discrete if less, release cannot be randomized and happens at * time mid-point of release interval * lroot true if serial version, or if MPI and root process * *

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readrestart restart_mod Subroutine

This routine opens the particle dump file and reads all the particle * positions and gridded information from a previous run to initialize * the current run. * * Author: L. Bakels 2022 * *

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readspecies readoptions_mod Subroutine

Author: A. Stohl * * 11 July 1996 * * Changes: * N. Kristiansen, 31.01.2013: Including parameters for in-cloud scavenging * * HSO, 13 August 2013 added optional namelist input * R. Thompson, 18.01.2024 * variables for LCM * *

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readwind_ecmwf windfields_mod Subroutine

Changes, Bernd C. Krueger, Feb. 2001: * Variables tth and qvh (on eta coordinates) in common block * * Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * - Renamed from readwind to readwind_ecmwf * * L. Bakels, 2021: OpenMP parallelisation (following CTM version) * *
Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * change some double loops in wrong order to forall constructs * *

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readwind_gfs windfields_mod Subroutine

Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * - Renamed routine from readwind to readwind_gfs * * Petra Seibert, Anne Tipka, 2021-02: implement new interpolation * just catch numpf>1 and produce error msg, adjust rank of precip * and correct some loops in bad order * * *
Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * change some double loops in wrong order to forall constructs * *

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readwind_nest windfields_mod Subroutine

Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * change some double loops in wrong order to forall constructs * *

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receptor_output_netcdf receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine Read more…
receptorcalc receptor_mod Subroutine


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receptorout_init receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine Read more…
receptorout_init_binary binary_output_mod Subroutine

This routine opens the receptor output files and writes out the receptor * names, location and times. The receptor output files are not * closed, but kept open throughout the simulation. Concentrations are * continuously dumped to these files. * * Author: A. Stohl * 7 August 2002 * * Modified: R. Thompson * January 2024: for moving receptors * changed format write to: * nspec * and then for each timestep and receptors: * name, lat, lon, alt, time, nn, xk, conc, unc * *

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receptoroutput receptor_mod Subroutine


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redist conv_mod Subroutine

Do the redistribution of particles due to convection This subroutine is called for each particle which is assigned a new vertical position randomly, based on the convective redistribution matrix

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reinit_particle cbl_mod Subroutine

CBL skewed vertical profiles and formulation of LHH 1996 with profile of w^3 from lHB 2000 LHH formulation has been modified to account for variable density profiles and backward in time or forward in time simulations This routine re-initialize particle velocity if a numerical instability in the cbl scheme generated a NaN value The particle velocity is extracted from the updraft and downdraft distribution as required
The re-initialization si not perfect See e.g. Cassiani et al(2015) BLM

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releaseparticles initialise_mod Subroutine

Variables: * itime [s] current time * ireleasestart, ireleaseend start and end times of all releases * npart(maxpoint) number of particles to be released in total * numrel number of particles to be released during this time * step * *

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reverse_segment sort_mod Subroutine
rewrite_ialive particle_mod Subroutine
rewrite_ialive_single particle_mod Subroutine
rewrite_iterm particle_mod Subroutine
satellite_output_netcdf receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine Read more…
satelliteout_init receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine Read more…
satelliteout_init_binary binary_output_mod Subroutine

This routine opens the satellite output files for subsequent writing * * Author: R. Thompson * January 2024 * *

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set_conv_top conv_mod Subroutine Read more…
set_xlon particle_mod Interface
set_xlon_dp particle_mod Subroutine

Sets the longitude of the particle

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set_xlon_int particle_mod Subroutine

Sets the longitude of the particle

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set_xlon_sp particle_mod Subroutine

Sets the longitude of the particle

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set_ylat particle_mod Interface
set_ylat_dp particle_mod Subroutine

Sets the latitude of the particle

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set_ylat_int particle_mod Subroutine

Sets the latitude of the particle

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set_ylat_sp particle_mod Subroutine

Sets the latitude of the particle

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set_z particle_mod Interface
set_z_dp particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the height of the particle

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set_z_sp particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the height of the particle

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set_zeta particle_mod Interface
set_zeta_dp particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the height of the particle

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set_zeta_sp particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the height of the particle

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shift_field windfields_mod Subroutine

This subroutine shifts global fields by nxshift grid cells, in order to * facilitate all sorts of nested wind fields, or output grids, which, * without shifting, would overlap with the domain "boundary". * * Author: A. Stohl * * 3 July 2002 * *

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shift_field_0 windfields_mod Subroutine

This subroutine shifts global fields by nxshift grid cells, in order to * facilitate all sorts of nested wind fields, or output grids, which, * without shifting, would overlap with the domain "boundary". * * Author: A. Stohl * * 3 July 2002 * *

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skplin readoptions_mod Subroutine

This routine reads nlines from unit iunit and discards them * * Authors: Petra Seibert * * 31 Dec 1998 * *

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sort2 sort_mod Subroutine
sort_index sort_mod Subroutine
spawn_particle particle_mod Subroutine

Spawning particles

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spawn_particles particle_mod Subroutine

