L. Bakels 2021: This module contains subroutines related to the * initialisation of the particles * *
! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later !***************************************************************************** ! * ! L. Bakels 2021: This module contains subroutines related to the * ! initialisation of the particles * ! * !***************************************************************************** module initialise_mod use com_mod use par_mod use date_mod use particle_mod use windfields_mod use random_mod #ifdef ETA use coord_ecmwf_mod #endif #ifdef USE_NCF use netcdf_output_mod #endif implicit none !********************************************************** ! Variables used for domain-filling trajectory calculations !********************************************************** integer :: & nx_we(2), & ! x indices of western and eastern boundary of domain-filling. ny_sn(2), & ! y indices of southern and northern boundary of domain-filling. numcolumn ! Maximum number of particles to be released within a single column. integer,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: & numcolumn_we, & ! Number of particles to be released within one column ! at the western and eastern boundary surfaces. numcolumn_sn ! Same as numcolumn_we, but for southern and northern domain boundary. real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: & zcolumn_we, & ! Altitudes where particles are to be released ! at the western and eastern boundary surfaces. zcolumn_sn, & ! Same as zcolumn_we, but for southern and northern domain boundary. acc_mass_we, & ! Mass that has accumulated at the western and eastern boundary; ! if it exceeds xmassperparticle, a particle is released and ! acc_mass_we is reduced accordingly. acc_mass_sn ! Same as acc_mass_we, but for southern and northern domain boundary real :: & xmassperparticle ! Air mass per particle in the domain-filling traj. option. contains subroutine alloc_domainfill implicit none allocate(numcolumn_we(2,0:nymax-1),numcolumn_sn(2,0:nxmax-1)) allocate(zcolumn_we(2,0:nymax-1,maxcolumn),zcolumn_sn(2,0:nxmax-1,maxcolumn), & acc_mass_we(2,0:nymax-1,maxcolumn),acc_mass_sn(2,0:nxmax-1,maxcolumn)) end subroutine alloc_domainfill subroutine dealloc_domainfill if (mdomainfill.lt.1) return deallocate(numcolumn_we,numcolumn_sn,zcolumn_sn,zcolumn_we,acc_mass_sn, & acc_mass_we) end subroutine dealloc_domainfill subroutine releaseparticles(itime) ! o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This subroutine releases particles from the release locations. * ! * ! It searches for a "vacant" storage space and assigns all particle * ! information to that space. A space is vacant either when no particle * ! is yet assigned to it, or when it's particle is expired and, thus, * ! the storage space is made available to a new particle. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 29 June 2002 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! itime [s] current time * ! ireleasestart, ireleaseend start and end times of all releases * ! npart(maxpoint) number of particles to be released in total * ! numrel number of particles to be released during this time * ! step * ! * !***************************************************************************** use point_mod use xmass_mod use output_mod use interpol_mod implicit none !real xaux,yaux,zaux,ran1,rfraction,xmasssave(maxpoint) real :: xaux,yaux,zaux,rfraction real :: xlonav,timecorrect(maxspec) real :: average_timecorrect integer :: itime,numrel,i,j,k,ipart,minpart integer :: istart,iend,totpart,iterm_index integer :: nweeks,ndayofweek,nhour,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss,mm real(kind=dp) :: julmonday,jul,jullocal,juldiff integer :: idummy = -7 !save idummy,xmasssave !data idummy/-7/,xmasssave/maxpoint*0./ real :: eps eps=nxmax/3.e5 ! Determine the actual date and time in Greenwich ! (i.e., UTC + correction for daylight savings time) !*************************************************** julmonday=juldate(19000101,0) ! this is a Monday jul=bdate+real(itime,kind=dp)/86400._dp ! this is the current day call caldate(jul,jjjjmmdd,ihmmss) mm=(jjjjmmdd-10000*(jjjjmmdd/10000))/100 if ((mm.ge.4).and.(mm.le.9)) jul=jul+1._dp/24._dp ! daylight savings time ! For every release point, check whether we are in the release time interval !*************************************************************************** ! First allocate all particles that are going to be in the simulation ! If ipin==0,1, and ipout==0, then dead particles can be overwritten to save memory if (ipin.gt.1 .or. ipout.ne.0 .or. ispeed.eq.1) then if (itime.eq.0) then totpart=0 do i=1,numpoint totpart = totpart+npart(i) end do call alloc_particles(totpart) else if (itime.eq.itime_init) then !From restart point only allocate particles that are yet to be born totpart=0 do i=1,numpoint totpart = totpart+npart(i) end do if (totpart.gt.count%allocated) call alloc_particles(totpart-count%allocated) end if endif call get_totalpart_num(istart) if (ipin.le.1 .and. ipout.eq.0 .and. ispeed.eq.0) call rewrite_iterm() minpart=1 do i=1,numpoint if ((itime.ge.ireleasestart(i)).and. &! are we within release interval? (itime.le.ireleaseend(i))) then ! Determine the local day and time !********************************* xlonav=xlon0+(xpoint2(i)+xpoint1(i))*0.5*dx ! longitude needed to determine local time if (xlonav.lt.-180.) xlonav=xlonav+360. if (xlonav.gt.180.) xlonav=xlonav-360. jullocal=jul+real(xlonav,kind=dp)/360._dp ! correct approximately for time zone to obtain local time juldiff=jullocal-julmonday nweeks=int(juldiff/7._dp) juldiff=juldiff-real(nweeks,kind=dp)*7._dp ndayofweek=int(juldiff)+1 ! this is the current day of week, starting with Monday nhour=nint((juldiff-real(ndayofweek-1,kind=dp))*24._dp) ! this is the current hour if (nhour.eq.0) then nhour=24 ndayofweek=ndayofweek-1 if (ndayofweek.eq.0) ndayofweek=7 endif ! Calculate a species- and time-dependent correction factor, distinguishing between ! area (those with release starting at surface) and point (release starting above surface) sources ! Also, calculate an average time correction factor (species independent) !***************************************************************************** average_timecorrect=0. do k=1,nspec if(abs(xpoint2(i)-xpoint1(i)).lt.1.E-4.and.abs(ypoint2(i)-ypoint1(i)).lt.1.E-4) then ! if (zpoint1(i).gt.0.5) then ! point source timecorrect(k)=point_hour(k,nhour)*point_dow(k,ndayofweek) else ! area source timecorrect(k)=area_hour(k,nhour)*area_dow(k,ndayofweek) endif average_timecorrect=average_timecorrect+timecorrect(k) end do average_timecorrect=average_timecorrect/real(nspec) ! Determine number of particles to be released this time; at start and at end of release, ! only half the particles are released !***************************************************************************** if (ireleasestart(i).ne.ireleaseend(i)) then rfraction=abs(real(npart(i))*real(lsynctime)/ & real(ireleaseend(i)-ireleasestart(i))) if ((itime.eq.ireleasestart(i)).or. & (itime.eq.ireleaseend(i))) rfraction=rfraction*0.5 ! Take the species-average time correction factor in order to scale the ! number of particles released this time !