This module contains routines that output gridded data to binary files. * * Not all routines that should have a netcdf equivalent, have one yet: * writeheader_bin_sfc_nest,writeheader_bin_sfc, * initcond_output,initcond_output_inversion * concoutput_inversion, concoutput_inversion_nest * * L. Bakels 2022 * *
! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This module contains routines that output gridded data to binary files. * ! * ! Not all routines that should have a netcdf equivalent, have one yet: * ! writeheader_bin_sfc_nest,writeheader_bin_sfc, * ! initcond_output,initcond_output_inversion * ! concoutput_inversion, concoutput_inversion_nest * ! * ! L. Bakels 2022 * ! * !***************************************************************************** module binary_output_mod use point_mod use outgrid_mod use par_mod use com_mod use date_mod use windfields_mod implicit none contains subroutine writeheader_bin !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine produces a file header containing basic information on the * ! settings of the FLEXPART run. * ! The header file is essential and must be read in by any postprocessing * ! program before reading in the output data. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 7 August 2002 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Modified to remove TRIM around the output of flexversion so that * ! it will be a constant length (defined in com_mod.f90) in output header * ! * ! Don Morton, Boreal Scientific Computing * ! 07 May 2017 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! xlon longitude * ! xl model x coordinate * ! ylat latitude * ! yl model y coordinate * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: jjjjmmdd,ihmmss,i,ix,jy,j real :: xp1,yp1,xp2,yp2 !************************ ! Open header output file !************************ open(unitheader,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'header', & form='unformatted',err=998) ! Write the header information !***************************** if (ldirect.eq.1) then write(unitheader) ibdate,ibtime, flexversion else write(unitheader) iedate,ietime, flexversion endif ! Write info on output interval, averaging time, sampling time !************************************************************* write(unitheader) loutstep,loutaver,loutsample ! Write information on output grid setup !*************************************** write(unitheader) outlon0,outlat0,numxgrid,numygrid, & dxout,dyout write(unitheader) numzgrid,(outheight(i),i=1,numzgrid) call caldate(bdate,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(unitheader) jjjjmmdd,ihmmss ! Write number of species, and name for each species (+extra name for depositions) ! Indicate the dimension of the fields (i.e., 1 for deposition fields, numzgrid for ! concentration fields !***************************************************************************** write(unitheader) 3*nspec,maxpointspec_act do i=1,nspec write(unitheader) 1,'WD_'//species(i)(1:7) write(unitheader) 1,'DD_'//species(i)(1:7) write(unitheader) numzgrid,species(i) end do ! Write information on release points: total number, then for each point: ! start, end, coordinates, # of particles, name, mass !************************************************************************ write(unitheader) numpoint do i=1,numpoint write(unitheader) ireleasestart(i),ireleaseend(i),kindz(i) xp1=xpoint1(i)*dx+xlon0 yp1=ypoint1(i)*dy+ylat0 xp2=xpoint2(i)*dx+xlon0 yp2=ypoint2(i)*dy+ylat0 write(unitheader) xp1,yp1,xp2,yp2,zpoint1(i),zpoint2(i) write(unitheader) npart(i),1 if (numpoint.le.1000) then write(unitheader) compoint(i) else write(unitheader) compoint(1001) endif do j=1,nspec write(unitheader) xmass(i,j) write(unitheader) xmass(i,j) write(unitheader) xmass(i,j) end do end do ! Write information on some model switches !***************************************** write(unitheader) method,lsubgrid,lconvection, & ind_source,ind_receptor ! Write age class information !**************************** write(unitheader) nageclass,(lage(i),i=1,nageclass) ! Write topography to output file !******************************** do ix=0,numxgrid-1 write(unitheader) (oroout(ix,jy),jy=0,numygrid-1) end do close(unitheader) return 998 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! THE FILE #### ' write(*,*) ' #### '//path(2)(1:length(2))//'header'//' #### ' write(*,*) ' #### CANNOT BE OPENED. IF A FILE WITH THIS #### ' write(*,*) ' #### NAME ALREADY EXISTS, DELETE IT AND START #### ' write(*,*) ' #### THE PROGRAM AGAIN. #### ' error stop end subroutine writeheader_bin subroutine writeheader_bin_nest !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine produces a file header containing basic information on the * ! settings of the FLEXPART run. * ! The header file is essential and must be read in by any postprocessing * ! program before reading in the output data. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 7 August 2002 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Modified to remove TRIM around the output of flexversion so that * ! it will be a constant length (defined in com_mod.f90) in output header * ! * ! Don Morton, Boreal Scientific Computing * ! 07 May 2017 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! xlon longitude * ! xl model x coordinate * ! ylat latitude * ! yl model y coordinate * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: jjjjmmdd,ihmmss,i,ix,jy,j real :: xp1,yp1,xp2,yp2 !************************ ! Open header output file !************************ open(unitheader,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'header_nest', & form='unformatted',err=998) ! Write the header information !***************************** if (ldirect.eq.1) then write(unitheader) ibdate,ibtime, flexversion else write(unitheader) iedate,ietime, flexversion endif ! Write info on output interval, averaging time, sampling time !************************************************************* write(unitheader) loutstep,loutaver,loutsample ! Write information on output grid setup !*************************************** write(unitheader) outlon0n,outlat0n,numxgridn,numygridn, & dxoutn,dyoutn write(unitheader) numzgrid,(outheight(i),i=1,numzgrid) call caldate(bdate,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(unitheader) jjjjmmdd,ihmmss ! Write number of species, and name for each species (+extra name for depositions) ! Indicate the dimension of the fields (i.e., 1 for deposition fields, numzgrid for ! concentration fields !***************************************************************************** write(unitheader) 3*nspec,maxpointspec_act do i=1,nspec write(unitheader) 1,'WD_'//species(i)(1:7) write(unitheader) 1,'DD_'//species(i)(1:7) write(unitheader) numzgrid,species(i) end do ! Write information on release points: total number, then for each point: ! start, end, coordinates, # of particles, name, mass !************************************************************************ write(unitheader) numpoint do i=1,numpoint write(unitheader) ireleasestart(i),ireleaseend(i),kindz(i) xp1=xpoint1(i)*dx+xlon0 yp1=ypoint1(i)*dy+ylat0 xp2=xpoint2(i)*dx+xlon0 yp2=ypoint2(i)*dy+ylat0 write(unitheader) xp1,yp1,xp2,yp2,zpoint1(i),zpoint2(i) write(unitheader) npart(i),1 if (numpoint.le.1000) then write(unitheader) compoint(i) else write(unitheader) compoint(1001) endif do j=1,nspec write(unitheader) xmass(i,j) write(unitheader) xmass(i,j) write(unitheader) xmass(i,j) end do end do ! Write information on some model switches !***************************************** write(unitheader) method,lsubgrid,lconvection, & ind_source,ind_receptor ! Write age class information !**************************** write(unitheader) nageclass,(lage(i),i=1,nageclass) ! Write topography to output file !******************************** do ix=0,numxgridn-1 write(unitheader) (orooutn(ix,jy),jy=0,numygridn-1) end do close(unitheader) return 998 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! THE FILE #### ' write(*,*) ' #### '//path(2)(1:length(2))//'header'//' #### ' write(*,*) ' #### CANNOT BE OPENED. IF A FILE WITH THIS #### ' write(*,*) ' #### NAME ALREADY EXISTS, DELETE IT AND START #### ' write(*,*) ' #### THE PROGRAM AGAIN. #### ' error stop end subroutine writeheader_bin_nest subroutine writeheader_bin_sfc_nest !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine produces a file header containing basic information on the * ! settings of the FLEXPART run. * ! The header file is essential and must be read in by any postprocessing * ! program before reading in the output data. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 7 August 2002 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Modified to remove TRIM around the output of flexversion so that * ! it will be a constant length (defined in com_mod.f90) in output header * ! * ! Don Morton, Boreal Scientific Computing * ! 07 May 2017 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! xlon longitude * ! xl model x coordinate * ! ylat latitude * ! yl model y coordinate * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: jjjjmmdd,ihmmss,i,ix,jy,j real :: xp1,yp1,xp2,yp2 !************************ ! Open header output file !************************ open(unitheader,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'header_nest_grid_time', & form='unformatted',err=998) ! Write the header information !***************************** if (ldirect.eq.1) then write(unitheader) ibdate,ibtime,flexversion else write(unitheader) iedate,ietime,flexversion endif ! Write info on output interval, averaging time, sampling time !************************************************************* write(unitheader) loutstep,loutaver,loutsample ! Write information on output grid setup !*************************************** write(unitheader) outlon0n,outlat0n,numxgridn,numygridn, & dxoutn,dyoutn write(unitheader) 1,(outheight(1),i=1,1) call caldate(bdate,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(unitheader) jjjjmmdd,ihmmss ! Write number of species, and name for each species (+extra name for depositions) ! Indicate the dimension of the fields (i.e., 1 for deposition fields, numzgrid for ! concentration fields !***************************************************************************** write(unitheader) 3*nspec,maxpointspec_act do i=1,nspec write(unitheader) 1,'WD_'//species(i)(1:7) write(unitheader) 1,'DD_'//species(i)(1:7) write(unitheader) 1,species(i) end do ! Write information on release points: total number, then for each point: ! start, end, coordinates, # of particles, name, mass !************************************************************************ write(unitheader) numpoint do i=1,numpoint write(unitheader) ireleasestart(i),ireleaseend(i),kindz(i) xp1=xpoint1(i)*dx+xlon0 yp1=ypoint1(i)*dy+ylat0 xp2=xpoint2(i)*dx+xlon0 yp2=ypoint2(i)*dy+ylat0 write(unitheader) xp1,yp1,xp2,yp2,zpoint1(i),zpoint2(i) write(unitheader) npart(i),1 if (numpoint.le.1000) then write(unitheader) compoint(i) else write(unitheader) compoint(1001) endif do j=1,nspec write(unitheader) xmass(i,j) write(unitheader) xmass(i,j) write(unitheader) xmass(i,j) end do end do ! Write information on some model switches !