L. Bakels 2021: This module contains dry deposition related subroutines * * To do: dry deposition mass loss substraction of individual particles * should be moved from to timemanager_mod.f90 to here * * *
!***************************************************************************** ! * ! L. Bakels 2021: This module contains dry deposition related subroutines * ! * ! To do: dry deposition mass loss substraction of individual particles * ! should be moved from to timemanager_mod.f90 to here * ! * ! * !***************************************************************************** module drydepo_mod use par_mod use com_mod use unc_mod use windfields_mod use erf_mod implicit none real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: xlanduse ! area fractions in percent [0-1] real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:) :: xlandusen ! nested area fractions in percent [0-1] real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:) :: vdep ! deposition velocity [m/s] ! roughness length real,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: z0_drydep ! roughtness lenght nested area real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: z0_drydepn contains subroutine alloc_drydepo implicit none integer:: stat if (.not. drydep) return write(*,*) 'allocate drydepo fields' allocate(xlanduse(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,numclass), & vdep(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,maxspec,numwfmem), & z0_drydep(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1), stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate drydepo fields" if (numbnests.ge.1) then allocate(xlandusen(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,numclass,numbnests), & vdepn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,maxspec,numwfmem,numbnests), & z0_drydepn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,numbnests), stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate drydepo fields" endif end subroutine alloc_drydepo subroutine dealloc_drydepo if (.not. drydep) return deallocate(xlanduse,vdep,z0_drydep) if (numbnests.ge.1) then deallocate(xlandusen,vdepn,z0_drydepn) endif end subroutine dealloc_drydepo subroutine assignland !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine assigns fractions of the 13 landuse classes to each ECMWF * ! grid point. * ! The landuse inventory of * ! * ! Belward, A.S., Estes, J.E., and Kline, K.D., 1999, * ! The IGBP-DIS 1-Km Land-Cover Data Set DISCover: * ! A Project Overview: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing , * ! v. 65, no. 9, p. 1013-1020 * ! * ! if there are no data in the inventory * ! the ECMWF land/sea mask is used to distinguish * ! between sea (-> ocean) and land (-> grasslands). * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 5 December 1996 * ! 8 February 1999 Additional use of nests, A. Stohl * ! 29 December 2006 new landuse inventory, S. Eckhardt * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! xlanduse fractions of numclass landuses for each model grid point * ! landinvent landuse inventory (0.3 deg resolution) * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: ix,jy,k,l,li,nrefine,iix,jjy,stat integer,parameter :: lumaxx=1200,lumaxy=600 integer,parameter :: xlon0lu=-180,ylat0lu=-90 real,parameter :: dxlu=0.3 real :: xlon,ylat,sumperc,p,xi,yj real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: xlandusep ! character*2 ck if (.not.DRYDEP) return allocate( xlandusep(lumaxx,lumaxy,numclass), stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate xlandusep in assignland" do ix=1,lumaxx do jy=1,lumaxy do k=1,numclass xlandusep(ix,jy,k)=0. end do sumperc=0. do li=1,3 sumperc=sumperc+landinvent(ix,jy,li+3) end do do li=1,3 k=landinvent(ix,jy,li) if (sumperc.gt.0) then p=landinvent(ix,jy,li+3)/sumperc else p=0 endif ! p has values between 0 and 1 xlandusep(ix,jy,k)=p end do end do end do ! do 13 k=1,11 ! write (ck,'(i2.2)') k ! open(4,file='xlandusetest'//ck,form='formatted') ! do 11 ix=1,lumaxx !11 write (4,*) (xlandusep(ix,jy,k),jy=1,lumaxy) !11 write (4,*) (landinvent(ix,jy,k),jy=1,lumaxy) !13 close(4) ! write (*,*) xlon0,ylat0,xlon0n(1),ylat0n(1),nxmin1,nymin1 ! write (*,*) dx, dy, dxout, dyout, ylat0, xlon0 nrefine=10 do ix=0,nxmin1 do jy=0,nymin1 do k=1,numclass sumperc=0. xlanduse(ix,jy,k)=0. end do do iix=1, nrefine xlon=(ix+(iix-1)/real(nrefine))*dx+xlon0 ! longitude, should be between -180 and 179 if (xlon.ge.(xlon0lu+lumaxx*dxlu)) then xlon=xlon-lumaxx*dxlu endif do jjy=1, nrefine ylat=(jy+(jjy-1)/real(nrefine))*dy+ylat0 ! and lat. of each gridpoint xi=int((xlon-xlon0lu)/dxlu)+1 yj=int((ylat-ylat0lu)/dxlu)+1 if (xi.gt.lumaxx) xi=xi-lumaxx if (yj.gt.lumaxy) yj=yj-lumaxy if (xi.lt.0) then write (*,*) 'problem with landuseinv sampling: ', & xlon,xlon0lu,ix,iix,xlon0,dx,nxmax error stop endif do k=1,numclass xlanduse(ix,jy,k)= & xlanduse(ix,jy,k)+xlandusep(int(xi),int(yj),k) sumperc=sumperc+xlanduse(ix,jy,k) ! just for the check if landuseinv. is available end do end do end do if (sumperc.gt.0) then ! detailed landuse available sumperc=0. do k=1,numclass xlanduse(ix,jy,k)= & xlanduse(ix,jy,k)/real(nrefine*nrefine) sumperc=sumperc+xlanduse(ix,jy,k) end do !cc the sum of all categories should be 1 ... 