********************************************************************** rfraction=rfraction*average_timecorrect rfraction=rfraction+xmasssave(i) ! number to be released at this time numrel=int(rfraction) xmasssave(i)=rfraction-real(numrel) else numrel=npart(i) endif xaux=xpoint2(i)-xpoint1(i) yaux=ypoint2(i)-ypoint1(i) zaux=zpoint2(i)-zpoint1(i) if (ipin.le.1 .and. ipout.eq.0 .and. ispeed.eq.0 ) then call rewrite_iterm() totpart = numrel-count%iterm_max if (totpart.gt.0) call alloc_particles(totpart) call rewrite_iterm() iterm_index=1 endif do j=1,numrel ! loop over particles to be released this time call get_newpart_index(ipart,iterm_index) call spawn_particle(itime, ipart) ! Particle coordinates are determined by using a random position within the release volume !***************************************************************************** ! Determine horizontal particle position !*************************************** call set_xlon(ipart,real(xpoint1(i)+ran1(idummy,0)*xaux,kind=dp)) if (xglobal) then if (part(ipart)%xlon.gt.real(nxmin1,kind=dp)) & call set_xlon(ipart,-real(nxmin1,kind=dp)) if (part(ipart)%xlon.lt.0.) & call set_xlon(ipart,real(nxmin1,kind=dp)) endif call set_ylat(ipart,real(ypoint1(i)+ran1(idummy,0)*yaux,kind=dp)) ! Assign mass to particle: Total mass divided by total number of particles. ! Time variation has partly been taken into account already by a species-average ! correction factor, by which the number of particles released this time has been ! scaled. Adjust the mass per particle by the species-dependent time correction factor ! divided by the species-average one ! for the scavenging calculation the mass needs to be multiplied with rho of the particle layer and ! divided by the sum of rho of all particles. !***************************************************************************** do k=1,nspec mass(ipart,k)=xmass(i,k)/real(npart(i)) & *timecorrect(k)/average_timecorrect mass_init(ipart,k)=mass(ipart,k) end do ! Assign certain properties to particle !************************************** part(ipart)%nclass=min(int(ran1(idummy,0)*real(nclassunc))+1, & nclassunc) numparticlecount=numparticlecount+1 if (mquasilag.eq.0) then part(ipart)%npoint=i else part(ipart)%npoint=numparticlecount endif part(ipart)%idt=mintime ! first time step ! Determine vertical particle position !************************************* call set_z(ipart,zpoint1(i)+ran1(idummy,0)*zaux) ! Interpolation of topography and density !**************************************** ! Transform the verticle particle position from pressure or sea level to above ground ! if necessary !************************************************************************************ call kindz_to_z(ipart) #ifdef ETA call z_to_zeta(itime,part(ipart)%xlon,part(ipart)%ylat,part(ipart)%z,part(ipart)%zeta) part(ipart)%etaupdate = .true. ! The z(meter) coordinate is up to date part(ipart)%meterupdate = .true. #endif call init_mass_conversion(ipart,i) call get_totalpart_num(numpart) end do ! numrel endif ! releasepoint end do ! numpoint if (ipin.le.1 .and. ipout.eq.0 .and. ispeed.eq.0 ) call rewrite_iterm() call get_totalpart_num(iend) ! NetCDF only: write initial positions of new particles ! #ifdef USE_NCF ! if ((iend-istart.gt.0).and.(ipout.ge.1)) then ! call wrt_part_initialpos(itime,istart,iend) ! call output_particles(itime,.true.) ! endif ! #endif return ! 996 continue ! write(*,*) '#####################################################' ! write(*,*) '#### FLEXPART MODEL SUBROUTINE RELEASEPARTICLES: ####' ! write(*,*) '#### ####' ! write(*,*) '#### ERROR - TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICLES REQUIRED ####' ! write(*,*) '#### EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED NUMBER. REDUCE ####' ! write(*,*) '#### EITHER NUMBER OF PARTICLES PER RELEASE POINT####' ! write(*,*) '#### OR REDUCE NUMBER OF RELEASE POINTS. ####' ! write(*,*) '#####################################################' ! stop end subroutine releaseparticles subroutine kindz_to_z(ipart) use point_mod use xmass_mod use output_mod use interpol_mod implicit none integer,intent(in) :: ipart integer :: kz real :: dp1,dp2,press,presspart,pressold,topo,r,t real,parameter :: eps2=1.e-6 ! Determine the nest we are in !***************************** call find_ngrid(part(ipart)%xlon,part(ipart)%ylat) ! Determine (nested) grid coordinates and auxiliary parameters used for interpolation !***************************************************************************** call find_grid_indices(real(part(ipart)%xlon),real(part(ipart)%ylat)) call find_grid_distances(real(part(ipart)%xlon),real(part(ipart)%ylat)) if (kindz(part(ipart)%npoint).eq.1) return ! Nothing needs to happen ! If starting height is in pressure coordinates, retrieve pressure profile and ! convert zpart1 to meters !***************************************************************************** if (kindz(part(ipart)%npoint).eq.3) then presspart=real(part(ipart)%z) do kz=1,nz if (ngrid.gt.0) then r=p1*rhon(ix ,jy ,kz,2,ngrid) & +p2*rhon(ixp,jy ,kz,2,ngrid) & +p3*rhon(ix ,jyp,kz,2,ngrid) & +p4*rhon(ixp,jyp,kz,2,ngrid) t=p1*ttn(ix ,jy ,kz,2,ngrid) & +p2*ttn(ixp,jy ,kz,2,ngrid) & +p3*ttn(ix ,jyp,kz,2,ngrid) & +p4*ttn(ixp,jyp,kz,2,ngrid) else r=p1*rho(ix ,jy ,kz,2) & +p2*rho(ixp,jy ,kz,2) & +p3*rho(ix ,jyp,kz,2) & +p4*rho(ixp,jyp,kz,2) t=p1*tt(ix ,jy ,kz,2) & +p2*tt(ixp,jy ,kz,2) & +p3*tt(ix ,jyp,kz,2) & +p4*tt(ixp,jyp,kz,2) endif press=r*r_air*t/100. if (kz.eq.1) pressold=press if (press.lt.presspart) then if (kz.eq.1) then call set_z(ipart,height(1)*0.5) else dp1=pressold-presspart dp2=presspart-press call set_z(ipart,(height(kz-1)*dp2+height(kz)*dp1) & /(dp1+dp2)) endif exit endif pressold=press end do ! If release positions are given in meters above sea level, subtract the ! topography from the starting height !*********************************************************************** else if (kindz(part(ipart)%npoint).eq.2) then if (ngrid.gt.0) then topo=p1*oron(ix ,jy ,ngrid) & + p2*oron(ixp,jy ,ngrid) & + p3*oron(ix ,jyp,ngrid) & + p4*oron(ixp,jyp,ngrid) else topo=p1*oro(ix ,jy) & + p2*oro(ixp,jy) & + p3*oro(ix ,jyp) & + p4*oro(ixp,jyp) endif call update_z(ipart,-topo) endif if (part(ipart)%z.lt.eps2) call set_z(ipart,eps2) ! Minimum starting height is eps2 if (part(ipart)%z.gt.height(nz)-0.5) & call set_z(ipart,height(nz)-0.5) ! Maximum starting height is uppermost level - 0.5 meters if (ipin.eq.3 .or. ipin.eq.4) then if (part(ipart)%z.gt.zpoint2(part(ipart)%npoint)) & zpoint2(part(ipart)%npoint)=real(part(ipart)%z) if (part(ipart)%z.lt.zpoint1(part(ipart)%npoint)) & zpoint1(part(ipart)%npoint)=real(part(ipart)%z) endif end subroutine kindz_to_z subroutine init_mass_conversion(ipart,ipoint) ! For special simulations, multiply particle concentration air density; ! Simply take the 2nd field in memory to do this (accurate enough) !*********************************************************************** !AF IND_SOURCE switches between different units for concentrations at the source !Af NOTE that in backward simulations the release of particles takes place at the !Af receptor and the sampling at the source. !Af 1="mass" !Af 2="mass mixing ratio" !Af IND_RECEPTOR switches between different units for concentrations at the receptor !Af 1="mass" !Af 2="mass mixing ratio" ! 3 = wet deposition in outputfield ! 