This module stores all meteorological input data and contains routines * reading and allocating this data * * L. Bakels 2023: Dynamical allocation of all windfields * *
! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This module stores all meteorological input data and contains routines * ! reading and allocating this data * ! * ! L. Bakels 2023: Dynamical allocation of all windfields * ! * !***************************************************************************** module windfields_mod use par_mod use com_mod use point_mod use pbl_profile_mod implicit none !****************************************************************************** ! Variables associated with the ECMWF meteorological input data ("wind fields") !****************************************************************************** integer :: & numbwf ! actual number of wind fields integer,allocatable,dimension(:) :: & wftime ! times relative to beginning time of wind fields [s] character(len=255),allocatable,dimension(:) :: & wfname ! file names of wind fields ! Nested equivalents !******************* character(len=255),allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: & wfnamen ! nested wind field names !Windfield parameters !******************** integer :: nxmax,nymax,nuvzmax,nwzmax,nzmax !Size of windfield ! Fixed fields, unchangeable with time !************************************* real, allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: & oro, & ! orography of the ECMWF model excessoro, & ! excess orography mother domain lsm ! land sea mask of the ECMWF model ! Nested fields, unchangeable with time !************************************** real, allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: & oron, & ! orography of the ECMWF model excessoron, & ! excess orography mother domain lsmn ! land sea mask of the ECMWF model ! 3d fields necessary for eta coordinates option !************************************************ real, allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:) :: & uueta,vveta, & ! wind components on half model levels in x and y direction [m/s] wweta, & ! wind component on model levels in z direction [eta/s] uupoleta,vvpoleta, & ! wind components on half model levels in polar stereographic projection [m/s] tteta, & ! temperature data on half model levels [K] pveta, & ! potential vorticity on half model levels rhoeta, & ! air density on half model levels [kg/m3] prseta, & ! air pressure on half model levels drhodzeta, & ! vertical air density gradient on half model levels [kg/m2] !tvirtual, & ! Virtual temperature on half model levels etauvheight,etawheight ! Saved half model and model heights for ETA coordinate system [m] ! 3d fields !********** real, allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:) :: & uu,vv,ww, & ! wind components in x,y and z direction [m/s] uupol,vvpol, & ! wind components in polar stereographic projection [m/s] tt,tth, & ! temperature data on internal and half model levels [K] qv,qvh, & ! specific humidity data on internal and half model levels (eta if 'ETA') pv, & ! potential vorticity rho, & ! air density [kg/m3] drhodz, & ! vertical air density gradient [kg/m2] pplev, & ! Pressure on half model levels prs, & ! air pressure RLT rho_dry ! dry air density RLT Only printed out in binary mode??? ! Cloud properties !***************************************** real, allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:) :: & clwc, & ! liquid [kg/kg] ZHG ciwc, & ! ice [kg/kg] ZHG clwch, & ! original eta level liquid [kg/kg] ZHG ciwch ! original eta level ice [kg/kg] ZHG real, allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: & ctwc ! ESO: =icloud_stats(:,:,4,:) total cloud water content integer,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: & ! new scavenging AT 2021 icloudbot, & ! cloud bottom height [m/eta] icloudtop ! cloud top [m/eta] ! 3d nested fields !***************** real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: & uun, vvn, wwn, & ! wind components in x,y and z direction [m/s] ttn, tthn, & ! temperature data on internal and half model levels [K] qvn, qvhn, & ! specific humidity data on internal and half model levels pvn, & ! potential vorticity rhon, & ! air density [kg/m3] prsn, & ! air pressure RLT drhodzn ! vertical air density gradient [kg/m2] ! ETA equivalents real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: & uuetan,vvetan, & ! wind components on half model levels in x and y direction [m/s] wwetan, & ! wind component on model levels in z direction [eta/s] ttetan, & ! temperature data on half model levels [K] pvetan, & ! potential vorticity on half model levels rhoetan, & ! air density on half model levels [kg/m3] prsetan, & ! air pressure on half model levels drhodzetan, & ! vertical air density gradient on half model levels [kg/m2] !tvirtualn, & ! Virtual temperature on half model levels etauvheightn,etawheightn ! Saved half model and model heights for ETA coordinate system [m] ! Nested cloud properties real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: & clwcn, & ! liquid [kg/kg] ZHG ciwcn, & ! ice [kg/kg] ZHG clwchn, & ! original eta level liquid [kg/kg] ZHG ciwchn ! original eta level ice [kg/kg] ZHG real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:) :: & ctwcn ! ESO: =icloud_stats(:,:,4,:) total cloud water content integer,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:) :: & ! new scavenging AT 2021 icloudbotn, & ! cloud bottom height [m/eta] icloudtopn ! cloud thickness [m/eta] ! 2d fields !********** real, allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:) :: & ps, & ! surface pressure sd, & ! snow depth msl, & ! mean sea level pressure tcc, & ! total cloud cover u10, & ! 10 meter u v10, & ! 10 meter v tt2, & ! 2 meter temperature td2, & ! 2 meter dew point sshf, & ! surface sensible heat flux ssr, & ! surface solar radiation sfcstress, & ! surface stress ustar, & ! friction velocity [m/s] wstar, & ! convective velocity scale [m/s] hmix, & ! mixing height [m] tropopause, & ! altitude of thermal tropopause [m] oli ! inverse Obukhov length (1/L) [m] ! 2d fields !********** real, allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: & ! newWetDepoScheme, extra precip dimension AT 2021 lsprec, & ! large scale total precipitation [mm/h] convprec ! convective precipitation [mm/h] ! 2d nested fields !******************* real, allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: & psn, & ! surface pressure sdn, & ! snow depth msln, & ! mean sea level pressure tccn, & ! total cloud cover u10n, & ! 10 meter u v10n, & ! 10 meter v tt2n, & ! 2 meter temperature td2n, & ! 2 meter dew point sshfn, & ! surface sensible heat flux ssrn, & ! surface solar radiation sfcstressn, & ! surface stress ustarn, & ! friction velocity [m/s] wstarn, & ! convective velocity scale [m/s] hmixn, & ! mixing height [m] tropopausen, & ! altitude of thermal tropopause [m] olin, & ! inverse Obukhov length (1/L) [m] vdepn ! ! 2d fields !********** real, allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:) :: & ! newWetDepoScheme, extra precip dimension AT 2021 lsprecn, & ! large scale total precipitation [mm/h] convprecn ! convective precipitation [mm/h] integer :: metdata_format ! storing the input data type (ECMWF/NCEP) !**************************************************************************** ! Variables defining actual size and geographical location of the wind fields !**************************************************************************** integer :: & nx,ny,nz, & ! actual dimensions of wind fields in x,y and z direction, respectively nxmin1, & ! nx-1 nymin1, & ! ny-1 nxfield, & ! same as nx for limited area fields, but for global fields nx=nxfield+1 nuvz,nwz, & ! vertical dimension of original ECMWF data (u,v components/ w components(staggered grid)) nmixz, & ! number of levels up to maximum PBL height (3500 m) nlev_ec ! number of levels ECMWF model real :: & dxconst, & ! auxiliary variables for utransform dyconst ! auxiliary variables for vtransform integer :: nconvlevmax !maximum number of levels for convection integer :: na ! parameter used in Emanuel's convect subroutine !************************************************* ! Variables used for vertical model discretization !************************************************* real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: & height, & ! heights of all levels [m] wheight, & ! model level heights [m] uvheight, & ! half-model level heights [m] akm,bkm, & ! coefficients which regulate vertical discretization of ecmwf model levels akz,bkz, & ! model discretization coefficients at the centre of the layers aknew,bknew ! model discretization coefficients at the interpolated levels !********************************************************************* ! Variables characterizing size and location of the nested wind fields !********************************************************************* integer,allocatable,dimension(:) :: & nxn,nyn ! actual dimensions of nested wind fields in x and y direction real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: & dxn,dyn, & ! grid distances in x,y direction for the nested grids xlon0n, & ! geographical longitude of lower left grid point of nested wind fields ylat0n ! geographical latitude of lower left grid point of nested wind fields !************************************************* ! Certain auxiliary variables needed for the nests !************************************************* real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: & xresoln,yresoln, & ! Factors by which the resolutions in the nests ! are enhanced compared to mother grid xln,yln,xrn,yrn ! Corner points of nested grids in grid coordinates of mother grid contains subroutine detectformat !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine reads the 1st file with windfields to determine * ! the format. * ! * ! Authors: M. Harustak * ! * ! 6 May 2015 * ! * ! Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * ! Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * ! - Added routine to FP10 Flexpart distribution * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! fname file name of file to check * ! * !***************************************************************************** use par_mod use com_mod use class_gribfile_mod implicit none character(len=255) :: filename ! If no file is available if ( numbwf.le.0 ) then print*,'No wind file available' metdata_format = GRIBFILE_CENTRE_UNKNOWN return endif ! construct filename filename = path(3)(1:length(3)) // trim(wfname(1)) ! get format metdata_format = gribfile_centre(TRIM(filename)) end subroutine detectformat subroutine gridcheck_ecmwf !********************************************************************** ! * ! FLEXPART MODEL SUBROUTINE GRIDCHECK * ! * !********************************************************************** ! * ! AUTHOR: G. WOTAWA * ! DATE: 1997-08-06 * ! LAST UPDATE: 1997-10-10 * ! * ! Update: 1999-02-08, global fields allowed, A. Stohl* ! CHANGE: 11/01/2008, Harald Sodemann, GRIB1/2 input with * ! ECMWF grib_api * ! CHANGE: 03/12/2008, Harald Sodemann, update to f90 with * ! ECMWF grib_api * ! * ! Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * ! Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * ! - Renamed from gridcheck to gridcheck_ecmwf * ! * ! * ! Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * ! for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * ! * !********************************************************************** ! * ! DESCRIPTION: * ! * ! THIS SUBROUTINE DETERMINES THE GRID SPECIFICATIONS (LOWER LEFT * ! LONGITUDE, LOWER LEFT LATITUDE, NUMBER OF GRID POINTS, GRID DIST- * ! ANCE AND VERTICAL DISCRETIZATION OF THE ECMWF MODEL) FROM THE * ! GRIB HEADER OF THE FIRST INPUT FILE. THE CONSISTANCY (NO CHANGES * ! WITHIN ONE FLEXPART RUN) IS CHECKED IN THE ROUTINE "READWIND" AT * ! ANY CALL. * ! * ! XLON0 geographical longitude of lower left gridpoint * ! YLAT0 geographical latitude of lower left gridpoint * ! NX number of grid points x-direction * ! NY number of grid points y-direction * ! DX grid distance x-direction * ! DY grid distance y-direction * ! NUVZ number of grid points for horizontal wind * ! components in z direction * ! NWZ number of grid points for vertical wind * ! component in z direction * ! sizesouth, sizenorth give the map scale (i.e. number of virtual grid* ! points of the polar stereographic grid): * ! used to check the CFL criterion * ! UVHEIGHT(1)- heights of gridpoints where u and v are * ! UVHEIGHT(NUVZ) given * ! WHEIGHT(1)- heights of gridpoints where w is given * ! WHEIGHT(NWZ) * ! * !********************************************************************** use grib_api use cmapf_mod, only: stlmbr,stcm2p implicit none integer :: ifile integer :: iret integer :: igrib integer :: gotGrid,stat real(kind=4) :: xaux1,xaux2,yaux1,yaux2 real(kind=8) :: xaux1in,xaux2in,yaux1in,yaux2in integer :: gribVer,parCat,parNum,typSfc,valSurf,discipl,parId !HSO end integer :: ix,jy,i,ifn,ifield,j,iumax,iwmax,numskip,size1,size2 integer :: k ! (as k, is the level in ECWMF notation, top->bot) real :: sizesouth,sizenorth,xauxa integer :: istep, ipf ! istep=stepRange for precip field identification integer :: pcount ! counter for precipitation fields ! VARIABLES AND ARRAYS NEEDED FOR GRIB DECODING ! dimension of isec2 at least (22+n), where n is the number of parallels or ! meridians in a quasi-regular (reduced) Gaussian or lat/long grid ! dimension of zsec2 at least (10+nn), where nn is the number of vertical ! coordinate parameters real(kind=4),allocatable,dimension(:) :: zsec2 real(kind=4),allocatable,dimension(:) :: zsec4 ! AT PS replace isec1, isec2 arrays by scalar values because we don't need ! arrays anymore. isec1(X) -> isX, isec2(X) -> jsX integer :: is6, js2, js3, js12 character(len=1) :: opt !HSO grib api error messages character(len=24) :: gribErrorMsg = 'Error reading grib file' character(len=20) :: thisSubr = 'gridcheck_ecmwf' logical :: lstep(0:2), luseprec iumax=0 iwmax=0 ! AT defaults to identify precipitation interpolation algorithm luseprec=.false. lprecint=.false. lstep(:)=.false. pcount=0 if(ideltas.gt.0) then ifn=1 else ifn=numbwf endif ! ! OPENING OF DATA FILE (GRIB CODE) ! call grib_open_file(ifile,path(3)(1:length(3))//trim(wfname(ifn)),'r',iret) if (iret.ne.GRIB_SUCCESS) goto 999 ! ERROR DETECTED !turn on support for multi fields messages !call grib_multi_support_on gotGrid=0 ifield=0 do while(.true.) ifield=ifield+1 ! reading messages from GRIB file !