Output of the nested concentration grid formatted for inversions. *
Author: A. Stohl *
24 May 1995 *
13 April 1999, Major update: if output size is smaller, dump output *
in sparse matrix format; additional output of *
uncertainty *
05 April 2000, Major update: output of age classes; output for backward*
runs is time spent in grid cell times total mass of *
species. *
17 February 2002, Appropriate dimensions for backward and forward runs *
are now specified in file par_mod *
June 2006, write grid in sparse matrix with a single write command *
in order to save disk space *
2008 new sparse matrix format *
January 2017, Separate files by release but include all timesteps *
Variables: * outnum number of samples * ncells number of cells with non-zero concentrations * sparse .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * tot_mu 1 for forward, initial mass mixing ration for backw. runs * *
Compute air density: sufficiently accurate to take it from coarse grid at some time Determine center altitude of output layer, and interpolate density data to that altitude
Determine the standard deviation of the mean concentration or mixing ratio (uncertainty of the output) and the dry and wet deposition
Generate output: may be in concentration (ng/m3) or in mixing ratio (ppt) or both Output the position and the values alternated multiplied by 1 or -1, first line is number of values, number of positions For backward simulations, the unit is seconds, stored in grid_time
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer | :: | itime | ||||
real | :: | outnum |