4 = dry deposition in outputfield !Af switches for the releasefile: !Af IND_REL = 1 : xmass * rho !Af IND_REL = 0 : xmass * 1 !Af ind_rel is defined in readcommand.f use point_mod use xmass_mod use interpol_mod implicit none integer,intent(in) :: ipart,ipoint integer :: n real :: rhoaux(2),rhoout real :: dz1,dz2 if ((ind_rel .eq. 1).or.(ind_rel .eq. 3).or.(ind_rel .eq. 4)) then ! Interpolate the air density, horizontal values are computed in kindz_to_z !************************************************************************** call find_z_level_meters(real(part(ipart)%z)) call find_vert_vars_lin(height,real(part(ipart)%z),indz,dz1,dz2,lbounds) if (ngrid.gt.0) then do n=1,2 rhoaux(n)=p1*rhon(ix ,jy ,indz+n-1,2,ngrid) & +p2*rhon(ixp,jy ,indz+n-1,2,ngrid) & +p3*rhon(ix ,jyp,indz+n-1,2,ngrid) & +p4*rhon(ixp,jyp,indz+n-1,2,ngrid) end do else do n=1,2 rhoaux(n)=p1*rho(ix ,jy ,indz+n-1,2) & +p2*rho(ixp,jy ,indz+n-1,2) & +p3*rho(ix ,jyp,indz+n-1,2) & +p4*rho(ixp,jyp,indz+n-1,2) end do endif rhoout=dz2*rhoaux(1)+dz1*rhoaux(2) rho_rel(ipoint)=rhoout ! Multiply "mass" (i.e., mass mixing ratio in forward runs) with density !*********************************************************************** mass(ipart,:)=mass(ipart,:)*rhoout mass_init(ipart,:)=mass(ipart,:) endif end subroutine init_mass_conversion subroutine readpartpositions !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine opens the particle dump file and reads all the particle * ! positions from a previous run to initialize the current run. * ! * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 24 March 2000 * ! * ! Changes * ! 2022, L. Bakels: NetCDF option for reading particle information * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: ibdatein,ibtimein,nspecin,itimein,numpointin,i,j,lix,ios integer :: id1,id2,it1,it2 real :: xlonin,ylatin,topo,hmixi,pvi,qvi,rhoi,tri,tti character :: specin*7 real(kind=dp) :: julin,julpartin integer :: idummy = -8 numparticlecount=0 ! Open header file of dumped particle data !***************************************** #ifdef USE_NCF call readpartpositions_netcdf(ibtime,ibdate) call get_totalpart_num(numpart) numparticlecount=numpart return #endif open(unitpartin,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'header', & form='unformatted',err=998) read(unitpartin) ibdatein,ibtimein read(unitpartin) read(unitpartin) read(unitpartin) read(unitpartin) read(unitpartin) nspecin nspecin=nspecin/3 if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(nspec.ne.nspecin)) then write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR IN READPARTPOSITIONS#### ' write(*,*) ' #### THE NUMBER OF SPECIES TO BE READ IN DOES #### ' write(*,*) ' #### NOT AGREE WITH CURRENT SETTINGS! #### ' stop end if do i=1,nspecin read(unitpartin) read(unitpartin) read(unitpartin) j,specin if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(species(i)(1:7).ne.specin)) then write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR IN READPARTPOSITIONS#### ' write(*,*) ' #### SPECIES NAMES TO BE READ IN DO NOT #### ' write(*,*) ' #### AGREE WITH CURRENT SETTINGS! #### ' stop end if end do read(unitpartin) numpointin if (numpointin.ne.numpoint) then write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL WARNING IN READPARTPOSITIONS#### ' write(*,*) ' #### NUMBER OF RELEASE LOCATIONS DOES NOT #### ' write(*,*) ' #### AGREE WITH CURRENT SETTINGS! #### ' end if do i=1,numpointin read(unitpartin) read(unitpartin) read(unitpartin) read(unitpartin) do j=1,nspec read(unitpartin) read(unitpartin) read(unitpartin) end do end do read(unitpartin) read(unitpartin) do lix=0,numxgrid-1 read(unitpartin) end do ! Open data file of dumped particle data !*************************************** close(unitpartin) open(unitpartin,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'partposit_end', & form='unformatted',err=998) do read(unitpartin,iostat=ios) itimein if (ios.lt.0) exit i=0 do i=i+1 read(unitpartin) part(i)%npoint,xlonin,ylatin,part(i)%z,part(i)%tstart, & topo,pvi,qvi,rhoi,hmixi,tri,tti,(mass(i,j),j=1,nspec) ! For switching coordinates: this happens in timemanager.f90 after the first fields are read if (xlonin.eq.-9999.9) exit call set_xlon(i,real((xlonin-xlon0)/dx,kind=dp)) call set_ylat(i,real((ylatin-ylat0)/dy,kind=dp)) numparticlecount=max(numparticlecount,part(i)%npoint) end do end do numpart=i-1 close(unitpartin) julin=juldate(ibdatein,ibtimein)+real(itimein,kind=dp)/86400._dp if (abs(julin-bdate).gt.1.e-5) then write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR IN READPARTPOSITIONS#### ' write(*,*) ' #### ENDING TIME OF PREVIOUS MODEL RUN DOES #### ' write(*,*) ' #### NOT AGREE WITH STARTING TIME OF THIS RUN.#### ' call caldate(julin,id1,it1) call caldate(bdate,id2,it2) write(*,*) 'julin: ',julin,id1,it1 write(*,*) 'bdate: ',bdate,id2,it2 stop end if do i=1,numpart julpartin=juldate(ibdatein,ibtimein)+ & real(part(i)%tstart,kind=dp)/86400._dp part(i)%nclass=min(int(ran1(idummy,0)*real(nclassunc))+1, & nclassunc) part(i)%idt=mintime part(i)%tstart=nint((julpartin-bdate)*86400.) end do return 998 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! THE FILE #### ' write(*,*) ' #### '//path(2)(1:length(2))//'partposit'//' #### ' write(*,*) ' #### CANNOT BE OPENED. IF A FILE WITH THIS #### ' write(*,*) ' #### NAME ALREADY EXISTS, DELETE IT AND START #### ' write(*,*) ' #### THE PROGRAM AGAIN. #### ' stop end subroutine readpartpositions subroutine init_particle(itime,ipart,ithread) ! i i o o o ! o o o i i i o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculation of trajectories utilizing a zero-acceleration scheme. The time* ! step is determined by the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) criterion. This * ! means that the time step must be so small that the displacement within * ! this time step is smaller than 1 grid distance. Additionally, a temporal * ! CFL criterion is introduced: the time step must be smaller than the time * ! interval of the wind fields used for interpolation. * ! For random walk simulations, these are the only time step criteria. * ! For the other options, the time step is also limited by the Lagrangian * ! time scale. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 16 December 1997 * ! * ! Literature: * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! h [m] Mixing height * ! lwindinterv [s] time interval between two wind fields * ! itime [s] current temporal position * ! ldt [s] Suggested time step for next integration * ! ladvance [s] Total integration time period * ! rannumb(maxrand) normally distributed random variables * ! usig,vsig,wsig uncertainties of wind velocities due to interpolation * ! xt,yt,zt Next time step's spatial position of trajectory * ! * ! * ! Constants: * ! cfl factor, by which the time step has to be smaller than * ! the spatial CFL-criterion * ! cflt factor, by which the time step has to be smaller than * ! the temporal CFL-criterion * ! * !***************************************************************************** use turbulence_mod use random_mod, only: ran3 use omp_lib use interpol_mod use cbl_mod implicit none integer,intent(in) :: & ithread, & ! OMP thread starting at 0 itime, & ipart integer :: nrand real :: dummy1,dummy2 real :: xt,yt,zt,zteta ! ! Initialise scavenging for backward runs ! !