Spawning particles

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stcm2p cmapf_mod Subroutine

Written on 3/31/94 by Dr. Albion Taylor NOAA / OAR / ARL

stdev interpol_mod Subroutine
stlmbr cmapf_mod Subroutine

Written on 3/31/94 by Dr. Albion Taylor NOAA / OAR / ARL

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temporal_interpolation interpol_mod Subroutine
terminate_particle particle_mod Subroutine

Terminating specified particle

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timemanager timemanager_mod Subroutine

Handles the computation of trajectories, i.e. determines which * trajectories have to be computed at what time. * Manages dry+wet deposition routines, radioactive decay and the computation * of concentrations. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 20 May 1996 * *

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TLIFT conv_mod Subroutine
totals_init totals_mod Subroutine Read more…
totals_write totals_mod Subroutine Read more…
turbulence_above_pbl turbulence_mod Subroutine
turbulence_mesoscale turbulence_mod Subroutine
turbulence_pbl turbulence_mod Subroutine

Determine the new diffusivity velocities

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update_gitversion com_mod Subroutine
update_partoutput_pointers netcdf_output_mod Subroutine
update_xlon particle_mod Interface
update_xlon_dp particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the longitude of the particle

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update_xlon_int particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the longitude of the particle

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update_xlon_sp particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the longitude of the particle

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update_ylat particle_mod Interface
update_ylat_dp particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the latitude of the particle

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update_ylat_int particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the latitude of the particle

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update_ylat_sp particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the latitude of the particle

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update_z particle_mod Interface
update_z_dp particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the height of the particle

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update_z_sp particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the height of the particle

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update_z_to_zeta coord_ecmwf_mod Subroutine
update_zeta particle_mod Interface
update_zeta_dp particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the height of the particle

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update_zeta_sp particle_mod Subroutine

Updates the height of the particle

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update_zeta_to_z coord_ecmwf_mod Subroutine
vert_interpol interpol_mod Subroutine
verttransform_ecmwf verttransform_mod Subroutine

CHANGES * * Major update: 17 February 1999 * by G. Wotawa * * - Vertical levels for u, v and w are put together * - Slope correction for vertical velocity: Modification of calculation * procedure * * Changes, Bernd C. Krueger, Feb. 2001: * Variables tth and qvh (on eta coordinates) from common block * * Sabine Eckhardt, March 2007 * added the variable cloud for use with scavenging - descr. in com_mod * * Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * - Renamed from verttransform to verttransform_ecmwf * * Date: 2017-05-30 modification of a bug in ew. Don Morton (CTBTO project) * * Lucie Bakels, 2022 * - Separated the code into subroutines * - In case of wind_coord_type='ETA': keep ECMWF vertical winds in eta * coordinates * - OpenMP parallelisation * * Petra Seibert, Anne Philipp, 2019-05-02: implement wetdepo quickfix * Petra Seibert, Anne Tipka, 2020-11-19: reimplement in latest version * *

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verttransform_ecmwf_cloud verttransform_mod Subroutine
verttransform_ecmwf_heights verttransform_mod Subroutine Read more…
verttransform_ecmwf_polar verttransform_mod Subroutine Read more…
verttransform_ecmwf_windfields verttransform_mod Subroutine


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verttransform_ecmwf_windfields_nest verttransform_mod Subroutine

$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(jy,ix,kz,dz1,dz2,dz,ix1,jy1,ixp,jyp,dzdx1,dzdx2,dzdx, & $OMP dzdy1,dzdy2,dzdy,dpdeta)

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verttransform_gfs verttransform_mod Subroutine

CHANGES * Major update: 17 February 1999 * by G. Wotawa * * - Vertical levels for u, v and w are put together * - Slope correction for vertical velocity: Modification of calculation * procedure * * Bernd C. Krueger, Feb. 2001: * Variables tth and qvh (on eta coordinates) from common block * * Sabine Eckhardt, March 2007: * added the variable cloud for use with scavenging - descr. in com_mod * PS/AT 2018/-21: variable "cloud" is replaced by quickfix, see below * * Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * - Renamed from verttransform to verttransform_ecmwf * * undocumented modifications by NILU for v10 * * Petra Seibert, 2018-06-13: * - put back SAVE attribute for INIT, just to be safe * - minor changes, most of them just cosmetics * for details see changelog.txt in branch unive * * Petra Seibert, Anne Philipp, 2019-05-02: implement wetdepo quickfix * Petra Seibert, Anne Tipka, 2020-11-19: reimplement in latest version * *

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verttransform_init verttransform_mod Subroutine Read more…
verttransform_nest verttransform_mod Subroutine

