DATE: 1997-08-05 *
LAST UPDATE: 2000-10-17, Andreas Stohl *
CHANGE: 01/02/2001, Bernd C. Krueger, Variables tth and *
qvh (on eta coordinates) in common block *
CHANGE: 16/11/2005, Caroline Forster, GFS data *
CHANGE: 11/01/2008, Harald Sodemann, Input of GRIB1/2 *
data with the ECMWF grib_api library *
CHANGE: 03/12/2008, Harald Sodemann, update to f90 with *
ECMWF grib_api *
Unified ECMWF and GFS builds *
Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 *
- Renamed routine from readwind to readwind_gfs *
Petra Seibert, Anne Tipka, 2021-02: implement new interpolation *
just catch numpf>1 and produce error msg, adjust rank of precip *
and correct some loops in bad order *
Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation *
for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields *
change some double loops in wrong order to forall constructs *
DESCRIPTION: * * READING OF ECMWF METEOROLOGICAL FIELDS FROM INPUT DATA FILES. THE * INPUT DATA FILES ARE EXPECTED TO BE AVAILABLE IN GRIB CODE * * INPUT: * indj indicates number of the wind field to be read in * n temporal index for meteorological fields (1 to 3)* * IMPORTANT VARIABLES FROM COMMON BLOCK: * * wfname File name of data to be read in * nx,ny,nuvz,nwz expected field dimensions * nlev_ec number of vertical levels ecmwf model * uu,vv,ww wind fields * tt,qv temperature and specific humidity * ps surface pressure * *
CLWCR Cloud liquid water content [kg/kg] READ NEXT LEVEL OR PARAMETER
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer | :: | indj | ||||
integer | :: | n | ||||
real | :: | uuh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) | ||||
real | :: | vvh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nuvzmax) | ||||
real | :: | wwh(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,nwzmax) |