This subroutine releases particles from the release locations. *
It searches for a "vacant" storage space and assigns all particle *
information to that space. A space is vacant either when no particle *
is yet assigned to it, or when it's particle is expired and, thus, *
the storage space is made available to a new particle. *
Author: A. Stohl *
29 June 2002 *
Variables: * itime [s] current time * ireleasestart, ireleaseend start and end times of all releases * npart(maxpoint) number of particles to be released in total * numrel number of particles to be released during this time * step * *
First allocate all particles that are going to be in the simulation If ipin==0,1, and ipout==0, then dead particles can be overwritten to save memory
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer | :: | itime |