concoutput Subroutine

public subroutine concoutput(itime, outnum, gridtotalunc, wetgridtotalunc, drygridtotalunc)

 Output of the concentration grid                                       *
 Author: A. Stohl                                                       *
 24 May 1995                                                            *
 13 April 1999, Major update: if output size is smaller, dump output    *
                in sparse matrix format; additional output of           *
                uncertainty                                             *
 05 April 2000, Major update: output of age classes; output for backward*
                runs is time spent in grid cell times total mass of     *
                species.                                                *
 17 February 2002, Appropriate dimensions for backward and forward runs *
                   are now specified in file par_mod                    *
 June 2006, write grid in sparse matrix with a single write command     *
            in order to save disk space                                 *
 2008 new sparse matrix format                                          *


Variables: * outnum number of samples * ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * tot_mu 1 for forward, initial mass mixing ration for backw. runs * *

Compute air density: sufficiently accurate to take it from coarse grid at some time Determine center altitude of output layer, and interpolate density data to that altitude

Note: llcmoutput = true: grid is mass_spec/mass_air
for iout 1,3, or 5 multiply by rho for iout 2 multiply by 1 llcmoutput = false: grid is mass_spec/V for iout 1,3, or 5 multiply by 1 for iout 2 multiply by 1/rho

Determine the standard deviation of the mean concentration or mixing ratio (uncertainty of the output) and the dry and wet deposition

Generate output: may be in concentration (ng/m3) or in mixing ratio (ppt) or both Output the position and the values alternated multiplied by 1 or -1, first line is number of values, number of positions For backward simulations, the unit is seconds, stored in grid_time


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: itime
real :: outnum
real(kind=sp) :: gridtotalunc
real(kind=dep_prec) :: wetgridtotalunc
real(kind=dep_prec) :: drygridtotalunc