100 percent ... in order to get vdep right! if (sumperc.lt.1-1E-5) then do k=1,numclass xlanduse(ix,jy,k)= & xlanduse(ix,jy,k)/sumperc end do endif else if (lsm(ix,jy).lt.0.1) then ! over sea -> ocean xlanduse(ix,jy,3)=1. else ! over land -> rangeland xlanduse(ix,jy,7)=1. endif endif end do end do !*********************************** ! for test: write out xlanduse ! open(4,file='landusetest',form='formatted') ! do 56 k=1,13 ! do 55 ix=0,nxmin1 !55 write (4,*) (xlanduse(ix,jy,k),jy=0,nymin1) !56 continue ! close(4) ! write (*,*) 'landuse written' !stop ! open(4,file='landseatest'//ck,form='formatted') ! do 57 ix=0,nxmin1 !57 write (4,*) (lsm(ix,jy),jy=0,nymin1) ! write (*,*) 'landseamask written' !**************************************** ! Same as above, but for the nested grids !**************************************** !************** TEST ******************** ! dyn(1)=dyn(1)/40 ! dxn(1)=dxn(1)/40 ! xlon0n(1)=1 ! ylat0n(1)=50 !************** TEST ******************** do l=1,numbnests do ix=0,nxn(l)-1 do jy=0,nyn(l)-1 do k=1,numclass sumperc=0. xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)=0. end do do iix=1, nrefine xlon=(ix+(iix-1)/real(nrefine))*dxn(l)+xlon0n(l) do jjy=1, nrefine ylat=(jy+(jjy-1)/real(nrefine))*dyn(l)+ylat0n(l) xi=int((xlon-xlon0lu)/dxlu)+1 yj=int((ylat-ylat0lu)/dxlu)+1 if (xi.gt.lumaxx) xi=xi-lumaxx if (yj.gt.lumaxy) yj=yj-lumaxy do k=1,numclass xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)=xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)+ & xlandusep(int(xi),int(yj),k) sumperc=sumperc+xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l) end do end do end do if (sumperc.gt.0) then ! detailed landuse available sumperc=0. do k=1,numclass xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)= & xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)/real(nrefine*nrefine) sumperc=sumperc+xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l) end do !cc the sum of all categories should be 1 ... 100 percent ... in order to get vdep right! if (sumperc.lt.1-1E-5) then do k=1,numclass xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)=xlandusen(ix,jy,k,l)/sumperc end do endif else ! check land/sea mask if (lsmn(ix,jy,l).lt.0.1) then ! over sea -> ocean xlandusen(ix,jy,3,l)=1. else ! over land -> grasslands xlandusen(ix,jy,7,l)=1. endif endif end do end do end do !*********************************** ! for test: write out xlanduse ! do 66 k=1,11 ! write (ck,'(i2.2)') k ! open(4,file='nlandusetest'//ck,form='formatted') ! do 65 ix=0,nxn(1)-1 !65 write (4,*) (xlandusen(ix,jy,k,1),jy=0,nyn(1)-1) !66 close(4) ! write (*,*) 'landuse nested written' end subroutine assignland real function raerod (l,ust,z0) !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculation of the aerodynamical resistance ra from ground up to href * ! * ! AUTHOR: Matthias Langer, modified by Andreas Stohl (6 August 1993) * ! * ! Literature: * ! [1] Hicks/Baldocchi/Meyers/Hosker/Matt (1987), A Preliminary * ! Multiple Resistance Routine for Deriving Dry Deposition * ! Velocities from Measured Quantities. * ! Water, Air and Soil Pollution 36 (1987), pp.311-330. * ! [2] Scire/Yamartino/Carmichael/Chang (1989), * ! CALGRID: A Mesoscale Photochemical Grid Model. * ! Vol II: User's Guide. (Report No.A049-1, June, 1989) * ! * ! Variable list: * ! L = Monin-Obukhov-length [m] * ! ust = friction velocity [m/sec] * ! z0 = surface roughness length [m] * ! href = reference height [m], for which deposition velocity is * ! calculated * ! * ! Constants: * ! karman = von Karman-constant (~0.4) * ! ramin = minimum resistence of ra (1 s/m) * ! * ! Subprograms and functions: * ! function psih (z/L) * ! * !***************************************************************************** use pbl_profile_mod, only: psih implicit none real :: l,ust,z0 raerod=(alog(href/z0)-psih(href,l)+psih(z0,l))/(karman*ust) end function raerod subroutine drydepo_massloss(ipart,ks,ldeltat,drydepopart) use particle_mod implicit none integer,intent(in) :: & ipart, & ! particle index ks, & ! species index ldeltat ! radioactive decay time real(dep_prec),intent(out) :: & drydepopart ! drydeposit for particle ipart real decfact ! radioactive decay factor if (decay(ks).gt.0.) then ! radioactive decay decfact=exp(-real(abs(lsynctime))*decay(ks)) else decfact=1. endif drydepopart=mass(ipart,ks)*prob(ipart,ks)*decfact drydeposit(ipart,ks)=drydeposit(ipart,ks)+ & mass(ipart,ks)*prob(ipart,ks)*decfact mass(ipart,ks)=mass(ipart,ks)*(1.-prob(ipart,ks))*decfact if (decay(ks).gt.0.) then ! correct for decay (see wetdepo) drydepopart=drydepopart*exp(real(abs(ldeltat))*decay(ks)) endif end subroutine drydepo_massloss subroutine drydepokernel(nunc,deposit,x,y,nage,kp,thread) ! i i i i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Attribution of the deposition to the grid using a uniform kernel with * ! bandwidths dx and dy. