cbl Subroutine

public subroutine cbl(wp, zp, wst, h, rhoa, rhograd, sigmaw, dsigmawdz, tlw, ptot, Q, Phi, ath, bth, ol, flagrein)

CBL skewed vertical profiles and formulation of LHH 1996 with profile of w^3 from LHB 2000 LHH formulation has been modified to account for variable density profiles and backward in time or forward in time simulations see Cassiani et al. BLM 2014 doi for explanations and references


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real :: wp
real :: zp
real :: wst
real :: h
real :: rhoa
real :: rhograd
real :: sigmaw
real :: dsigmawdz
real :: tlw
real :: ptot
real :: Q
real :: Phi
real :: ath
real :: bth
real :: ol
integer :: flagrein