***************************************** write(unitheader) method,lsubgrid,lconvection, & ind_source,ind_receptor ! Write age class information !**************************** write(unitheader) nageclass,(lage(i),i=1,nageclass) ! Write topography to output file !******************************** do ix=0,numxgridn-1 write(unitheader) (orooutn(ix,jy),jy=0,numygridn-1) end do close(unitheader) return 998 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! THE FILE #### ' write(*,*) ' #### '//path(2)(1:length(2))//'header'//' #### ' write(*,*) ' #### CANNOT BE OPENED. IF A FILE WITH THIS #### ' write(*,*) ' #### NAME ALREADY EXISTS, DELETE IT AND START #### ' write(*,*) ' #### THE PROGRAM AGAIN. #### ' error stop end subroutine writeheader_bin_sfc_nest subroutine writeheader_bin_sfc !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine produces a file header containing basic information on the * ! settings of the FLEXPART run. * ! The header file is essential and must be read in by any postprocessing * ! program before reading in the output data. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 7 August 2002 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Modified to remove TRIM around the output of flexversion so that * ! it will be a constant length (defined in com_mod.f90) in output header * ! * ! Don Morton, Boreal Scientific Computing * ! 07 May 2017 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! xlon longitude * ! xl model x coordinate * ! ylat latitude * ! yl model y coordinate * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: jjjjmmdd,ihmmss,i,ix,jy,j real :: xp1,yp1,xp2,yp2 !************************ ! Open header output file !************************ open(unitheader,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'header_grid_time', & form='unformatted',err=998) ! Write the header information !***************************** if (ldirect.eq.1) then write(unitheader) ibdate,ibtime, flexversion else write(unitheader) iedate,ietime, flexversion endif ! Write info on output interval, averaging time, sampling time !************************************************************* write(unitheader) loutstep,loutaver,loutsample ! Write information on output grid setup !*************************************** write(unitheader) outlon0,outlat0,numxgrid,numygrid, & dxout,dyout write(unitheader) 1,(outheight(1),i=1,1) call caldate(bdate,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(unitheader) jjjjmmdd,ihmmss ! Write number of species, and name for each species (+extra name for depositions) ! Indicate the dimension of the fields (i.e., 1 for deposition fields, numzgrid for ! concentration fields !***************************************************************************** write(unitheader) 3*nspec,maxpointspec_act do i=1,nspec write(unitheader) 1,'WD_'//species(i)(1:7) write(unitheader) 1,'DD_'//species(i)(1:7) write(unitheader) 1,species(i) end do ! Write information on release points: total number, then for each point: ! start, end, coordinates, # of particles, name, mass !************************************************************************ write(unitheader) numpoint do i=1,numpoint write(unitheader) ireleasestart(i),ireleaseend(i),kindz(i) xp1=xpoint1(i)*dx+xlon0 yp1=ypoint1(i)*dy+ylat0 xp2=xpoint2(i)*dx+xlon0 yp2=ypoint2(i)*dy+ylat0 write(unitheader) xp1,yp1,xp2,yp2,zpoint1(i),zpoint2(i) write(unitheader) npart(i),1 if (numpoint.le.1000) then write(unitheader) compoint(i) else write(unitheader) compoint(1001) endif do j=1,nspec write(unitheader) xmass(i,j) write(unitheader) xmass(i,j) write(unitheader) xmass(i,j) end do end do ! Write information on some model switches !***************************************** write(unitheader) method,lsubgrid,lconvection, & ind_source,ind_receptor ! Write age class information !**************************** write(unitheader) nageclass,(lage(i),i=1,nageclass) ! Write topography to output file !******************************** do ix=0,numxgrid-1 write(unitheader) (oroout(ix,jy),jy=0,numygrid-1) end do close(unitheader) return 998 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! THE FILE #### ' write(*,*) ' #### '//path(2)(1:length(2))//'header'//' #### ' write(*,*) ' #### CANNOT BE OPENED. IF A FILE WITH THIS #### ' write(*,*) ' #### NAME ALREADY EXISTS, DELETE IT AND START #### ' write(*,*) ' #### THE PROGRAM AGAIN. #### ' error stop end subroutine writeheader_bin_sfc subroutine receptorout_init_binary !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine opens the receptor output files and writes out the receptor * ! names, location and times. The receptor output files are not * ! closed, but kept open throughout the simulation. Concentrations are * ! continuously dumped to these files. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! 7 August 2002 * ! * ! Modified: R. Thompson * ! January 2024: for moving receptors * ! changed format write to: * ! nspec * ! and then for each timestep and receptors: * ! name, lat, lon, alt, time, nn, xk, conc, unc * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! numreceptor actual number of receptor points specified * ! receptorname names of the receptor points * ! xreceptor longitude coordinate of the receptor points * ! yreceptor latitude coordinate of the receptor points * ! zreceptor altitude coordinate of the receptor points * ! treceptor time coordinate of the receptor points * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none if (numreceptor.eq.0) then return endif ! Open output file for receptor points and write number ! of receptors and species for concentration and uncertainty variables !********************************************************************** ! Concentration output if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)) then if ((ipin.eq.1).or.(ipin.eq.4)) then open(unitoutrecept,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'receptor_conc', & access='APPEND',status='OLD',err=997) else open(unitoutrecept,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'receptor_conc', & form='unformatted',err=997) write(unitoutrecept) numreceptor if (llcmoutput) then write(unitoutrecept) nspec-1 ! first species is mass of air else write(unitoutrecept) nspec endif endif endif ! Mixing ratio output if ((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)) then if ((ipin.eq.1).or.(ipin.eq.4)) then open(unitoutreceptppt,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'receptor_pptv', & access='APPEND',status='OLD',err=998) else open(unitoutreceptppt,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'receptor_pptv', & form='unformatted',err=998) write(unitoutreceptppt) numreceptor if (llcmoutput) then write(unitoutreceptppt) nspec-1 ! first species is mass of air else write(unitoutreceptppt) nspec endif endif endif return 997 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! THE FILE #### ' write(*,*) ' #### receptor_conc #### ' write(*,*) ' #### CANNOT BE OPENED. #### ' error stop 998 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! THE FILE #### ' write(*,*) ' #### receptor_pptv #### ' write(*,*) ' #### CANNOT BE OPENED. #### ' error stop end subroutine receptorout_init_binary subroutine satelliteout_init_binary !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine opens the satellite output files for subsequent writing * ! * ! Author: R. Thompson * ! January 2024 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! numsatreceptor actual number of satellite receptors * ! nspec number of species * ! nlayermax max number of layers in retrievals * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none if (numsatreceptor.eq.0) then return endif ! Open output file for satellite receptors and write number ! of receptors and species for concentration and uncertainty variables !********************************************************************** ! Mixing ratio output if ((ipin.eq.1).or.(ipin.eq.4)) then open(unitoutsatellite,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'satellite_pptv', & access='APPEND',status='OLD',err=998) else open(unitoutsatellite,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'satellite_pptv', & form='unformatted',err=998) ! write(unitoutsatellite) numsatreceptor if (llcmoutput) then write(unitoutsatellite) nspec-1 ! first species is mass of air else write(unitoutsatellite) nspec endif write(unitoutsatellite) nlayermax endif return 998 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! THE FILE #### ' write(*,*) ' #### satellite_pptv #### ' write(*,*) ' #### CANNOT BE OPENED. #### ' error stop end subroutine satelliteout_init_binary subroutine write_receptor_binary(crec,cunc,nnrec,xkrec,lonrec,latrec,altrec,timerec,namerec,nrec) !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine writes the receptor concentrations for each time step * ! and receptor to binary output files * ! * ! R. Thompson, January 2024 * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: nrec, ks, ks_start real, dimension(nspec,maxrecsample,nlayermax) :: crec, cunc real, dimension(maxrecsample,nlayermax) :: nnrec, xkrec, altrec real, dimension(maxrecsample) :: lonrec, latrec integer, dimension(maxrecsample) :: timerec character(len=16), dimension(maxrecsample) :: namerec if (llcmoutput) then ks_start=2 else ks_start=1 endif if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)) then write(unitoutrecept) nrec write(unitoutrecept) namerec(1:nrec) write(unitoutrecept) lonrec(1:nrec) write(unitoutrecept) latrec(1:nrec) write(unitoutrecept) altrec(1:nrec,1) write(unitoutrecept) timerec(1:nrec) write(unitoutrecept) nnrec(1:nrec,1) write(unitoutrecept) xkrec(1:nrec,1) write(unitoutrecept) (crec(ks,1:nrec,1),ks=ks_start,nspec) write(unitoutrecept) (cunc(ks,1:nrec,1),ks=ks_start,nspec) endif if ((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)) then write(unitoutreceptppt) nrec write(unitoutreceptppt) namerec(1:nrec) write(unitoutreceptppt) lonrec(1:nrec) write(unitoutreceptppt) latrec(1:nrec) write(unitoutreceptppt) altrec(1:nrec,1) write(unitoutreceptppt) timerec(1:nrec) write(unitoutreceptppt) nnrec(1:nrec,1) write(unitoutreceptppt) xkrec(1:nrec,1) write(unitoutreceptppt) (crec(ks,1:nrec,1),ks=ks_start,nspec) write(unitoutreceptppt) (cunc(ks,1:nrec,1),ks=ks_start,nspec) endif end subroutine write_receptor_binary subroutine write_satellite_binary(crec,cunc,nnrec,xkrec,lonrec,latrec,altrec,timerec,namerec,nrec) !