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 26 December 1996 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! nunc uncertainty class of the respective particle * ! nage age class of the respective particle * ! deposit amount (kg) to be deposited * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! Changes: ! eso 10/2016: Added option to disregard kernel ! !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer,intent(in) :: thread real(dep_prec), dimension(maxspec) :: deposit real :: x,y,ddx,ddy,xl,yl,wx,wy,w integer :: ix,jy,ixp,jyp,ks,nunc,nage,kp xl=(x*dx+xoutshift)/dxout yl=(y*dy+youtshift)/dyout ix=int(xl) jy=int(yl) ddx=xl-real(ix) ! distance to left cell border ddy=yl-real(jy) ! distance to lower cell border if (ddx.gt.0.5) then ixp=ix+1 wx=1.5-ddx else ixp=ix-1 wx=0.5+ddx endif if (ddy.gt.0.5) then jyp=jy+1 wy=1.5-ddy else jyp=jy-1 wy=0.5+ddy endif ! If no kernel is used, direct attribution to grid cell !****************************************************** if (.not.lusekerneloutput) then do ks=1,nspec if ((abs(deposit(ks)).gt.0).and.DRYDEPSPEC(ks)) then if ((ix.ge.0).and.(jy.ge.0).and.(ix.le.numxgrid-1).and. & (jy.le.numygrid-1)) then #ifdef _OPENMP gridunc_omp(ix,jy,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)= & gridunc_omp(ix,jy,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)+deposit(ks) #else drygridunc(ix,jy,ks,kp,nunc,nage)= & drygridunc(ix,jy,ks,kp,nunc,nage)+deposit(ks) #endif end if end if end do else ! use kernel ! Determine mass fractions for four grid points !********************************************** do ks=1,nspec if ((abs(deposit(ks)).gt.0).and.DRYDEPSPEC(ks)) then if ((ix.ge.0).and.(jy.ge.0).and.(ix.le.numxgrid-1).and. & (jy.le.numygrid-1)) then w=wx*wy #ifdef _OPENMP gridunc_omp(ix,jy,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)= & gridunc_omp(ix,jy,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)+deposit(ks)*w #else drygridunc(ix,jy,ks,kp,nunc,nage)= & drygridunc(ix,jy,ks,kp,nunc,nage)+deposit(ks)*w #endif endif if ((ixp.ge.0).and.(jyp.ge.0).and.(ixp.le.numxgrid-1).and. & (jyp.le.numygrid-1)) then w=(1.-wx)*(1.-wy) #ifdef _OPENMP gridunc_omp(ixp,jyp,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)= & gridunc_omp(ixp,jyp,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)+deposit(ks)*w #else drygridunc(ixp,jyp,ks,kp,nunc,nage)= & drygridunc(ixp,jyp,ks,kp,nunc,nage)+deposit(ks)*w #endif endif if ((ixp.ge.0).and.(jy.ge.0).and.(ixp.le.numxgrid-1).and. & (jy.le.numygrid-1)) then w=(1.-wx)*wy #ifdef _OPENMP gridunc_omp(ixp,jy,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)= & gridunc_omp(ixp,jy,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)+deposit(ks)*w #else drygridunc(ixp,jy,ks,kp,nunc,nage)= & drygridunc(ixp,jy,ks,kp,nunc,nage)+deposit(ks)*w #endif endif if ((ix.ge.0).and.(jyp.ge.0).and.(ix.le.numxgrid-1).and. & (jyp.le.numygrid-1)) then w=wx*(1.-wy) #ifdef _OPENMP gridunc_omp(ix,jyp,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)= & gridunc_omp(ix,jyp,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)+deposit(ks)*w #else drygridunc(ix,jyp,ks,kp,nunc,nage)= & drygridunc(ix,jyp,ks,kp,nunc,nage)+deposit(ks)*w #endif endif endif ! deposit>0 end do end if end subroutine drydepokernel subroutine drydepokernel_nest(nunc,deposit,x,y,nage,kp,thread) ! i i i i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Attribution of the deposition from an individual particle to the * ! nested deposition fields using a uniform kernel with bandwidths * ! dxoutn and dyoutn. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 26 December 1996 * ! * ! 2 September 2004: Adaptation from drydepokernel. * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! nunc uncertainty class of the respective particle * ! nage age class of the respective particle * ! deposit amount (kg) to be deposited * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer,intent(in) :: thread real(dep_prec), dimension(maxspec) :: deposit real :: x,y,ddx,ddy,xl,yl,wx,wy,w integer :: ix,jy,ixp,jyp,ks,kp,nunc,nage xl=(x*dx+xoutshiftn)/dxoutn yl=(y*dy+youtshiftn)/dyoutn ix=int(xl) jy=int(yl) ddx=xl-real(ix) ! distance to left cell border ddy=yl-real(jy) ! distance to lower cell border if (ddx.gt.0.5) then ixp=ix+1 wx=1.5-ddx else ixp=ix-1 wx=0.5+ddx endif if (ddy.gt.0.5) then jyp=jy+1 wy=1.5-ddy else jyp=jy-1 wy=0.5+ddy endif ! Determine mass fractions for four grid points !********************************************** do ks=1,nspec if (DRYDEPSPEC(ks).and.(abs(deposit(ks)).gt.0)) then if ((ix.ge.0).and.(jy.ge.0).and.(ix.le.numxgridn-1).and. & (jy.le.numygridn-1)) then w=wx*wy #ifdef _OPENMP griduncn_omp(ix,jy,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)= & griduncn_omp(ix,jy,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)+deposit(ks)*w #else drygriduncn(ix,jy,ks,kp,nunc,nage)= & drygriduncn(ix,jy,ks,kp,nunc,nage)+deposit(ks)*w #endif endif if ((ixp.ge.0).and.(jyp.ge.0).and.(ixp.le.numxgridn-1).and. & (jyp.le.numygridn-1)) then w=(1.-wx)*(1.-wy) #ifdef _OPENMP griduncn_omp(ixp,jyp,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)= & griduncn_omp(ixp,jyp,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)+deposit(ks)*w #else drygriduncn(ixp,jyp,ks,kp,nunc,nage)= & drygriduncn(ixp,jyp,ks,kp,nunc,nage)+deposit(ks)*w #endif endif if ((ixp.ge.0).and.