**************************************** ! if (DRYBKDEP.or.WETBKDEP) then ! if there is no scavenging in wetdepo it will be set to 0 ! do k=1,nspec ! xscav_frac1(ipart,k)=-1. ! end do ! endif part(ipart)%icbt=1 ! initialize particle to no "reflection" nrand=int(ran3(iseed1(ithread),ithread)*real(maxrand-1))+1 xt = real(part(ipart)%xlon) yt = real(part(ipart)%ylat) zt = real(part(ipart)%z) #ifdef ETA zteta = real(part(ipart)%zeta) #else zteta = 0. #endif !****************************** ! 2. Interpolate necessary data !****************************** ! Where in the grid? Stereographic (ngrid<0) or nested (ngrid>0) !*************************************************************** call find_ngrid(xt,yt) ! Compute maximum mixing height around particle position !******************************************************* call find_grid_indices(xt,yt) ! If part_ic.nc is used, convert particle mass to mixing mass in forward, ! or internal mass conversion for wet and dry backward depostion. !************************************************************************ if ((iout.eq.4).or.(iout.eq.5)) call init_mass_conversion(ipart,part(ipart)%npoint) h=max(hmix(ix ,jy,1,memind(1)), & hmix(ixp,jy ,1,memind(1)), & hmix(ix ,jyp,1,memind(1)), & hmix(ixp,jyp,1,memind(1)), & hmix(ix ,jy ,1,memind(2)), & hmix(ixp,jy ,1,memind(2)), & hmix(ix ,jyp,1,memind(2)), & hmix(ixp,jyp,1,memind(2))) zeta=zt/h !************************************************************* ! If particle is in the PBL, interpolate once and then make a ! time loop until end of interval is reached !************************************************************* if (zeta.le.1.) then call interpol_pbl(itime,xt,yt,zt,zteta,ithread+1) ! Vertical interpolation of u,v,w,rho and drhodz !*********************************************** ! Vertical distance to the level below and above current position ! both in terms of (u,v) and (w) fields !**************************************************************** call interpol_pbl_short(zt,dummy1,dummy2,ithread+1) ! Compute the turbulent disturbances ! Determine the sigmas and the timescales !**************************************** if (turbswitch) then call hanna(zt) else call hanna1(zt) endif ! Determine the new diffusivity velocities !***************************************** if (nrand+2.gt.maxrand) nrand=1 part(ipart)%turbvel%u=rannumb(nrand)*sigu part(ipart)%turbvel%v=rannumb(nrand+1)*sigv part(ipart)%turbvel%w=rannumb(nrand+2) if (.not.turbswitch) then ! modified by mc part(ipart)%turbvel%w=part(ipart)%turbvel%w*sigw else if (cblflag.eq.1) then ! modified by mc if(-h/ol.gt.5) then !if (ol.lt.0.) then !if (ol.gt.0.) then !by mc : only for test correct is lt.0 call init_cbl_vel( & iseed1(ithread),zt,wst,h,sigw,part(ipart)%turbvel%w,ol,ithread) else part(ipart)%turbvel%w=part(ipart)%turbvel%w*sigw end if end if ! Determine time step for next integration !***************************************** if (turbswitch) then part(ipart)%idt = int( & min(tlw, & h/max(2.*abs(part(ipart)%turbvel%w*sigw),1.e-5), & 0.5/abs(dsigwdz), & 600.) & *ctl) else part(ipart)%idt = int( & min(tlw, & h/max(2.*abs(part(ipart)%turbvel%w),1.e-5), & 600.) & *ctl) endif part(ipart)%idt=max(part(ipart)%idt,mintime) ! call interpol_average() ! usig=(usigprof(indzp)+usigprof(indz))/2. ! vsig=(vsigprof(indzp)+vsigprof(indz))/2. ! wsig=(wsigprof(indzp)+wsigprof(indz))/2. ! wsigeta=(wsigprofeta(indzpeta)+wsigprofeta(indzeta))/2. else !********************************************************** ! For all particles that are outside the PBL, make a single ! time step. Only horizontal turbulent disturbances are ! calculated. Vertical disturbances are reset. !********************************************************** ! Interpolate the wind !********************* call interpol_wind(itime,xt,yt,zt,zteta) ! Compute everything for above the PBL ! Assume constant turbulent perturbations !**************************************** part(ipart)%idt=abs(lsynctime) if (nrand+1.gt.maxrand) nrand=1 part(ipart)%turbvel%u=rannumb(nrand)*0.3 part(ipart)%turbvel%v=rannumb(nrand+1)*0.3 nrand=nrand+2 part(ipart)%turbvel%w=0. sigw=0. endif !**************************************************************** ! Add mesoscale random disturbances ! This is done only once for the whole lsynctime interval to save ! computation time !**************************************************************** ! It is assumed that the average interpolation error is 1/2 sigma ! of the surrounding points, autocorrelation time constant is ! 1/2 of time interval between wind fields !**************************************************************** if (lmesoscale_turb) then call interpol_mesoscale(xt,yt,zt,zteta) if (nrand+2.gt.maxrand) nrand=1 part(ipart)%mesovel%u=rannumb(nrand)*usig part(ipart)%mesovel%v=rannumb(nrand+1)*vsig #ifdef ETA part(ipart)%mesovel%w=rannumb(nrand+2)*wsigeta #else part(ipart)%mesovel%w=rannumb(nrand+2)*wsig #endif endif end subroutine init_particle subroutine init_domainfill ! !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Initializes particles equally distributed over the first release location * ! specified in file RELEASES. This box is assumed to be the domain for doing * ! domain-filling trajectory calculations. * ! All particles carry the same amount of mass which alltogether comprises the* ! mass of air within the box. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 15 October 2002 * ! * ! Changes * ! 2022, L. Bakels: OpenMP parallelisation * ! 2023, L. Bakels: smooth vertical particle distribution instead of * ! distributing particles on fixed vertical layers * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! numparticlecount consecutively counts the number of particles released * ! nx_we(2) grid indices for western and eastern boundary of domain- * ! filling trajectory calculations * ! ny_sn(2) grid indices for southern and northern boundary of domain- * ! filling trajectory calculations * ! * !***************************************************************************** use point_mod use particle_mod implicit none integer :: j,kz,lix,ljy,ncolumn,numparttot,stat,iterminate real :: ylat,ylatp,ylatm,hzone real :: cosfactm,cosfactp,deltacol,dz1,dz2,dz,pnew,pnew_temp,fractus real,parameter :: pih=pi/180. real :: colmasstotal,zposition real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: pp integer :: ixm,ixp,jym,jyp,indzm,indzh,indzp,i,jj,ii ! integer :: alive_tmp,allocated_tmp,spawned_tmp,terminated_tmp real :: pvpart,ddx,ddy,rddx,rddy,p1,p2,p3,p4,y1(2) integer :: idummy = -11 real :: height_tmp logical :: deall real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: gridarea ! real,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: colmass ! ! Determine the release region (only full grid cells), over which particles ! shall be initialized ! Use 2 fields for west/east and south/north boundary !************************************************************************** call alloc_domainfill nx_we(1)=max(int(xpoint1(1)),0) nx_we(2)=min((ceiling(xpoint2(1))),nxmin1) ny_sn(1)=max(int(ypoint1(1)),0) ny_sn(2)=min((ceiling(ypoint2(1))),nymin1) ! For global simulations (both global wind data and global domain-filling), ! set a switch, such that no boundary conditions are used !************************************************************************** if (xglobal.and.sglobal.and.nglobal) then if ((nx_we(1).eq.0).and.(nx_we(2).eq.nxmin1).and. & (ny_sn(1).eq.0).and.