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine writes the satellite concentrations for each time step * ! and receptor to binary output files * ! * ! R. Thompson, January 2024 * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: nrec, n, ks, ks_start real, dimension(nspec,maxrecsample,nlayermax) :: crec, cunc real, dimension(maxrecsample,nlayermax) :: nnrec, xkrec, altrec real, dimension(maxrecsample) :: lonrec, latrec integer, dimension(maxrecsample) :: timerec character(len=24), dimension(maxrecsample) :: namerec if (llcmoutput) then ks_start=2 else ks_start=1 endif ! satellite only mixing ratio output write(unitoutsatellite) nrec write(unitoutsatellite) namerec(1:nrec) write(unitoutsatellite) timerec(1:nrec) write(unitoutsatellite) lonrec(1:nrec) write(unitoutsatellite) latrec(1:nrec) write(unitoutsatellite) (altrec(n,1:nlayermax),n=1,nrec) write(unitoutsatellite) (nnrec(n,1:nlayermax),n=1,nrec) write(unitoutsatellite) (xkrec(n,1:nlayermax),n=1,nrec) do ks=ks_start,nspec write(unitoutsatellite) (crec(ks,n,1:nlayermax),n=1,nrec) write(unitoutsatellite) (cunc(ks,n,1:nlayermax),n=1,nrec) end do end subroutine write_satellite_binary subroutine concoutput(itime,outnum,gridtotalunc,wetgridtotalunc, & drygridtotalunc) ! i i o o ! o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Output of the concentration grid * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 24 May 1995 * ! * ! 13 April 1999, Major update: if output size is smaller, dump output * ! in sparse matrix format; additional output of * ! uncertainty * ! * ! 05 April 2000, Major update: output of age classes; output for backward* ! runs is time spent in grid cell times total mass of * ! species. * ! * ! 17 February 2002, Appropriate dimensions for backward and forward runs * ! are now specified in file par_mod * ! * ! June 2006, write grid in sparse matrix with a single write command * ! in order to save disk space * ! * ! 2008 new sparse matrix format * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! outnum number of samples * ! ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * ! sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * ! tot_mu 1 for forward, initial mass mixing ration for backw. runs * ! * !***************************************************************************** use unc_mod use mean_mod implicit none real(kind=dp) :: jul integer :: itime,i,ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,l,iix,jjy,kzz,nage,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss integer :: sp_count_i,sp_count_r real :: sp_fact real :: outnum,xl,yl real(dep_prec) :: auxgrid(nclassunc) real(sp) :: gridtotal,gridsigmatotal,gridtotalunc real(dep_prec) :: wetgridtotal,wetgridsigmatotal,wetgridtotalunc real(dep_prec) :: drygridtotal,drygridsigmatotal,drygridtotalunc real :: halfheight,dz,dz1,dz2,tot_mu(maxspec,maxpointspec_act) real,parameter :: smallnum = tiny(0.0) ! smallest number that can be handled real,parameter :: weightair=28.97 logical :: sp_zer logical,save :: init=.true. character :: adate*8,atime*6 character(len=3) :: anspec integer :: mind character(LEN=8),save :: file_stat='REPLACE' logical :: ldates_file logical :: lexist integer :: ierr character(LEN=100) :: dates_char integer :: numzwrite, ks_start ! Determine current calendar date, needed for the file name !********************************************************** jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400._dp call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(adate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(atime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss ! Overwrite existing dates file on first call, later append to it ! This fixes a bug where the dates file kept growing across multiple runs ! Restarting a run: if ((ipin.eq.1).or.(ipin.eq.4)) then file_stat='OLD' init=.false. endif ! If 'dates' file exists in output directory, make a backup inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'dates', exist=ldates_file) if (ldates_file.and.init) then open(unit=unitdates, file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'dates',form='formatted', & &access='sequential', status='old', action='read', iostat=ierr) open(unit=unittmp, file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'dates.bak', access='sequential', & &status='replace', action='write', form='formatted', iostat=ierr) do while (.true.) read(unitdates, '(a)', iostat=ierr) dates_char if (ierr.ne.0) exit write(unit=unittmp, fmt='(a)', iostat=ierr, advance='yes') trim(dates_char) end do close(unit=unitdates) close(unit=unittmp) end if open(unitdates,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'dates', ACCESS='APPEND', STATUS=file_stat) write(unitdates,'(a)') adate//atime close(unitdates) ! Overwrite existing dates file on first call, later append to it ! This fixes a bug where the dates file kept growing across multiple runs IF (init) THEN file_stat='OLD' init=.false. END IF ! For forward simulations, output fields have dimension MAXSPEC, ! for backward simulations, output fields have dimension MAXPOINT. ! Thus, make loops either about nspec, or about numpoint !***************************************************************** if (ldirect.eq.1) then tot_mu(:,:)=1. else do ks=1,nspec do kp=1,maxpointspec_act tot_mu(ks,kp)=xmass(kp,ks) end do end do endif !******************************************************************* ! Compute air density: sufficiently accurate to take it ! from coarse grid at some time ! Determine center altitude of output layer, and interpolate density ! data to that altitude ! ! Note: ! llcmoutput = true: grid is mass_spec/mass_air ! for iout 1,3, or 5 multiply by rho ! for iout 2 multiply by 1 ! llcmoutput = false: grid is mass_spec/V ! for iout 1,3, or 5 multiply by 1 ! for iout 2 multiply by 1/rho !******************************************************************* !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP PRIVATE(kz,halfheight,kzz,dz1,dz2,dz,xl,yl,iix,jjy, & !$OMP ix,jy,l,ks,kp,nage,auxgrid) & !$OMP REDUCTION(+:wetgridtotal,wetgridsigmatotal, & !$OMP drygridtotal,drygridsigmatotal,gridtotal,gridsigmatotal) if (((.not.llcmoutput).and.(iout.eq.2)).or.& (llcmoutput.and.((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)))) then ! compute density mind=memind(2) !$OMP DO do kz=1,numzgrid if (kz.eq.1) then halfheight=outheight(1)*0.5 else halfheight=(outheight(kz)+outheight(kz-1))*0.5 endif do kzz=2,nz if ((height(kzz-1).lt.halfheight).and. & (height(kzz).gt.halfheight)) exit end do kzz=max(min(kzz,nz),2) dz1=halfheight-height(kzz-1) dz2=height(kzz)-halfheight dz=dz1+dz2 do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 xl=outlon0+real(ix)*dxout yl=outlat0+real(jy)*dyout xl=(xl-xlon0)/dx yl=(yl-ylat0)/dy !v9.1.1 iix=max(min(nint(xl),nxmin1),0) jjy=max(min(nint(yl),nymin1),0) densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz)=(rho(iix,jjy,kzz,mind)*dz1+ & rho(iix,jjy,kzz-1,mind)*dz2)/dz densitydrygrid(ix,jy,kz)=(rho_dry(iix,jjy,kzz,mind)*dz1+ & rho_dry(iix,jjy,kzz-1,mind)*dz2)/dz end do end do end do !$OMP END DO ! conversion factor for output relative to dry air factor_drygrid=densityoutgrid/densitydrygrid if (llcmoutput) then ! because divide grid by densityoutgrid densityoutgrid=1./densityoutgrid endif else ! no division by density densityoutgrid(:,:,:)=1. endif ! Output is different for forward and backward simulations if (ldirect.eq.1) then !$OMP DO do kz=1,numzgrid do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (llcmoutput) then if (gridcnt(ix,jy,kz).gt.0.) then factor3d(ix,jy,kz)=1.e12/gridcnt(ix,jy,kz) else factor3d(ix,jy,kz)=0. endif else factor3d(ix,jy,kz)=1.e12/volume(ix,jy,kz)/outnum endif end do end do end do !$OMP END DO else factor3d(:,:,:)=real(abs(loutaver))/outnum endif !********************************************************************* ! Determine the standard deviation of the mean concentration or mixing ! ratio (uncertainty of the output) and the dry and wet deposition !********************************************************************* gridtotal=0. gridsigmatotal=0. gridtotalunc=0. wetgridtotal=0. wetgridsigmatotal=0. wetgridtotalunc=0. drygridtotal=0. drygridsigmatotal=0. drygridtotalunc=0. if (llcmoutput) then ks_start=2 else ks_start=1 endif do ks=ks_start,nspec !$OMP BARRIER !$OMP SINGLE write(anspec,'(i3.3)') ks if (DRYBKDEP.or.WETBKDEP) then !scavdep output if (DRYBKDEP) & open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_drydep_'//adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') if (WETBKDEP) & open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_wetdep_'//adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') write(unitoutgrid) itime else if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)) then if (ldirect.eq.1) then open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_conc_'//adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') else open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_time_'//adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') endif write(unitoutgrid) itime endif if ((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)) then ! mixing ratio open(unitoutgridppt,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_pptv_'//adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') write(unitoutgridppt) itime endif endif ! if deposition output !$OMP END SINGLE do kp=1,maxpointspec_act do nage=1,nageclass !$OMP DO do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 ! WET DEPOSITION if ((WETDEP).and.(ldirect.gt.0)) then do l=1,nclassunc auxgrid(l)=wetgridunc(ix,jy,ks,kp,l,nage) end do call mean(auxgrid,wetgrid(ix,jy), & wetgridsigma(ix,jy),nclassunc) ! Multiply by number of classes to get total concentration wetgrid(ix,jy)=wetgrid(ix,jy) & *nclassunc wetgridtotal=wetgridtotal+wetgrid(ix,jy) ! Calculate standard deviation of the mean wetgridsigma(ix,jy)= & wetgridsigma(ix,jy)* & sqrt(real(nclassunc)) wetgridsigmatotal=wetgridsigmatotal+ & wetgridsigma(ix,jy) endif ! DRY DEPOSITION if ((DRYDEP).and.(ldirect.gt.0)) then do l=1,nclassunc auxgrid(l)=drygridunc(ix,jy,ks,kp,l,nage) end do call mean(auxgrid,drygrid(ix,jy), & drygridsigma(ix,jy),nclassunc) ! Multiply by number of classes to get total concentration drygrid(ix,jy)=drygrid(ix,jy)* & nclassunc drygridtotal=drygridtotal+drygrid(ix,jy) ! Calculate standard deviation of the mean drygridsigma(ix,jy)= & drygridsigma(ix,jy)* & sqrt(real(nclassunc)) drygridsigmatotal=drygridsigmatotal+ & drygridsigma(ix,jy) endif ! CONCENTRATION OR MIXING RATIO do kz=1,numzgrid do l=1,nclassunc auxgrid(l)=gridunc(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,l,nage) end do call mean(auxgrid,grid(ix,jy,kz), & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz),nclassunc) ! Multiply by number of classes to get total concentration grid(ix,jy,kz)= & grid(ix,jy,kz)*nclassunc gridtotal=gridtotal+grid(ix,jy,kz) ! Calculate standard deviation of the mean gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)= & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)* & sqrt(real(nclassunc)) gridsigmatotal=gridsigmatotal+ & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz) end do end do end do !$OMP END DO !