gridcheck_ecmwf Subroutine

public subroutine gridcheck_ecmwf()


         FLEXPART MODEL SUBROUTINE GRIDCHECK                     *

         AUTHOR:      G. WOTAWA                                  *
         DATE:        1997-08-06                                 *
         LAST UPDATE: 1997-10-10                                 *
         Update:      1999-02-08, global fields allowed, A. Stohl*
         CHANGE: 11/01/2008, Harald Sodemann, GRIB1/2 input with *
                             ECMWF grib_api                      *
         CHANGE: 03/12/2008, Harald Sodemann, update to f90 with *
                             ECMWF grib_api                      *

Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * - Renamed from gridcheck to gridcheck_ecmwf * * *
Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * *


DESCRIPTION: * * THIS SUBROUTINE DETERMINES THE GRID SPECIFICATIONS (LOWER LEFT * LONGITUDE, LOWER LEFT LATITUDE, NUMBER OF GRID POINTS, GRID DIST- * ANCE AND VERTICAL DISCRETIZATION OF THE ECMWF MODEL) FROM THE * GRIB HEADER OF THE FIRST INPUT FILE. THE CONSISTANCY (NO CHANGES * WITHIN ONE FLEXPART RUN) IS CHECKED IN THE ROUTINE "READWIND" AT * ANY CALL. * * XLON0 geographical longitude of lower left gridpoint * YLAT0 geographical latitude of lower left gridpoint * NX number of grid points x-direction * NY number of grid points y-direction * DX grid distance x-direction * DY grid distance y-direction * NUVZ number of grid points for horizontal wind * components in z direction * NWZ number of grid points for vertical wind * component in z direction * sizesouth, sizenorth give the map scale (i.e. number of virtual grid* points of the polar stereographic grid): * used to check the CFL criterion * UVHEIGHT(1)- heights of gridpoints where u and v are * UVHEIGHT(NUVZ) given * WHEIGHT(1)- heights of gridpoints where w is given * WHEIGHT(NWZ) * *