(jy.ge.0).and.(ixp.le.numxgridn-1).and. & (jy.le.numygridn-1)) then w=(1.-wx)*wy #ifdef _OPENMP griduncn_omp(ixp,jy,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)= & griduncn_omp(ixp,jy,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)+deposit(ks)*w #else drygriduncn(ixp,jy,ks,kp,nunc,nage)= & drygriduncn(ixp,jy,ks,kp,nunc,nage)+deposit(ks)*w #endif endif if ((ix.ge.0).and.(jyp.ge.0).and.(ix.le.numxgridn-1).and. & (jyp.le.numygridn-1)) then w=wx*(1.-wy) #ifdef _OPENMP griduncn_omp(ix,jyp,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)= & griduncn_omp(ix,jyp,1,ks,kp,nunc,nage,thread)+deposit(ks)*w #else drygriduncn(ix,jyp,ks,kp,nunc,nage)= & drygriduncn(ix,jyp,ks,kp,nunc,nage)+deposit(ks)*w #endif endif endif end do end subroutine drydepokernel_nest subroutine part0(dquer,dsigma,density,ni,fract,schmi,cun,vsh) ! i i i i o o o o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculation of time independent factors of the dry deposition of * ! particles: * ! Log-Normal-distribution of mass [dM/dlog(dp)], unimodal * ! * ! AUTHOR: Matthias Langer, adapted by Andreas Stohl, 13 November 1993 * ! * ! Literature: * ! [1] Scire/Yamartino/Carmichael/Chang (1989), * ! CALGRID: A Mesoscale Photochemical Grid Model. * ! Vol II: User's Guide. (Report No.A049-1, June, 1989) * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! alpha help variable * ! cun 'slip-flow' correction after Cunningham * ! d01 [um] upper diameter * ! d02 [um] lower diameter * ! dc [m2/s] coefficient of Brownian diffusion * ! delta distance given in standard deviation units * ! density [kg/m3] density of the particle * ! dmean geometric mean diameter of interval * ! dquer [um] geometric mass mean particle diameter * ! dsigma e.g. dsigma=10 or dsigma=0.1 means that 68% of the mass * ! are between 0.1*dquer and 10*dquer * ! fract(ni) mass fraction of each diameter interval * ! kn Knudsen number * ! ni number of diameter intervals, for which deposition * ! is calculated * ! schmidt Schmidt number * ! schmi schmidt**2/3 * ! vsh [m/s] gravitational settling velocity of the particle * ! x01 normalized upper diameter * ! x02 normalized lower diameter * ! * ! Constants: * ! g [m/s2] Acceleration of gravity * ! kb [J/K] Stefan-Boltzmann constant * ! lam [m] mean free path of air molecules * ! myl [kg/m/s] dynamical viscosity of air * ! nyl [m2/s] kinematic viscosity of air * ! tr reference temperature * ! * ! Function: * ! erf calculates the integral of the Gauss function * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none real,parameter :: tr=293.15 integer :: i,ni real :: dquer,dsigma,density,xdummy,d01,d02,delta,x01,x02 real :: dmean,alpha,cun,dc,schmidt,kn,erf,fract_norm real,dimension(ni),intent(inout) :: fract,schmi,vsh real,parameter :: myl=1.81e-5,nyl=0.15e-4 real,parameter :: lam=6.53e-8,kb=1.38e-23,eps=1.2e-38 ! xdummy constant for all intervals !********************************** xdummy=sqrt(2.)*alog(dsigma) ! particles diameters are split up to ni intervals between ! dquer-3*dsigma and dquer+3*dsigma !********************************************************* ! Normalisation. Why was it not normalised? !****************************************** x01=alog(dsigma**3)/xdummy x02=alog(dsigma**(-3))/xdummy fract_norm=0.5*(erf(x01)-erf(x02)) delta=6./real(ni) d01=dquer*dsigma**(-3) do i=1,ni d02=d01 d01=dquer*dsigma**(-3.+delta*real(i)) x01=alog(d01/dquer)/xdummy x02=alog(d02/dquer)/xdummy !print*,'part0:: d02=' , d02 , 'd01=', d01 ! Area under Gauss-function is calculated and gives mass fraction of interval !**************************************************************************** fract(i)=0.5*(erf(x01)-erf(x02))/fract_norm !print*,'part0:: fract(',i,')', fract(i) !print*,'part0:: fract', fract(i), x01, x02, erf(x01), erf(x02) ! Geometric mean diameter of interval in [m] !******************************************* dmean=1.E-6*exp(0.5*alog(d01*d02)) !print*,'part0:: dmean=', dmean ! Calculation of time independent parameters of each interval !************************************************************ kn=2.*lam/dmean if ((-1.1/kn).le.log10(eps)*log(10.)) then alpha=1.257 else alpha=1.257+0.4*exp(-1.1/kn) endif cun=1.+alpha*kn dc=kb*tr*cun/(3.*pi*myl*dmean) schmidt=nyl/dc schmi(i)=schmidt**(-2./3.) vsh(i)=ga*density*dmean*dmean*cun/(18.*myl) !print*,'part0:: vsh(',i,')', vsh(i) end do !stop 'part0' end subroutine part0 subroutine get_vdep_prob(itime,xt,yt,zt,tmpprob,ithread) ! i i i i o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculation of the probability for dry deposition * ! * ! Particle positions are read in - prob returned * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! itime [s] time at which this subroutine is entered * ! itimec [s] actual time, which is incremented in this subroutine * ! href [m] height for which dry deposition velocity is calculated * ! ldirect 1 forward, -1 backward * ! ldt [s] Time step for the next integration * ! lsynctime [s] Synchronisation interval of FLEXPART * ! ngrid index which grid is to be used * ! prob probability of absorption due to dry deposition * ! vdepo Deposition velocities for all species * ! xt,yt,zt Particle position * ! * !