******************************************************************* ! Generate output: may be in concentration (ng/m3) or in mixing ! ratio (ppt) or both ! Output the position and the values alternated multiplied by ! 1 or -1, first line is number of values, number of positions ! For backward simulations, the unit is seconds, stored in grid_time !******************************************************************* !$OMP BARRIER !$OMP SINGLE ! Concentration output !********************* if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)) then ! Wet deposition sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(WETDEP)) then do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 ! concentration greater zero if (wetgrid(ix,jy).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)=ix+jy*numxgrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact*1.e12*real(wetgrid(ix,jy))/area(ix,jy) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do else sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 endif write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_i write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_r write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Dry deposition sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(DRYDEP)) then do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (drygrid(ix,jy).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)=ix+jy*numxgrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*real(drygrid(ix,jy))/area(ix,jy) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do else sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 endif write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_i write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_r write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Concentrations sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. numzwrite=numzgrid if (sfc_only.eq.1) numzwrite=1 do kz=1,numzwrite do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (grid(ix,jy,kz).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgrid+kz*numxgrid*numygrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 if (lparticlecountoutput) then sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & grid(ix,jy,kz) else sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & grid(ix,jy,kz)* & factor3d(ix,jy,kz)/tot_mu(ks,kp) end if else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_i write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_r write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) endif ! concentration output ! Mixing ratio output !******************** if ((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)) then ! mixing ratio ! Wet deposition sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(WETDEP)) then do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (wetgrid(ix,jy).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*real(wetgrid(ix,jy))/area(ix,jy) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do else sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 endif write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_i write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_r write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Dry deposition sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(DRYDEP)) then do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (drygrid(ix,jy).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*real(drygrid(ix,jy))/area(ix,jy) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do else sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 endif write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_i write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_r write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Mixing ratios sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. numzwrite=numzgrid if (sfc_only.eq.1) numzwrite=1 do kz=1,numzwrite do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (grid(ix,jy,kz).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgrid+kz*numxgrid*numygrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & factor3d(ix,jy,kz)*grid(ix,jy,kz)* & weightair/weightmolar(ks)/densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_i write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_r write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) endif ! output for ppt !$OMP END SINGLE !$OMP BARRIER end do end do close(unitoutgridppt) close(unitoutgrid) end do !$OMP END PARALLEL ! Write out conversion factor for dry air !**************************************** if (.not.llcmoutput) then inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'factor_drygrid',exist=lexist) if (lexist) then ! open and append open(unitoutfactor,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'factor_drygrid',form='unformatted',& status='old',action='write',access='append') else ! create new open(unitoutfactor,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'factor_drygrid',form='unformatted',& status='new',action='write') endif sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. numzwrite=numzgrid if (sfc_only.eq.1) numzwrite=1 do kz=1,numzwrite do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (factor_drygrid(ix,jy,kz).gt.(1.+smallnum).or.factor_drygrid(ix,jy,kz).lt.(1.-smallnum)) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first value not equal to one sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgrid+kz*numxgrid*numygrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact*factor_drygrid(ix,jy,kz) else ! factor is one sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutfactor) sp_count_i write(unitoutfactor) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutfactor) sp_count_r write(unitoutfactor) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) close(unitoutfactor) endif if (gridtotal.gt.0.) gridtotalunc=gridsigmatotal/gridtotal if (wetgridtotal.gt.0.) wetgridtotalunc=wetgridsigmatotal/ & wetgridtotal if (drygridtotal.gt.0.) drygridtotalunc=drygridsigmatotal/ & drygridtotal gridunc(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=0. gridcnt(:,:,:) = 0. #ifdef _OPENMP gridunc_omp(:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:) = 0. gridcnt_omp(:,:,:,:) = 0. #endif end subroutine concoutput subroutine concoutput_nest(itime,outnum) ! i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Output of the nested concentration grid * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 24 May 1995 * ! * ! 13 April 1999, Major update: if output size is smaller, dump output * ! in sparse matrix format; additional output of * ! uncertainty * ! * ! 05 April 2000, Major update: output of age classes; output for backward* ! runs is time spent in grid cell times total mass of * ! species. * ! * ! 17 February 2002, Appropriate dimensions for backward and forward runs * ! are now specified in file par_mod * ! * ! June 2006, write grid in sparse matrix with a single write command * ! in order to save disk space * ! * ! 2008 new sparse matrix format * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! outnum number of samples * ! ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * ! sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * ! tot_mu 1 for forward, initial mass mixing ration for backw. runs * ! * !***************************************************************************** use unc_mod use mean_mod implicit none real(kind=dp) :: jul integer :: itime,i,ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,l,iix,jjy,kzz,nage,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss integer :: sp_count_i,sp_count_r real :: sp_fact real :: outnum,xl,yl real(dep_prec) :: auxgrid(nclassunc) real :: halfheight,dz,dz1,dz2,tot_mu(maxspec,maxpointspec_act) real,parameter :: smallnum = tiny(0.0) ! smallest number that can be handled real,parameter :: weightair=28.97 logical :: sp_zer character :: adate*8,atime*6 character(len=3) :: anspec logical :: lexist integer :: mind integer :: numzwrite ! Determine current calendar date, needed for the file name !********************************************************** jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400._dp call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(adate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(atime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss ! For forward simulations, output fields have dimension MAXSPEC, ! for backward simulations, output fields have dimension MAXPOINT. ! Thus, make loops either about nspec, or about numpoint !***************************************************************** if (ldirect.eq.1) then tot_mu(:,:)=1. else do ks=1,nspec do kp=1,maxpointspec_act tot_mu(ks,kp)=xmass(kp,ks) end do end do endif !******************************************************************* ! Compute air density: sufficiently accurate to take it ! from coarse grid at some time ! Determine center altitude of output layer, and interpolate density ! data to that altitude !******************************************************************* mind=memind(2) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP PRIVATE(halfheight,kzz,dz1,dz2,dz,xl,yl,iix,jjy, & !$OMP kz,ix,jy,l,ks,kp,nage,auxgrid) !$OMP DO do kz=1,numzgrid if (kz.eq.1) then halfheight=outheight(1)*0.5 else halfheight=(outheight(kz)+outheight(kz-1))*0.5 endif do kzz=2,nz if ((height(kzz-1).lt.halfheight).and. & (height(kzz).gt.halfheight)) exit end do kzz=max(min(kzz,nz),2) dz1=halfheight-height(kzz-1) dz2=height(kzz)-halfheight dz=dz1+dz2 do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 xl=outlon0n+real(ix)*dxoutn yl=outlat0n+real(jy)*dyoutn xl=(xl-xlon0)/dx yl=(yl-ylat0)/dy iix=max(min(nint(xl),nxmin1),0) jjy=max(min(nint(yl),nymin1),0) densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz)=(rho(iix,jjy,kzz,mind)*dz1+ & rho(iix,jjy,kzz-1,mind)*dz2)/dz densitydrygrid(ix,jy,kz)=(rho_dry(iix,jjy,kzz,mind)*dz1+ & rho_dry(iix,jjy,kzz-1,mind)*dz2)/dz end do end do end do !$OMP END DO ! conversion factor for output relative to dry air factor_drygrid=densityoutgrid/densitydrygrid ! Output is different for forward and backward simulations if ( ldirect.eq.1) then factor3d(:,:,:)=1.e12/volumen(:,:,:)/outnum else factor3d(:,:,:)=real(abs(loutaver))/outnum endif !********************************************************************* ! Determine the standard deviation of the mean concentration or mixing ! ratio (uncertainty of the output) and the dry and wet deposition !********************************************************************* do ks=1,nspec !$OMP BARRIER !