calcfluxes Subroutine

public subroutine calcfluxes(itime, nage, jpart, xold, yold, zold, thread)

 Calculation of the gross fluxes across horizontal, eastward and        *
 northward facing surfaces. The routine calculates the mass flux        *
 due to the motion of only one particle. The fluxes of subsequent calls *
 to this subroutine are accumulated until the next output is due.       *
 Upon output, flux fields are re-set to zero in subroutine fluxoutput.f.*
 Author: A. Stohl                                                       *
 04 April 2000                                                          *
 Changes                                                                *
    2021 L. Bakels: OpenMP parallelisation                              *


Variables: * * nage Age class of the particle considered * jpart Index of the particle considered * xold,yold,zold "Memorized" old positions of the particle * *


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: itime
integer :: nage
integer :: jpart
real :: xold
real :: yold
real :: zold
integer, intent(in) :: thread