***************************************************************************** use point_mod use par_mod use com_mod use interpol_mod implicit none real,intent(in) :: xt,yt,zt integer,intent(in) :: itime,ithread !ithread starting at 1 real,intent(out) :: tmpprob(maxspec) integer :: ks,m,memindnext!nix,njy, real :: vdepo(maxspec),vdeptemp(2) real :: eps eps=nxmax/3.e5 if (DRYDEP) then ! reset probability for deposition do ks=1,nspec depoindicator(ks,ithread)=.true. tmpprob(ks)=0. end do endif ! Determine whether lat/long grid or polarstereographic projection ! is to be used ! Furthermore, determine which nesting level to be used !***************************************************************** call find_ngrid(xt,yt) !*************************** ! Interpolate necessary data !*************************** if (abs(itime-memtime(1)).lt.abs(itime-memtime(2))) then memindnext=1 else memindnext=2 endif ! Determine nested grid coordinates !********************************** call find_grid_indices(xt,yt) ! Determine probability of deposition !************************************ if ((DRYDEP).and.(real(zt).lt.2.*href)) then do ks=1,nspec if (DRYDEPSPEC(ks)) then if (depoindicator(ks,ithread)) then if (ngrid.le.0) then do m=1,2 call hor_interpol(vdep,vdeptemp(m),ks,memind(m),maxspec) end do else do m=1,2 call hor_interpol_nest(vdepn,vdeptemp(m),ks,memind(m),maxspec) end do endif call temporal_interpolation(vdeptemp(1),vdeptemp(2),vdepo(ks)) endif ! correction by Petra Seibert, 10 April 2001 ! this formulation means that prob(n) = 1 - f(0)*...*f(n) ! where f(n) is the exponential term tmpprob(ks)=vdepo(ks) ! prob(ks)=vdepo(ks)/2./href ! instead of prob - return vdepo -> result kg/m2/s endif end do endif end subroutine get_vdep_prob subroutine drydepo_probability(ipart,dt,zts,vdepo,ithread) use par_mod use com_mod use interpol_mod use particle_mod implicit none integer,intent(in) :: ithread ! OMP thread starting at 1 integer,intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real,intent(out) :: vdepo(maxspec) ! deposition velocities for all species real,intent(in) :: dt,zts ! real(ldt), real(zt) integer :: ns,m ! loop variable over species real :: vdeptemp(2) if (zts.lt.2.*href) then do ns=1,nspec if (DRYDEPSPEC(ns)) then if (depoindicator(ns,ithread)) then if (ngrid.le.0) then do m=1,2 call hor_interpol(vdep,vdeptemp(m),ns,memind(m),maxspec) end do else do m=1,2 call hor_interpol_nest(vdepn,vdeptemp(m),ns,memind(m),maxspec) end do endif call temporal_interpolation(vdeptemp(1),vdeptemp(2),vdepo(ns)) endif ! correction by Petra Seibert, 10 April 2001 ! this formulation means that prob(n) = 1 - f(0)*...*f(n) ! where f(n) is the exponential term prob(ipart,ns)=1.+(prob(ipart,ns)-1.)*exp(-vdepo(ns)*abs(dt)/(2.*href)) !if (pp.eq.535) write(*,*) 'advance1', ks,dtt,p1,vdep(ix,jy,ks,1) endif end do endif end subroutine drydepo_probability subroutine getvdep(n,ix,jy,ust,temp,pa,L,gr,rh,rr,snow,vdepo) ! i i i i i i i i i i i o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine calculates the dry deposition velocities. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 20 December 1996 * ! Sabine Eckhardt, Jan 07 * ! if the latitude is negative: add half a year to the julian day * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! gr [W/m2] global radiation * ! L [m] Obukhov length * ! nyl kinematic viscosity * ! pa [Pa] surface air pressure * ! ra [s/m] aerodynamic resistance * ! raquer [s/m] average aerodynamic resistance * ! rh [0-1] relative humidity * ! rhoa density of the air * ! rr [mm/h] precipitation rate * ! temp [K] 2m temperature * ! tc [C] 2m temperature * ! ust [m/s] friction velocity * ! snow [m of water equivalent] snow depth * ! xlanduse fractions of numclasS landuses for each model grid point * ! * !***************************************************************************** use date_mod implicit none integer :: yyyymmdd,hhmmss,yyyy,mmdd,n,lseason,i,j,ix,jy real :: vdepo(maxspec),vd,rb(maxspec),rc(maxspec),raquer,ylat real :: ra,ust,temp,tc,pa,L,gr,rh,rr,myl,nyl,rhoa,diffh2o,snow real :: slanduse(numclass) real,parameter :: eps=1.e-5 real(kind=dp) :: jul ! Calculate month and determine the seasonal category !**************************************************** jul=bdate+real(wftime(n),kind=dp)/86400._dp ylat=jy*dy+ylat0 if (ylat.lt.0) then jul=jul+365.*0.5 endif call caldate(jul,yyyymmdd,hhmmss) yyyy=yyyymmdd/10000 mmdd=yyyymmdd-10000*yyyy if ((ylat.gt.-20).and.(ylat.lt.20)) then mmdd=600 ! summer endif if ((mmdd.ge.1201).or.(mmdd.le.301)) then lseason=4 else if ((mmdd.ge.1101).or.(mmdd.le.331)) then lseason=3 else if ((mmdd.ge.401).and.(mmdd.le.515)) then lseason=5 else if ((mmdd.ge.516).and.(mmdd.le.915)) then lseason=1 else lseason=2 endif ! Calculate diffusivity of water vapor !************************************ diffh2o=2.11e-5*(temp/273.15)**1.94*(101325/pa) ! Conversion of temperature from K to C !************************************** tc=temp-273.15 ! Calculate dynamic viscosity !