-------------------------------- call grib_new_from_file(ifile,igrib,iret) if (iret.eq.GRIB_END_OF_FILE ) then exit ! EOF DETECTED elseif (iret.ne.GRIB_SUCCESS) then goto 999 ! ERROR DETECTED endif !first see if we read GRIB1 or GRIB2 call grib_get_int(igrib,'editionNumber',gribVer,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) ! AT stepRange is used to identify additional precip fields call grib_get_int(igrib,'stepRange',istep,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) if (gribVer.eq.1) then ! GRIB Edition 1 ! read the grib1 identifiers call grib_get_int(igrib,'indicatorOfParameter',is6,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',k,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) !change code for etadot to code for omega if (is6 .eq. 77) is6=135 else ! GRiB Edition 2 !read the grib2 identifiers call grib_get_int(igrib,'discipline',discipl,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterCategory',parCat,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterNumber',parNum,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'typeOfFirstFixedSurface',typSfc,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',k,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'paramId',parId,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) !convert to grib1 identifiers is6=-1 if (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! T is6=130 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 2 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! U is6=131 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 3 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! V is6=132 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! Q is6=133 ! ESO Cloud water is in a) fields CLWC and CIWC, *or* b) field QC elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 83 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! clwc is6=246 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 84 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! ciwc is6=247 ! ESO qc(=clwc+ciwc): elseif (parCat .eq. 201 .and. parNum .eq. 31 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! qc is6=201031 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then !SP is6=134 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 32) then ! W, actually eta dot is6=135 elseif (parCat .eq. 128 .and. parNum .eq. 77) then ! W, actually eta dot is6=135 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 101) then ! SLP is6=151 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 2 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 10U is6=165 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 3 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 10V is6=166 elseif (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 2T is6=167 elseif (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 6 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 2D is6=168 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 11 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then ! SD is6=141 elseif (parCat .eq. 6 .and. parNum .eq. 1 .or. parId .eq. 164) then ! CC is6=164 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 9 .or. parId .eq. 142) then ! LSP is6=142 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 10) then ! CP is6=143 elseif (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 11 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then ! SHF is6=146 elseif (parCat .eq. 4 .and. parNum .eq. 9 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then ! SR is6=176 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 38 .or. parId .eq. 180) then ! EWSS --correct is6=180 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 37 .or. parId .eq. 181) then ! NSSS --correct is6=181 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 4) then ! ORO is6=129 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 7 .or. parId .eq. 160) then ! SDO is6=160 elseif (discipl .eq. 2 .and. parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. & typSfc .eq. 1) then ! LSM is6=172 elseif (parNum .eq. 152) then is6=152 ! avoid warning for lnsp else print*,'***WARNING: undefined GRiB2 message found!',discipl, & parCat,parNum,typSfc endif if (parId .ne. is6 .and. parId .ne. 77) write(*,*) 'parId',parId, 'is6',is6 endif !gribVer ! call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAParallel',js2,iret) ! if (js2 .gt. nxmax) THEN ! write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many grid points in x direction.' ! write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' ! write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.f90' ! write(*,*) js2,nxmax ! stop ! endif ! AT, PS ! Identify how many precip fields are available per input time step if (is6 .eq. 142 .or. is6 .eq. 143) then ! PRECIPITATION pcount=pcount+1 lstep(istep)=.true. ipf=istep+1 if (pcount .gt. 2) then ! additional precip field found if (numpf .eq. 1) then write(*,*) '*** ERROR: additional precip fields available ***' write(*,*) '*** You must use them, set numpf=3 and recompile ***' stop 'readwind_ecmwf: set numpf to 3 in par_mod.f90' elseif (ipf .le. numpf) then luseprec=.true. else write(*,*) '*** ERROR: unexpected value of numpf=',numpf,' ***' write(*,*) '*** Set to 1 or 3 and recompile ***' stop 'readwind_ecmwf: numpf too small' endif else ! regular precip field luseprec=.true. endif endif if (ifield .eq. 1) then call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAParallel',js2,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian',js3,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfVerticalCoordinateValues',js12) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees',xaux1in,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) nxfield=js2 ny=js3 nlev_ec=js12/2-1 ! call grib_get_size(igrib,'values',size1,iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_size(igrib,'pv',size2,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) allocate(zsec2(size2), stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate zsec2" call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'pv',zsec2,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) endif ! ifield !get the size and data of the values array if (is6.ne.-1) then ! LB: Within ecCodes, especially when moving from the grib_api to eccodes, ! memory is allocated within the function below when the input array is ! dynamically allocated. This is why it needs to be allocated and ! deallocated for every field to avoid unexpected behaviour. call grib_get_size(igrib,'values',size1,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) allocate(zsec4(size1), stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate zsec4" call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'values',zsec4,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) endif !HSO get the second part of the grid dimensions only from GRiB1 messages if (is6 .eq. 167 .and. gotGrid .eq. 0) then call grib_get_real8(igrib,'longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees',xaux2in,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees',yaux1in,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees',yaux2in,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) xaux1=real(xaux1in) xaux2=real(xaux2in) yaux1=real(yaux1in) yaux2=real(yaux2in) if (xaux1.gt.180.) xaux1=xaux1-360. if (xaux2.gt.180.) xaux2=xaux2-360. if (xaux1.lt.-180.) xaux1=xaux1+360. if (xaux2.lt.-180.) xaux2=xaux2+360. if (xaux2.lt.xaux1) xaux2=xaux2+360. xlon0=xaux1 ylat0=yaux1 dx=(xaux2-xaux1)/real(nxfield-1) dy=(yaux2-yaux1)/real(ny-1) dxconst=180./(dx*r_earth*pi) dyconst=180./(dy*r_earth*pi) gotGrid=1 !------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check whether fields are global ! If they contain the poles, specify polar stereographic map ! projections using the stlmbr- and stcm2p-calls !------------------------------------------------------------- xauxa=abs(xaux2+dx-360.-xaux1) if (xauxa.lt.0.001) then nx=nxfield+1 ! field is cyclic xglobal=.true. if (abs(nxshift).ge.nx) & error stop 'nxshift in file par_mod is too large' xlon0=xlon0+real(nxshift)*dx else nx=nxfield xglobal=.false. if (nxshift.ne.0) & error stop 'nxshift (par_mod) must be zero for non-global domain' endif nxmin1=nx-1 nymin1=ny-1 if (xlon0.gt.180.) xlon0=xlon0-360. xauxa=abs(yaux1+90.) if (xglobal.and.xauxa.lt.0.001) then sglobal=.true. ! field contains south pole ! Enhance the map scale by factor 3 (*2=6) compared to north-south ! map scale sizesouth=6.*(switchsouth+90.)/dy call stlmbr(southpolemap,-90.,0.) call stcm2p(southpolemap,0.,0.,switchsouth,0.,sizesouth, & sizesouth,switchsouth,180.) switchsouthg=(switchsouth-ylat0)/dy else sglobal=.false. switchsouthg=999999. endif xauxa=abs(yaux2-90.) if (xglobal.and.xauxa.lt.0.001) then nglobal=.true. ! field contains north pole ! Enhance the map scale by factor 3 (*2=6) compared to north-south ! map scale sizenorth=6.*(90.-switchnorth)/dy call stlmbr(northpolemap,90.,0.) call stcm2p(northpolemap,0.,0.,switchnorth,0.,sizenorth, & sizenorth,switchnorth,180.) switchnorthg=(switchnorth-ylat0)/dy else nglobal=.false. switchnorthg=999999. endif if (nxshift.lt.0) & error stop 'nxshift (par_mod) must not be negative' if (nxshift.ge.nxfield) error stop 'nxshift (par_mod) too large' endif ! gotGrid ! if (nx.gt.nxmax) then ! write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many grid points in x direction.' ! write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' ! write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.' ! write(*,*) nx,nxmax ! error stop ! endif ! if (ny.gt.nymax) then ! write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many grid points in y direction.' ! write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' ! write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.' ! write(*,*) ny,nymax ! error stop ! endif if (is6 .eq. 131) iumax=max(iumax,nlev_ec-k+1) if (is6 .eq. 135) iwmax=max(iwmax,nlev_ec-k+1) if (is6 .eq. 167) then ! Asking grid values and allocate memory to read windfields nxmax=nxfield if (xglobal) then nxmax=nxfield+1 endif nymax=ny nwzmax=iwmax+1 nuvzmax=iumax+1 nzmax=nuvzmax nconvlevmax=iumax na=nuvzmax ! Temporary nxmax and nymax call alloc_fixedfields write(*,*) 'grid dim:',nxmax,nymax,nwzmax,nuvzmax,nconvlevmax,na endif if(is6.eq.129) then do jy=0,ny-1 do ix=0,nxfield-1 oro(ix,jy)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-jy-1)+ix+1)/ga end do end do endif if(is6.eq.172) then do jy=0,ny-1 do ix=0,nxfield-1 lsm(ix,jy)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-jy-1)+ix+1) end do end do endif if(is6.eq.160) then do jy=0,ny-1 do ix=0,nxfield-1 excessoro(ix,jy)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-jy-1)+ix+1) end do end do endif call grib_release(igrib) if (is6.ne.-1) deallocate( zsec4 ) end do !! READ NEXT GRIB MESSAGE (LEVEL OR PARAMETER) ! ! CLOSING OF INPUT DATA FILE ! call grib_close_file(ifile) if (luseprec .eqv. .false.) & error stop "Conditions for precipitation interpolation not fulfilled! & Please check number of precipitation fields per type in GRIB files and & numpf parameter in par_mod.f90." ! save info for type of precipitation interpolation ! true if new interpolation / false for old interpolation if ( all(lstep) ) lprecint=.true. ! Allocate memory for windfields !******************************* call alloc_windfields !error message if no fields found with correct first longitude in it if (gotGrid.eq.0) then print*,'***ERROR: input file needs to contain GRIB1 formatted messages' error stop endif nuvz=iumax nwz =iwmax if(nuvz.eq.nlev_ec) nwz=nlev_ec+1 if (nuvz+1 .gt. nuvzmax) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many u,v grid points in z direction.' write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.f90' write(*,*) nuvz+1,nuvzmax stop endif if (nwz .gt. nwzmax) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many w grid points in z direction.' write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.f90' write(*,*) nwz,nwzmax error stop endif ! If desired, shift all grids by nxshift grid cells !************************************************** if (xglobal) then call shift_field_0(oro,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(lsm,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(excessoro,nxfield,ny) endif ! Output of grid info !******************** write(*,'(a,2i7)') ' Vertical levels in ECMWF data: ', nuvz+1,nwz write(*,*) write(*,'(a)') ' Mother domain:' write(*,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.5,a,f10.5)') ' Longitude range: ', & xlon0,' to ',xlon0+(nx-1)*dx,' Grid distance: ',dx write(*,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.5,a,f10.5)') ' Latitude range : ', & ylat0,' to ',ylat0+(ny-1)*dy,' Grid distance: ',dy write(*,*) ! Calculate vertical discretization of ECMWF model ! Parameters akm,bkm describe the hybrid "ETA" coordinate system numskip=nlev_ec-nuvz ! number of ecmwf model layers not used akm=0 bkm=0 akz=0 bkz=0 do i=1,nwz ! LB: should start counting from 0 to get the top level? akm(nwz-i+1)=zsec2(numskip+i) ! write (*,*) 'ifield:',ifield,k,j,zsec2(10+j) bkm(nwz-i+1)=zsec2(nlev_ec+1+numskip+i) wheight(nwz-i+1)=akm(nwz-i+1)/101325.+bkm(nwz-i+1) ! From FLEXTRA end do ! Calculation of AKZ, BKZ ! AKZ,BKZ: model discretization parameters at the center of each model layer ! ! Assign the 10 m winds to an artificial model level with akz=0 and bkz=1.0, ! i.e. ground level !***************************************************************************** akz(1)=0. bkz(1)=1. uvheight(1)=1. do i=1,nuvz uvheight(i+1)=0.5*(wheight(i+1)+wheight(i)) ! From FLEXTRA akz(i+1)=0.5*(akm(i+1)+akm(i)) bkz(i+1)=0.5*(bkm(i+1)+bkm(i)) end do ! exuvheight=wheight nuvz=nuvz+1 ! NOTE: In FLEXPART versions up to 4.0, the number of model levels was doubled ! upon the transformation to z levels. In order to save computer memory, this is ! not done anymore in the standard version. However, this option can still be ! switched on by replacing the following lines with those below, that are ! currently commented out. For this, similar changes are necessary in ! verttransform.f and verttranform_nest.f !***************************************************************************** nz=nuvz if (nz.gt.nzmax) error stop 'nzmax too small' do i=1,nuvz aknew(i)=akz(i) bknew(i)=bkz(i) end do deallocate( zsec2 ) return 999 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' ################################################# ' write(*,*) ' SUBROUTINE GRIDCHECK:' write(*,*) ' CAN NOT OPEN INPUT DATA FILE '//wfname(ifn) write(*,*) ' ################################################# ' end subroutine gridcheck_ecmwf subroutine gridcheck_gfs !********************************************************************** ! * ! FLEXPART MODEL SUBROUTINE GRIDCHECK * ! * !********************************************************************** ! * ! AUTHOR: G. WOTAWA * ! DATE: 1997-08-06 * ! LAST UPDATE: 1997-10-10 * ! * ! Update: 1999-02-08, global fields allowed, A. Stohl* ! CHANGE: 17/11/2005, Caroline Forster, GFS data * ! CHANGE: 11/01/2008, Harald Sodemann, GRIB1/2 input with * ! ECMWF grib_api * ! CHANGE: 03/12/2008, Harald Sodemann, update to f90 with * ! ECMWF grib_api * ! * ! Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * ! Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * ! - Renamed routine from gridcheck to gridcheck_gfs * ! * ! * ! Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * ! for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * ! * !********************************************************************** ! * ! DESCRIPTION: * ! * ! THIS SUBROUTINE DETERMINES THE GRID SPECIFICATIONS (LOWER LEFT * ! LONGITUDE, LOWER LEFT LATITUDE, NUMBER OF GRID POINTS, GRID DIST- * ! ANCE AND VERTICAL DISCRETIZATION OF THE ECMWF MODEL) FROM THE * ! GRIB HEADER OF THE FIRST INPUT FILE. THE CONSISTANCY (NO CHANGES * ! WITHIN ONE FLEXPART RUN) IS CHECKED IN THE ROUTINE "READWIND" AT * ! ANY CALL. * ! * ! XLON0 geographical longitude of lower left gridpoint * ! YLAT0 geographical latitude of lower left gridpoint * ! NX number of grid points x-direction * ! NY number of grid points y-direction * ! DX grid distance x-direction * ! DY grid distance y-direction * ! NUVZ number of grid points for horizontal wind * ! components in z direction * ! NWZ number of grid points for vertical wind * ! component in z direction * ! sizesouth, sizenorth give the map scale (i.e. number of virtual grid* ! points of the polar stereographic grid): * ! used to check the CFL criterion * ! UVHEIGHT(1)- heights of gridpoints where u and v are * ! UVHEIGHT(NUVZ) given * ! WHEIGHT(1)- heights of gridpoints where w is given * ! WHEIGHT(NWZ) * ! * !********************************************************************** use grib_api use cmapf_mod, only: stlmbr,stcm2p implicit none !HSO parameters for grib_api integer :: ifile integer :: iret integer :: igrib,stat,size1 real(kind=4) :: xaux1,xaux2,yaux1,yaux2 real(kind=8) :: xaux1in,xaux2in,yaux1in,yaux2in integer :: gribVer,parCat,parNum,typSfc,valSurf,discipl !HSO end integer :: ix,jy,i,ifn,ifield,j,k,iumax,iwmax,numskip real :: sizesouth,sizenorth,xauxa real :: xsec18 !ip real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: akm_usort,pres,tmppres real,parameter :: eps=0.0001 ! NCEP GFS real :: help integer :: i179,i180,i181 ! VARIABLES AND ARRAYS NEEDED FOR GRIB DECODING integer :: isec1(8),isec2(3) real(kind=4),allocatable,dimension(:) :: zsec4 character(len=1) :: opt !HSO grib api error messages character(len=24) :: gribErrorMsg = 'Error reading grib file' character(len=20) :: gribFunction = 'gridcheckwind_gfs' ! real(kind=4),allocatable,dimension(:) :: zsec4 ! integer :: iret,size1,size2,stat ! if (numbnests.ge.1) then write(*,*) ' ###########################################' write(*,*) ' FLEXPART ERROR SUBROUTINE GRIDCHECK:' write(*,*) ' NO NESTED WINDFIELDAS ALLOWED FOR GFS! ' write(*,*) ' ###########################################' error stop endif iumax=0 iwmax=0 if(ideltas.gt.0) then ifn=1 else ifn=numbwf endif ! ! OPENING OF DATA FILE (GRIB CODE) ! 5 call grib_open_file(ifile,path(3)(1:length(3)) & //trim(wfname(ifn)),'r',iret) if (iret.ne.GRIB_SUCCESS) then goto 999 ! ERROR DETECTED endif !turn on support for multi fields messages call grib_multi_support_on ifield=0 do ifield=ifield+1 ! ! GET NEXT FIELDS ! call grib_new_from_file(ifile,igrib,iret) if (iret.eq.GRIB_END_OF_FILE ) then exit ! EOF DETECTED elseif (iret.ne.GRIB_SUCCESS) then goto 999 ! ERROR DETECTED endif !first see if we read GRIB1 or GRIB2 call grib_get_int(igrib,'editionNumber',gribVer,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) if (gribVer.eq.1) then ! GRIB Edition 1 !read the grib1 identifiers call grib_get_int(igrib,'indicatorOfParameter',isec1(6),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel',isec1(7),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',isec1(8),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) xsec18 = real(isec1(8)) else ! GRIB Edition 2 !read the grib2 identifiers call grib_get_int(igrib,'discipline',discipl,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterCategory',parCat,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterNumber',parNum,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'typeOfFirstFixedSurface',typSfc,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface', & valSurf,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) !convert to grib1 identifiers isec1(6)=-1 isec1(7)=-1 isec1(8)=-1 xsec18 = -1.0 if ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.2).and.