turbulence_mod Module


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: ust
real, public :: wst
real, public :: ol
real, public :: h
real, public :: zeta
real, public :: sigu
real, public :: sigv
real, public :: tlu
real, public :: tlv
real, public :: tlw
real, public :: sigw
real, public :: dsigwdz
real, public :: dsigw2dz


public subroutine turbulence_pbl(ipart, nrand, dt, zts, rhoa, rhograd, thread)

Determine the new diffusivity velocities

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ipart
integer, intent(inout) :: nrand
real, intent(in) :: dt
real, intent(inout) :: zts
real, intent(in) :: rhoa
real, intent(in) :: rhograd
integer, intent(in) :: thread

public subroutine turbulence_above_pbl(dt, nrand, ux, vy, wp, tropop, zts)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(in) :: dt
integer, intent(inout) :: nrand
real, intent(inout) :: ux
real, intent(inout) :: vy
real, intent(inout) :: wp
real, intent(in) :: tropop
real, intent(in) :: zts

public subroutine turbulence_mesoscale(nrand, dxsave, dysave, ipart, usig, vsig, wsig, wsigeta, eps_eta)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(inout) :: nrand
real, intent(inout) :: dxsave
real, intent(inout) :: dysave
integer, intent(in) :: ipart
real, intent(in) :: usig
real, intent(in) :: vsig
real, intent(in) :: wsig
real, intent(in) :: wsigeta
real, intent(in) :: eps_eta

public subroutine hanna(z)

Computation of \sigma_i and \tau_L based on the scheme of Hanna (1982) * Source: 'Atmospheric Turbulence and Air Polution', chapter 4 and 7, * J.A. Businger, edited by F.T.M. Nieuwstadt and H. van Dop * * * Author: A. Stohl * * 4 December 1997 * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real :: z Read more…

public subroutine hanna1(z)

Computation of \sigma_i and \tau_L based on the scheme of Hanna (1982) * Source: 'Atmospheric Turbulence and Air Polution', chapter 4 and 7, * J.A. Businger, edited by F.T.M. Nieuwstadt and H. van Dop * * Author: A. Stohl * * 4 December 1997 * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real :: z Read more…

public subroutine hanna_short(z)

Computation of \sigma_i and \tau_L based on the scheme of Hanna (1982) * * Author: A. Stohl * * 4 December 1997 * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real :: z Read more…

public subroutine windalign(u, v, ffap, ffcp, ux, vy)

Transformation from along- and cross-wind components to u and v * components. * * Author: A. Stohl * * 3 June 1996 * *

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real :: u
real :: v
real :: ffap
real :: ffcp
real :: ux
real :: vy