2021 L. Bakels: This module contains all turbulence related subroutines * 2023 PS: include psih, psim into this module *
!***************************************************************************** ! * ! 2021 L. Bakels: This module contains all turbulence related subroutines * ! 2023 PS: include psih, psim into this module ! * !***************************************************************************** module turbulence_mod use par_mod use com_mod use particle_mod use pbl_profile_mod implicit none real :: ust,wst,ol,h,zeta,sigu,sigv,tlu,tlv,tlw real :: sigw,dsigwdz,dsigw2dz !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ust,wst,ol,h,zeta,sigu,sigv,tlu,tlv,tlw, & !$OMP sigw,dsigwdz,dsigw2dz) contains subroutine turbulence_pbl(ipart,nrand,dt,zts,rhoa,rhograd,thread) use cbl_mod implicit none integer, intent(in) :: & ipart, & ! particle index thread ! number of the omp thread integer, intent(inout) ::& nrand ! random number used for turbulence real,intent(in) :: & dt, & ! real(ldt) rhoa, & ! air density, used in CBL rhograd ! vertical gradient of the air density, used in CBL real,intent(inout) :: & zts ! local 'real' copy of the particle position real :: & delz, & ! change in vertical position due to turbulence ru,rv,rw,wp,icbt_r, & ! used for computing turbulence dtf,rhoaux,dtftlw,ath,bth,& ! CBL related ptot_lhh,Q_lhh,phi_lhh, & ! CBL related old_wp_buf ! CBL related integer :: & flagrein, & ! flag used in CBL scheme i ! loop variable integer(kind=2) :: icbt ! tlw,dsigwdz and dsigw2dz are defined in hanna if (turbswitch) then call hanna(zts) else call hanna1(zts) endif !***************************************** ! Determine the new diffusivity velocities !***************************************** ! Horizontal components !********************** if (nrand+1.gt.maxrand) nrand=1 if (dt/tlu.lt..5) then part(ipart)%turbvel%u=(1.-dt/tlu)*part(ipart)%turbvel%u+rannumb(nrand)*sigu*sqrt(2.*dt/tlu) else ru=exp(-dt/tlu) part(ipart)%turbvel%u=ru*part(ipart)%turbvel%u+rannumb(nrand)*sigu*sqrt(1.-ru**2) endif if (dt/tlv.lt..5) then part(ipart)%turbvel%v=(1.-dt/tlv)*part(ipart)%turbvel%v+rannumb(nrand+1)*sigv*sqrt(2.*dt/tlv) else rv=exp(-dt/tlv) part(ipart)%turbvel%v=rv*part(ipart)%turbvel%v+rannumb(nrand+1)*sigv*sqrt(1.-rv**2) endif nrand=nrand+2 if (nrand+ifine.gt.maxrand) nrand=1 rhoaux=rhograd/rhoa dtf=dt*fine dtftlw=dtf/tlw ! Loop over ifine short time steps for vertical component !******************************************************** wp=part(ipart)%turbvel%w icbt=part(ipart)%icbt do i=1,ifine icbt_r=real(icbt) ! Determine the drift velocity and density correction velocity !************************************************************* if (turbswitch) then if (dtftlw.lt..5) then !************************************************************* !************** CBL options added by mc see routine cblf90 *** ! LB needs to be checked if this works with openmp if (cblflag.eq.1) then !modified by mc if (-h/ol.gt.5) then !modified by mc flagrein=0 nrand=nrand+1 old_wp_buf=wp call cbl(wp,zts,wst,h,rhoa,rhograd,& sigw,dsigwdz,tlw,ptot_lhh,Q_lhh,phi_lhh,ath,bth,ol,flagrein) !inside the routine for inverse time wp=(wp+ath*dtf+& bth*rannumb(nrand)*sqrt(dtf))*icbt_r delz=wp*dtf if ((flagrein.eq.1).or.(wp.ne.wp).or.