(typSfc.eq.100)) then ! U isec1(6)=33 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=100 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=valSurf/100 ! level, convert to hPa xsec18=valSurf/100.0 ! level, convert to hPa ! fixgfs11 call grib_get_size(igrib,'values',size1,iret) allocate( zsec4(size1),stat=stat ) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate zsec4" call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'values',zsec4,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) !PRINT*,zsec4(1:15) !stop 'MIP2 in gridcheck' deallocate(zsec4) elseif ((parCat.eq.3).and.(parNum.eq.5).and.(typSfc.eq.1)) then ! TOPO isec1(6)=7 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=1 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0 xsec18=real(0) elseif ((parCat.eq.0).and.(parNum.eq.0).and.(typSfc.eq.1) & .and.(discipl.eq.2)) then ! LSM isec1(6)=81 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=1 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0 xsec18=real(0) endif endif ! gribVer if(ifield.eq.1) then !get the required fields from section 2 !store compatible to gribex input call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAParallel', & isec2(2),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian', & isec2(3),iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees', & xaux1in,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees', & xaux2in,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees', & yaux1in,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees', & yaux2in,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) ! Fix for flexpart.eu ticket #48 if (xaux2in.lt.0) xaux2in = 359.0 xaux1=real(xaux1in) xaux2=real(xaux2in) yaux1=real(yaux1in) yaux2=real(yaux2in) nxfield=isec2(2) ny=isec2(3) if((abs(xaux1).lt.eps).and.(xaux2.ge.359)) then ! NCEP DATA FROM 0 TO ! fixgfs11 ! xaux1=-179.0 ! 359 DEG EAST -> ! xaux2=-179.0+360.-360./real(nxfield) ! TRANSFORMED TO -179 ! reset to working v10 settings xaux1=-180.0 ! 359 DEG EAST -> xaux2=-180.0+360.-360./real(nxfield) ! TRANSFORMED TO -179 endif ! TO 180 DEG EAST if (xaux1.gt.180) xaux1=xaux1-360.0 if (xaux2.gt.180) xaux2=xaux2-360.0 if (xaux1.lt.-180) xaux1=xaux1+360.0 if (xaux2.lt.-180) xaux2=xaux2+360.0 if (xaux2.lt.xaux1) xaux2=xaux2+360. xlon0=xaux1 ylat0=yaux1 dx=(xaux2-xaux1)/real(nxfield-1) dy=(yaux2-yaux1)/real(ny-1) dxconst=180./(dx*r_earth*pi) dyconst=180./(dy*r_earth*pi) !HSO end edits ! Check whether fields are global ! If they contain the poles, specify polar stereographic map ! projections using the stlmbr- and stcm2p-calls !*********************************************************** xauxa=abs(xaux2+dx-360.-xaux1) if (xauxa.lt.0.001) then nx=nxfield+1 ! field is cyclic xglobal=.true. if (abs(nxshift).ge.nx) & error stop 'nxshift in file par_mod is too large' xlon0=xlon0+real(nxshift)*dx else nx=nxfield xglobal=.false. if (nxshift.ne.0) & error stop 'nxshift (par_mod) must be zero for non-global domain' endif nxmin1=nx-1 nymin1=ny-1 if (xlon0.gt.180.) xlon0=xlon0-360. xauxa=abs(yaux1+90.) if (xglobal.and.xauxa.lt.0.001) then sglobal=.true. ! field contains south pole ! Enhance the map scale by factor 3 (*2=6) compared to north-south ! map scale sizesouth=6.*(switchsouth+90.)/dy call stlmbr(southpolemap,-90.,0.) call stcm2p(southpolemap,0.,0.,switchsouth,0.,sizesouth, & sizesouth,switchsouth,180.) switchsouthg=(switchsouth-ylat0)/dy else sglobal=.false. switchsouthg=999999. endif xauxa=abs(yaux2-90.) if (xglobal.and.xauxa.lt.0.001) then nglobal=.true. ! field contains north pole ! Enhance the map scale by factor 3 (*2=6) compared to north-south ! map scale sizenorth=6.*(90.-switchnorth)/dy call stlmbr(northpolemap,90.,0.) call stcm2p(northpolemap,0.,0.,switchnorth,0.,sizenorth, & sizenorth,switchnorth,180.) switchnorthg=(switchnorth-ylat0)/dy else nglobal=.false. switchnorthg=999999. endif ! Set nxmax and nymax and allocate the fields for oro lsm and excessoro nxmax=nx nymax=ny call alloc_fixedfields endif ! ifield.eq.1 if (nxshift.lt.0) error stop 'nxshift (par_mod) must not be negative' if (nxshift.ge.nxfield) error stop 'nxshift (par_mod) too large' if (isec1(6).ne.-1) then ! get the size and data of the values array !get the size and data of the values array call grib_get_size(igrib,'values',size1,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) allocate(zsec4(size1),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate zsec4" call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'values',zsec4,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) endif ! NCEP ISOBARIC LEVELS !********************* if((isec1(6).eq.33).and.(isec1(7).eq.100)) then ! check for U wind iumax=iumax+1 ! fixgfs11 allocate( tmppres(iumax), stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmppres" if (iumax.gt.1) tmppres(1:iumax-1)=pres !pres(iumax)=real(isec1(8))*100.0 call move_alloc(tmppres,pres) pres(iumax)=xsec18*100.0 ! ip 30.1.24 fix vertical coordinate reading bug endif ! fixgfs11 TODO: finish cleanup i179=nint(179./dx) if (dx.lt.0.7) then i180=nint(180./dx)+1 ! 0.5 deg data else i180=nint(179./dx)+1 ! 1 deg data endif i181=i180+1 ! fixgfs11 -- revert to working v10.4 setting i180=nint(180./dx) ! 0.5 deg data i181=i180 i179=i180 ! NCEP TERRAIN !************* if((isec1(6).eq.007).and.(isec1(7).eq.001)) then ! IP 8/5/23 do jy=0,ny-1 do ix=0,nxfield-1 help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-jy-1)+ix+1) if(ix.le.i180) then oro(i179+ix,jy)=help excessoro(i179+ix,jy)=0.0 ! ISOBARIC SURFACES: SUBGRID TERRAIN DISREGARDED else oro(ix-i181,jy)=help excessoro(ix-i181,jy)=0.0 ! ISOBARIC SURFACES: SUBGRID TERRAIN DISREGARDED endif end do end do endif ! NCEP LAND SEA MASK !******************* if((isec1(6).eq.081).and.(isec1(7).eq.001)) then do jy=0,ny-1 do ix=0,nxfield-1 help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-jy-1)+ix+1) if(ix.le.i180) then lsm(i179+ix,jy)=help else lsm(ix-i181,jy)=help endif end do end do endif call grib_release(igrib) if (isec1(6).ne.-1) deallocate( zsec4 ) !IP 28/11/23 fix to run GFS tests end do !! READ NEXT LEVEL OR PARAMETER ! ! CLOSING OF INPUT DATA FILE ! ! HSO call grib_close_file(ifile) ! HSO end edits nuvz=iumax nwz =iumax nlev_ec=iumax ! Allocate memory for windfields !******************************* nwzmax=nwz nuvzmax=nuvz nzmax=nuvz nconvlevmax=iumax na=nuvzmax call alloc_windfields if (nx.gt.nxmax) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many grid points in x direction.' write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.' write(*,*) nx,nxmax error stop endif if (ny.gt.nymax) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many grid points in y direction.' write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.' write(*,*) ny,nymax error stop endif if (nuvz.gt.nuvzmax) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many u,v grid points in z '// & 'direction.' write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.' write(*,*) nuvz,nuvzmax error stop endif if (nwz.gt.nwzmax) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Too many w grid points in z '// & 'direction.' write(*,*) 'Reduce resolution of wind fields.' write(*,*) 'Or change parameter settings in file par_mod.' write(*,*) nwz,nwzmax error stop endif ! If desired, shift all grids by nxshift grid cells !************************************************** if (xglobal) then call shift_field_0(oro,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(lsm,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(excessoro,nxfield,ny) endif ! Output of grid info !******************** if (lroot) then write(*,*) write(*,*) write(*,'(a,2i7)') 'Vertical levels in NCEP data: ', & nuvz,nwz write(*,*) write(*,'(a)') 'Mother domain:' write(*,'(a,f10.2,a1,f10.2,a,f10.2)') ' Longitude range: ', & xlon0,' to ',xlon0+(nx-1)*dx,' Grid distance: ',dx write(*,'(a,f10.2,a1,f10.2,a,f10.2)') ' Latitude range : ', & ylat0,' to ',ylat0+(ny-1)*dy,' Grid distance: ',dy write(*,*) end if ! CALCULATE VERTICAL DISCRETIZATION OF ECMWF MODEL ! PARAMETER akm,bkm DESCRIBE THE HYBRID "ETA" COORDINATE SYSTEM allocate( akm_usort(nwzmax), stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate akm_usort" numskip=nlev_ec-nuvz ! number of ecmwf model layers not used ! by trajectory model do i=1,nwz j=numskip+i k=nlev_ec+1+numskip+i akm_usort(nwz-i+1)=pres(nwz-i+1) bkm(nwz-i+1)=0.0 end do !****************************** ! change Sabine Eckhardt: akm should always be in descending order ... readwind adapted! !****************************** do i=1,nwz if (akm_usort(1).gt.akm_usort(2)) then akm(i)=akm_usort(i) else akm(i)=akm_usort(nwz-i+1) endif end do ! ! CALCULATION OF AKZ, BKZ ! AKZ,BKZ: model discretization parameters at the center of each model ! layer ! ! Assign the 10 m winds to an artificial model level with akz=0 and bkz=1.0, ! i.e. ground level !***************************************************************************** do i=1,nuvz akz(i)=akm(i) bkz(i)=bkm(i) end do ! NOTE: In FLEXPART versions up to 4.0, the number of model levels was doubled ! upon the transformation to z levels. In order to save computer memory, this is ! not done anymore in the standard version. However, this option can still be ! switched on by replacing the following lines with those below, that are ! currently commented out. For this, similar changes are necessary in ! verttransform.f and verttranform_nest.f !***************************************************************************** nz=nuvz if (nz.gt.nzmax) error stop 'nzmax too small' do i=1,nuvz aknew(i)=akz(i) bknew(i)=bkz(i) end do ! Switch on following lines to use doubled vertical resolution !************************************************************* !nz=nuvz+nwz-1 !if (nz.gt.nzmax) stop 'nzmax too small' !do 100 i=1,nwz ! aknew(2*(i-1)+1)=akm(i) !00 bknew(2*(i-1)+1)=bkm(i) !do 110 i=2,nuvz ! aknew(2*(i-1))=akz(i) !10 bknew(2*(i-1))=bkz(i) ! End doubled vertical resolution deallocate( akm_usort,pres ) return 999 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' ###########################################'// & '###### ' write(*,*) ' TRAJECTORY MODEL SUBROUTINE GRIDCHECK:' write(*,*) ' CAN NOT OPEN INPUT DATA FILE '//wfname(ifn) write(*,*) ' ###########################################'// & '###### ' write(*,*) write(*,'(a)') '!!! PLEASE INSERT A NEW CD-ROM AND !!!' write(*,'(a)') '!!! PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE... !!!' write(*,'(a)') '!!! ...OR TERMINATE FLEXPART PRESSING!!!' write(*,'(a)') '!!! THE "X" KEY... !!!' write(*,*) read(*,'(a)') opt if(opt.eq.'X') then error stop else goto 5 endif end subroutine gridcheck_gfs subroutine gridcheck_nest !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine checks the grid specification for the nested model * ! domains. It is similar to subroutine gridcheck, which checks the * ! mother domain. * ! * ! Authors: A. Stohl, G. Wotawa * ! * ! 8 February 1999 * ! * ! * ! Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * ! for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! CHANGE: 11/01/2008, Harald Sodemann, GRIB1/2 input with ECMWF grib_api * ! CHANGE: 03/12/2008, Harald Sodemann, change to f90 grib_api * ! Petra Seibert, Anne Tipka, 2021-02: implement new interpolation * ! for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * !***************************************************************************** use grib_api implicit none integer :: ifile integer :: iret integer :: igrib,size1,size2,stat integer :: istep, ipf, npf ! istep=stepRange for precip field identification integer :: gribVer,parCat,parNum,typSfc,discipl integer :: parID !added by mc for making it consistent with new gridcheck.f90 integer :: gotGrib integer :: i,j,l,ifn,ifield,iumax,iwmax,numskip,nlev_ecn integer :: nuvzn,nwzn real :: akmn(nwzmax),bkmn(nwzmax),akzn(nuvzmax),bkzn(nuvzmax) real(kind=4) :: xaux1,xaux2,yaux1,yaux2 real(kind=8) :: xaux1in,xaux2in,yaux1in,yaux2in ! VARIABLES AND ARRAYS NEEDED FOR GRIB DECODING real(kind=4),allocatable,dimension(:) :: zsec2,zsec4 ! PS replace isec1, isec2 arrays by scalar values because we don't need ! arrays anymore. isec1(X) -> isX, isec2(X) -> jsX integer :: is6, js2, js3, js12 integer :: k ! (as k, is the level in ECWMF notation, top->bot) !HSO grib api error messages character(len=24) :: gribErrorMsg = 'Error reading grib file' character(len=20) :: thisSubr = 'gridcheck_nest' xresoln(0)=1. ! resolution enhancement for mother grid yresoln(0)=1. ! resolution enhancement for mother grid ! Loop about all nesting levels !****************************** do l=1,numbnests iumax=0 iwmax=0 if(ideltas.gt.0) then ifn=1 else ifn=numbwf endif ! ! OPENING OF DATA FILE (GRIB CODE) ! ifile=0 igrib=0 iret=0 call grib_open_file(ifile,path(numpath+2*(l-1)+1) & (1:length(numpath+2*(l-1)+1))//trim(wfnamen(l,ifn)),'r',iret) if (iret .ne. GRIB_SUCCESS) goto 999 ! ERROR DETECTED !turn on support for multi fields messages !call grib_multi_support_on gotGrib=0 ifield=0 do ifield=ifield+1 ! reading messages from GRIB file !-------------------------------- call grib_new_from_file(ifile,igrib,iret) if (iret.eq.GRIB_END_OF_FILE) then exit ! EOF DETECTED elseif (iret.ne.GRIB_SUCCESS) then goto 999 ! ERROR DETECTED endif !turn on support for multi fields messages !call grib_multi_support_on !first see whether we read GRIB1 or GRIB2 call grib_get_int(igrib,'editionNumber',gribVer,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) if (gribVer .eq. 1) then ! GRIB Edition 1 call grib_get_int(igrib,'indicatorOfParameter',is6,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',k,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) !change code for etadot to code for omega if (is6 .eq. 77) is6=135 else ! GRiB Edition 2 call grib_get_int(igrib,'discipline',discipl,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterCategory',parCat,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterNumber',parNum,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'typeOfFirstFixedSurface',typSfc,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',k,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'paramId',parId,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) !convert to grib1 identifiers is6=-1 if (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! T is6=130 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 2 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! U is6=131 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 3 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! V is6=132 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! Q is6=133 ! ESO Cloud water is in a) fields CLWC and CIWC, *or* b) field QC elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 83 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! clwc is6=246 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 84 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! ciwc is6=247 ! ESO qc(=clwc+ciwc): elseif (parCat .eq. 201 .and. parNum .eq. 31 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! qc is6=201031 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then !SP is6=134 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 32) then ! W, actually eta dot is6=135 elseif (parCat .eq. 128 .and. parNum .eq. 77) then ! W, actually eta dot is6=135 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 101) then ! SLP is6=151 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 2 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 10U is6=165 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 3 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 10V is6=166 elseif (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 2T is6=167 elseif (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 6 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 2D is6=168 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 11 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then ! SD is6=141 elseif (parCat .eq. 6 .and. parNum .eq. 1 .or. parId .eq. 164) then ! CC is6=164 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 9 .or. parId .eq. 142) then ! LSP is6=142 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 10) then ! CP is6=143 elseif (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 11 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then ! SHF is6=146 elseif (parCat .eq. 4 .and. parNum .eq. 9 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then ! SR is6=176 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 38 .or. parId .eq. 180) then ! EWSS --correct is6=180 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 37 .or. parId .eq. 181) then ! NSSS --correct is6=181 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 4) then ! ORO is6=129 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 7 .or. parId .eq. 160) then ! SDO is6=160 elseif (discipl .eq. 2 .and. parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. & typSfc .eq. 1) then ! LSM is6=172 elseif (parNum .eq. 152) then is6=152 ! avoid warning for lnsp else print*,'***WARNING: undefined GRiB2 message found!',discipl, & parCat,parNum,typSfc endif if (parId .ne. is6 .and. parId .ne. 77) write(*,*) 'parId',parId, 'is6',is6 endif !gribVer !HSO get the required fields from section 2 in a gribex compatible manner if (ifield.eq.1) then call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAParallel',js2,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian',js3,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfVerticalCoordinateValues',js12) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees',xaux1in,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) nxn(l)=js2 nyn(l)=js3 nlev_ecn=js12/2-1 if (nxn(l).gt.nxmaxn) nxmaxn=nxn(l) if (nyn(l).gt.nymaxn) nymaxn=nyn(l) call grib_get_size(igrib,'pv',size2,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) allocate(zsec2(size2), stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate zsec2" !HSO get the size and data of the vertical coordinate array call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'pv',zsec2,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call alloc_fixedfields_nest write(*,*) 'Dimensions nest:',nxmaxn,nymaxn,nlev_ecn endif ! ifield eq 1 !get the size and data of the values array if (is6.ne.