readoptions_mod Module


public subroutine readageclasses()

Variables: * * Constants: * *

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public subroutine readavailable()

This routine reads the dates and times for which windfields are * available. * * Authors: A. Stohl * * 6 February 1994 * 8 February 1999, Use of nested fields, A. Stohl * *

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public subroutine readcommand()

Variables: * bdate beginning date as Julian date * ctl factor by which time step must be smaller than * Lagrangian time scale * ibdate,ibtime beginnning date and time (YYYYMMDD, HHMISS) * ideltas [s] modelling period * iedate,ietime ending date and time (YYYYMMDD, HHMISS) * ifine reduction factor for vertical wind time step * outputforeachrel for forward runs it is possible either to create * one outputfield or several for each releasepoint * iflux switch to turn on (1)/off (0) flux calculations * iout 1 for conc. (residence time for backward runs) output, 2 for mixing ratio output, 3 both, 4 for plume * trajectory output, 5 = options 1 and 4 * ipin 1 continue simulation with restart.bin file, * 2 continue simulaion with dumped particle data, 0 no * 3 use self-defined initial conditions in netcdf * 4 initial run using option 3, restart from restart.bin ipout 0 no particle dump, 1 every output time, 3 only at end* ipoutfac increase particle dump interval by factor (default 1) * loutaver [s] concentration output is an average over loutaver * seconds * loutsample [s] average is computed from samples taken every [s] * seconds * loutstep [s] time interval of concentration output * lrecoutstep [s] time interval of receptor output * lrecoutaver [s] receptor output is an average of lrecoutaver seconds * lrecoutsample [s] average is computed from samples taken every [s] * lsynctime [s] synchronisation time interval for all particles * lagespectra switch to turn on (1)/off (0) calculation of age * spectra * lconvection value of either 0 and 1 indicating mixing by * convection * = 0 .. no convection * + 1 .. parameterisation of mixing by subgrid-scale * convection = on * lsubgrid switch to turn on (1)/off (0) subgrid topography * parameterization * method method used to compute the particle pseudovelocities * mdomainfill 1 use domain-filling option, 0 not, 2 use strat. O3 * * Constants: * unitcommand unit connected to file COMMAND * *

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public subroutine readdepo()

Reads dry deposition parameters needed by the procedure of Wesely (1989). * Wesely (1989): Parameterization of surface resistances to gaseous * dry deposition in regional-scale numerical models. * Atmos. Environ. 23, 1293-1304. * * * AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl, 19 May 1995 * *

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public subroutine readlanduse()

Variables: * i loop indices * landinvent(1200,600,13) area fractions of 13 landuse categories * LENGTH(numpath) length of the path names * PATH(numpath) contains the path names * unitland unit connected with landuse inventory * * ----- * Sabine Eckhardt, Dec 06 - new landuse inventary * after * Belward, A.S., Estes, J.E., and Kline, K.D., 1999, * The IGBP-DIS 1-Km Land-Cover Data Set DISCover: * A Project Overview: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, * v. 65, no. 9, p. 1013-1020 * * LANDUSE CATEGORIES: * * 1 Urban land * 2 Agricultural land * 3 Range land * 4 Deciduous forest * 5 Coniferous forest * 6 Mixed forest including wetland * 7 water, both salt and fresh * 8 barren land mostly desert * 9 nonforested wetland * 10 mixed agricultural and range land * 11 rocky open areas with low growing shrubs * 12 ice * 13 rainforest * *

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public subroutine readoutgrid()

Variables: * dxout,dyout grid distance * numxgrid,numygrid,numzgrid grid dimensions * outlon0,outlat0 lower left corner of grid * outheight(maxzgrid) height levels of output grid [m] * * Constants: * unitoutgrid unit connected to file OUTGRID * *

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public subroutine readoutgrid_nest()

Variables: * dxoutn,dyoutn grid distances of output nest * numxgridn,numygridn,numzgrid nest dimensions * outlon0n,outlat0n lower left corner of nest * outheight(maxzgrid) height levels of output grid [m] * * Constants: * unitoutgrid unit connected to file OUTGRID * *

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public subroutine readpaths()

Variables: * length(numpath) lengths of the path names * path(numpath) pathnames of input/output files * * Constants: * numpath number of pathnames to be read in * *

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public subroutine readreceptors()

Variables: * receptorarea area of dx*dy at location of receptor * receptorname names of receptors * xreceptor,yreceptor coordinates of receptor points * * Constants: * unitreceptor unit connected to file RECEPTORS * *

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public subroutine readreleases()

Variables: * decay decay constant of species * dquer [um] mean particle diameters * dsigma e.g. dsigma=10 or dsigma=0.1 means that 68% of the mass are between 0.1dquer and 10dquer * ireleasestart, ireleaseend [s] starting time and ending time of each * release * kindz 1: zpoint is in m agl, 2: zpoint is in m asl, 3: zpoint is in hPa * npart number of particles to be released * nspec number of species to be released * density [kg/m3] density of the particles * rm [s/m] Mesophyll resistance * species name of species * xmass total mass of each species * xpoint1,ypoint1 geograf. coordinates of lower left corner of release * area * xpoint2,ypoint2 geograf. coordinates of upper right corner of release * area * weta_gas, wetb_gas parameters for below-cloud scavenging (gas) * crain_aero, csnow_aero parameters for below-cloud scavenging (aerosol) * ccn_aero, in_aero parameters for in-cloud scavenging (aerosol) * zpoint1,zpoint2 height range, over which release takes place * num_min_discrete if less, release cannot be randomized and happens at * time mid-point of release interval * lroot true if serial version, or if MPI and root process * *

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public subroutine readspecies(id_spec, pos_spec)

Author: A. Stohl * * 11 July 1996 * * Changes: * N. Kristiansen, 31.01.2013: Including parameters for in-cloud scavenging * * HSO, 13 August 2013 added optional namelist input * R. Thompson, 18.01.2024 * variables for LCM * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: id_spec
integer :: pos_spec

public subroutine readpartoptions()

Variables: * * Constants: * *

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public subroutine skplin(nlines, iunit)

This routine reads nlines from unit iunit and discards them * * Authors: Petra Seibert * * 31 Dec 1998 * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: nlines
integer :: iunit