**************************** ! Why is this different from the viscosity funtion??? if (tc.lt.0) then myl=(1.718+0.0049*tc-1.2e-05*tc**2)*1.e-05 else myl=(1.718+0.0049*tc)*1.e-05 endif ! Calculate kinematic viscosity !****************************** rhoa=pa/(287.*temp) nyl=myl/rhoa ! 0. Set all deposition velocities zero !************************************** do i=1,nspec vdepo(i)=0. end do ! 1. Compute surface layer resistances rb !**************************************** call getrb(nspec,ust,nyl,diffh2o,reldiff,rb) ! change for snow do j=1,numclass if (snow.gt.0.001) then ! 10 mm if (j.eq.12) then slanduse(j)=1. else slanduse(j)=0. endif else slanduse(j)=xlanduse(ix,jy,j) endif end do raquer=0. do j=1,numclass ! loop over all landuse classes if (slanduse(j).gt.eps) then ! 2. Calculate aerodynamic resistance ra !*************************************** if (DRYDEP.and.(j.eq.7)) then ra=raerod(L,ust,z0_drydep(ix,jy)) else ra=raerod(L,ust,z0(j)) endif raquer=raquer+ra*slanduse(j) ! 3. Calculate surface resistance for gases !****************************************** call getrc(nspec,lseason,j,tc,gr,rh,rr,rc) ! 4. Calculate deposition velocities for gases and ... ! 5. ... sum deposition velocities for all landuse classes !********************************************************* do i=1,nspec if (reldiff(i).gt.0.) then if ((ra+rb(i)+rc(i)).gt.0.) then vd=1./(ra+rb(i)+rc(i)) else vd=9.999 endif vdepo(i)=vdepo(i)+vd*slanduse(j) endif end do endif end do ! 6. Calculate deposition velocities for particles !************************************************* call partdep(nspec,density,fract,schmi,vset,raquer,ust,nyl, & rhoa,vdepo) !if (debug_mode) then ! print*,'getvdep:188: vdepo=', vdepo !stop !endif ! 7. If no detailed parameterization available, take constant deposition ! velocity if that is available !*********************************************************************** do i=1,nspec if ((reldiff(i).lt.0.).and.(density(i).lt.0.).and. & (dryvel(i).gt.0.)) then vdepo(i)=dryvel(i) endif end do end subroutine getvdep subroutine getvdep_nest(n,ix,jy,ust,temp,pa, & L,gr,rh,rr,snow,vdepo,lnest) ! i i i i i i i i i i i o i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine calculates the dry deposition velocities. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 20 December 1996 * ! Sabine Eckhardt, Jan 07 * ! if the latitude is negative: add half a year to the julian day * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! gr [W/m2] global radiation * ! L [m] Obukhov length * ! nyl kinematic viscosity * ! pa [Pa] surface air pressure * ! ra [s/m] aerodynamic resistance * ! raquer [s/m] average aerodynamic resistance * ! rh [0-1] relative humidity * ! rhoa density of the air * ! rr [mm/h] precipitation rate * ! temp [K] 2m temperature * ! tc [C] 2m temperature * ! ust [m/s] friction velocity * ! snow [m of water equivalent] snow depth * ! xlanduse fractions of numclasS landuses for each model grid point * ! * !***************************************************************************** use date_mod implicit none integer :: yyyymmdd,hhmmss,yyyy,mmdd,n,lseason,i,j,ix,jy,lnest real :: vdepo(maxspec),vd,rb(maxspec),rc(maxspec),raquer,ylat real :: ra,ust,temp,tc,pa,L,gr,rh,rr,myl,nyl,rhoa,diffh2o,snow real :: slanduse(numclass) real,parameter :: eps=1.e-5 real(kind=dp) :: jul ! Calculate month and determine the seasonal category !**************************************************** jul=bdate+real(wftime(n),kind=dp)/86400._dp ylat=jy*dy+ylat0 if (ylat.lt.0) then jul=jul+365.*0.5 endif call caldate(jul,yyyymmdd,hhmmss) yyyy=yyyymmdd/10000 mmdd=yyyymmdd-10000*yyyy if ((ylat.gt.-20).and.(ylat.lt.20)) then mmdd=600 ! summer endif if ((mmdd.ge.1201).or.(mmdd.le.301)) then lseason=4 else if ((mmdd.ge.1101).or.(mmdd.le.331)) then lseason=3 else if ((mmdd.ge.401).and.(mmdd.le.515)) then lseason=5 else if ((mmdd.ge.516).and.(mmdd.le.915)) then lseason=1 else lseason=2 endif ! Calculate diffusivity of water vapor !************************************ diffh2o=2.11e-5*(temp/273.15)**1.94*(101325/pa) ! Conversion of temperature from K to C !************************************** tc=temp-273.15 ! Calculate dynamic viscosity !**************************** if (tc.lt.0) then myl=(1.718+0.0049*tc-1.2e-05*tc**2)*1.e-05 else myl=(1.718+0.0049*tc)*1.e-05 endif ! Calculate kinematic viscosity !****************************** rhoa=pa/(287.*temp) nyl=myl/rhoa ! 0. Set all deposition velocities zero !************************************** do i=1,nspec vdepo(i)=0. end do ! 1. Compute surface layer resistances rb !**************************************** call getrb(nspec,ust,nyl,diffh2o,reldiff,rb) ! change for snow do j=1,numclass if (snow.gt.0.001) then ! 10 mm if (j.eq.12) then slanduse(j)=1. else slanduse(j)=0. endif else slanduse(j)=xlandusen(ix,jy,j,lnest) endif end do raquer=0. do j=1,numclass ! loop over all landuse classes if (slanduse(j).gt.eps) then ! 2. Calculate aerodynamic resistance ra !*************************************** if (DRYDEP.and.(j.eq.7)) then ra=raerod(L,ust,z0_drydepn(ix,jy,lnest)) else ra=raerod(L,ust,z0(j)) endif raquer=raquer+ra*slanduse(j) ! 3. Calculate surface resistance for gases !****************************************** call getrc(nspec,lseason,j,tc,gr,rh,rr,rc) ! 