-1) then call grib_get_size(igrib,'values',size1,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) allocate(zsec4(size1), stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate zsec4" call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'values',zsec4,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) endif !HSO get the second part of the grid dimensions only from GRiB1 messages if (is6 .eq. 167 .and. gotGrib .eq. 0) then !added by mc to make it consistent with new gridchek.f90 note that gotGrid must be changed in gotGrib!! call grib_get_real8(igrib,'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees', & !comment by mc: note that this was in the (if (ifield.eq.1) ..end above in gridchek.f90 see line 257 xaux1in,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees', & xaux2in,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees', & yaux1in,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees', & yaux2in,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) xaux1=real(xaux1in) xaux2=real(xaux2in) yaux1=real(yaux1in) yaux2=real(yaux2in) if(xaux1.gt.180.) xaux1=xaux1-360.0 if(xaux2.gt.180.) xaux2=xaux2-360.0 if(xaux1.lt.-180.) xaux1=xaux1+360.0 if(xaux2.lt.-180.) xaux2=xaux2+360.0 if (xaux2.lt.xaux1) xaux2=xaux2+360.0 xlon0n(l)=xaux1 ylat0n(l)=yaux1 dxn(l)=(xaux2-xaux1)/real(nxn(l)-1) dyn(l)=(yaux2-yaux1)/real(nyn(l)-1) gotGrib=1 !comment by mc gotGRIB is used instead of gotGrid!!! endif if(is6.eq.131) iumax=max(iumax,nlev_ec-k+1) if(is6.eq.135) iwmax=max(iwmax,nlev_ec-k+1) if(is6.eq.129) then do j=0,nyn(l)-1 do i=0,nxn(l)-1 oron(i,j,l)=zsec4(nxn(l)*(nyn(l)-j-1)+i+1)/ga enddo enddo endif if(is6.eq.172) then do j=0,nyn(l)-1 do i=0,nxn(l)-1 lsmn(i,j,l)=zsec4(nxn(l)*(nyn(l)-j-1)+i+1)/ga enddo enddo endif if(is6.eq.160) then do j=0,nyn(l)-1 do i=0,nxn(l)-1 excessoron(i,j,l)=zsec4(nxn(l)*(nyn(l)-j-1)+i+1)/ga enddo enddo endif call grib_release(igrib) if (is6.ne.-1) deallocate( zsec4 ) end do !! READ NEXT LEVEL OR PARAMETER ! ! CLOSING OF INPUT DATA FILE ! call grib_close_file(ifile) !error message if no fields found with correct first longitude in it if (gotGrib.eq.0) then print*,'***ERROR: input file needs to contain GRiB1 formatted'// & 'messages' error stop endif nuvzn=iumax nwzn=iwmax if(nuvzn.eq.nlev_ec) nwzn=nlev_ecn+1 if ((nuvzn.gt.nuvzmax).or.(nwzn.gt.nwzmax)) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: Nested wind fields have too many '// & 'vertical levels.' write(*,*) 'Problem was encountered for nesting level ',l error stop endif ! Output of grid info !******************** write(*,'(a,i2,a)') ' Nested domain ',l,':' write(*,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.5,a,f10.5)') ' Longitude range: ', & xlon0n(l),' to ',xlon0n(l)+(nxn(l)-1)*dxn(l), & ' Grid distance: ',dxn(l) write(*,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.5,a,f10.5)') ' Latitude range : ', & ylat0n(l),' to ',ylat0n(l)+(nyn(l)-1)*dyn(l), & ' Grid distance: ',dyn(l) write(*,*) ! Determine, how much the resolutions in the nests are enhanced as ! compared to the mother grid !***************************************************************** xresoln(l)=dx/dxn(l) yresoln(l)=dy/dyn(l) ! Determine the mother grid coordinates of the corner points of the ! nested grids ! Convert first to geographical coordinates, then to grid coordinates !******************************************************************** xaux1=xlon0n(l) xaux2=xlon0n(l)+real(nxn(l)-1)*dxn(l) yaux1=ylat0n(l) yaux2=ylat0n(l)+real(nyn(l)-1)*dyn(l) xln(l)=(xaux1-xlon0)/dx xrn(l)=(xaux2-xlon0)/dx yln(l)=(yaux1-ylat0)/dy yrn(l)=(yaux2-ylat0)/dy if ((xln(l).lt.0.).or.(yln(l).lt.0.).or. & (xrn(l).gt.real(nxmin1)).or.(yrn(l).gt.real(nymin1))) then write(*,*) 'Nested domain does not fit into mother domain' write(*,*) 'For global mother domain fields, you can shift' write(*,*) 'shift the mother domain into x-direction' write(*,*) 'by setting nxshift (file par_mod) to a' write(*,*) 'positive value. Execution is terminated.' error stop endif ! CALCULATE VERTICAL DISCRETIZATION OF ECMWF MODEL ! PARAMETER akm,bkm DESCRIBE THE HYBRID "ETA" COORDINATE SYSTEM numskip=nlev_ecn-nuvzn ! number of ecmwf model layers not used by FLEXPART do i=1,nwzn akmn(nwzn-i+1)=zsec2(numskip+i) bkmn(nwzn-i+1)=zsec2(nlev_ecn+1+numskip+i) end do ! ! CALCULATION OF AKZ, BKZ ! AKZ,BKZ: model discretization parameters at the center of each model ! layer ! ! Assign the 10 m winds to an artificial model level with akz=0 and bkz=1.0, ! i.e. ground level !***************************************************************************** akzn(1)=0. bkzn(1)=1. do i=1,nuvzn akzn(i+1)=0.5*(akmn(i+1)+akmn(i)) bkzn(i+1)=0.5*(bkmn(i+1)+bkmn(i)) end do nuvzn=nuvzn+1 ! Check, whether the heights of the model levels of the nested ! wind fields are consistent with those of the mother domain. ! If not, terminate model run. !************************************************************* do i=1,nuvz if ((akzn(i).ne.akz(i)).or.(bkzn(i).ne.bkz(i))) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: The wind fields of nesting level',l write(*,*) 'are not consistent with the mother domain:' write(*,*) 'Differences in vertical levels detected.' error stop endif end do do i=1,nwz if ((akmn(i).ne.akm(i)).or.(bkmn(i).ne.bkm(i))) then write(*,*) 'FLEXPART error: The wind fields of nesting level',l write(*,*) 'are not consistent with the mother domain:' write(*,*) 'Differences in vertical levels detected.' error stop endif end do deallocate( zsec2 ) end do ! Allocate memory for windfields using nxmax, nymaxn, numbnest !************************************************************* call alloc_windfields_nest return 999 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' ###########################################'// & '###### ' write(*,*) ' FLEXPART SUBROUTINE GRIDCHECK:' write(*,*) ' CAN NOT OPEN INPUT DATA FILE '//wfnamen(l,ifn) write(*,*) ' FOR NESTING LEVEL ',k write(*,*) ' ###########################################'// & '###### ' error stop end subroutine gridcheck_nest subroutine readwind_ecmwf(indj,n,uuh,vvh,wwh) !********************************************************************** ! * ! TRAJECTORY MODEL SUBROUTINE READWIND * ! * !********************************************************************** ! * ! AUTHOR: G. WOTAWA * ! DATE: 1997-08-05 * ! LAST UPDATE: 2000-10-17, Andreas Stohl * ! CHANGE: 11/01/2008, Harald Sodemann, GRIB1/2 input with * ! ECMWF grib_api * ! CHANGE: 03/12/2008, Harald Sodemann, update to f90 with * ! ECMWF grib_api * ! * ! Changes, Bernd C. Krueger, Feb. 2001: * ! Variables tth and qvh (on eta coordinates) in common block * ! * ! Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * ! Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * ! - Renamed from readwind to readwind_ecmwf * ! * ! L. Bakels, 2021: OpenMP parallelisation (following CTM version) * ! * ! Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * ! for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * ! change some double loops in wrong order to forall constructs * ! * !********************************************************************** ! * ! DESCRIPTION: * ! * ! READING OF ECMWF METEOROLOGICAL FIELDS FROM INPUT DATA FILES. THE * ! INPUT DATA FILES ARE EXPECTED TO BE AVAILABLE IN GRIB CODE * ! * ! INPUT: * ! indj indicates number of the wind field to be read in * ! n temporal index for meteorological fields (1 to 3)* ! * ! IMPORTANT VARIABLES FROM COMMON BLOCK: * ! * ! wfname File name of data to be read in * ! nx,ny,nuvz,nwz expected field dimensions * ! nlev_ec number of vertical levels ecmwf model * ! uu,vv,ww wind fields * ! tt,qv temperature and specific humidity * ! ps surface pressure * ! * !********************************************************************** use grib_api implicit none !HSO parameters for grib_api integer :: ifile integer :: iret, size1, stat integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: igrib integer :: nfield, ii, arsize integer :: istep, ipf, npf ! istep=stepRange for precip field identification integer :: gribVer,parCat,parNum,typSfc,discipl,parId integer :: gotGrid ! HSO end real(kind=4), intent(inout) :: uuh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) real(kind=4), intent(inout) :: vvh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) real(kind=4), intent(inout) :: wwh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nwzmax) integer, intent(in) :: indj,n integer :: i,j,ifield,iumax,iwmax ! VARIABLES AND ARRAYS NEEDED FOR GRIB DECODING ! dimension of isec2 at least (22+n), where n is the number of parallels or ! meridians in a quasi-regular (reduced) Gaussian or lat/long grid ! LB: Only 3 indices are used in this function, so isec2 has dimension 12 ! dimension of zsec2 at least (10+nn), where nn is the number of vertical ! coordinate parameters real(kind=4),allocatable,dimension(:) :: zsec4 ! integer :: isec1(56),isec2(22+nxmax+nymax) ! AT replace isec1, isec2 arrays by scalar values because we don't need ! arrays anymore. isec1(X) -> isX, isec2(X) -> jsX integer :: is6, js2, js3, js12 integer :: k ! (as k, is the level in ECWMF notation, top->bot) integer :: kz, kz1 ! (level in FLEXPART notation, bot->top) integer :: jy ! y index in FLEXPART notation (S->N) real(kind=4) :: xaux,yaux,xaux0,yaux0 real(kind=8) :: xauxin,yauxin real,parameter :: eps=1.e-4 real(kind=4) :: nsss(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1),ewss(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) real :: plev1,pmean,tv,fu,hlev1,ff10m,fflev1,conversion_factor logical :: hflswitch,strswitch,lstep(0:2) !HSO grib api error messages character(len=24) :: gribErrorMsg = 'Error reading grib file' character(len=20) :: thisSubr = 'readwind_ecmwf' hflswitch=.false. strswitch=.false. iumax=0 iwmax=0 ! ! OPENING OF DATA FILE (GRIB CODE) ! call grib_open_file(ifile,path(3)(1:length(3))//trim(wfname(indj)),'r',iret) if (iret .ne. GRIB_SUCCESS) goto 888 ! ERROR DETECTED ! COUNT NUMBER OF MESSAGES IN FILE ! call grib_count_in_file(ifile,nfield) ! allocate memory for grib handles allocate(igrib(nfield), stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate igrib" ! initialise igrib(:) = -1 ! LOAD ALL MESSAGES FROM FILE ! do ii = 1,nfield call grib_new_from_file(ifile, igrib(ii), iret) end do ! CLOSE FILE ! call grib_close_file(ifile) !turn on support for multi fields messages */ !call grib_multi_support_on gotGrid=0 !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(none) & !$OMP SHARED (nfield, igrib, thisSubr, nxfield, ny, nlev_ec, dx, xlon0, ylat0, & !$OMP n, tth, uuh, vvh, iumax, qvh, ps, wwh, iwmax, sd, msl, tcc, u10, v10, tt2, & !$OMP td2, lsprec, convprec, sshf, hflswitch, ssr, ewss, nsss, strswitch, oro, & !$OMP excessoro, lsm, nymin1,ciwch,clwch,nxshift,lprecint, lcw, lcwsum) & !$OMP PRIVATE(ii, gribVer, iret, is6, discipl, parCat, parNum, parId, typSfc, & !$OMP zsec4, js2, js3, js12, gribErrorMsg, xauxin, yauxin, xaux, yaux, xaux0, & !$OMP yaux0,k,arsize,stat,conversion_factor,size1,istep,ipf,npf,kz,kz1,jy) & !$OMP REDUCTION(+:gotGrid) ! ! GET NEXT FIELDS ! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(static) fieldloop : do ii=1,nfield !first see if we read GRIB1 or GRIB2 call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'editionNumber',gribVer,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) ! AT stepRange is used to identify additional precip fields call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'stepRange',istep,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) ipf=istep+1 if (gribVer.eq.1) then ! GRIB Edition 1 !read the grib2 identifiers call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'indicatorOfParameter',is6,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'level',k,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) ! change code for etadot to code for omega if (is6.eq.77) is6=135 conversion_factor=1. else ! GRiB Edition 2 !read the grib2 identifiers call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'discipline',discipl,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'parameterCategory',parCat,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'parameterNumber',parNum,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'typeOfFirstFixedSurface',typSfc,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'level',k,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'paramId',parId,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) !convert to grib1 identifiers is6=-1 conversion_factor=1. if (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! T is6=130 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 2 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! U is6=131 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 3 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! V is6=132 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! Q is6=133 ! ESO Cloud water is in a) fields CLWC and CIWC, *or* b) field QC elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 83 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! clwc is6=246 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 84 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! ciwc is6=247 ! ESO qc(=clwc+ciwc): elseif (parCat .eq. 201 .and. parNum .eq. 31 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! qc is6=201031 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then !SP is6=134 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 32) then ! W, actually eta dot is6=135 elseif (parCat .eq. 128 .and. parNum .eq. 77) then ! W, actually eta dot is6=135 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 101) then ! SLP is6=151 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 2 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 10U is6=165 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 3 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 10V is6=166 elseif (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 2T is6=167 elseif (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 6 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 2D is6=168 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 11 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then ! SD is6=141 conversion_factor=1000. elseif (parCat .eq. 6 .and. parNum .eq. 1 .or. parId .eq. 164) then ! CC is6=164 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 9 .or. parId .eq. 142) then ! LSP is6=142 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 10) then ! CP is6=143 conversion_factor=1000. elseif (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 11 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then ! SHF is6=146 elseif (parCat .eq. 4 .and. parNum .eq. 9 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then ! SR is6=176 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 38 .or. parId .eq. 180) then ! EWSS --correct is6=180 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 37 .or. parId .eq. 181) then ! NSSS --correct is6=181 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 4) then ! ORO is6=129 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 7 .or. parId .eq. 160) then ! SDO is6=160 elseif (discipl .eq. 2 .and. parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. & typSfc .eq. 1) then ! LSM is6=172 elseif (parNum .eq. 152) then is6=152 ! avoid warning for lnsp else print*,'***WARNING: undefined GRiB2 message found!',discipl,parCat,parNum,typSfc endif if (parId .ne. is6 .and. parId .ne. 77) write(*,*) 'parId',parId, 'is6',is6 endif ! grib Version conversion !HSO get the size and data of the values array if (is6.ne.