(ny_sn(2).eq.nymin1)) then gdomainfill=.true. else gdomainfill=.false. endif endif write(*,*) 'Global domain: ', gdomainfill ! Exit here if resuming a run from particle dump !*********************************************** if (gdomainfill.and.ipin.ne.0) return ! Allocate grid and column mass !******************************* allocate(gridarea(0:nymax-1),colmass(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate gridarea or colmass' ! Do not release particles twice (i.e., not at both in the leftmost and rightmost ! grid cell) for a global domain !***************************************************************************** if (xglobal) nx_we(2)=min(nx_we(2),nx-2) ! Calculate area of grid cell with formula M=2*pi*R*h*dx/360, ! see Netz, Formeln der Mathematik, 5. Auflage (1983), p.90 !************************************************************ ! First for the south pole if (sglobal) then ylat=ylat0 ylatp=ylat+0.5*dy ylatm=ylat cosfactm=0. cosfactp=cos(ylatp*pih)*r_earth hzone=sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactm**2)- & sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactp**2) gridarea(0)=2.*pi*r_earth*hzone*dx/360. endif ! Do the same for the north pole if (nglobal) then ylat=ylat0+real(nymin1)*dy ylatp=ylat ylatm=ylat-0.5*dy cosfactp=0. cosfactm=cos(ylatm*pih)*r_earth hzone=sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactp**2)- & sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactm**2) gridarea(nymin1)=2.*pi*r_earth*hzone*dx/360. endif ! Allocate memory for storing the particles !****************************************** call alloc_particles(int(npart(1)*1.1)) ! A bit more to avoid single part alloc ! Initialise total particle number numparttot=0 ! Initialise max column number numcolumn=0 ! Initialise the sum over the total mass of the atmosphere colmasstotal=0. !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(ljy,ylat,ylatp,ylatm,hzone,cosfactp,cosfactm,pp,lix) & !$OMP REDUCTION(+:colmasstotal) allocate( pp(nzmax),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate pp inside of OMP loop' !$OMP DO do ljy=ny_sn(1),ny_sn(2) ! loop about latitudes ylat=ylat0+real(ljy)*dy ylatp=ylat+0.5*dy ylatm=ylat-0.5*dy if ((ylatm.lt.0).and.(ylatp.gt.0.)) then hzone=1./dyconst else cosfactp=cos(ylatp*pih)*r_earth cosfactm=cos(ylatm*pih)*r_earth if (cosfactp.lt.cosfactm) then hzone=sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactp**2)- & sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactm**2) else hzone=sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactm**2)- & sqrt(r_earth**2-cosfactp**2) endif endif gridarea(ljy)=2.*pi*r_earth*hzone*dx/360. end do !$OMP END DO !$OMP BARRIER ! Calculate total mass of each grid column and of the whole atmosphere !********************************************************************* !$OMP DO do ljy=ny_sn(1),ny_sn(2) ! loop about latitudes do lix=nx_we(1),nx_we(2) ! loop about longitudes pp(1)=prs(lix,ljy,1,1) !rho(lix,ljy,1,1)*r_air*tt(lix,ljy,1,1) pp(nz)=prs(lix,ljy,nz,1) !rho(lix,ljy,nz,1)*r_air*tt(lix,ljy,nz,1) colmass(lix,ljy)=(pp(1)-pp(nz))/ga*gridarea(ljy) colmasstotal=colmasstotal+colmass(lix,ljy) end do end do !$OMP END DO deallocate(pp) !$OMP END PARALLEL write(*,*) 'Atm. mass: ',colmasstotal allocate( pp(nzmax),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate pp' if (ipin.eq.0) numpart=0 ! Determine the particle positions !********************************* iterminate=0 do ljy=ny_sn(1),ny_sn(2) ! loop about latitudes ylat=ylat0+real(ljy)*dy do lix=nx_we(1),nx_we(2) ! loop about longitudes ncolumn=nint(0.999*real(npart(1))*colmass(lix,ljy)/colmasstotal) if (ncolumn.eq.0) cycle if (ncolumn.gt.numcolumn) numcolumn=ncolumn ! Calculate pressure at the altitudes of model surfaces, using the air density ! information, which is stored as a 3-d field !***************************************************************************** pp(:)=prs(lix,ljy,:,1)!rho(lix,ljy,kz,1)*r_air*tt(lix,ljy,kz,1) deltacol=(pp(1)-pp(nz))/real(ncolumn) pnew=pp(1)+deltacol*0.5 jj=0 do j=1,ncolumn ! looping over the number of particles within the column ! For columns with many particles (i.e. around the equator), distribute ! the particles equally (1 on a random position within the deltacol range), ! for columns with few particles (i.e. around the poles), ! distribute the particles randomly !*********************************************************************** if ((ncolumn.gt.20).and.(ncolumn-j.gt.20)) then pnew_temp=pnew-ran1(idummy,0)*deltacol pnew=pnew-deltacol else if ((ncolumn.gt.20).and.(ncolumn-j.le.20)) then ! When only few particles are left, distribute them randomly above pnew pnew_temp=pnew-ran1(idummy,0)*(pnew-pp(nz)) else pnew_temp=pp(1)-ran1(idummy,0)*(pp(1)-pp(nz)) endif do kz=1,nz-1 if ((pp(kz).ge.pnew_temp).and.(pp(kz+1).lt.pnew_temp)) then dz1=log(pnew_temp)-log(pp(kz)) dz=1./log(pp(kz+1)/pp(kz)) ! Assign particle position !************************* ! Do the following steps only if particles are not read in ! from previous model run !********************************************************** if (ipin.eq.0) then ! First spawn the particle into existence !**************************************** jj=jj+1 !THIS WILL CAUSE PROBLEMS WITH OMP! because of dynamical allocation call spawn_particle(0,numpart+jj) call set_xlon(numpart+jj,real(real(lix)-0.5+ran1(idummy,0),kind=dp)) if (lix.eq.0) call set_xlon(numpart+jj,real(ran1(idummy,0),kind=dp)) if (lix.eq.nxmin1) & call set_xlon(numpart+jj,real(real(nxmin1)-ran1(idummy,0),kind=dp)) call set_ylat(numpart+jj,real(real(ljy)-0.5+ran1(idummy,0),kind=dp)) ! Logarithmic distribution of particles along pressure levels: ! hx=h1+(h2-h1)/log(p2/p1)*log(px/p1) height_tmp=height(kz)+(height(kz+1)-height(kz))*dz*dz1 call set_z(numpart+jj,height_tmp) if (real(part(numpart+jj)%z).gt.height(nz)-0.5) & call set_z(numpart+jj, height(nz)-0.5) #ifdef ETA call update_z_to_zeta(0, numpart+jj) #endif ! Interpolate PV to the particle position !**************************************** ixm=int(part(numpart+jj)%xlon) jym=int(part(numpart+jj)%ylat) ixp=ixm+1 jyp=jym+1 ddx=real(part(numpart+jj)%xlon)-real(ixm) ddy=real(part(numpart+jj)%ylat)-real(jym) rddx=1.-ddx rddy=1.-ddy p1=rddx*rddy p2=ddx*rddy p3=rddx*ddy p4=ddx*ddy !*********************************************** indzm=nz-1 indzp=nz do i=2,nz if (real(height(i),kind=dp).gt.part(numpart+jj)%z) then indzm=i-1 indzp=i exit endif end do dz1=real(part(numpart+jj)%z)-height(indzm) dz2=height(indzp)-real(part(numpart+jj)%z) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) do ii=1,2 indzh=indzm+ii-1 y1(ii)=p1*pv(ixm,jym,indzh,1) & + p2*pv(ixp,jym,indzh,1) & + p3*pv(ixm,jyp,indzh,1) & + p4*pv(ixp,jyp,indzh,1) end do pvpart=(dz2*y1(1)+dz1*y1(2))*dz if (ylat.lt.0.) pvpart=-1.*pvpart ! For domain-filling option 2 (stratospheric O3), ! do the rest only in the stratosphere !************************************************ if (((part(numpart+jj)%z.gt.3000.).and. & (pvpart.gt.pvcrit)).or.(mdomainfill.eq.1)) then ! Assign certain properties to the particle !****************************************** part(numpart+jj)%nclass=min( & int(ran1(idummy,0)*real(nclassunc))+1,nclassunc) numparticlecount=numparticlecount+1 part(numpart+jj)%npoint=numparticlecount part(numpart+jj)%idt=mintime mass(numpart+jj,1)=colmass(lix,ljy)/real(ncolumn) if (mdomainfill.eq.2) mass(numpart+jj,1)= & mass(numpart+jj,1)*pvpart*48./29.