$OMP SINGLE write(anspec,'(i3.3)') ks if (DRYBKDEP.or.WETBKDEP) then !scavdep output if (DRYBKDEP) & open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_drydep_nest_'//adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') if (WETBKDEP) & open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_wetdep_nest_'//adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') write(unitoutgrid) itime else if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)) then if (ldirect.eq.1) then open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_conc_nest_' & //adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') else open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_time_nest_' & //adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') endif write(unitoutgrid) itime endif endif if ((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)) then ! mixing ratio open(unitoutgridppt,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_pptv_nest_' & //adate// & atime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted') write(unitoutgridppt) itime endif !$OMP END SINGLE do kp=1,maxpointspec_act do nage=1,nageclass !$OMP DO do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 ! WET DEPOSITION if ((WETDEP).and.(ldirect.gt.0)) then do l=1,nclassunc auxgrid(l)=wetgriduncn(ix,jy,ks,kp,l,nage) end do call mean(auxgrid,wetgrid(ix,jy), & wetgridsigma(ix,jy),nclassunc) ! Multiply by number of classes to get total concentration wetgrid(ix,jy)=wetgrid(ix,jy) & *nclassunc ! Calculate standard deviation of the mean wetgridsigma(ix,jy)= & wetgridsigma(ix,jy)* & sqrt(real(nclassunc)) endif ! DRY DEPOSITION if ((DRYDEP).and.(ldirect.gt.0)) then do l=1,nclassunc auxgrid(l)=drygriduncn(ix,jy,ks,kp,l,nage) end do call mean(auxgrid,drygrid(ix,jy), & drygridsigma(ix,jy),nclassunc) ! Multiply by number of classes to get total concentration drygrid(ix,jy)=drygrid(ix,jy)* & nclassunc ! Calculate standard deviation of the mean drygridsigma(ix,jy)= & drygridsigma(ix,jy)* & sqrt(real(nclassunc)) endif ! CONCENTRATION OR MIXING RATIO do kz=1,numzgrid do l=1,nclassunc auxgrid(l)=griduncn(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,l,nage) end do call mean(auxgrid,grid(ix,jy,kz), & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz),nclassunc) ! Multiply by number of classes to get total concentration grid(ix,jy,kz)= & grid(ix,jy,kz)*nclassunc ! Calculate standard deviation of the mean gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)= & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)* & sqrt(real(nclassunc)) end do end do ! ix end do ! jy !$OMP END DO !******************************************************************* ! Generate output: may be in concentration (ng/m3) or in mixing ! ratio (ppt) or both ! Output the position and the values alternated multiplied by ! 1 or -1, first line is number of values, number of positions ! For backward simulations, the unit is seconds, stored in grid_time !******************************************************************* !$OMP BARRIER !$OMP SINGLE ! Concentration output !********************* if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)) then ! Wet deposition sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(WETDEP)) then do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 !concentration greater zero if (wetgrid(ix,jy).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)=ix+jy*numxgridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact*1.e12*real(wetgrid(ix,jy))/arean(ix,jy) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do else sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 endif write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_i write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_r write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Dry deposition sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(DRYDEP)) then do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (drygrid(ix,jy).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)=ix+jy*numxgridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*real(drygrid(ix,jy))/arean(ix,jy) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do else sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 endif write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_i write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_r write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Concentrations sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. numzwrite=numzgrid if (sfc_only.eq.1) numzwrite=1 do kz=1,numzwrite do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (grid(ix,jy,kz).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgridn+kz*numxgridn*numygridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & grid(ix,jy,kz)* & factor3d(ix,jy,kz)/tot_mu(ks,kp) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_i write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_r write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) endif ! concentration output ! Mixing ratio output !******************** if ((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)) then ! mixing ratio ! Wet deposition sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(WETDEP)) then do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (wetgrid(ix,jy).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*real(wetgrid(ix,jy))/arean(ix,jy) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do else sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 endif write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_i write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_r write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Dry deposition sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(DRYDEP)) then do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (drygrid(ix,jy).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*real(drygrid(ix,jy))/arean(ix,jy) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do else sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 endif write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_i write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_r write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Mixing ratios sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. numzwrite=numzgrid if (sfc_only.eq.1) numzwrite=1 do kz=1,numzwrite do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (grid(ix,jy,kz).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgridn+kz*numxgridn*numygridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*grid(ix,jy,kz) & /volumen(ix,jy,kz)/outnum* & weightair/weightmolar(ks)/densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_i write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_r write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) endif ! output for ppt !$OMP END SINGLE !$OMP BARRIER end do end do close(unitoutgridppt) close(unitoutgrid) end do !$OMP END PARALLEL ! Write out conversion factor for dry air !**************************************** inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'factor_drygrid_nest',exist=lexist) if (lexist) then ! open and append open(unitoutfactor,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'factor_drygrid_nest',form='unformatted',& status='old',action='write',access='append') else ! create new open(unitoutfactor,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'factor_drygrid_nest',form='unformatted',& status='new',action='write') endif sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. numzwrite=numzgrid if (sfc_only.eq.1) numzwrite=1 do kz=1,numzwrite do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (factor_drygrid(ix,jy,kz).gt.(1.+smallnum).or.factor_drygrid(ix,jy,kz).lt.(1.-smallnum)) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first value not equal to one sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgridn+kz*numxgridn*numygridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact*factor_drygrid(ix,jy,kz) else ! factor is one sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutfactor) sp_count_i write(unitoutfactor) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutfactor) sp_count_r write(unitoutfactor) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) close(unitoutfactor) griduncn(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=0. #ifdef _OPENMP griduncn_omp(:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:) = 0. #endif end subroutine concoutput_nest subroutine concoutput_inversion(itime,outnum,gridtotalunc,wetgridtotalunc, & drygridtotalunc) ! i i o o ! o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Output of the concentration grid formatted for inversions. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 24 May 1995 * ! * ! 13 April 1999, Major update: if output size is smaller, dump output * ! in sparse matrix format; additional output of * ! uncertainty * ! * ! 05 April 2000, Major update: output of age classes; output for backward* ! runs is time spent in grid cell times total mass of * ! species. * ! * ! 17 February 2002, Appropriate dimensions for backward and forward runs * ! are now specified in file par_mod * ! * ! June 2006, write grid in sparse matrix with a single write command * ! in order to save disk space * ! * ! 2008 new sparse matrix format * ! * ! January 2017, Separate files by release but include all timesteps * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! outnum number of samples * ! ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * ! sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * ! tot_mu 1 for forward, initial mass mixing ration for backw. runs * ! * !***************************************************************************** use unc_mod use mean_mod implicit none real(kind=dp) :: jul integer :: itime,i,ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,l,iix,jjy,kzz,nage,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss integer :: sp_count_i,sp_count_r real :: sp_fact real :: outnum,xl,yl real(dep_prec) :: auxgrid(nclassunc) real(sp) :: gridtotal,gridsigmatotal,gridtotalunc real(dep_prec) :: wetgridtotal,wetgridsigmatotal,wetgridtotalunc real(dep_prec) :: drygridtotal,drygridsigmatotal,drygridtotalunc real :: halfheight,dz,dz1,dz2,tot_mu(maxspec,maxpointspec_act) real,parameter :: smallnum = tiny(0.0) ! smallest number that can be handled real,parameter :: weightair=28.97 logical :: sp_zer character :: adate*8,atime*6 character(len=3) :: anspec logical :: lexist character :: areldate*8,areltime*6 logical,save :: lstart=.true. logical,save,allocatable,dimension(:) :: lstartrel integer :: ierr character(LEN=100) :: dates_char integer, parameter :: unitrelnames=654 if(lstart) then allocate(lstartrel(maxpointspec_act)) lstartrel(:)=.true. endif if (verbosity.eq.1) then CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(count_clock) WRITE(*,*) 'SYSTEM_CLOCK',count_clock - count_clock0 endif ! Determine current calendar date !********************************************************** jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400._dp call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(adate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(atime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss ! Prepare output files for dates !