init_domainfill_ncf Subroutine

public subroutine init_domainfill_ncf()


Initializes particles equally distributed over the first release location * specified in file RELEASES. This box is assumed to be the domain for doing * domain-filling trajectory calculations. * All particles carry the same amount of mass which alltogether comprises the* mass of air within the box. * * Author: A. Stohl, Oct 2002 * Modifications: * R. Thompson, Sep 2023: added initialization of mass from grid based * on code of S. Henne for Flexpart-CTM * *


Variables: * * numparticlecount consecutively counts the number of particles released * nx_we(2) grid indices for western and eastern boundary of domain- * filling trajectory calculations * ny_sn(2) grid indices for southern and northern boundary of domain- * filling trajectory calculations * *

this is to restart from 3D fields grid_pptv files have to be present for all species except 1 (airtracer) test

Assume input is in units of ppv and species 1 carries airmass tracer so mass of other species is easily determined loop over all species, assuming species 1 is airtracer testing


loop over all species, assuming species 1 is airtracer

