plumetraj Subroutine

public subroutine plumetraj(itime)


Determines a plume centroid trajectory for each release site, and manages * clustering of particle locations. Certain parameters (average PV, * tropopause height, etc., are provided along the plume trajectories. * At the end, output is written to file 'trajectories.txt'. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 24 January 2002 * * Variables: * fclust fraction of particles belonging to each cluster * hmixcenter mean mixing height for all particles * ncluster number of clusters to be used * pvcenter mean PV for all particles * pvfract fraction of particles with PV<2pvu * rms total horizontal rms distance after clustering * rmsdist total horizontal rms distance before clustering * rmsclust horizontal rms distance for each individual cluster * topocenter mean topography underlying all particles * tropocenter mean tropopause height at the positions of particles * tropofract fraction of particles within the troposphere * zrms total vertical rms distance after clustering * zrmsdist total vertical rms distance before clustering * xclust,yclust, Cluster centroid positions * zclust * *


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: itime