********************************************************** ! Overwrite existing dates file on first call, later append to it ! If 'dates' file exists in output directory, copy to new file dates.old inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'dates', exist=lexist) if (lexist.and.lstart) then ! copy contents of existing dates file to dates.old print*, 'warning: replacing old dates file' open(unit=unitdates, file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'dates',form='formatted', & &access='sequential', status='old', action='read', iostat=ierr) open(unit=unittmp, file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'dates.old', access='sequential', & &status='replace', action='write', form='formatted', iostat=ierr) do while (.true.) read(unitdates, '(a)', iostat=ierr) dates_char if (ierr.ne.0) exit write(unit=unittmp, fmt='(a)', iostat=ierr, advance='yes') trim(dates_char) end do close(unit=unitdates) close(unit=unittmp) ! create new dates file open(unit=unitdates, file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'dates',form='formatted', & &access='sequential', status='replace', iostat=ierr) close(unit=unitdates) endif open(unitdates,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'dates', ACCESS='APPEND') write(unitdates,'(a)') adate//atime close(unitdates) !CGZ: Make a filename with names of releases if (lstart) then open(unit=unitrelnames, file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'releases_out',form='formatted', & &access='sequential', status='replace', iostat=ierr) close(unitrelnames) endif print*, 'after creating dates files: lstart = ',lstart ! print*, 'outnum:',outnum ! print*, 'datetime:',adate//atime ! For forward simulations, output fields have dimension MAXSPEC, ! for backward simulations, output fields have dimension MAXPOINT. ! Thus, make loops either about nspec, or about numpoint !***************************************************************** if (ldirect.eq.1) then do ks=1,nspec do kp=1,maxpointspec_act tot_mu(ks,kp)=1 end do end do else do ks=1,nspec do kp=1,maxpointspec_act tot_mu(ks,kp)=xmass(kp,ks) end do end do endif if (verbosity.eq.1) then print*,'concoutput_inversion 2' CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(count_clock) WRITE(*,*) 'SYSTEM_CLOCK',count_clock - count_clock0 endif !******************************************************************* ! Compute air density: sufficiently accurate to take it ! from coarse grid at some time ! Determine center altitude of output layer, and interpolate density ! data to that altitude !******************************************************************* do kz=1,numzgrid if (kz.eq.1) then halfheight=outheight(1)*0.5 else halfheight=(outheight(kz)+outheight(kz-1))*0.5 endif do kzz=2,nz if ((height(kzz-1).lt.halfheight).and. & (height(kzz).gt.halfheight)) goto 46 end do 46 kzz=max(min(kzz,nz),2) dz1=halfheight-height(kzz-1) dz2=height(kzz)-halfheight dz=dz1+dz2 do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 xl=outlon0+real(ix)*dxout yl=outlat0+real(jy)*dyout xl=(xl-xlon0)/dx yl=(yl-ylat0)/dy iix=max(min(nint(xl),nxmin1),0) jjy=max(min(nint(yl),nymin1),0) densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz)=(rho(iix,jjy,kzz,2)*dz1+ & rho(iix,jjy,kzz-1,2)*dz2)/dz ! RLT densitydrygrid(ix,jy,kz)=(rho_dry(iix,jjy,kzz,2)*dz1+ & rho_dry(iix,jjy,kzz-1,2)*dz2)/dz end do end do end do ! conversion factor for output relative to dry air factor_drygrid=densityoutgrid/densitydrygrid ! Output is different for forward and backward simulations do kz=1,numzgrid do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (ldirect.eq.1) then factor3d(ix,jy,kz)=1.e12/volume(ix,jy,kz)/outnum else factor3d(ix,jy,kz)=real(abs(loutaver))/outnum endif end do end do end do !********************************************************************* ! Determine the standard deviation of the mean concentration or mixing ! ratio (uncertainty of the output) and the dry and wet deposition !********************************************************************* if (verbosity.eq.1) then print*,'concoutput_inversion 3 (sd)' CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(count_clock) WRITE(*,*) 'SYSTEM_CLOCK',count_clock - count_clock0 endif gridtotal=0. gridsigmatotal=0. gridtotalunc=0. wetgridtotal=0. wetgridsigmatotal=0. wetgridtotalunc=0. drygridtotal=0. drygridsigmatotal=0. drygridtotalunc=0. do ks=1,nspec write(anspec,'(i3.3)') ks ! loop over releases do kp=1,maxpointspec_act print*, 'itime = ',itime print*, 'ireleasestart(kp) = ',ireleasestart(kp) print*, 'ireleaseend(kp) = ',ireleaseend(kp) ! check itime is within release and backward trajectory length if (nageclass.eq.1) then if ((itime.gt.ireleaseend(kp)).or.(itime.lt.(ireleasestart(kp)-lage(1)))) then go to 10 endif endif ! calculate date of release for filename jul=bdate+real(ireleasestart(kp),kind=dp)/86400._dp ! this is the current day call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(areldate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(areltime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss print*, 'areldate/areltime = ',areldate//areltime ! calculate date of field jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400._dp call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(adate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(atime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)) then if (ldirect.eq.1) then ! concentrations inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_conc_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,exist=lexist) if(lexist.and..not.lstartrel(kp)) then ! open and append to existing file open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_conc_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='old',action='write',access='append') else ! open new file open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_conc_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='replace',action='write') endif else ! residence times inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_time_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,exist=lexist) if(lexist.and..not.lstartrel(kp)) then ! open and append to existing file open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_time_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='old',action='write',access='append') else ! open new file open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_time_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='replace',action='write') ! add part of the filename to a file (similar to dates) for easier post-processing open(unit=unitrelnames, file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'releases_out',form='formatted', & & access='APPEND', iostat=ierr) write(unitrelnames,'(a)') areldate//areltime//'_'//anspec close(unitrelnames) endif endif write(unitoutgrid) jjjjmmdd write(unitoutgrid) ihmmss endif if ((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)) then ! mixing ratio inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_pptv_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,exist=lexist) if(lexist.and..not.lstartrel(kp)) then ! open and append to existing file open(unitoutgridppt,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_pptv_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='old',action='write',access='append') else ! open new file open(unitoutgridppt,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_pptv_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='replace',action='write') endif write(unitoutgridppt) jjjjmmdd write(unitoutgridppt) ihmmss endif lstartrel(kp)=.false. do nage=1,nageclass do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 ! CONCENTRATION OR MIXING RATIO do kz=1,numzgrid do l=1,nclassunc auxgrid(l)=gridunc(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,l,nage) end do call mean(auxgrid,grid(ix,jy,kz), & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz),nclassunc) ! Multiply by number of classes to get total concentration grid(ix,jy,kz)= & grid(ix,jy,kz)*nclassunc gridtotal=gridtotal+grid(ix,jy,kz) ! Calculate standard deviation of the mean gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)= & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)* & sqrt(real(nclassunc)) gridsigmatotal=gridsigmatotal+ & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz) end do end do end do !******************************************************************* ! Generate output: may be in concentration (ng/m3) or in mixing ! ratio (ppt) or both ! Output the position and the values alternated multiplied by ! 1 or -1, first line is number of values, number of positions ! For backward simulations, the unit is seconds, stored in grid_time !******************************************************************* if (verbosity.eq.1) then print*,'concoutput_inversion 4 (output)' CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(count_clock) WRITE(*,*) 'SYSTEM_CLOCK',count_clock - count_clock0 endif ! Concentration output !********************* if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)) then if (verbosity.eq.1) then print*,'concoutput_inversion (Wet deposition)' CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(count_clock) WRITE(*,*) 'SYSTEM_CLOCK',count_clock - count_clock0 endif if (verbosity.eq.1) then print*,'concoutput_inversion (Concentrations)' CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(count_clock) WRITE(*,*) 'SYSTEM_CLOCK',count_clock - count_clock0 endif ! Concentrations ! sfc_only write only 1st layer sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. do kz=1,1 do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (grid(ix,jy,kz).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgrid+kz*numxgrid*numygrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & grid(ix,jy,kz)* & factor3d(ix,jy,kz)/tot_mu(ks,kp) sparse_dump_u(sp_count_r)= & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)* & factor3d(ix,jy,kz)/tot_mu(ks,kp) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_i write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_r write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) endif ! concentration output ! Mixing ratio output !******************** if ((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)) then ! mixing ratio ! Mixing ratios ! sfc_only write only 1st layer sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. do kz=1,1 do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (grid(ix,jy,kz).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgrid+kz*numxgrid*numygrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*grid(ix,jy,kz) & /volume(ix,jy,kz)/outnum* & weightair/weightmolar(ks)/densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz) sparse_dump_u(sp_count_r)= & 1.e12*gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)/volume(ix,jy,kz)/ & outnum*weightair/weightmolar(ks)/ & densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_i write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_r write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) endif ! output for ppt end do ! nageclass close(unitoutgridppt) close(unitoutgrid) ! itime is outside range 10 continue end do ! maxpointspec_act end do ! nspec ! Write out conversion factor for dry air !