initialise_mod Module

Variables used for domain-filling trajectory calculations


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: nx_we(2)
integer, public :: ny_sn(2)
integer, public :: numcolumn
integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: numcolumn_we
integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: numcolumn_sn
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: zcolumn_we
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: zcolumn_sn
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: acc_mass_we
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: acc_mass_sn
real, public :: xmassperparticle


public subroutine alloc_domainfill()



public subroutine dealloc_domainfill()



public subroutine releaseparticles(itime)

Variables: * itime [s] current time * ireleasestart, ireleaseend start and end times of all releases * npart(maxpoint) number of particles to be released in total * numrel number of particles to be released during this time * step * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: itime

public subroutine kindz_to_z(ipart)

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ipart

public subroutine init_mass_conversion(ipart, ipoint)

AF IND_SOURCE switches between different units for concentrations at the source Af NOTE that in backward simulations the release of particles takes place at the Af receptor and the sampling at the source. Af 1="mass" Af 2="mass mixing ratio" Af IND_RECEPTOR switches between different units for concentrations at the receptor Af 1="mass" Af 2="mass mixing ratio" 3 = wet deposition in outputfield 4 = dry deposition in outputfield

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ipart
integer, intent(in) :: ipoint

public subroutine readpartpositions()

This routine opens the particle dump file and reads all the particle * positions from a previous run to initialize the current run. * * * Author: A. Stohl * * 24 March 2000 * * Changes * 2022, L. Bakels: NetCDF option for reading particle information * *

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public subroutine init_particle(itime, ipart, ithread)

Calculation of trajectories utilizing a zero-acceleration scheme. The time* step is determined by the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) criterion. This * means that the time step must be so small that the displacement within * this time step is smaller than 1 grid distance. Additionally, a temporal * CFL criterion is introduced: the time step must be smaller than the time * interval of the wind fields used for interpolation. * For random walk simulations, these are the only time step criteria. * For the other options, the time step is also limited by the Lagrangian * time scale. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 16 December 1997 * * Literature: * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: itime
integer, intent(in) :: ipart
integer, intent(in) :: ithread

public subroutine init_domainfill()

Initializes particles equally distributed over the first release location * specified in file RELEASES. This box is assumed to be the domain for doing * domain-filling trajectory calculations. * All particles carry the same amount of mass which alltogether comprises the* mass of air within the box. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 15 October 2002 * * Changes * 2022, L. Bakels: OpenMP parallelisation * 2023, L. Bakels: smooth vertical particle distribution instead of * distributing particles on fixed vertical layers * *

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public subroutine boundcond_domainfill(itime, loutend)

Particles are created by this subroutine continuously throughout the * simulation at the boundaries of the domain-filling box. * All particles carry the same amount of mass which alltogether comprises the* mass of air within the box, which remains (more or less) constant. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 16 October 2002 * * Changes * 2022, L. Bakels: OpenMP parallelisation * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: itime
integer :: loutend