-1) then call grib_get_size(igrib(ii),'values',size1,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) allocate(zsec4(size1), stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate zsec4" call grib_get_real4_array(igrib(ii),'values',zsec4,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) endif !HSO get the required fields from section 2 in a gribex compatible manner if (ii.eq.1) then call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'numberOfPointsAlongAParallel',js2,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian',js3,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib(ii),'numberOfVerticalCoordinateValues',js12) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) ! CHECK GRID SPECIFICATIONS if(js2.ne.nxfield) error stop 'READWIND: NX NOT CONSISTENT' if(js3.ne.ny) error stop 'READWIND: NY NOT CONSISTENT' if(js12/2-1 .ne. nlev_ec) & error stop 'READWIND: VERTICAL DISCRETIZATION NOT CONSISTENT' endif ! ifield !$OMP CRITICAL !HSO get the second part of the grid dimensions only from GRiB1 messages if (is6 .eq. 167 .and. gotGrid.eq.0) then call grib_get_real8(igrib(ii),'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees', & xauxin,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib(ii),'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees', & yauxin,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) if (xauxin.gt.180.) xauxin=xauxin-360. if (xauxin.lt.-180.) xauxin=xauxin+360. xaux=real(xauxin)+real(nxshift)*dx yaux=real(yauxin) if (xaux.gt.180.) xaux=xaux-360.0 if(abs(xaux-xlon0).gt.eps) & error stop 'READWIND ECMWF : LOWER LEFT LONGITUDE NOT CONSISTENT' if(abs(yaux-ylat0).gt.eps) & error stop 'READWIND ECMWF: LOWER LEFT LATITUDE NOT CONSISTENT' gotGrid=1 endif ! gotGrid !$OMP END CRITICAL kz=nlev_ec-k+2 ! used for all 3D fields except W kz1=nlev_ec-k+1 ! used for W select case(is6) !! TEMPERATURE case(130) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 tth(i,j,kz,n) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !! U VELOCITY case(131) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 uuh(i,j,kz) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !$OMP CRITICAL iumax=max(iumax,kz1) !$OMP END CRITICAL !! V VELOCITY case(132) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 vvh(i,j,kz) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !! SPEC. HUMIDITY case(133) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 qvh(i,j,kz,n) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if (qvh(i,j,kz,n) .lt. 0.) & qvh(i,j,kz,n) = 0. ! this is necessary because the gridded data may contain ! spurious negative values end do end do !! SURF. PRESS. case(134) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 ps(i,j,1,n) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !! W VELOCITY case(135) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 wwh(i,j,kz1) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !$OMP CRITICAL iwmax=max(iwmax,kz1) !$OMP END CRITICAL !! SNOW DEPTH case(141) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 sd(i,j,1,n)= zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1)/conversion_factor end do end do !! SEA LEVEL PRESS. case(151) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 msl(i,j,1,n) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !! CLOUD COVER case(164) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 tcc(i,j,1,n) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !! 10 M U VELOCITY case(165) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 u10(i,j,1,n)= zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !! 10 M V VELOCITY case(166) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 v10(i,j,1,n) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !! 2 M TEMPERATURE case(167) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 tt2(i,j,1,n) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !! 2 M DEW POINT case(168) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 td2(i,j,1,n) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !! LARGE SCALE PREC. case(142) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 lsprec(i,j,1,ipf,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if (lsprec(i,j,1,ipf,n).lt.0.) lsprec(i,j,1,ipf,n)=0. end do end do !! CONVECTIVE PREC. case(143) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 convprec(i,j,1,ipf,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1)/conversion_factor if (convprec(i,j,1,ipf,n).lt.0.) convprec(i,j,1,ipf,n)=0. end do end do !! SENS. HEAT FLUX case(146) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 sshf(i,j,1,n) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) !$OMP CRITICAL if(zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1).ne.0.) & hflswitch=.true. ! Heat flux available !$OMP END CRITICAL end do end do !! SOLAR RADIATION case(176) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 ssr(i,j,1,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if (ssr(i,j,1,n).lt.0.) ssr(i,j,1,n)=0. end do end do !! EW SURFACE STRESS case(180) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 ewss(i,j) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) !$OMP CRITICAL if (zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1).ne.0.) strswitch=.true. ! stress available !$OMP END CRITICAL end do end do !! NS SURFACE STRESS case(181) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 nsss(i,j) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) !$OMP CRITICAL if (zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1).ne.0.) strswitch=.true. ! stress available !$OMP END CRITICAL end do end do !! ECMWF OROGRAPHY case(129) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 oro(i,j) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1)/ga end do end do !! STANDARD DEVIATION OF OROGRAPHY case(160) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 excessoro(i,j) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !! ECMWF LAND SEA MASK case(172) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 lsm(i,j) = zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do ! ZHG add reading of cloud water fields ! ESO add reading of total cloud water fields ! ESO TODO: add check whether either CLWC or CIWC is missing (->error) ! if all 3 cw fields exist, use QC and disregard the others !! CLWC Cloud liquid water content [kg/kg] case(246) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 clwch(i,j,kz,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !$OMP CRITICAL lcw=.true. lcwsum=.false. !$OMP END CRITICAL !! CIWC Cloud ice water content case(247) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 ciwch(i,j,kz,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !ZHG end !ESO read qc (=clwc+ciwc) !! QC Cloud liquid water content [kg/kg] case(201031) do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 clwch(i,j,kz,n)=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) end do end do !$OMP CRITICAL lcw=.true. lcwsum=.true. !$OMP END CRITICAL end select call grib_release(igrib(ii)) if (is6.ne.-1) deallocate( zsec4 ) end do fieldloop !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL deallocate(igrib) ! ! CLOSING OF INPUT DATA FILE ! ! 50 call grib_close_file(ifile) !error message if no fields found with correct first longitude in it if (gotGrid.eq.0) then print*,'***ERROR: input file needs to contain GRiB1 formatted messages' error stop endif if(nlev_ec-nwz+1 .eq. 0) then iwmax=nlev_ec+1 wwh(:,:,iwmax)=0. endif ! For global fields, assign the leftmost data column also to the rightmost ! data column; if required, shift whole grid by nxshift grid points !************************************************************************* if (xglobal) then if (lprecint) then npf=numpf else npf=1 endif !$OMP PARALLEL SECTIONS PRIVATE(ipf) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field_0(ewss,nxfield,ny) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field_0(nsss,nxfield,ny) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field_0(oro,nxfield,ny) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field_0(excessoro,nxfield,ny) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field_0(lsm,nxfield,ny) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(ps,nxfield,ny,1,1,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(sd,nxfield,ny,1,1,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(msl,nxfield,ny,1,1,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(tcc,nxfield,ny,1,1,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(u10,nxfield,ny,1,1,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(v10,nxfield,ny,1,1,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(tt2,nxfield,ny,1,1,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(td2,nxfield,ny,1,1,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION do ipf=1,npf call shift_field(lsprec(:,:,:,ipf,n),nxfield,ny,1,1,1,1) end do !$OMP SECTION do ipf=1,npf call shift_field(convprec(:,:,:,ipf,n),nxfield,ny,1,1,1,1) end do !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(sshf,nxfield,ny,1,1,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(ssr,nxfield,ny,1,1,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(tth,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(qvh,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(uuh,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,1,1) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(vvh,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,1,1) !$OMP SECTION call shift_field(wwh,nxfield,ny,nwzmax,nwz,1,1) !$OMP SECTION !ZHG call shift_field(clwch,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,numwfmem,n) !$OMP SECTION if (.not.lcwsum) call shift_field(ciwch,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,numwfmem,n) !ZHG end !$OMP END PARALLEL SECTIONS endif ! Temporary fix for zero values in the meteo data if (hflswitch .and. strswitch) then do i=0,nxmin1 do j=0,nymin1 if ((ewss(i,j).eq.0.).and.(nsss(i,j).eq.0.)) then if ((i.ne.0).and.(j.ne.0).and.(i.ne.nxmin1).and.(j.ne.nymin1)) then ewss(i,j)=(ewss(i-1,j-1)+ewss(i+1,j+1)+ewss(i+1,j)+ewss(i-1,j)+ & ewss(i,j+1)+ewss(i,j-1)+ewss(i-1,j+1)+ewss(i+1,j-1))/8. nsss(i,j)=(nsss(i-1,j-1)+nsss(i+1,j+1)+nsss(i+1,j)+nsss(i-1,j)+ & nsss(i,j+1)+nsss(i,j-1)+nsss(i-1,j+1)+nsss(i+1,j-1))/8. else if ((i.eq.0).and.(j.eq.0)) then ewss(i,j)=(ewss(i+1,j+1)+ewss(i+1,j)+ewss(i,j+1))/3. nsss(i,j)=(nsss(i+1,j+1)+nsss(i+1,j)+nsss(i,j+1))/3. else if ((i.eq.nxmin1).and.(j.eq.nymin1)) then ewss(i,j)=(ewss(i-1,j-1)+ewss(i-1,j)+ewss(i,j-1))/3. nsss(i,j)=(nsss(i-1,j-1)+nsss(i-1,j)+nsss(i,j-1))/3. else if ((i.eq.0).and.(j.eq.nymin1)) then ewss(i,j)=(ewss(i+1,j-1)+ewss(i+1,j)+ewss(i,j-1))/3. nsss(i,j)=(nsss(i+1,j-1)+nsss(i+1,j)+nsss(i,j-1))/3. else if ((i.eq.nxmin1).and.(j.eq.0)) then ewss(i,j)=(ewss(i-1,j+1)+ewss(i-1,j)+ewss(i,j+1))/3. nsss(i,j)=(nsss(i-1,j+1)+nsss(i-1,j)+nsss(i,j+1))/3. else if (i.eq.0) then ewss(i,j)=(ewss(i+1,j+1)+ewss(i+1,j)+ewss(i,j+1)+ewss(i,j-1)+ewss(i+1,j-1))/5. nsss(i,j)=(nsss(i+1,j+1)+nsss(i+1,j)+nsss(i,j+1)+nsss(i,j-1)+nsss(i+1,j-1))/5. else if (i.eq.nxmin1) then ewss(i,j)=(ewss(i-1,j+1)+ewss(i-1,j)+ewss(i,j+1)+ewss(i,j-1)+ewss(i-1,j-1))/5. nsss(i,j)=(nsss(i-1,j+1)+nsss(i-1,j)+nsss(i,j+1)+nsss(i,j-1)+nsss(i-1,j-1))/5. else if (j.eq.0) then ewss(i,j)=(ewss(i+1,j+1)+ewss(i+1,j)+ewss(i-1,j)+ewss(i,j+1)+ewss(i-1,j+1))/5. nsss(i,j)=(nsss(i+1,j+1)+nsss(i+1,j)+nsss(i-1,j)+nsss(i,j+1)+nsss(i-1,j+1))/5. else if (j.eq.nymin1) then ewss(i,j)=(ewss(i+1,j-1)+ewss(i+1,j)+ewss(i-1,j)+ewss(i,j-1)+ewss(i-1,j-1))/5. nsss(i,j)=(nsss(i+1,j-1)+nsss(i+1,j)+nsss(i-1,j)+nsss(i,j-1)+nsss(i-1,j-1))/5. endif endif sfcstress(i,j,1,n)=sqrt(ewss(i,j)**2+nsss(i,j)**2) end do end do endif if (.not.hflswitch .or. .not.strswitch) then write(*,*) 'WARNING: No flux data contained in GRIB file ', wfname(indj) ! CALCULATE USTAR AND SSHF USING THE PROFILE METHOD ! As ECMWF has increased the model resolution, such that now the first model ! level is at about 10 m (where 10-m wind is given), use the 2nd ECMWF level ! (3rd model level in FLEXPART) for the profile method !*************************************************************************** do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxmin1 plev1=akz(3)+bkz(3)*ps(i,j,1,n) pmean=0.5*(ps(i,j,1,n)+plev1) tv=tth(i,j,3,n)*(1.+0.61*qvh(i,j,3,n)) fu=-r_air*tv/ga/pmean hlev1=fu*(plev1-ps(i,j,1,n)) ! HEIGTH OF FIRST MODEL LAYER ff10m= sqrt(u10(i,j,1,n)**2+v10(i,j,1,n)**2) fflev1=sqrt(uuh(i,j,3)**2+vvh(i,j,3)**2) call pbl_profile(ps(i,j,1,n),td2(i,j,1,n),hlev1, & tt2(i,j,1,n),tth(i,j,3,n),ff10m,fflev1, & sfcstress(i,j,1,n),sshf(i,j,1,n)) if(sshf(i,j,1,n).gt.200.) sshf(i,j,1,n)=200. if(sshf(i,j,1,n).lt.-400.) sshf(i,j,1,n)=-400. end do end do endif ! Assign 10 m wind to model level at eta=1.0 to have one additional model ! level at the ground ! Specific humidity is taken the same as at one level above ! Temperature is taken as 2 m temperature !************************************************************************** forall (i=0:nxmin1, j=0:nymin1) uuh(i,j,1)=u10(i,j,1,n) vvh(i,j,1)=v10(i,j,1,n) qvh(i,j,1,n)=qvh(i,j,2,n) tth(i,j,1,n)=tt2(i,j,1,n) end forall if(iumax.ne.nuvz-1) error stop 'READWIND: NUVZ NOT CONSISTENT' if(iwmax.ne.nwz) error stop 'READWIND: NWZ NOT CONSISTENT' return 888 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! WINDFIELD #### ' write(*,*) ' #### ',wfname(indj),' #### ' write(*,*) ' #### IS NOT GRIB FORMAT !!! #### ' error stop 'Execution terminated' end subroutine readwind_ecmwf subroutine readwind_gfs(indj,n,uuh,vvh,wwh) !*********************************************************************** ! * ! TRAJECTORY MODEL SUBROUTINE READWIND * ! * !*********************************************************************** ! * ! AUTHOR: G. WOTAWA * ! DATE: 1997-08-05 * ! LAST UPDATE: 2000-10-17, Andreas Stohl * ! CHANGE: 01/02/2001, Bernd C. Krueger, Variables tth and * ! qvh (on eta coordinates) in common block * ! CHANGE: 16/11/2005, Caroline Forster, GFS data * ! CHANGE: 11/01/2008, Harald Sodemann, Input of GRIB1/2 * ! data with the ECMWF grib_api library * ! CHANGE: 03/12/2008, Harald Sodemann, update to f90 with * ! ECMWF grib_api * ! * ! Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * ! Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * ! - Renamed routine from readwind to readwind_gfs * ! * ! Petra Seibert, Anne Tipka, 2021-02: implement new interpolation * ! just catch numpf>1 and produce error msg, adjust rank of precip * ! and correct some loops in bad order * ! * ! * ! Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * ! for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * ! change some double loops in wrong order to forall constructs * ! * !*********************************************************************** !* * !* DESCRIPTION: * !* * !* READING OF ECMWF METEOROLOGICAL FIELDS FROM INPUT DATA FILES. THE * !* INPUT DATA FILES ARE EXPECTED TO BE AVAILABLE IN GRIB CODE * !* * !* INPUT: * !* indj indicates number of the wind field to be read in * !* n temporal index for meteorological fields (1 to 3)* !* * !* IMPORTANT VARIABLES FROM COMMON BLOCK: * !* * !* wfname File name of data to be read in * !* nx,ny,nuvz,nwz expected field dimensions * !* nlev_ec number of vertical levels ecmwf model * !* uu,vv,ww wind fields * !* tt,qv temperature and specific humidity * !* ps surface pressure * !* * !