*ozonescale/10.**9 mass_init(numpart+jj,1)=mass(numpart+jj,1) else call terminate_particle(numpart+jj, 0) jj=jj-1 iterminate=iterminate+1 endif endif endif end do end do numparttot=numparttot+ncolumn if (ipin.eq.0) numpart=numpart+jj end do end do ! alive_tmp=count%alive ! spawned_tmp=count%spawned ! terminated_tmp=count%terminated ! !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(j) REDUCTION(+:alive_tmp,spawned_tmp,allocated_tmp,terminated_tmp) ! Make sure that all particles are within domain !*********************************************** ! !$OMP DO do j=1,numpart if ((part(j)%xlon.lt.0.).or.(part(j)%xlon.ge.real(nxmin1,kind=dp)).or. & (part(j)%ylat.lt.0.).or.(part(j)%ylat.ge.real(nymin1,kind=dp))) then call terminate_particle(j,0) ! Cannot be within an OMP region iterminate=iterminate+1 ! alive_tmp=alive_tmp-1 ! terminated_tmp=terminated_tmp+1 endif end do if (iterminate.gt.0) call rewrite_ialive() ! !$OMP END DO ! !$OMP END PARALLEL ! count%alive=alive_tmp ! count%spawned=spawned_tmp ! count%terminated=terminated_tmp ! Check whether numpart is really smaller than maxpart !***************************************************** ! ! ESO :TODO: this warning need to be moved further up, else out-of-bounds error earlier ! if (numpart.gt.maxpart) then ! write(*,*) 'numpart too large: change source in init_atm_mass.f' ! write(*,*) 'numpart: ',numpart,' maxpart: ',maxpart ! endif xmassperparticle=colmasstotal/real(numparttot) ! For boundary conditions, we need fewer particle release heights per column, ! because otherwise it takes too long until enough mass has accumulated to ! release a particle at the boundary (would take dx/u seconds), leading to ! relatively large position errors of the order of one grid distance. ! It's better to release fewer particles per column, but to do so more often. ! Thus, use on the order of nz starting heights per column. ! We thus repeat the above to determine fewer starting heights, that are ! used furtheron in subroutine boundcond_domainfill.f. !**************************************************************************** fractus=real(numcolumn)/real(nz) write(*,*) 'Total number of particles at model start: ',numpart write(*,*) 'Maximum number of particles per column: ',numcolumn write(*,*) 'If ',fractus,' <1, better use more particles' fractus=sqrt(max(fractus,1.))*0.5 do ljy=ny_sn(1),ny_sn(2) ! loop about latitudes do lix=nx_we(1),nx_we(2) ! loop about longitudes ncolumn=nint(0.999/fractus*real(npart(1))*colmass(lix,ljy) & /colmasstotal) if (ncolumn.gt.maxcolumn) stop 'maxcolumn too small' if (ncolumn.eq.0) cycle ! Memorize how many particles per column shall be used for all boundaries ! This is further used in subroutine boundcond_domainfill.f ! Use 2 fields for west/east and south/north boundary !************************************************************************ if (lix.eq.nx_we(1)) numcolumn_we(1,ljy)=ncolumn if (lix.eq.nx_we(2)) numcolumn_we(2,ljy)=ncolumn if (ljy.eq.ny_sn(1)) numcolumn_sn(1,lix)=ncolumn if (ljy.eq.ny_sn(2)) numcolumn_sn(2,lix)=ncolumn ! Calculate pressure at the altitudes of model surfaces, using the air density ! information, which is stored as a 3-d field !***************************************************************************** do kz=1,nz pp(kz)=prs(lix,ljy,kz,1) !rho(lix,ljy,kz,1)*r_air*tt(lix,ljy,kz,1) end do ! Determine the reference starting altitudes !******************************************* deltacol=(pp(1)-pp(nz))/real(ncolumn) pnew=pp(1)+deltacol*0.5 do j=1,ncolumn pnew=pnew-deltacol do kz=1,nz-1 if ((pp(kz).ge.pnew).and.(pp(kz+1).lt.pnew)) then dz1=pp(kz)-pnew dz2=pnew-pp(kz+1) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) zposition=(height(kz)*dz2+height(kz+1)*dz1)*dz if (zposition.gt.height(nz)-0.5) zposition=height(nz)-0.5 ! Memorize vertical positions where particles are introduced ! This is further used in subroutine boundcond_domainfill.f !*********************************************************** if (lix.eq.nx_we(1)) zcolumn_we(1,ljy,j)=zposition if (lix.eq.nx_we(2)) zcolumn_we(2,ljy,j)=zposition if (ljy.eq.ny_sn(1)) zcolumn_sn(1,lix,j)=zposition if (ljy.eq.ny_sn(2)) zcolumn_sn(2,lix,j)=zposition ! Initialize mass that has accumulated at boundary to zero !********************************************************* acc_mass_we(1,ljy,j)=0. acc_mass_we(2,ljy,j)=0. acc_mass_sn(1,ljy,j)=0. acc_mass_sn(2,ljy,j)=0. endif end do end do end do end do ! If there were more particles allocated than used, ! Deallocate unused memory and update numpart !************************************************** deall=.false. do i=numpart, 1, -1 if (.not. part(i)%alive) then deall=.true. numpart = numpart - 1 else exit endif end do if (deall) call dealloc_particle(numpart) !Deallocates everything above numpart (F2008) ! If particles shall be read in to continue an existing run, ! then the accumulated masses at the domain boundaries must be read in, too. ! This overrides any previous calculations. !*************************************************************************** if ((ipin.eq.1).and.(.not.gdomainfill)) then open(unitboundcond,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'boundcond.bin', & form='unformatted') read(unitboundcond) numcolumn_we,numcolumn_sn, & zcolumn_we,zcolumn_sn,acc_mass_we,acc_mass_sn close(unitboundcond) endif deallocate(gridarea,colmass) end subroutine init_domainfill subroutine boundcond_domainfill(itime,loutend) ! i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Particles are created by this subroutine continuously throughout the * ! simulation at the boundaries of the domain-filling box. * ! All particles carry the same amount of mass which alltogether comprises the* ! mass of air within the box, which remains (more or less) constant. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 16 October 2002 * ! * ! Changes * ! 2022, L. Bakels: OpenMP parallelisation * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! nx_we(2) grid indices for western and eastern boundary of domain- * ! filling trajectory calculations * ! ny_sn(2) grid indices for southern and northern boundary of domain- * ! filling trajectory calculations * ! * !***************************************************************************** use point_mod #ifdef _OPENMP use omp_lib #endif implicit none real :: dz,dz1,dz2,dt1,dt2,dtt,ylat,cosfact,accmasst integer :: itime,ii,indz,indzp,i,loutend,numparticlecount_tmp integer :: j,k,ix,jy,m,indzh,indexh,ipart,mmass,ithread integer :: numactiveparticles,iterminate real :: windl(2),rhol(2) real :: windhl(2),rhohl(2) real :: windx,rhox real :: deltaz,boundarea,fluxofmass integer :: ixm,ixp,jym,jyp,indzm,mm,iterm_index real :: pvpart,ddx,ddy,rddx,rddy,p1,p2,p3,p4,y1(2),yh1(2) integer :: idummy = -11 ! If domain-filling is global, no boundary conditions are needed !*************************************************************** if (gdomainfill) return ! Determine auxiliary variables for time interpolation !***************************************************** dt1=real(itime-memtime(1)) dt2=real(memtime(2)-itime) dtt=1./(dt1+dt2) numactiveparticles=0 numparticlecount_tmp=numparticlecount accmasst=0. ! Terminate trajectories that have left the domain, if domain-filling ! trajectory calculation domain is not global !