chemistry_mod Module


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: nxCL
integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: nyCL
integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: nzCL
integer, public :: nxjr
integer, public :: nyjr
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: lonCL
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: latCL
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: altCL
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: dxCL
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: dyCL
real, public :: dxjr
real, public :: dyjr
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: CL_field
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: clfield_cur
integer, public, dimension(2) :: memCLtime
integer, public :: curCLhour
real(kind=dp), public :: memCLday
real(kind=dp), public, dimension(2) :: CL_time
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: jrate_average
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lonjr
real, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: latjr


public subroutine readreagents()

This routine reads names and input paths of chemical reagents * * Author: R. Thompson, Sep 2023 * *

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public subroutine getchemfield(itime)

Variables: * * itime time since start of simulation in sec * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: itime

public subroutine readchemfield(CL_name, memid, nr)

Variables: * * CL_name name of chemical reagent file * memid time index to chemical field variable * nr reagent index to chemical field variable * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=256) :: CL_name
integer :: memid
integer :: nr

public subroutine getchemhourly(itime)

Variables: * itime [s] actual simulation time [s] * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: itime

public subroutine chemreaction(itime)

Variables: * itime [s] actual simulation time [s] * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: itime