*********************************************************************** use grib_api use qvsat_mod implicit none !HSO new parameters for grib_api integer :: ifile integer :: iret,size1,size2,stat integer :: igrib integer :: ipf integer :: gribVer,parCat,parNum,typSfc,valSurf,discipl !HSO end edits real :: uuh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) real :: vvh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) real :: wwh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nwzmax) integer :: ii,indj,i,j,k,n,levdiff2,ifield,iumax,iwmax ! NCEP integer :: numpt,numpu,numpv,numpw,numprh,numpclwch real :: help, temp real :: elev real :: ulev1(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1),vlev1(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) real :: tlev1(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) real :: qvh2(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) integer :: i179,i180,i181 ! VARIABLES AND ARRAYS NEEDED FOR GRIB DECODING !HSO kept isec1, isec2 and zsec4 for consistency with gribex GRIB input integer :: isec1(8),isec2(3) real :: xsec18 ! IP 29.1.24 real(kind=4),allocatable,dimension(:) :: zsec4 real(kind=4) :: xaux,yaux,xaux0,yaux0 real(kind=8) :: xauxin,yauxin real,parameter :: eps=1.e-4 real(kind=4) :: ewss(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1),nsss(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) real :: plev1,hlev1,ff10m,fflev1 logical :: hflswitch,strswitch !HSO for grib api error messages character(len=24) :: gribErrorMsg = 'Error reading grib file' character(len=20) :: gribFunction = 'readwind_gfs' character(len=20) :: shortname if (numpf .gt. 1) goto 777 ! additional precip fields not implemented in GFS hflswitch=.false. strswitch=.false. levdiff2=nlev_ec-nwz+1 iumax=0 iwmax=0 ! OPENING OF DATA FILE (GRIB CODE) !HSO call grib_open_file(ifile,path(3)(1:length(3)) & //trim(wfname(indj)),'r',iret) if (iret.ne.GRIB_SUCCESS) then goto 888 ! ERROR DETECTED endif !turn on support for multi fields messages call grib_multi_support_on numpt=0 numpu=0 numpv=0 numpw=0 numprh=0 numpclwch=0 ifield=0 do ifield=ifield+1 ! ! GET NEXT FIELDS ! call grib_new_from_file(ifile,igrib,iret) if (iret.eq.GRIB_END_OF_FILE) then exit ! EOF DETECTED elseif (iret.ne.GRIB_SUCCESS) then goto 888 ! ERROR DETECTED endif !first see if we read GRIB1 or GRIB2 call grib_get_int(igrib,'editionNumber',gribVer,iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) if (gribVer.eq.1) then ! GRIB Edition 1 !read the grib1 identifiers call grib_get_int(igrib,'indicatorOfParameter',isec1(6),iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel',isec1(7),iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',isec1(8),iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) ! IP 01.24: port form nilu dev branch !JMA / SH: isec1(8) not evaluated any more below !b/c with GRIB 2 this may be a real variable xsec18 = real(isec1(8)) else ! GRIB Edition 2 !read the grib2 identifiers call grib_get_string(igrib,'shortName',shortname,iret) call grib_get_int(igrib,'discipline',discipl,iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterCategory',parCat,iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterNumber',parNum,iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'typeOfFirstFixedSurface',typSfc,iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface', & valSurf,iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) ! write(*,*) 'Field: ',ifield,parCat,parNum,typSfc,shortname !convert to grib1 identifiers isec1(6)=-1 isec1(7)=-1 isec1(8)=-1 xsec18 =-1.0 if ((parCat.eq.0).and.(parNum.eq.0).and.(typSfc.eq.100)) then ! T isec1(6)=11 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=100 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=valSurf/100 ! level, convert to hPa xsec18=valSurf/100.0 ! level, convert to hPa ! IPfixgfs11 call grib_get_size(igrib,'values',size1,iret) allocate( zsec4(size1),stat=stat ) call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'values',zsec4,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) deallocate(zsec4) elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.2).and.(typSfc.eq.100)) then ! U isec1(6)=33 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=100 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=valSurf/100 ! level, convert to hPa xsec18=valSurf/100.0 ! level, convert to hPa ! IPfixgfs11 call grib_get_size(igrib,'values',size1,iret) allocate( zsec4(size1),stat=stat ) call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'values',zsec4,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) deallocate(zsec4) elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.3).and.(typSfc.eq.100)) then ! V isec1(6)=34 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=100 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=valSurf/100 ! level, convert to hPa xsec18=valSurf/100.0 ! level, convert to hPa elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.8).and.(typSfc.eq.100)) then ! W isec1(6)=39 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=100 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=valSurf/100 ! level, convert to hPa xsec18=valSurf/100.0 ! level, convert to hPa elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.1).and.(typSfc.eq.100)) then ! RH isec1(6)=52 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=100 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=valSurf/100 ! level, convert to hPa xsec18=valSurf/100.0 ! level, convert to hPa elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.1).and.(typSfc.eq.103)) then ! RH2 isec1(6)=52 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=105 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=2 xsec18=real(2) elseif ((parCat.eq.0).and.(parNum.eq.0).and.(typSfc.eq.103)) then ! T2 isec1(6)=11 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=105 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=2 xsec18=real(2) elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.2).and.(typSfc.eq.103)) then ! U10 isec1(6)=33 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=105 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=10 xsec18=real(10) elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.3).and.(typSfc.eq.103)) then ! V10 isec1(6)=34 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=105 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=10 xsec18=real(10) elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.22).and.(typSfc.eq.100)) then ! CLWMR Cloud Mixing Ratio [kg/kg]: isec1(6)=153 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=100 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=valSurf/100 ! level, convert to hPa xsec18=valSurf/100.0 ! level, convert to hPa elseif ((parCat.eq.3).and.(parNum.eq.1).and.(typSfc.eq.101)) then ! SLP isec1(6)=2 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=102 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0 xsec18=real(0) elseif ((parCat.eq.3).and.(parNum.eq.0).and.(typSfc.eq.1).and.(discipl.eq.0)) then ! SP isec1(6)=1 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=1 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0 xsec18=real(0) elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.13).and.(typSfc.eq.1)) then ! SNOW isec1(6)=66 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=1 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0 xsec18=real(0) elseif ((parCat.eq.0).and.(parNum.eq.0).and.(typSfc.eq.104)) then ! T sigma 0 isec1(6)=11 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=107 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0.995 ! lowest sigma level !LB: isec1 is an integer array!!! xsec18=0.995 ! lowest sigma level elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.2).and.(typSfc.eq.104)) then ! U sigma 0 isec1(6)=33 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=107 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0.995 ! lowest sigma level !LB: isec1 is an integer array!!! xsec18=0.995 ! lowest sigma level elseif ((parCat.eq.2).and.(parNum.eq.3).and.(typSfc.eq.104)) then ! V sigma 0 isec1(6)=34 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=107 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0.995 ! lowest sigma level !LB: isec1 is an integer array!!! xsec18=0.995 ! lowest sigma level elseif ((parCat.eq.3).and.(parNum.eq.5).and.(typSfc.eq.1)) then ! TOPO isec1(6)=7 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=1 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0 xsec18=real(0) elseif ((parCat.eq.0).and.(parNum.eq.0).and.(typSfc.eq.1) & .and.(discipl.eq.2)) then ! LSM isec1(6)=81 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=1 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0 xsec18=real(0) elseif ((parCat.eq.3).and.(parNum.eq.196).and.(typSfc.eq.1)) then ! BLH isec1(6)=221 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=1 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0 xsec18=real(0) elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.7).and.(typSfc.eq.1)) then ! LSP/TP isec1(6)=62 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=1 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0 xsec18=real(0) elseif ((parCat.eq.1).and.(parNum.eq.196).and.(typSfc.eq.1)) then ! CP isec1(6)=63 ! indicatorOfParameter isec1(7)=1 ! indicatorOfTypeOfLevel isec1(8)=0 xsec18=real(0) endif endif ! gribVer if(ifield.eq.1) then !get the required fields from section 2 !store compatible to gribex input call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAParallel', & isec2(2),iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian', & isec2(3),iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees', & xauxin,iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees', & yauxin,iret) ! call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) xaux=real(xauxin)+real(nxshift)*dx yaux=real(yauxin) ! CHECK GRID SPECIFICATIONS if(isec2(2).ne.nxfield) error stop 'READWIND: NX NOT CONSISTENT' if(isec2(3).ne.ny) error stop 'READWIND: NY NOT CONSISTENT' ! if(xaux.eq.0.) xaux=-179.0 ! NCEP DATA ! IPfixgfs11: revert to working v10.4 settings if(xaux.eq.0.) xaux=-180.0 ! NCEP DATA xaux0=xlon0 yaux0=ylat0 if(xaux.lt.0.) xaux=xaux+360. if(yaux.lt.0.) yaux=yaux+360. if(xaux0.lt.0.) xaux0=xaux0+360. if(yaux0.lt.0.) yaux0=yaux0+360. if(abs(xaux-xaux0).gt.eps) & error stop 'READWIND GFS: LOWER LEFT LONGITUDE NOT CONSISTENT' if(abs(yaux-yaux0).gt.eps) & error stop 'READWIND GFS: LOWER LEFT LATITUDE NOT CONSISTENT' endif !HSO end of edits if (isec1(6).ne.-1) then ! get the size and data of the values array call grib_get_size(igrib,'values',size1,iret) allocate( zsec4(size1),stat=stat ) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate zsec4" call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'values',zsec4,iret) call grib_check(iret,gribFunction,gribErrorMsg) endif i179=nint(179./dx) if (dx.lt.0.7) then i180=nint(180./dx)+1 ! 0.5 deg data else i180=nint(179./dx)+1 ! 1 deg data endif i181=i180+1 ! IPfixgfs11: revert to v10.4 working settings i180=nint(180./dx) i181=i180 i179=i180 if (isec1(6).ne.-1) then do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 if((isec1(6).eq.011).and.(isec1(7).eq.100)) then ! TEMPERATURE if((i.eq.0).and.(j.eq.0)) then !do ii=1,nuvz ! if ((isec1(8)*100.0).eq.akz(ii)) numpt=ii !end do numpt=minloc(abs(xsec18*100.0-akz),dim=1) ! IP 29.1.24 ! IPfixgfs11 ! numpt was const 1, and akzs were from not initialized allocation endif help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if (help.le.0) then write (*, *) 'i, j: ', i, j stop 'help <= 0.0 from zsec4' endif ! if(i.le.i180) then ! 1==180 fills missing 0 lines in tth if(i.lt.i180) then tth(i179+i,j,numpt,n)=help else tth(i-i181,j,numpt,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.033).and.(isec1(7).eq.100)) then ! U VELOCITY if((i.eq.0).and.(j.eq.0)) then ! do ii=1,nuvz ! if ((isec1(8)*100.0).eq.akz(ii)) numpu=ii ! end do numpu=minloc(abs(xsec18*100.0-akz),dim=1) endif help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then uuh(i179+i,j,numpu)=help else uuh(i-i181,j,numpu)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.034).and.(isec1(7).eq.100)) then ! V VELOCITY if((i.eq.0).and.(j.eq.0)) then !do ii=1,nuvz ! if ((isec1(8)*100.0).eq.akz(ii)) numpv=ii !end do numpv=minloc(abs(xsec18*100.0-akz),dim=1) endif help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then vvh(i179+i,j,numpv)=help else vvh(i-i181,j,numpv)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.052).and.(isec1(7).eq.100)) then ! RELATIVE HUMIDITY -> CONVERT TO SPECIFIC HUMIDITY LATER if((i.eq.0).and.(j.eq.0)) then ! do ii=1,nuvz ! if ((isec1(8)*100.0).eq.akz(ii)) numprh=ii ! end do numprh=minloc(abs(xsec18*100.0-akz),dim=1) endif help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then qvh(i179+i,j,numprh,n)=help else qvh(i-i181,j,numprh,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.001).and.(isec1(7).eq.001)) then ! SURFACE PRESSURE help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then ps(i179+i,j,1,n)=help else ps(i-i181,j,1,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.039).and.(isec1(7).eq.100)) then ! W VELOCITY ! if((i.eq.0).and.(j.eq.0)) then ! do ii=1,nuvz ! if ((isec1(8)*100.0).eq.akz(ii)) numpw=ii ! end do ! endif if((i.eq.0).and.(j.eq.0)) numpw=minloc(abs(xsec18*100.0-akz),dim=1) help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then wwh(i179+i,j,numpw)=help else wwh(i-i181,j,numpw)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.066).and.(isec1(7).eq.001)) then ! SNOW DEPTH help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then sd(i179+i,j,1,n)=help else sd(i-i181,j,1,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.002).and.(isec1(7).eq.102)) then ! MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then msl(i179+i,j,1,n)=help else msl(i-i181,j,1,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.071).and.(isec1(7).eq.244)) then ! TOTAL CLOUD COVER help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then tcc(i179+i,j,1,n)=help else tcc(i-i181,j,1,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.033).and.(isec1(7).eq.105).and. & (nint(xsec18).eq.10)) then ! (isec1(8).eq.10)) then ! 10 M U VELOCITY help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then u10(i179+i,j,1,n)=help else u10(i-i181,j,1,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.034).and.(isec1(7).eq.105).and. & (nint(xsec18).eq.10)) then ! (isec1(8).eq.10)) then ! 10 M V VELOCITY help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then v10(i179+i,j,1,n)=help else v10(i-i181,j,1,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.011).and.(isec1(7).eq.105).and. & (nint(xsec18).eq.2)) then ! (isec1(8).eq.02)) then ! 2 M TEMPERATURE help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then tt2(i179+i,j,1,n)=help else tt2(i-i181,j,1,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.017).and.(isec1(7).eq.105).and. & (nint(xsec18).eq.2)) then ! (isec1(8).eq.02)) then ! 2 M DEW POINT TEMPERATURE help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then td2(i179+i,j,1,n)=help else td2(i-i181,j,1,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.062).and.(isec1(7).eq.001)) then ! LARGE SCALE PREC. help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then lsprec(i179+i,j,1,1,n)=help else lsprec(i-i181,j,1,1,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.063).and.(isec1(7).eq.001)) then ! CONVECTIVE PREC. help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then convprec(i179+i,j,1,1,n)=help else convprec(i-i181,j,1,1,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.007).and.(isec1(7).eq.001)) then ! TOPOGRAPHY help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then oro(i179+i,j)=help excessoro(i179+i,j)=0.0 ! ISOBARIC SURFACES: SUBGRID TERRAIN DISREGARDED else oro(i-i181,j)=help excessoro(i-i181,j)=0.0 ! ISOBARIC SURFACES: SUBGRID TERRAIN DISREGARDED endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.081).and.(isec1(7).eq.001)) then ! LAND SEA MASK help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then lsm(i179+i,j)=help else lsm(i-i181,j)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.221).and.(isec1(7).eq.001)) then ! MIXING HEIGHT help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then hmix(i179+i,j,1,n)=help else hmix(i-i181,j,1,n)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.052).and.(isec1(7).eq.105).and. & (isec1(8).eq.02)) then ! 2 M RELATIVE HUMIDITY help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then qvh2(i179+i,j)=help else qvh2(i-i181,j)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.011).and.(isec1(7).eq.107)) then ! TEMPERATURE LOWEST SIGMA LEVEL help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then tlev1(i179+i,j)=help else tlev1(i-i181,j)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.033).and.(isec1(7).eq.107)) then ! U VELOCITY LOWEST SIGMA LEVEL help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then ulev1(i179+i,j)=help else ulev1(i-i181,j)=help endif endif if((isec1(6).eq.034).and.(isec1(7).eq.107)) then ! V VELOCITY LOWEST SIGMA LEVEL help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then vlev1(i179+i,j)=help else vlev1(i-i181,j)=help endif endif ! SEC & IP 12/2018 read GFS clouds if((isec1(6).eq.153).and.(isec1(7).eq.100)) then !! CLWCR Cloud liquid water content [kg/kg] if((i.eq.0).and.(j.eq.0)) then ! do ii=1,nuvz !1 if ((isec1(8)*100.0).eq.akz(ii)) numpclwch=ii ! end do numpclwch=minloc(abs(xsec18*100.0-akz),dim=1) endif help=zsec4(nxfield*(ny-j-1)+i+1) if(i.lt.i180) then clwch(i179+i,j,numpclwch,n)=help else clwch(i-i181,j,numpclwch,n)=help endif lcw=.true. lcwsum=.true. endif end do end do endif if((isec1(6).eq.33).and.(isec1(7).eq.100)) then ! NCEP ISOBARIC LEVELS iumax=iumax+1 endif call grib_release(igrib) if (isec1(6).ne.