******************************************************************** if (ipin.le.1 .and. ipout.eq.0 .and. ispeed.eq.0) call rewrite_iterm() iterminate=0 do i=1,count%allocated if (.not. part(i)%alive) cycle if ((part(i)%ylat.gt.real(ny_sn(2))).or.(part(i)%ylat.lt.real(ny_sn(1)))) then call terminate_particle(i,itime) iterminate=iterminate+1 endif if (((.not.xglobal).or.(nx_we(2).ne.(nx-2))).and. & ((part(i)%xlon.lt.real(nx_we(1))).or. & (part(i)%xlon.gt.real(nx_we(2))))) then call terminate_particle(i,itime) iterminate=iterminate+1 endif if (part(i)%alive) numactiveparticles = numactiveparticles+1 end do if (iterminate.gt.0) call rewrite_ialive() !*************************************** ! Western and eastern boundary condition !*************************************** ! Loop from south to north !************************* ! OMP doesn't work here yet because particles are being spawned inside of the loop ! !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(i,jy,k,j,ii,deltaz,boundarea,indz,indzp,indexh,windl,rhol, & ! !$OMP windhl,rhohl,windx,rhox,fluxofmass,mmass,ixm,jym,ixp,jyp,ddx,ddy,rddx, & ! !$OMP rddy,p1,p2,p3,p4,indzm,mm,indzh,pvpart,ylat,ix,cosfact,ipart) & ! !$OMP REDUCTION(+:numactiveparticles,numparticlecount_tmp,accmasst) ! #ifdef _OPENMP ! ithread = OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM() ! #else ! ithread = 0 ! #endif ithread=0 iterm_index=1 ! !$OMP DO do jy=ny_sn(1),ny_sn(2) ! Loop over western (index 1) and eastern (index 2) boundary !*********************************************************** do k=1,2 ! Loop over all release locations in a column !******************************************** do j=1,numcolumn_we(k,jy) ! Determine, for each release location, the area of the corresponding boundary !***************************************************************************** if (j.eq.1) then deltaz=(zcolumn_we(k,jy,2)+zcolumn_we(k,jy,1))*0.5 else if (j.eq.numcolumn_we(k,jy)) then ! In order to avoid taking a very high column for very many particles, ! use the deltaz from one particle below instead deltaz=(zcolumn_we(k,jy,j)-zcolumn_we(k,jy,j-2))*0.5 else deltaz=(zcolumn_we(k,jy,j+1)-zcolumn_we(k,jy,j-1))*0.5 endif if ((jy.eq.ny_sn(1)).or.(jy.eq.ny_sn(2))) then boundarea=deltaz*111198.5/2.*dy else boundarea=deltaz*111198.5*dy endif ! Interpolate the wind velocity and density to the release location !****************************************************************** ! Determine the model level below the release position !***************************************************** indz=nz-1 indzp=nz do i=2,nz if (height(i).gt.zcolumn_we(k,jy,j)) then indz=i-1 indzp=i exit endif end do ! Vertical distance to the level below and above current position !**************************************************************** dz1=zcolumn_we(k,jy,j)-height(indz) dz2=height(indzp)-zcolumn_we(k,jy,j) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) ! Vertical and temporal interpolation !************************************ do m=1,2 indexh=memind(m) do ii=1,2 indzh=indz+ii-1 windl(ii)=uu(nx_we(k),jy,indzh,indexh) rhol(ii)=rho(nx_we(k),jy,indzh,indexh) end do windhl(m)=(dz2*windl(1)+dz1*windl(2))*dz rhohl(m)=(dz2*rhol(1)+dz1*rhol(2))*dz end do windx=(windhl(1)*dt2+windhl(2)*dt1)*dtt rhox=(rhohl(1)*dt2+rhohl(2)*dt1)*dtt ! Calculate mass flux !******************** fluxofmass=windx*rhox*boundarea*real(lsynctime) ! If the mass flux is directed into the domain, add it to previous mass fluxes; ! if it is out of the domain, set accumulated mass flux to zero !****************************************************************************** if (k.eq.1) then if (fluxofmass.ge.0.) then acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)=acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)+fluxofmass else acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)=0. endif else if (fluxofmass.le.0.) then acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)=acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)+abs(fluxofmass) else acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)=0. endif endif accmasst=accmasst+acc_mass_we(k,jy,j) ! If the accumulated mass exceeds half the mass that each particle shall carry, ! one (or more) particle(s) is (are) released and the accumulated mass is ! reduced by the mass of this (these) particle(s) !****************************************************************************** if (acc_mass_we(k,jy,j).ge.xmassperparticle*0.5) then mmass=int((acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)+xmassperparticle*0.5)/ & xmassperparticle) acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)=acc_mass_we(k,jy,j)- & real(mmass)*xmassperparticle else mmass=0 endif do m=1,mmass !THIS WILL CAUSE PROBLEMS WITH OMP! because of dynamical allocation call get_newpart_index(ipart,iterm_index) call spawn_particle(itime, ipart) ! Assign particle positions !************************** call set_xlon(ipart,real(nx_we(k),kind=dp)) if (jy.eq.ny_sn(1)) then call set_ylat(ipart,real(real(jy)+0.5*ran1(idummy,ithread),kind=dp)) else if (jy.eq.ny_sn(2)) then call set_ylat(ipart,real(real(jy)-0.5*ran1(idummy,ithread),kind=dp)) else call set_ylat(ipart,real(real(jy)+(ran1(idummy,ithread)-.5),kind=dp)) endif if (j.eq.1) then call set_z(ipart,zcolumn_we(k,jy,1)+(zcolumn_we(k,jy,2)- & zcolumn_we(k,jy,1))/4.) else if (j.eq.numcolumn_we(k,jy)) then call set_z(ipart,(2.*zcolumn_we(k,jy,j)+ & zcolumn_we(k,jy,j-1)+height(nz))/4.) else call set_z(ipart,zcolumn_we(k,jy,j-1)+ran1(idummy,ithread)* & (zcolumn_we(k,jy,j+1)-zcolumn_we(k,jy,j-1))) endif #ifdef ETA call update_z_to_zeta(itime, ipart) #endif ! Interpolate PV to the particle position !**************************************** ixm=int(part(ipart)%xlon) jym=int(part(ipart)%ylat) ixp=ixm+1 jyp=jym+1 ddx=real(part(ipart)%xlon)-real(ixm) ddy=real(part(ipart)%ylat)-real(jym) rddx=1.-ddx rddy=1.-ddy p1=rddx*rddy p2=ddx*rddy p3=rddx*ddy p4=ddx*ddy indzm=nz-1 indzp=nz do i=2,nz if (real(height(i),kind=dp).gt.part(ipart)%z) then indzm=i-1 indzp=i exit endif end do dz1=real(part(ipart)%z)-height(indzm) dz2=height(indzp)-real(part(ipart)%z) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) do mm=1,2 indexh=memind(mm) do ii=1,2 indzh=indzm+ii-1 y1(ii)=p1*pv(ixm,jym,indzh,indexh) & +p2*pv(ixp,jym,indzh,indexh) & +p3*pv(ixm,jyp,indzh,indexh) & +p4*pv(ixp,jyp,indzh,indexh) end do yh1(mm)=(dz2*y1(1)+dz1*y1(2))*dz end do pvpart=(yh1(1)*dt2+yh1(2)*dt1)*dtt ylat=ylat0+real(part(ipart)%ylat)*dy if (ylat.lt.0.) pvpart=-1.*pvpart ! For domain-filling option 2 (stratospheric O3), do the rest only in the stratosphere !***************************************************************************** if (((part(ipart)%z.gt.3000.).and. & (pvpart.gt.pvcrit)).or.(mdomainfill.eq.1)) then part(ipart)%nclass=min(int(ran1(idummy,ithread)* & real(nclassunc))+1,nclassunc) numactiveparticles=numactiveparticles+1 numparticlecount_tmp=numparticlecount_tmp+1 part(ipart)%npoint=numparticlecount_tmp part(ipart)%idt=mintime part(ipart)%tstart=itime mass(ipart,1)=xmassperparticle if (mdomainfill.eq.2) mass(ipart,1)= & mass(ipart,1)*pvpart*48./29.*ozonescale/10.**9 mass_init(ipart,1)=mass(ipart,1) else stop 'boundcond_domainfill error: look into original to understand what should happen here' endif end do ! particles end do ! release locations in column end do ! western and eastern boundary end do ! south to north ! !