get_vdep_prob Subroutine

public subroutine get_vdep_prob(itime, xt, yt, zt, tmpprob, ithread)


Calculation of the probability for dry deposition * * Particle positions are read in - prob returned * *


Variables: * itime [s] time at which this subroutine is entered * itimec [s] actual time, which is incremented in this subroutine * href [m] height for which dry deposition velocity is calculated * ldirect 1 forward, -1 backward * ldt [s] Time step for the next integration * lsynctime [s] Synchronisation interval of FLEXPART * ngrid index which grid is to be used * prob probability of absorption due to dry deposition * vdepo Deposition velocities for all species * xt,yt,zt Particle position * *

Interpolate necessary data


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: itime
real, intent(in) :: xt
real, intent(in) :: yt
real, intent(in) :: zt
real, intent(out) :: tmpprob(maxspec)
integer, intent(in) :: ithread