-1) deallocate( zsec4 ) !IP 28/11/23 fix deallocation error end do !! READ NEXT LEVEL OR PARAMETER ! ! CLOSING OF INPUT DATA FILE ! !HSO close grib file call grib_close_file(ifile) ! SENS. HEAT FLUX sshf(:,:,1,n)=0.0 ! not available from gfs.tccz.pgrbfxx files hflswitch=.false. ! Heat flux not available ! SOLAR RADIATIVE FLUXES ssr(:,:,1,n)=0.0 ! not available from gfs.tccz.pgrbfxx files ! EW SURFACE STRESS ewss=0.0 ! not available from gfs.tccz.pgrbfxx files ! NS SURFACE STRESS nsss=0.0 ! not available from gfs.tccz.pgrbfxx files strswitch=.false. ! stress not available ! CONVERT TP TO LSP (GRIB2 only) if (gribVer.eq.2) then do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxfield-1 if(i.le.i180) then if (convprec(i179+i,j,1,1,n).lt.lsprec(i179+i,j,1,1,n)) then ! neg precip would occur lsprec(i179+i,j,1,1,n)= & lsprec(i179+i,j,1,1,n)-convprec(i179+i,j,1,1,n) else lsprec(i179+i,j,1,1,n)=0 endif else if (convprec(i-i181,j,1,1,n).lt.lsprec(i-i181,j,1,1,n)) then lsprec(i-i181,j,1,1,n)= & lsprec(i-i181,j,1,1,n)-convprec(i-i181,j,1,1,n) else lsprec(i-i181,j,1,1,n)=0 endif endif enddo enddo endif !HSO end edits ! TRANSFORM RH TO SPECIFIC HUMIDITY do j=0,ny-1 do i=0,nxfield-1 do k=1,nuvz help=qvh(i,j,k,n) temp=tth(i,j,k,n) if (temp .le. 0.0) then write (*, *) 'STOP: TRANSFORM RH TO SPECIFIC HUMIDITY: temp, i, j, k, n' write (*, *) temp, i, j, k, n ! temp = 273.0 stop endif plev1=akm(k)+bkm(k)*ps(i,j,1,n) !print*, temp,plev1 elev=ew(temp,plev1)*help/100.0 qvh(i,j,k,n)=xmwml*(elev/(plev1-((1.0-xmwml)*elev))) end do end do end do ! CALCULATE 2 M DEW POINT FROM 2 M RELATIVE HUMIDITY ! USING BOLTON'S (1980) FORMULA ! BECAUSE td2 IS NOT AVAILABLE FROM NCEP GFS DATA k=2 ! CHECK THIS!!! do j=0,ny-1 do i=0,nxfield-1 help=qvh2(i,j) temp=tt2(i,j,1,n) if (temp .le. 0.0) then write (*, *) 'STOP: CALCULATE 2 M DEW POINT FROM 2 M RELATIVE HUMIDITY: temp, i, j, k, n' write (*, *) temp, i, j, k, n ! temp = 273.0 stop endif plev1=akm(k)+bkm(k)*ps(i,j,1,n) elev=ew(temp,plev1)/100.*help/100. !vapour pressure in hPa td2(i,j,1,n)=243.5/(17.67/log(elev/6.112)-1)+273. if (help.le.0.) td2(i,j,1,n)=tt2(i,j,1,n) end do end do if(levdiff2.eq.0) then iwmax=nlev_ec+1 do i=0,nxmin1 do j=0,nymin1 wwh(i,j,nlev_ec+1)=0. end do end do endif ! For global fields, assign the leftmost data column also to the rightmost ! data column; if required, shift whole grid by nxshift grid points !************************************************************************* if (xglobal) then call shift_field_0(ewss,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(nsss,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(oro,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(excessoro,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(lsm,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(ulev1,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(vlev1,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(tlev1,nxfield,ny) call shift_field_0(qvh2,nxfield,ny) call shift_field(ps,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(sd,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(msl,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(tcc,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(u10,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(v10,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(tt2,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(td2,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) do ipf=1,numpf call shift_field(lsprec(:,:,:,ipf,n),nxfield,ny,1,1,1,1) call shift_field(convprec(:,:,:,ipf,n),nxfield,ny,1,1,1,1) enddo call shift_field(sshf,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(ssr,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(hmix,nxfield,ny,1,1,2,n) call shift_field(tth,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,2,n) call shift_field(qvh,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,2,n) call shift_field(uuh,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,1,1) call shift_field(vvh,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,1,1) call shift_field(wwh,nxfield,ny,nwzmax,nwz,1,1) ! IP & SEC adding GFS Clouds 20181205 call shift_field(clwch,nxfield,ny,nuvzmax,nuvz,2,n) endif do i=0,nxmin1 do j=0,nymin1 ! Convert precip. from mm/s -> mm/hour convprec(i,j,1,1,n)=convprec(i,j,1,1,n)*3600. lsprec(i,j,1,1,n)=lsprec(i,j,1,1,n)*3600. sfcstress(i,j,1,n)=sqrt(ewss(i,j)**2+nsss(i,j)**2) end do end do if ((.not.hflswitch).or.(.not.strswitch)) then ! write(*,*) 'WARNING: No flux data contained in GRIB file ', ! + wfname(indj) ! CALCULATE USTAR AND SSHF USING THE PROFILE METHOD !*************************************************************************** do j=0,nymin1 do i=0,nxmin1 hlev1=30.0 ! HEIGHT OF FIRST MODEL SIGMA LAYER ff10m= sqrt(u10(i,j,1,n)**2+v10(i,j,1,n)**2) fflev1=sqrt(ulev1(i,j)**2+vlev1(i,j)**2) call pbl_profile(ps(i,j,1,n),td2(i,j,1,n),hlev1, & tt2(i,j,1,n),tlev1(i,j),ff10m,fflev1, & sfcstress(i,j,1,n),sshf(i,j,1,n)) if(sshf(i,j,1,n).gt.200.) sshf(i,j,1,n)=200. if(sshf(i,j,1,n).lt.-400.) sshf(i,j,1,n)=-400. end do end do endif if(iumax.ne.nuvz) error stop 'READWIND: NUVZ NOT CONSISTENT' if(iumax.ne.nwz) error stop 'READWIND: NWZ NOT CONSISTENT' return 777 continue write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! ####' write(*,*) ' #### Additional precip fields not implemented in ####' write(*,*) ' #### GFS version ####' write(*,*) ' #### Set numpf=1 in par_mod.f90 and recompile! ####' stop 'Execution terminated' 888 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! WINDFIELD #### ' write(*,*) ' #### ',wfname(indj),' #### ' write(*,*) ' #### IS NOT GRIB FORMAT !!! #### ' error stop 'Execution terminated' end subroutine readwind_gfs subroutine readwind_nest(indj,n,uuhn,vvhn,wwhn) ! i i o o o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This routine reads the wind fields for the nested model domains. * ! It is similar to subroutine readwind, which reads the mother domain. * ! * ! Authors: A. Stohl, G. Wotawa * ! * ! 8 February 1999 * ! * ! Last update: 17 October 2000, A. Stohl * ! * ! * ! Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation * ! for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields * ! change some double loops in wrong order to forall constructs * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! Changes, Bernd C. Krueger, Feb. 2001: * ! Variables tthn and qvhn (on eta coordinates) in common block * ! CHANGE: 11/01/2008, Harald Sodemann, GRIB1/2 input with ECMWF grib_api * ! CHANGE: 03/12/2008, Harald Sodemann, update to f90 with ECMWF grib_api * !***************************************************************************** use grib_api implicit none integer :: ifile integer :: iret,size1,stat integer :: igrib integer :: istep, ipf, npf ! istep=stepRange for precip field identification integer :: gribVer,parCat,parNum,typSfc,discipl,parId integer :: gotGrid real :: uuhn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nuvzmax,maxnests) real :: vvhn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nuvzmax,maxnests) real :: wwhn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nwzmax,maxnests) integer :: indj,i,j,l,n,ifield,iumax,iwmax ! VARIABLES AND ARRAYS NEEDED FOR GRIB DECODING real(kind=4),allocatable,dimension(:) :: zsec4 ! PS replace isec1, isec2 arrays by scalar values because we don't need ! arrays anymore. isec1(X) -> isX, isec2(X) -> jsX integer :: is6, js2, js3, js12 integer :: k ! (as k, is the level in ECWMF notation, top->bot) integer :: kz, kz1 ! (level in FLEXPART notation, bot->top) integer :: jy ! y index in FLEXPART notation (S->N) integer :: ij ! 2D index unrolled to 1D real(kind=4) :: xaux,yaux real(kind=8) :: xauxin,yauxin real(kind=4),parameter :: eps=1.e-4 real :: ewss(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1),nsss(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1) real :: plev1,pmean,tv,fu,hlev1,ff10m,fflev1 real :: conversion_factor logical :: hflswitch,strswitch !HSO grib api error messages character(len=24) :: gribErrorMsg = 'Error reading grib file' character(len=20) :: thisSubr = 'readwind_nest' l_loop: do l=1,numbnests hflswitch=.false. strswitch=.false. iumax=0 iwmax=0 ifile=0 igrib=0 iret=0 ! ! OPENING OF DATA FILE (GRIB CODE) ! call grib_open_file(ifile,path(numpath+2*(l-1)+1) & (1:length(numpath+2*(l-1)+1))//trim(wfnamen(l,indj)),'r') if (iret .ne. GRIB_SUCCESS) goto 888 ! ERROR DETECTED !turn on support for multi fields messages */ !call grib_multi_support_on gotGrid=0 ifield=0 do ifield=ifield+1 ! ! GET NEXT FIELDS ! call grib_new_from_file(ifile,igrib,iret) if (iret.eq.GRIB_END_OF_FILE) then exit ! EOF DETECTED elseif (iret.ne.GRIB_SUCCESS) then goto 888 ! ERROR DETECTED endif !first see if we read GRIB1 or GRIB2 call grib_get_int(igrib,'editionNumber',gribVer,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) ! AT stepRange is used to identify additional precip fields call grib_get_int(igrib,'stepRange',istep,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) ipf=istep+1 if (gribVer.eq.1) then ! GRIB Edition 1 call grib_get_int(igrib,'indicatorOfParameter',is6,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',k,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) ! change code for etadot to code for omega if (is6 .eq. 77) is6=135 conversion_factor=1. else ! GRIB Edition 2 call grib_get_int(igrib,'discipline',discipl,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterCategory',parCat,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'parameterNumber',parNum,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'typeOfFirstFixedSurface',typSfc,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'level',k,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'paramId',parId,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) !convert to grib1 identifiers is6=-1 conversion_factor=1. if (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! T is6=130 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 2 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! U is6=131 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 3 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! V is6=132 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! Q is6=133 ! ESO Cloud water is in a) fields CLWC and CIWC, *or* b) field QC elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 83 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! clwc is6=246 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 84 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! ciwc is6=247 ! ESO qc(=clwc+ciwc): elseif (parCat .eq. 201 .and. parNum .eq. 31 .and. typSfc .eq. 105) then ! qc is6=201031 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then !SP is6=134 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 32) then ! W, actually eta dot is6=135 elseif (parCat .eq. 128 .and. parNum .eq. 77) then ! W, actually eta dot is6=135 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 101) then ! SLP is6=151 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 2 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 10U is6=165 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 3 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 10V is6=166 elseif (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 2T is6=167 elseif (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 6 .and. typSfc .eq. 103) then ! 2D is6=168 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 11 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then ! SD is6=141 conversion_factor=1000. elseif (parCat .eq. 6 .and. parNum .eq. 1 .or. parId .eq. 164) then ! CC is6=164 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 9 .or. parId .eq. 142) then ! LSP is6=142 elseif (parCat .eq. 1 .and. parNum .eq. 10) then ! CP is6=143 conversion_factor=1000. elseif (parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 11 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then ! SHF is6=146 elseif (parCat .eq. 4 .and. parNum .eq. 9 .and. typSfc .eq. 1) then ! SR is6=176 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 38 .or. parId .eq. 180) then ! EWSS --correct is6=180 elseif (parCat .eq. 2 .and. parNum .eq. 37 .or. parId .eq. 181) then ! NSSS --correct is6=181 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 4) then ! ORO is6=129 elseif (parCat .eq. 3 .and. parNum .eq. 7 .or. parId .eq. 160) then ! SDO is6=160 elseif (discipl .eq. 2 .and. parCat .eq. 0 .and. parNum .eq. 0 .and. & typSfc .eq. 1) then ! LSM is6=172 elseif (parNum .eq. 152) then is6=152 ! avoid warning for lnsp else print*,'***WARNING: undefined GRiB2 message found!',discipl, & parCat,parNum,typSfc endif if (parId .ne. is6 .and. parId .ne. 77) & write(*,*) 'parId',parId, 'is6',is6 endif ! grib Version conversion !HSO get the required fields from section 2 in a gribex compatible manner if(ifield.eq.1) then call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAParallel',js2,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian',js3,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_int(igrib,'numberOfVerticalCoordinateValues',js12) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) ! CHECK GRID SPECIFICATIONS if (js2 .ne. nxn(l)) & stop 'READWIND: NX NOT CONSISTENT FOR A NESTING LEVEL' if (js3 .ne. nyn(l)) & stop 'READWIND: NY NOT CONSISTENT FOR A NESTING LEVEL' if (js12/2-1 .ne. nlev_ec) stop 'READWIND: VERTICAL DISCRETIZATION NOT& &CONSISTENT FOR A NESTING LEVEL' endif ! ifield !HSO get the size and data of the values array if (is6 .ne. -1) then call grib_get_size(igrib,'values',size1,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) allocate(zsec4(size1), stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate zsec4" call grib_get_real4_array(igrib,'values',zsec4,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) endif !HSO get the second part of the grid dimensions only from GRiB1 messages if (is6 .eq. 167 .and. gotGrid .eq. 0) then call grib_get_real8(igrib,'longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees', & xauxin,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) call grib_get_real8(igrib,'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees',yauxin,iret) call grib_check(iret,thisSubr,gribErrorMsg) if (xauxin .gt. 180.) xauxin=xauxin-360.0 if (xauxin .lt. -180.) xauxin=xauxin+360.0 xaux=real(xauxin) yaux=real(yauxin) if (abs(xaux-xlon0n(l)).gt.eps) & stop 'READWIND: LOWER LEFT LONGITUDE NOT CONSISTENT FOR A NESTING LEVEL' if (abs(yaux-ylat0n(l)).gt.eps) & stop 'READWIND: LOWER LEFT LATITUDE NOT CONSISTENT FOR A NESTING LEVEL' gotGrid=1 endif ! gotGrid kz=nlev_ec-k+2 ! used for all 3D fields except W kz1=nlev_ec-k+1 ! used for W do j=0,nyn(l)-1 jy=nyn(l)-j-1 do i=0,nxn(l)-1 ij=nxn(l)*jy + i+1 if (is6 .eq. 130) then ! TEMPERATURE tthn(i,j,kz,n,l)=zsec4(ij) elseif (is6 .eq. 131) then ! U VELOCITY uuhn(i,j,kz,l)=zsec4(ij) iumax=max(iumax,kz1) elseif (is6 .eq. 132) then ! V VELOCITY vvhn(i,j,kz,l)=zsec4(ij) elseif (is6 .eq. 133) then ! SPEC. HUMIDITY qvhn(i,j,kz,n,l)=zsec4(ij) if (qvhn(i,j,kz,n,l) .lt. 0.) qvhn(i,j,kz,n,l) = 0. ! necessary because the gridded data may contain spurious negative values elseif (is6 .eq. 134) then ! SURF. PRESS. psn(i,j,1,n,l)=zsec4(ij) elseif (is6 .eq. 135) then ! W VELOCITY wwhn(i,j,kz1,l)=zsec4(ij) iwmax=max(iwmax,kz1) elseif (is6 .eq. 141) then ! SNOW DEPTH sdn(i,j,1,n,l)=zsec4(ij)/conversion_factor elseif (is6 .eq. 151) then ! SEA LEVEL PRESS. msln(i,j,1,n,l)=zsec4(ij) elseif (is6 .eq. 164) then ! CLOUD COVER tccn(i,j,1,n,l)=zsec4(ij) elseif (is6 .eq. 165) then ! 10 M U VELOCITY u10n(i,j,1,n,l)=zsec4(ij) elseif (is6 .eq. 166) then ! 10 M V VELOCITY v10n(i,j,1,n,l)=zsec4(ij) elseif (is6 .eq. 167) then ! 2 M TEMPERATURE tt2n(i,j,1,n,l)=zsec4(ij) elseif (is6 .eq. 168) then ! 2 M DEW POINT td2n(i,j,1,n,l)=zsec4(ij) elseif (is6 .eq. 142) then ! LARGE SCALE PREC. lsprecn(i,j,1,ipf,n,l)=zsec4(ij) if (lsprecn(i,j,1,ipf,n,l).lt.0.) lsprecn(i,j,1,ipf,n,l)=0. elseif (is6 .eq. 143) then ! CONVECTIVE PREC. convprecn(i,j,1,ipf,n,l)=zsec4(ij)/conversion_factor if (convprecn(i,j,1,ipf,n,l).lt.0.) convprecn(i,j,1,ipf,n,l)=0. elseif (is6 .eq. 146) then ! SENS. HEAT FLUX sshfn(i,j,1,n,l)=zsec4(ij) if (zsec4(ij).ne.0.) hflswitch=.true. ! Heat flux available elseif (is6 .eq. 176) then ! SOLAR RADIATION ssrn(i,j,1,n,l)=zsec4(ij) if (ssrn(i,j,1,n,l).lt.0.) ssrn(i,j,1,n,l)=0. elseif (is6 .eq. 180) then ! EW SURFACE STRESS ewss(i,j)=zsec4(ij) elseif (is6 .eq. 181) then ! NS SURFACE STRESS nsss(i,j)=zsec4(ij) if (zsec4(ij).ne.0.) strswitch=.true. ! stress available elseif (is6 .eq. 129) then ! ECMWF OROGRAPHY oron(i,j,l)=zsec4(ij)/ga elseif (is6 .eq. 160) then ! STANDARD DEVIATION OF OROGRAPHY excessoron(i,j,l)=zsec4(ij) elseif (is6 .eq. 172) then ! ECMWF LAND SEA MASK lsmn(i,j,l)=zsec4(ij) ! ZHG add reading of cloud water fields ! ESO add reading of total cloud water fields ! ESO TODO: add check whether either CLWC or CIWC is missing (->error) ! if all 3 cw fields exist, use QC and disregard the others elseif (is6 .eq. 246) then ! CLWC Cloud liquid water content [kg/kg] clwchn(i,j,kz,n,l)=zsec4(ij) lcw_nest(l)=.true. lcwsum_nest(l)=.false. elseif (is6 .eq. 247) then ! CIWC Cloud ice water content ciwchn(i,j,kz,n,l)=zsec4(ij) elseif (is6 .eq. 201031) then ! QC Cloud water content (liq+ice) [kg/kg] clwchn(i,j,kz,n,l)=zsec4(ij) lcw_nest(l)=.true. lcwsum_nest(l)=.true. endif end do end do call grib_release(igrib) deallocate(zsec4) end do !! READ NEXT LEVEL OR PARAMETER ! ! CLOSING OF INPUT DATA FILE ! call grib_close_file(ifile) !error message if no field found with correct first longitude in it if (gotGrid .eq. 0) then print*,'***ERROR: input file needs to contain GRiB1-formatted messages' stop endif if (nlev_ec-nwz+1 .eq. 0) then iwmax=nlev_ec+1 wwhn(:,:,iwmax,l)=0. endif ! Assign 10 m wind to model level at eta=1.0 to have one additional model ! level at the ground ! Specific humidity is taken the same as at one level above ! Temperature is taken as 2 m temperature !