flux_mod Module


public subroutine calcfluxes(itime, nage, jpart, xold, yold, zold, thread)

Variables: * * nage Age class of the particle considered * jpart Index of the particle considered * xold,yold,zold "Memorized" old positions of the particle * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: itime
integer :: nage
integer :: jpart
real :: xold Read more…
real :: yold Read more…
real :: zold Read more…
integer, intent(in) :: thread

public subroutine fluxoutput(itime)

Variables: * ncellse number of cells with non-zero values for eastward fluxes * sparsee .true. if in sparse matrix format, else .false. * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: itime