***************************************** inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'factor_drygrid',exist=lexist) if (lexist.and..not.lstart) then ! open and append open(unitoutfactor,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'factor_drygrid',form='unformatted',& status='old',action='write',access='append') else ! create new open(unitoutfactor,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'factor_drygrid',form='unformatted',& status='replace',action='write') endif sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. do kz=1,1 do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (factor_drygrid(ix,jy,kz).gt.(1.+smallnum).or.factor_drygrid(ix,jy,kz).lt.(1.-smallnum)) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first value not equal to one sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgrid+kz*numxgrid*numygrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact*factor_drygrid(ix,jy,kz) else ! factor is one sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutfactor) sp_count_i write(unitoutfactor) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutfactor) sp_count_r write(unitoutfactor) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) close(unitoutfactor) if (gridtotal.gt.0.) gridtotalunc=gridsigmatotal/gridtotal ! reset lstart if (lstart) then lstart=.false. endif print*, 'after writing output files: lstart = ',lstart ! Reinitialization of grid !************************* gridunc(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=0. end subroutine concoutput_inversion subroutine concoutput_inversion_nest(itime,outnum) ! i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Output of the nested concentration grid formatted for inversions. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 24 May 1995 * ! * ! 13 April 1999, Major update: if output size is smaller, dump output * ! in sparse matrix format; additional output of * ! uncertainty * ! * ! 05 April 2000, Major update: output of age classes; output for backward* ! runs is time spent in grid cell times total mass of * ! species. * ! * ! 17 February 2002, Appropriate dimensions for backward and forward runs * ! are now specified in file par_mod * ! * ! June 2006, write grid in sparse matrix with a single write command * ! in order to save disk space * ! * ! 2008 new sparse matrix format * ! * ! January 2017, Separate files by release but include all timesteps * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! outnum number of samples * ! ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * ! sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * ! tot_mu 1 for forward, initial mass mixing ration for backw. runs * ! * !***************************************************************************** use unc_mod use mean_mod implicit none real(kind=dp) :: jul integer :: itime,i,ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,l,iix,jjy,kzz,nage,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss integer :: sp_count_i,sp_count_r real :: sp_fact real :: outnum,xl,yl real(dep_prec) :: auxgrid(nclassunc) real :: halfheight,dz,dz1,dz2,tot_mu(maxspec,maxpointspec_act) real,parameter :: smallnum = tiny(0.0) ! smallest number that can be handled real,parameter :: weightair=28.97 logical :: sp_zer logical,save :: lnstart=.true. logical,save,allocatable,dimension(:) :: lnstartrel character :: adate*8,atime*6 character(len=3) :: anspec logical :: lexist character :: areldate*8,areltime*6 if(lnstart) then allocate(lnstartrel(maxpointspec_act)) lnstartrel(:)=.true. endif print*, 'lnstartrel = ',lnstartrel ! Determine current calendar date, needed for the file name !********************************************************** jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400._dp call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(adate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(atime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss print*, 'outnum:',outnum print*, 'datetime:',adate//atime ! For forward simulations, output fields have dimension MAXSPEC, ! for backward simulations, output fields have dimension MAXPOINT. ! Thus, make loops either about nspec, or about numpoint !***************************************************************** if (ldirect.eq.1) then do ks=1,nspec do kp=1,maxpointspec_act tot_mu(ks,kp)=1 end do end do else do ks=1,nspec do kp=1,maxpointspec_act tot_mu(ks,kp)=xmass(kp,ks) end do end do endif !******************************************************************* ! Compute air density: sufficiently accurate to take it ! from coarse grid at some time ! Determine center altitude of output layer, and interpolate density ! data to that altitude !******************************************************************* do kz=1,numzgrid if (kz.eq.1) then halfheight=outheight(1)*0.5 else halfheight=(outheight(kz)+outheight(kz-1))*0.5 endif do kzz=2,nz if ((height(kzz-1).lt.halfheight).and. & (height(kzz).gt.halfheight)) goto 46 end do 46 kzz=max(min(kzz,nz),2) dz1=halfheight-height(kzz-1) dz2=height(kzz)-halfheight dz=dz1+dz2 do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 xl=outlon0n+real(ix)*dxoutn yl=outlat0n+real(jy)*dyoutn xl=(xl-xlon0)/dx yl=(yl-ylat0)/dy iix=max(min(nint(xl),nxmin1),0) jjy=max(min(nint(yl),nymin1),0) densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz)=(rho(iix,jjy,kzz,2)*dz1+ & rho(iix,jjy,kzz-1,2)*dz2)/dz densitydrygrid(ix,jy,kz)=(rho_dry(iix,jjy,kzz,2)*dz1+ & rho_dry(iix,jjy,kzz-1,2)*dz2)/dz end do end do end do ! conversion factor for output relative to dry air factor_drygrid=densityoutgrid/densitydrygrid ! Output is different for forward and backward simulations if (ldirect.eq.1) then factor3d(:,:,:)=1.e12/volumen(:,:,:)/outnum else factor3d(:,:,:)=real(abs(loutaver))/outnum endif !********************************************************************* ! Determine the standard deviation of the mean concentration or mixing ! ratio (uncertainty of the output) and the dry and wet deposition !********************************************************************* do ks=1,nspec write(anspec,'(i3.3)') ks do kp=1,maxpointspec_act print*, 'itime = ',itime print*, 'lage(1) = ',lage(1) print*, 'ireleasestart(kp) = ',ireleasestart(kp) print*, 'ireleaseend(kp) = ',ireleaseend(kp) ! check itime is within release and backward trajectory length if (nageclass.eq.1) then if ((itime.gt.ireleaseend(kp)).or.(itime.lt.(ireleasestart(kp)-lage(1)))) then go to 10 endif endif ! calculate date of release jul=bdate+real(ireleasestart(kp),kind=dp)/86400._dp ! this is the current day call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(areldate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(areltime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss print*, areldate//areltime ! calculate date of field jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400._dp call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(adate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(atime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss print*, adate//atime if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)) then if (ldirect.eq.1) then ! concentrations inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_conc_nest_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,exist=lexist) if(lexist.and..not.lnstartrel(kp)) then ! open and append to existing file open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_conc_nest_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='old',action='write',access='append') else ! open new file open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_conc_nest_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='replace',action='write') endif else ! residence times inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_time_nest_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,exist=lexist) if(lexist.and..not.lnstartrel(kp)) then ! open and append to existing file open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_time_nest_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='old',action='write',access='append') else ! open new file open(unitoutgrid,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_time_nest_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='replace',action='write') endif endif write(unitoutgrid) jjjjmmdd write(unitoutgrid) ihmmss endif if ((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)) then ! mixing ratio inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_pptv_nest_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,exist=lexist) if(lexist.and..not.lnstartrel(kp)) then ! open and append to existing file open(unitoutgridppt,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_pptv_nest_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='old',action='write',access='append') else ! open new file open(unitoutgridppt,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_pptv_nest_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='replace',action='write') endif write(unitoutgridppt) jjjjmmdd write(unitoutgridppt) ihmmss endif lnstartrel(kp)=.false. do nage=1,nageclass do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 ! CONCENTRATION OR MIXING RATIO do kz=1,numzgrid do l=1,nclassunc auxgrid(l)=griduncn(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,l,nage) end do call mean(auxgrid,grid(ix,jy,kz), & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz),nclassunc) ! Multiply by number of classes to get total concentration grid(ix,jy,kz)= & grid(ix,jy,kz)*nclassunc ! Calculate standard deviation of the mean gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)= & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)* & sqrt(real(nclassunc)) end do end do end do !******************************************************************* ! Generate output: may be in concentration (ng/m3) or in mixing ! ratio (ppt) or both ! Output the position and the values alternated multiplied by ! 1 or -1, first line is number of values, number of positions ! For backward simulations, the unit is seconds, stored in grid_time !******************************************************************* ! Concentration output !********************* if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.3).or.(iout.eq.5)) then ! Concentrations ! sfc_only write only 1st layer sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. do kz=1,1 do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (grid(ix,jy,kz).