4. Calculate deposition velocities for gases and ... ! 5. ... sum deposition velocities for all landuse classes !********************************************************* do i=1,nspec if (reldiff(i).gt.0.) then if ((ra+rb(i)+rc(i)).gt.0.) then vd=1./(ra+rb(i)+rc(i)) ! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TEST ! vd=1./rc(i) ! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TEST else vd=9.999 endif vdepo(i)=vdepo(i)+vd*slanduse(j) endif end do endif end do ! 6. Calculate deposition velocities for particles !************************************************* call partdep(nspec,density,fract,schmi,vset,raquer,ust,nyl, & rhoa,vdepo) ! 7. If no detailed parameterization available, take constant deposition ! velocity if that is available !*********************************************************************** do i=1,nspec if ((reldiff(i).lt.0.).and.(density(i).lt.0.).and. & (dryvel(i).gt.0.)) then vdepo(i)=dryvel(i) endif end do end subroutine getvdep_nest subroutine partdep(nc,density,fract,schmi,vset,ra,ustar,nyl,rhoa,vdep_tmp) ! i i i i i i i i i, i, i/o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculation of the dry deposition velocities of particles. * ! This routine is based on Stokes' law for considering settling and * ! assumes constant dynamic viscosity of the air. * ! * ! AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl, 12 November 1993 * ! Update: 20 December 1996 * ! * ! Literature: * ! [1] Hicks/Baldocchi/Meyers/Hosker/Matt (1987), A Preliminary * ! Multiple Resistance Routine for Deriving Dry Deposition * ! Velocities from Measured Quantities. * ! Water, Air and Soil Pollution 36 (1987), pp.311-330. * ! [2] Slinn (1982), Predictions for Particle Deposition to * ! Vegetative Canopies. Atm.Env.16-7 (1982), pp.1785-1794. * ! [3] Slinn/Slinn (1980), Predictions for Particle Deposition on * ! Natural Waters. Atm.Env.14 (1980), pp.1013-1016. * ! [4] Scire/Yamartino/Carmichael/Chang (1989), * ! CALGRID: A Mesoscale Photochemical Grid Model. * ! Vol II: User's Guide. (Report No.A049-1, June, 1989) * ! [5] Langer M. (1992): Ein einfaches Modell zur Abschaetzung der * ! Depositionsgeschwindigkeit von Teilchen und Gasen. * ! Internal report. * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! alpha help variable * ! fract(nc,ni) mass fraction of each diameter interval * ! lpdep(nc) 1 for particle deposition, 0 else * ! nc actual number of chemical components * ! ni number of diameter intervals, for which vdepj is calc.* ! rdp [s/m] deposition layer resistance * ! ra [s/m] aerodynamical resistance * ! schmi(nc,ni) Schmidt number**2/3 of each diameter interval * ! stokes Stokes number * ! ustar [m/s] friction velocity * ! vdep_tmp(nc) [m/s] deposition velocities of all components * ! vdepj [m/s] help, deposition velocity of 1 interval * ! vset(nc,ni) gravitational settling velocity of each interval * ! * ! Constants: * ! nc number of chemical species * ! ni number of diameter intervals, for which deposition * ! is calculated * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none real, intent(in) :: & nyl, & ! kinematic viscosity rhoa, & ! air density ustar, & ! friction velocity ra, & ! aerodynamical resistance vset(maxspec,maxndia), & ! gravitational settling velocity of each interval density(maxspec), & ! density of the particle fract(maxspec,maxndia) ! mass fraction of each diameter interval real, intent(inout) :: & vdep_tmp(maxspec) real :: schmi(maxspec,maxndia) real :: stokes,vdepj,rdp,alpha real :: & ! Variables related to shape dfdr, alpha1, beta1, ks, kn, c_d, & settling, settling_old, reynolds, kn1 real,parameter :: eps=1.e-5 integer :: ic,j,nc,i do ic=1,nc ! loop over all species if (density(ic).gt.0.) then do j=1,ndia(ic) ! loop over all diameter intervals if (ustar.gt.eps) then if (ishape(ic).eq.0) then reynolds=dquer(ic)/1.e6*vset(ic,j)/nyl settling_old=-1.0*vset(ic,j) do i=1,20 if (reynolds.le.0.02) then c_d=(24.0/reynolds) else ! Clif and Gauvin scheme is used c_d=(24.0/reynolds)*(1+0.15*(reynolds**0.687))+ & 0.42/(1.0+42500.0/(reynolds**1.16)) endif ! Settling velocity of a particle is defined by the Newton's impact law: settling=-1.* & sqrt(4.*ga*dquer(ic)/1.e6*density(ic)*cunningham(ic)/ & (3.*c_d*rhoa)) if (abs((settling-settling_old)/settling).lt.0.01) exit reynolds=dquer(ic)/1.e6*abs(settling)/nyl settling_old=settling end do ! Stokes number for each diameter interval !***************************************** ! Use this stokes number for different shapes stokes=abs(settling)/ga*ustar*ustar/nyl alpha=-3./stokes ! Deposition layer resistance !**************************** if (alpha.le.log10(eps)) then rdp=1./(schmi(ic,j)*ustar) else rdp=1./((schmi(ic,j)+10.**alpha)*ustar) endif vdepj=abs(settling)+1./(ra+rdp+ra*rdp*abs(settling)) else ! Daria Tatsii: Drag coefficient scheme by Bagheri & Bonadonna 2016 ! Settling velocities of other shapes reynolds=dquer(ic)/1.e6*vset(ic,j)/nyl settling_old=-1.0*vset(ic,j) ! Orientation of particles !************************* if (orient(ic).eq.0) then ! Horizontal orientation ks=ks2(ic) ! B&B Figure 12 k_(s,max) kn=kn2(ic) else if (orient(ic).eq.1) then ! Random orientation dfdr=density(ic)/rhoa alpha1=0.45+10.0/(exp(2.5*log10(dfdr))+30.0) beta1=1.