CHANGES * Major update: 17 February 1999 * by G. Wotawa * * - Vertical levels for u, v and w are put together * - Slope correction for vertical velocity: Modification of calculation * procedure * * Bernd C. Krueger, Feb. 2001: * Variables tthn and qvhn (on eta coordinates) from common block * * Sabine Eckhardt, March 2007: * added the variable cloud for use with scavenging - descr. in com_mod * PS/AT 2018/-21: variable "cloud" is replaced by quickfix, see below * * ESO, 2016 * -note that divide-by-zero occurs when nxmaxn,nymaxn etc. are larger than * the actual field dimensions * * Don Morton, 2017-05-30: * modification of a bug in ew. Don Morton (CTBTO project) * * undocumented modifications by NILU for v10 * * Petra Seibert, 2018-06-13: * - put back SAVE attribute for INIT, just to be safe * - minor changes, most of them just cosmetics * for details see changelog.txt in branch unive * * Petra Seibert, Anne Philipp, 2019-05-02: implement wetdepo quickfix * Petra Seibert, Anne Tipka, 2020-11-19: reimplement in latest version * *

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verttransform_satellite receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine


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w_to_weta coord_ecmwf_mod Subroutine

Converting z from meter coordinates to eta using logarithmic vertical * interpolation *

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wetdepo wetdepo_mod Subroutine

Calculation of wet deposition using the concept of scavenging coefficients.* For lack of detailed information, washout and rainout are jointly treated. * It is assumed that precipitation does not occur uniformly within the whole * grid cell, but that only a fraction of the grid cell experiences rainfall. * This fraction is parameterized from total cloud cover and rates of large * scale and convective precipitation. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 1 December 1996 * * Correction by Petra Seibert, Sept 2002: * use centred precipitation data for integration * Code may not be correct for decay of deposition! * * 2021 Andreas Plach: - moved backward wet depo. calc. here from timemanager * - bugfix in-cloud scavenging * * PS, AP 2021: followed up on some variable renaming and * corrected get_wetscav subroutine parameter list *

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wetdepokernel wetdepo_mod Subroutine

Variables: * * nunc uncertainty class of the respective particle * nage age class of the respective particle * deposit amount (kg) to be deposited * *

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wetdepokernel_nest wetdepo_mod Subroutine

Variables: * * nunc uncertainty class of the respective particle * nage age class of the respective particle * deposit amount (kg) to be deposited * *

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windalign turbulence_mod Subroutine

Transformation from along- and cross-wind components to u and v * components. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 3 June 1996 * *

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write_receptor_binary binary_output_mod Subroutine

This routine writes the receptor concentrations for each time step * and receptor to binary output files * * R. Thompson, January 2024 * *

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write_receptor_netcdf receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine


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write_satellite_binary binary_output_mod Subroutine

This routine writes the satellite concentrations for each time step * and receptor to binary output files * * R. Thompson, January 2024 * *

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write_satellite_netcdf receptor_netcdf_mod Subroutine


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writeheader_bin binary_output_mod Subroutine

This routine produces a file header containing basic information on the * settings of the FLEXPART run. * The header file is essential and must be read in by any postprocessing * program before reading in the output data. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 7 August 2002 * *

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writeheader_bin_nest binary_output_mod Subroutine

This routine produces a file header containing basic information on the * settings of the FLEXPART run. * The header file is essential and must be read in by any postprocessing * program before reading in the output data. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 7 August 2002 * *

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writeheader_bin_sfc binary_output_mod Subroutine

This routine produces a file header containing basic information on the * settings of the FLEXPART run. * The header file is essential and must be read in by any postprocessing * program before reading in the output data. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 7 August 2002 * *

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writeheader_bin_sfc_nest binary_output_mod Subroutine

This routine produces a file header containing basic information on the * settings of the FLEXPART run. * The header file is essential and must be read in by any postprocessing * program before reading in the output data. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 7 August 2002 * *

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writeheader_netcdf netcdf_output_mod Subroutine

Create netcdf file and write header/metadata information lnest = .false. : Create main output file lnest = .true. : Create nested output file

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writeheader_partoutput netcdf_output_mod Subroutine

This subroutine creates a file (, where every time * interval particle properties specified in the PARTOPTIONS option file * are saved to. Running options are saved as header informtion to this * file as well. * * Author: L. Bakels 2021 * *

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writeheader_txt txt_output_mod Subroutine

This routine produces a file header containing basic information on the * settings of the FLEXPART run. * The header file is essential and must be read in by any postprocessing * program before reading in the output data. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 7 August 2002 * modified IP 2013 for text output *

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writeprecip wetdepo_mod Subroutine

This routine produces a file containing total precipitation for each * releases point. * * Author: S. Eckhardt * 7 Mai 2017 *

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wrt_part_initialpos netcdf_output_mod Subroutine

This subroutine saves initial particle positions, release time and * releasenumber to a NetCDF file created in create_particles_initialoutput * evertime a new particle is spawned. * * Author: L. Bakels 2022 * *

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z_to_zeta coord_ecmwf_mod Subroutine

Converting z from meter coordinates to eta using logarithmic vertical * interpolation *

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z_to_zeta_lin coord_ecmwf_mod Subroutine

Converting z from meter coordinates to eta using linear interpolation * *

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zeta_to_z coord_ecmwf_mod Subroutine

Converting z from eta coordinates to meters using logarithmic * vertical interpolation *

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zeta_to_z_lin coord_ecmwf_mod Subroutine

Converting z from eta coordinates to meters using linear interpolation * *

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