write_satellite_binary Subroutine

public subroutine write_satellite_binary(crec, cunc, nnrec, xkrec, lonrec, latrec, altrec, timerec, namerec, nrec)


This routine writes the satellite concentrations for each time step * and receptor to binary output files * * R. Thompson, January 2024 * *


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, dimension(nspec,maxrecsample,nlayermax) :: crec
real, dimension(nspec,maxrecsample,nlayermax) :: cunc
real, dimension(maxrecsample,nlayermax) :: nnrec
real, dimension(maxrecsample,nlayermax) :: xkrec
real, dimension(maxrecsample) :: lonrec
real, dimension(maxrecsample) :: latrec
real, dimension(maxrecsample,nlayermax) :: altrec
integer, dimension(maxrecsample) :: timerec
character(len=24), dimension(maxrecsample) :: namerec
integer :: nrec