-37.0/(exp(3.0*log10(dfdr))+100.0) ks=ks1(ic) kn=10.**(alpha1*(-log10(Fn(ic)))**beta1) else ! The average of random and horizontal orientation dfdr=density(ic)/rhoa alpha1=0.45+10.0/(exp(2.5*log10(dfdr))+30.0) beta1=1.-37.0/(exp(3.0*log10(dfdr))+100.0) kn1=10.**(alpha1*(-log10(Fn(ic)))**beta1) ks=(ks1(ic)+ks2(ic))*0.5 kn=(kn1+kn2(ic))*0.5 endif do i=1,20 c_d=(24.*ks/reynolds)*(1.+0.125*((reynolds*kn/ks)**(2./3.)))+ & (0.46*kn/(1.+5330./(reynolds*kn/ks))) ! Settling velocity of a particle is defined by the Newton's impact law: settling=-1.* & sqrt(4.*ga*dquer(ic)/1.e6*density(ic)*cunningham(ic)/ & (3.*c_d*rhoa)) if (abs((settling-settling_old)/settling).lt.0.01) exit reynolds=dquer(ic)/1.e6*abs(settling)/nyl settling_old=settling end do ! We assume aerodynamic resistance ra and quasi-laminar sub-layer resistance rdp ! Stokes number for each diameter interval !***************************************** ! Use this stokes number for different shapes stokes=abs(settling)/ga*ustar*ustar/nyl alpha=-3./stokes ! Deposition layer resistance !**************************** if (alpha.le.log10(eps)) then rdp=1./(schmi(ic,j)*ustar) else rdp=1./((schmi(ic,j)+10.**alpha)*ustar) endif vdepj=abs(settling)+1./(ra+rdp+ra*rdp*abs(settling)) endif else vdepj=vset(ic,j) endif ! deposition velocities of each interval are weighted with mass fraction !*********************************************************************** vdep_tmp(ic)=vdep_tmp(ic)+vdepj*fract(ic,j) end do endif end do end subroutine partdep subroutine getrb(nc,ustar,nyl,diffh2o,reldiff,rb) ! i i i i i o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculation of the quasilaminar sublayer resistance to dry deposition. * ! * ! AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl, 20 May 1995 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! rb(ncmax) sublayer resistance * ! schmidt Schmidt number * ! ustar [m/s] friction velocity * ! diffh20 [m2/s] diffusivity of water vapor in air * ! reldiff diffusivity relative to H2O * ! * ! Constants: * ! karman von Karman constant * ! pr Prandtl number * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none real :: ustar,diffh2o,rb(maxspec),schmidt,nyl real :: reldiff(maxspec) integer :: ic,nc real,parameter :: pr=0.72 do ic=1,nc if (reldiff(ic).gt.0.) then schmidt=nyl/diffh2o*reldiff(ic) rb(ic)=2.0*(schmidt/pr)**0.67/(karman*ustar) endif end do end subroutine getrb subroutine getrc(nc,i,j,t,gr,rh,rr,rc) ! i i i i i i i o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculation of the surface resistance according to the procedure given * ! in: * ! Wesely (1989): Parameterization of surface resistances to gaseous * ! dry deposition in regional-scale numerical models. * ! Atmos. Environ. 23, 1293-1304. * ! * ! * ! AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl, 19 May 1995 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! reldiff(maxspec) diffusivity of H2O/diffusivity of component i * ! gr [W/m2] global radiation * ! i index of seasonal category * ! j index of landuse class * ! ldep(maxspec) 1, if deposition shall be calculated for species i * ! nc actual number of chemical components * ! rcl(maxspec,5,8) [s/m] Lower canopy resistance * ! rgs(maxspec,5,8) [s/m] Ground resistance * ! rlu(maxspec,5,8) [s/m] Leaf cuticular resistance * ! rm(maxspec) [s/m] Mesophyll resistance * ! t [C] temperature * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: i,j,ic,nc real :: gr,rh,rr,t,rs,rsm,corr,rluc,rclc,rgsc,rdc,rluo real :: rc(maxspec) ! Compute stomatal resistance !**************************** ! Sabine Eckhardt, Dec 06: use 1E25 instead of 99999. for infinite res. if ((t.gt.0.).and.(t.lt.40.)) then rs=ri(i,j)*(1.+(200./(gr+0.1))**2)*(400./(t*(40.-t))) else rs=1.E25 ! rs=99999. endif ! Correct stomatal resistance for effect of dew and rain !******************************************************* if ((rh.gt.0.9).or.(rr.gt.0.)) rs=rs*3. ! Compute the lower canopy resistance !************************************ rdc=100.*(1.+1000./(gr+10.)) corr=1000.*exp(-1.*t-4.) do ic=1,nc if (reldiff(ic).gt.0.) then ! Compute combined stomatal and mesophyll resistance !*************************************************** rsm=rs*reldiff(ic)+rm(ic) ! Correct leaf cuticular, lower canopy and ground resistance !*********************************************************** rluc=rlu(ic,i,j)+corr rclc=rcl(ic,i,j)+corr rgsc=rgs(ic,i,j)+corr ! Correct leaf cuticular resistance for effect of dew and rain !************************************************************* if (rr.gt.0.) then rluo=1./(1./1000.+1./(3.*rluc)) rluc=1./(1./(3.*rluc)+1.e-7*henry(ic)+f0(ic)/rluo) else if (rh.gt.0.9) then rluo=1./(1./3000.+1./(3.*rluc)) rluc=1./(1./(3.*rluc)+1.e-7*henry(ic)+f0(ic)/rluo) endif ! Combine resistances to give total resistance !********************************************* rc(ic)=1./(1./rsm+1./rluc+1./(rdc+rclc)+1./(rac(i,j)+rgsc)) ! Sabine Eckhardt, Dec 06: avoid possible excessively high vdep if (rc(ic).lt.10.) rc(ic)=10. endif end do end subroutine getrc end module drydepo_mod