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgridn+kz*numxgridn*numygridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & grid(ix,jy,kz)* & factor3d(ix,jy,kz)/tot_mu(ks,kp) ! if ((factor(ix,jy,kz)/tot_mu(ks,kp)).eq.0) ! + write (*,*) factor(ix,jy,kz),tot_mu(ks,kp),ks,kp sparse_dump_u(sp_count_r)= & gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)* & factor3d(ix,jy,kz)/tot_mu(ks,kp) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_i write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgrid) sp_count_r write(unitoutgrid) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) endif ! concentration output ! Mixing ratio output !******************** if ((iout.eq.2).or.(iout.eq.3)) then ! mixing ratio ! Mixing ratios ! sfc_only write only 1st layer sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. do kz=1,1 do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (grid(ix,jy,kz).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgridn+kz*numxgridn*numygridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact* & 1.e12*grid(ix,jy,kz) & /volumen(ix,jy,kz)/outnum* & weightair/weightmolar(ks)/densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz) sparse_dump_u(sp_count_r)= & 1.e12*gridsigma(ix,jy,kz)/volumen(ix,jy,kz)/ & outnum*weightair/weightmolar(ks)/ & densityoutgrid(ix,jy,kz) else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_i write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutgridppt) sp_count_r write(unitoutgridppt) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) endif ! output for ppt end do ! nageclass close(unitoutgridppt) close(unitoutgrid) ! itime is outside range 10 continue end do ! maxpointspec_act end do ! nspec ! Write out conversion factor for dry air !***************************************** inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'factor_drygrid_nest',exist=lexist) if (lexist.and..not.lnstart) then ! open and append open(unitoutfactor,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'factor_drygrid_nest',form='unformatted',& status='old',action='write',access='append') else ! create new open(unitoutfactor,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'factor_drygrid_nest',form='unformatted',& status='replace',action='write') endif sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. do kz=1,1 do jy=0,numygridn-1 do ix=0,numxgridn-1 if (factor_drygrid(ix,jy,kz).gt.(1.+smallnum).or.factor_drygrid(ix,jy,kz).lt.(1.-smallnum)) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first value not equal to one sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgridn+kz*numxgridn*numygridn sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)= & sp_fact*factor_drygrid(ix,jy,kz) else ! factor is one sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(unitoutfactor) sp_count_i write(unitoutfactor) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(unitoutfactor) sp_count_r write(unitoutfactor) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) close(unitoutfactor) ! reset lnstart if (lnstart) then lnstart=.false. endif ! Reinitialization of grid !************************* griduncn(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=0. end subroutine concoutput_inversion_nest subroutine initcond_output(itime) ! i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Output of the initial condition sensitivity field. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 24 May 1995 * ! * ! 13 April 1999, Major update: if output size is smaller, dump output * ! in sparse matrix format; additional output of * ! uncertainty * ! * ! 05 April 2000, Major update: output of age classes; output for backward* ! runs is time spent in grid cell times total mass of * ! species. * ! * ! 17 February 2002, Appropriate dimensions for backward and forward runs * ! are now specified in file par_mod * ! * ! June 2006, write grid in sparse matrix with a single write command * ! in order to save disk space * ! * ! 2008 new sparse matrix format * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * ! sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * ! * !***************************************************************************** use unc_mod implicit none integer :: itime,i,ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,sp_count_i,sp_count_r real :: sp_fact,fact_recept real,parameter :: smallnum = tiny(0.0) ! smallest number that can be handled logical :: sp_zer character(len=3) :: anspec !********************************************************************* ! Determine the standard deviation of the mean concentration or mixing ! ratio (uncertainty of the output) and the dry and wet deposition !********************************************************************* do ks=1,nspec write(anspec,'(i3.3)') ks open(97,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_initial'// & '_'//anspec,form='unformatted') write(97) itime do kp=1,maxpointspec_act if (ind_rel.eq.1) then fact_recept=rho_rel(kp) else fact_recept=1. endif !******************************************************************* ! Generate output: may be in concentration (ng/m3) or in mixing ! ratio (ppt) or both ! Output the position and the values alternated multiplied by ! 1 or -1, first line is number of values, number of positions ! For backward simulations, the unit is seconds, stored in grid_time !******************************************************************* ! Write out dummy "wet and dry deposition" fields, to keep same format ! as for concentration output sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 write(97) sp_count_i write(97) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(97) sp_count_r write(97) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) write(97) sp_count_i write(97) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(97) sp_count_r write(97) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) ! Write out sensitivity to initial conditions sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. do kz=1,numzgrid do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (init_cond(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgrid+kz*numxgrid*numygrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)=sp_fact* & init_cond(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp)/xmass(kp,ks)*fact_recept else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(97) sp_count_i write(97) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(97) sp_count_r write(97) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) end do close(97) end do end subroutine initcond_output subroutine initcond_output_inv(itime) ! i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Output of the initial condition sensitivity field. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 24 May 1995 * ! * ! 13 April 1999, Major update: if output size is smaller, dump output * ! in sparse matrix format; additional output of * ! uncertainty * ! * ! 05 April 2000, Major update: output of age classes; output for backward* ! runs is time spent in grid cell times total mass of * ! species. * ! * ! 17 February 2002, Appropriate dimensions for backward and forward runs * ! are now specified in file par_mod * ! * ! June 2006, write grid in sparse matrix with a single write command * ! in order to save disk space * ! * ! 2008 new sparse matrix format * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * ! sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * ! * !***************************************************************************** use unc_mod implicit none integer :: itime,i,ix,jy,kz,ks,kp,sp_count_i,sp_count_r integer :: jjjjmmdd, ihmmss real(kind=dp) :: jul real :: sp_fact,fact_recept real,parameter :: smallnum = tiny(0.0) ! smallest number that can be handled logical :: sp_zer,lexist logical,save :: listart=.true. logical,save,allocatable,dimension(:) :: listartrel character :: adate*8,atime*6 character :: areldate*8,areltime*6 character(len=3) :: anspec if(listart) then allocate(listartrel(maxpointspec_act)) listartrel(:)=.true. endif print*, 'listartrel = ',listartrel !********************************************************************* ! Determine the standard deviation of the mean concentration or mixing ! ratio (uncertainty of the output) and the dry and wet deposition !********************************************************************* do ks=1,nspec write(anspec,'(i3.3)') ks do kp=1,maxpointspec_act ! calculate date of release jul=bdate+real(ireleasestart(kp),kind=dp)/86400._dp ! this is the current day call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(areldate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(areltime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss print*, areldate//areltime ! calculate date of field jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400._dp call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) write(adate,'(i8.8)') jjjjmmdd write(atime,'(i6.6)') ihmmss print*, adate//atime inquire(file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_initial_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,exist=lexist) if(lexist.and..not.listartrel(kp)) then ! open and append to existing file open(97,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_initial_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='old',action='write',access='append') else ! open new file open(97,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'grid_initial_'//areldate// & areltime//'_'//anspec,form='unformatted',status='replace',action='write') endif write(97) jjjjmmdd write(97) ihmmss listartrel(kp)=.false. if (ind_rel.eq.1) then fact_recept=rho_rel(kp) else fact_recept=1. endif !******************************************************************* ! Generate output: may be in concentration (ng/m3) or in mixing ! ratio (ppt) or both ! Output the position and the values alternated multiplied by ! 1 or -1, first line is number of values, number of positions ! For backward simulations, the unit is seconds, stored in grid_time !******************************************************************* ! Write out dummy "wet and dry deposition" fields, to keep same format ! as for concentration output ! Write out sensitivity to initial conditions sp_count_i=0 sp_count_r=0 sp_fact=-1. sp_zer=.true. do kz=1,numzgrid do jy=0,numygrid-1 do ix=0,numxgrid-1 if (init_cond(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp).gt.smallnum) then if (sp_zer.eqv..true.) then ! first non zero value sp_count_i=sp_count_i+1 sparse_dump_i(sp_count_i)= & ix+jy*numxgrid+kz*numxgrid*numygrid sp_zer=.false. sp_fact=sp_fact*(-1.) endif sp_count_r=sp_count_r+1 sparse_dump_r(sp_count_r)=sp_fact* & init_cond(ix,jy,kz,ks,kp)/xmass(kp,ks)*fact_recept else ! concentration is zero sp_zer=.true. endif end do end do end do write(97) sp_count_i write(97) (sparse_dump_i(i),i=1,sp_count_i) write(97) sp_count_r write(97) (sparse_dump_r(i),i=1,sp_count_r) close(97) end do end do ! reset listart if (listart) then listart=.false. endif end subroutine initcond_output_inv end module binary_output_mod