drydepokernel_nest Subroutine

public subroutine drydepokernel_nest(nunc, deposit, x, y, nage, kp, thread)

 Attribution of the deposition from an individual particle to the       *
 nested deposition fields using a uniform kernel with bandwidths        *
 dxoutn and dyoutn.                                                     *
 Author: A. Stohl                                                       *
 26 December 1996                                                       *
  2 September 2004: Adaptation from drydepokernel.                      *


Variables: * * nunc uncertainty class of the respective particle * nage age class of the respective particle * deposit amount (kg) to be deposited * *


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: nunc
real(kind=dep_prec), dimension(maxspec) :: deposit
real :: x
real :: y
integer :: nage
integer :: kp
integer, intent(in) :: thread