************************************************************************** forall (i=0:nxn(l)-1,j=0:nyn(l)-1) & sfcstressn(i,j,1,n,l)=sqrt(ewss(i,j)**2+nsss(i,j)**2) if ((.not.hflswitch).or.(.not.strswitch)) then write(*,*) 'WARNING: No flux data contained in GRIB file ', & wfnamen(l,indj) ! CALCULATE USTAR AND SSHF USING THE PROFILE METHOD ! As ECMWF has increased the model resolution, such that now the first model ! level is at about 10 m (where 10-m wind is given), use the 2nd ECMWF level ! (3rd model level in FLEXPART) for the profile method !*************************************************************************** do j=0,nyn(l)-1 do i=0,nxn(l)-1 plev1=akz(3)+bkz(3)*psn(i,j,1,n,l) pmean=0.5*(psn(i,j,1,n,l)+plev1) tv=tthn(i,j,3,n,l)*(1.+0.61*qvhn(i,j,3,n,l)) fu=-r_air*tv/ga/pmean hlev1=fu*(plev1-psn(i,j,1,n,l)) ! HEIGHT OF FIRST MODEL LAYER ff10m= sqrt(u10n(i,j,1,n,l)**2+v10n(i,j,1,n,l)**2) fflev1=sqrt(uuhn(i,j,3,l)**2+vvhn(i,j,3,l)**2) call pbl_profile(psn(i,j,1,n,l),td2n(i,j,1,n,l),hlev1, & tt2n(i,j,1,n,l),tthn(i,j,3,n,l),ff10m,fflev1, & sfcstressn(i,j,1,n,l),sshfn(i,j,1,n,l)) if (sshfn(i,j,1,n,l) .gt. +200.) sshfn(i,j,1,n,l)=+200. if (sshfn(i,j,1,n,l) .lt. -400.) sshfn(i,j,1,n,l)=-400. end do enddo endif ! Assign 10 m wind to model level at eta=1.0 to have one additional model ! level at the ground ! Specific humidity is taken the same as at one level above ! Temperature is taken as 2 m temperature !************************************************************************** forall (i=0:nxn(l)-1, j=0:nyn(l)-1) uuhn(i,j,1,l)=u10n(i,j,1,n,l) vvhn(i,j,1,l)=v10n(i,j,1,n,l) qvhn(i,j,1,n,l)=qvhn(i,j,2,n,l) tthn(i,j,1,n,l)=tt2n(i,j,1,n,l) end forall if(iumax.ne.nuvz-1) error stop & 'READWIND: NUVZ NOT CONSISTENT FOR A NESTING LEVEL' if(iwmax.ne.nwz) error stop & 'READWIND: NWZ NOT CONSISTENT FOR A NESTING LEVEL' end do l_loop return 888 write(*,*) ' #### FLEXPART MODEL ERROR! WINDFIELD #### ' write(*,*) ' #### ',wfnamen(l,indj),' FOR NESTING LEVEL #### ' write(*,*) ' #### ',l,' IS NOT GRIB FORMAT !!! #### ' error stop 'Execution terminated' end subroutine readwind_nest subroutine shift_field_0(field,nxf,nyf) ! i/o i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This subroutine shifts global fields by nxshift grid cells, in order to * ! facilitate all sorts of nested wind fields, or output grids, which, * ! without shifting, would overlap with the domain "boundary". * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 3 July 2002 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! Constants: * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: nxf,nyf,ix,jy,ixs real :: field(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1),xshiftaux(0:nxmax-1) ! Loop over y and z !****************** do jy=0,nyf-1 ! Shift the data !*************** if (nxshift.ne.0) then do ix=0,nxf-1 if (ix.ge.nxshift) then ixs=ix-nxshift else ixs=nxf-nxshift+ix endif xshiftaux(ixs)=field(ix,jy) end do do ix=0,nxf-1 field(ix,jy)=xshiftaux(ix) end do endif ! Repeat the westernmost grid cells at the easternmost domain "boundary" !*********************************************************************** field(nxf,jy)=field(0,jy) end do return end subroutine shift_field_0 subroutine shift_field(field,nxf,nyf,nzfmax,nzf,nmax,n) ! i/o i i i i i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This subroutine shifts global fields by nxshift grid cells, in order to * ! facilitate all sorts of nested wind fields, or output grids, which, * ! without shifting, would overlap with the domain "boundary". * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 3 July 2002 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! Constants: * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: nxf,nyf,nzf,n,ix,jy,kz,ixs,nzfmax,nmax real :: field(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzfmax,nmax),xshiftaux(0:nxmax-1) ! Loop over y and z !****************** do kz=1,nzf do jy=0,nyf-1 ! Shift the data !*************** if (nxshift.ne.0) then do ix=0,nxf-1 if (ix.ge.nxshift) then ixs=ix-nxshift else ixs=nxf-nxshift+ix endif xshiftaux(ixs)=field(ix,jy,kz,n) end do do ix=0,nxf-1 field(ix,jy,kz,n)=xshiftaux(ix) end do endif ! Repeat the westernmost grid cells at the easternmost domain "boundary" !*********************************************************************** field(nxf,jy,kz,n)=field(0,jy,kz,n) end do end do end subroutine shift_field subroutine alloc_fixedfields implicit none integer :: stat allocate(oro(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate oro" allocate(excessoro(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate excessoro" allocate(lsm(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate lsm" end subroutine alloc_fixedfields subroutine alloc_fixedfields_nest implicit none integer :: stat allocate(oron(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate oron" allocate(excessoron(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate excessoron" allocate(lsmn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate lsmn" end subroutine alloc_fixedfields_nest subroutine alloc_windfields implicit none integer :: stat ! Eta coordinates !**************** #ifdef ETA allocate(uueta(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate uueta" allocate(vveta(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate vveta" allocate(wweta(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate wweta" allocate(uupoleta(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate uupoleta" allocate(vvpoleta(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate vvpoleta" allocate(tteta(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tteta" allocate(pveta(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate pveta" allocate(prseta(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate prseta" allocate(rhoeta(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate rhoeta" allocate(drhodzeta(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate drhodzeta" #endif allocate(etauvheight(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate etauvheight" allocate(etawheight(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate etawheight" ! Intrinsic coordinates !********************** allocate(uu(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate uu" allocate(vv(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate vv" allocate(ww(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ww" allocate(uupol(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate uupol" allocate(vvpol(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate vvpol" allocate(tt(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tt" allocate(tth(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tth" allocate(pv(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate pv" allocate(qv(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate qv" allocate(qvh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate qvh" allocate(rho(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate rho" allocate(drhodz(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate drhodz" allocate(pplev(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate pplev" allocate(prs(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate prs" allocate(rho_dry(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate rho_dry" ! Cloud data !*********** allocate(clwc(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate clwc" allocate(ciwc(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ciwc" allocate(clwch(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate clwch" allocate(ciwch(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ciwch" clwc=0.0 ciwc=0.0 clwch=0.0 ciwch=0.0 allocate(ctwc(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ctwc" allocate(icloudbot(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate icloudbot" allocate(icloudtop(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate icloudtop" ! 2d fields !********** allocate(ps(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ps" allocate(sd(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate sd" allocate(msl(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate msl" allocate(tcc(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tcc" allocate(u10(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate u10" allocate(v10(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate v10" allocate(tt2(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tt2" allocate(td2(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate td2" allocate(lsprec(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numpf,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate lsprec" allocate(convprec(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numpf,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate convprec" allocate(sshf(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate sshf" allocate(ssr(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ssr" allocate(sfcstress(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate sfcstress" allocate(ustar(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ustar" allocate(wstar(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate wstar" allocate(hmix(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate hmix" allocate(tropopause(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tropopause" allocate(oli(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,1,numwfmem),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate oli" ! Vertical descritisation arrays !******************************* allocate(height(nzmax),wheight(nzmax),uvheight(nzmax),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate height arrays" allocate(akm(nwzmax),bkm(nwzmax),akz(nuvzmax),bkz(nuvzmax), & aknew(nzmax),bknew(nzmax),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate model level parameters" end subroutine alloc_windfields subroutine alloc_windfields_nest !******************************************************************************* ! Dynamic allocation of arrays ! ! For nested wind fields. ! !******************************************************************************* implicit none integer :: stat allocate(uun(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate uun" allocate(vvn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate vvn" allocate(wwn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate wwn" allocate(ttn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ttn" allocate(qvn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate qvn" allocate(pvn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate pvn" allocate(clwcn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate clwcn" allocate(ciwcn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ciwcn" ! ETA equivalents #ifdef ETA allocate(uuetan(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate uuetan" allocate(vvetan(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate vvetan" allocate(wwetan(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate wwetan" allocate(ttetan(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ttetan" allocate(pvetan(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate pvetan" allocate(prsetan(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests) ,stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate prsetan" allocate(rhoetan(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate rhoetan" allocate(drhodzetan(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate drhodzetan" #endif allocate(etauvheightn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate etauvheightn" allocate(etawheightn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate etawheightn" allocate(icloudbotn(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate icloudbotn" allocate(icloudtopn(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate icloudtopn" allocate(prsn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate prsn" allocate(rhon(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate rhon" allocate(drhodzn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate drhodzn" allocate(tthn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tthn" allocate(qvhn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate qvhn" allocate(clwchn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate clwchn" allocate(ciwchn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,nuvzmax,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ciwchn" allocate(ctwcn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ctwcn" ! 2d fields !*********** allocate(psn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate psn" allocate(sdn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate sdn" allocate(msln(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate msln" allocate(tccn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tccn" allocate(u10n(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate u10n" allocate(v10n(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate v10n" allocate(tt2n(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tt2n" allocate(td2n(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate td2n" allocate(lsprecn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numpf,numwfmem,maxnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate lsprecn" allocate(convprecn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numpf,numwfmem,maxnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate convprecn" allocate(sshfn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate sshfn" allocate(ssrn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ssrn" allocate(sfcstressn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate sfcstressn" allocate(ustarn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ustarn" allocate(wstarn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate wstarn" allocate(hmixn(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate hmixn" allocate(tropopausen(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tropopausen" allocate(olin(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,1,numwfmem,numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate olin" ! Initialise !************ clwcn(:,:,:,:,:)=0. ciwcn(:,:,:,:,:)=0. clwchn(:,:,:,:,:)=0. ciwchn(:,:,:,:,:)=0. end subroutine alloc_windfields_nest subroutine alloc_nest_properties implicit none integer :: stat allocate(nxn(numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate nxn" allocate(nyn(numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate nyn" allocate(dxn(numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate dxn" allocate(dyn(numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate dyn" allocate(xlon0n(numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate xlon0n" allocate(ylat0n(numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate ylat0n" allocate(xresoln(0:numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate xresoln" allocate(yresoln(0:numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate yresoln" allocate(xln(numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate xln" allocate(yln(numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate yln" allocate(xrn(numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate xrn" allocate(yrn(numbnests),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate yrn" end subroutine alloc_nest_properties subroutine dealloc_windfields_nest deallocate(wfnamen) deallocate(nxn,nyn,dxn,dyn,xlon0n,ylat0n) deallocate(oron,excessoron,lsmn) deallocate(uun,vvn,wwn,ttn,qvn,pvn,clwcn,ciwcn, & rhon,prsn,drhodzn,tthn,qvhn,clwchn,ciwchn,ctwcn,etauvheightn,etawheightn) #ifdef ETA deallocate(uuetan,vvetan,wwetan,ttetan,pvetan,prsetan,rhoetan, & drhodzetan) #endif deallocate(psn,sdn,msln,tccn,u10n,v10n,tt2n,td2n,lsprecn,convprecn, & sshfn,ssrn,sfcstressn,ustarn,wstarn,hmixn,tropopausen,olin) deallocate(xresoln,yresoln,xln,yln,xrn,yrn) end subroutine dealloc_windfields_nest subroutine dealloc_windfields implicit none deallocate(wftime,wfname) deallocate(oro,excessoro,lsm) #ifdef ETA deallocate(uueta,vveta,wweta,uupoleta,vvpoleta,tteta,pveta, & prseta,rhoeta,drhodzeta) #endif deallocate(etauvheight,etawheight) deallocate(uu,vv,ww,uupol,vvpol,tt,tth,qv,qvh,pv,rho,drhodz,pplev,prs,rho_dry) deallocate(clwc,ciwc,clwch,ciwch,ctwc) deallocate(ps,sd,msl,tcc,u10,v10,tt2,td2,lsprec,convprec,sshf,ssr,sfcstress, & ustar,wstar,hmix,tropopause,oli) deallocate(height,wheight,uvheight,akm,bkm,akz,bkz,aknew,bknew) end subroutine dealloc_windfields end module windfields_mod