$OMP END DO !***************************************** ! Southern and northern boundary condition !***************************************** ! Loop from west to east !*********************** ! !$OMP DO do ix=nx_we(1),nx_we(2) ! Loop over southern (index 1) and northern (index 2) boundary !************************************************************* do k=1,2 ylat=ylat0+real(ny_sn(k))*dy cosfact=cos(ylat*pi180) ! Loop over all release locations in a column !******************************************** do j=1,numcolumn_sn(k,ix) ! Determine, for each release location, the area of the corresponding boundary !***************************************************************************** if (j.eq.1) then deltaz=(zcolumn_sn(k,ix,2)+zcolumn_sn(k,ix,1))*0.5 else if (j.eq.numcolumn_sn(k,ix)) then ! deltaz=height(nz)-(zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j-1)+ ! + zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j))/2. ! In order to avoid taking a very high column for very many particles, ! use the deltaz from one particle below instead deltaz=(zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j)-zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j-2))*0.5 else deltaz=(zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j+1)-zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j-1))*0.5 endif if ((ix.eq.nx_we(1)).or.(ix.eq.nx_we(2))) then boundarea=deltaz*111198.5*0.5*cosfact*dx else boundarea=deltaz*111198.5*cosfact*dx endif ! Interpolate the wind velocity and density to the release location !****************************************************************** ! Determine the model level below the release position !***************************************************** indz=nz-1 indzp=nz do i=2,nz if (height(i).gt.zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j)) then indz=i-1 indzp=i exit endif end do ! Vertical distance to the level below and above current position !**************************************************************** dz1=zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j)-height(indz) dz2=height(indzp)-zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) ! Vertical and temporal interpolation !************************************ do m=1,2 indexh=memind(m) do ii=1,2 indzh=indz+ii-1 windl(ii)=vv(ix,ny_sn(k),indzh,indexh) rhol(ii)=rho(ix,ny_sn(k),indzh,indexh) end do windhl(m)=(dz2*windl(1)+dz1*windl(2))*dz rhohl(m)=(dz2*rhol(1)+dz1*rhol(2))*dz end do windx=(windhl(1)*dt2+windhl(2)*dt1)*dtt rhox=(rhohl(1)*dt2+rhohl(2)*dt1)*dtt ! Calculate mass flux !******************** fluxofmass=windx*rhox*boundarea*real(lsynctime) ! If the mass flux is directed into the domain, add it to previous mass fluxes; ! if it is out of the domain, set accumulated mass flux to zero !****************************************************************************** if (k.eq.1) then if (fluxofmass.ge.0.) then acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)=acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)+fluxofmass else acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)=0. endif else if (fluxofmass.le.0.) then acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)=acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)+abs(fluxofmass) else acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)=0. endif endif accmasst=accmasst+acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j) ! If the accumulated mass exceeds half the mass that each particle shall carry, ! one (or more) particle(s) is (are) released and the accumulated mass is ! reduced by the mass of this (these) particle(s) !****************************************************************************** if (acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j).ge.xmassperparticle*0.5) then mmass=int((acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)+xmassperparticle*0.5)/ & xmassperparticle) acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)=acc_mass_sn(k,ix,j)- & real(mmass)*xmassperparticle else mmass=0 endif do m=1,mmass call get_newpart_index(ipart,iterm_index) call spawn_particle(itime, ipart) ! Assign particle positions !************************** call set_ylat(ipart,real(ny_sn(k),kind=dp)) if (ix.eq.nx_we(1)) then call set_xlon(ipart,real(real(ix)+0.5*ran1(idummy,ithread),kind=dp)) else if (ix.eq.nx_we(2)) then call set_xlon(ipart,real(real(ix)-0.5*ran1(idummy,ithread),kind=dp)) else call set_xlon(ipart,real(real(ix)+(ran1(idummy,ithread)-.5),kind=dp)) endif if (j.eq.1) then call set_z(ipart,zcolumn_sn(k,ix,1)+(zcolumn_sn(k,ix,2)- & zcolumn_sn(k,ix,1))/4.) else if (j.eq.numcolumn_sn(k,ix)) then call set_z(ipart,(2.*zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j)+ & zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j-1)+height(nz))/4.) else call set_z(ipart,zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j-1)+ran1(idummy,ithread)* & (zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j+1)-zcolumn_sn(k,ix,j-1))) endif #ifdef ETA call update_z_to_zeta(itime, ipart) #endif ! Interpolate PV to the particle position !**************************************** ixm=int(part(ipart)%xlon) jym=int(part(ipart)%ylat) ixp=ixm+1 jyp=jym+1 ddx=real(part(ipart)%xlon)-real(ixm) ddy=real(part(ipart)%ylat)-real(jym) rddx=1.-ddx rddy=1.-ddy p1=rddx*rddy p2=ddx*rddy p3=rddx*ddy p4=ddx*ddy indzm=nz-1 indzp=nz do i=2,nz if (real(height(i),kind=dp).gt.part(ipart)%z) then indzm=i-1 indzp=i exit endif end do dz1=real(part(ipart)%z)-height(indzm) dz2=height(indzp)-real(part(ipart)%z) dz=1./(dz1+dz2) do mm=1,2 indexh=memind(mm) do ii=1,2 indzh=indzm+ii-1 y1(ii)=p1*pv(ixm,jym,indzh,indexh) & +p2*pv(ixp,jym,indzh,indexh) & +p3*pv(ixm,jyp,indzh,indexh) & +p4*pv(ixp,jyp,indzh,indexh) end do yh1(mm)=(dz2*y1(1)+dz1*y1(2))*dz end do pvpart=(yh1(1)*dt2+yh1(2)*dt1)*dtt if (ylat.lt.0.) pvpart=-1.*pvpart ! For domain-filling option 2 (stratospheric O3), do the rest only in the stratosphere !***************************************************************************** if (((part(ipart)%z.gt.3000.).and. & (pvpart.gt.pvcrit)).or.(mdomainfill.eq.1)) then part(ipart)%nclass=min(int(ran1(idummy,ithread)* & real(nclassunc))+1,nclassunc) numactiveparticles=numactiveparticles+1 numparticlecount_tmp=numparticlecount_tmp+1 part(ipart)%npoint=numparticlecount_tmp part(ipart)%idt=mintime mass(ipart,1)=xmassperparticle if (mdomainfill.eq.2) mass(ipart,1)= & mass(ipart,1)*pvpart*48./29.*ozonescale/10.**9 mass_init(ipart,1)=mass(ipart,1) else stop 'boundcond_domainfill error: look into original to understand what should happen here' endif end do ! particles end do ! releases per column end do ! east west end do ! north south ! !$OMP END DO ! !$OMP END PARALLEL if (ipin.le.1 .and. ipout.eq.0 .and. ispeed.eq.0) call rewrite_iterm() numparticlecount = numparticlecount_tmp ! If particles shall be dumped, then accumulated masses at the domain boundaries ! must be dumped, too, to be used for later runs !***************************************************************************** if ((ipout.gt.0).and.(itime.eq.loutend)) then open(unitboundcond,file=path(2)(1:length(2))//'boundcond.bin', & form='unformatted') write(unitboundcond) numcolumn_we,numcolumn_sn, & zcolumn_we,zcolumn_sn,acc_mass_we,acc_mass_sn close(unitboundcond) endif end subroutine boundcond_domainfill end module initialise_mod