((wp-1.).eq.wp)) then call reinit_particle(zts,wst,h,sigw,old_wp_buf,nrand,ol) wp=old_wp_buf delz=wp*dtf nan_count(thread+1)=nan_count(thread+1)+1 end if else nrand=nrand+1 old_wp_buf=wp ath=-wp/tlw+sigw*dsigwdz+& wp*wp/sigw*dsigwdz+sigw*sigw/rhoa*rhograd !1-note for inverse time should be -wp/tlw*ldirect+... calculated for wp=-wp !2-but since ldirect =-1 for inverse time and this must be calculated for (-wp) and !3-the gaussian pdf is symmetric (i.e. pdf(w)=pdf(-w) ldirect can be discarded bth=sigw*rannumb(nrand)*sqrt(2.*dtftlw) wp=(wp+ath*dtf+bth)*icbt_r delz=wp*dtf if ((wp.ne.wp).or.((wp-1.).eq.wp)) then ! Catch infinity or NaN nrand=nrand+1 wp=sigw*rannumb(nrand) delz=wp*dtf nan_count(thread+1)=nan_count(thread+1)+1 end if end if !******************** END CBL option ******************************* !******************************************************************* else wp=((1.-dtftlw)*wp+rannumb(nrand+i)*sqrt(2.*dtftlw) & +dtf*(dsigwdz+rhoaux*sigw))*icbt_r delz=wp*sigw*dtf end if else rw=exp(-dtftlw) wp=(rw*wp+rannumb(nrand+i)*sqrt(1.-rw**2) & +tlw*(1.-rw)*(dsigwdz+rhoaux*sigw))*icbt_r delz=wp*sigw*dtf endif else rw=exp(-dtftlw) wp=(rw*wp+rannumb(nrand+i)*sqrt(1.-rw**2)*sigw & +tlw*(1.-rw)*(dsigw2dz+rhoaux*sigw**2))*icbt_r delz=wp*dtf endif !**************************************************** ! Compute turbulent vertical displacement of particle !**************************************************** if (abs(delz).gt.h) delz=mod(delz,h) ! Determine if particle transfers to a "forbidden state" below the ground ! or above the mixing height !************************************************************************ if (delz.lt.-zts) then ! reflection at ground icbt=-1 call set_z(ipart,-zts-delz) else if (delz.gt.(h-zts)) then ! reflection at h icbt=-1 call set_z(ipart,-zts-delz+2.*h) else ! no reflection icbt=1 call set_z(ipart,zts+delz) endif if (i.ne.ifine) then zeta=zts/h call hanna_short(zts) endif zts=real(part(ipart)%z) end do part(ipart)%turbvel%w=wp part(ipart)%icbt=icbt if (cblflag.ne.1) nrand=nrand+i end subroutine turbulence_pbl subroutine turbulence_above_pbl(dt,nrand,ux,vy,wp,tropop,zts) implicit none integer, intent(inout) :: & nrand ! random number used for turbulence real, intent(inout) :: & ux,vy,wp ! random turbulent velocities above PBL real, intent(in) :: & tropop, & ! height of troposphere zts, & ! height of particle dt ! real(ldt) real :: & uxscale,wpscale, & ! factor used in calculating turbulent perturbations above PBL weight ! transition above the tropopause if (zts.lt.tropop) then ! in the troposphere uxscale=sqrt(2.*d_trop/dt) if (nrand+1.gt.maxrand) nrand=1 ux=rannumb(nrand)*uxscale vy=rannumb(nrand+1)*uxscale nrand=nrand+2 wp=0. else if (zts.lt.tropop+1000.) then ! just above the tropopause: make transition weight=(zts-tropop)/1000. uxscale=sqrt(2.*d_trop/dt*(1.-weight)) if (nrand+2.gt.maxrand) nrand=1 ux=rannumb(nrand)*uxscale vy=rannumb(nrand+1)*uxscale wpscale=sqrt(2.*d_strat/dt*weight) wp=rannumb(nrand+2)*wpscale+d_strat/1000. nrand=nrand+3 else ! in the stratosphere if (nrand.gt.maxrand) nrand=1 ux=0. vy=0. wpscale=sqrt(2.*d_strat/dt) wp=rannumb(nrand)*wpscale nrand=nrand+1 endif end subroutine turbulence_above_pbl subroutine turbulence_mesoscale(nrand,dxsave,dysave,ipart,usig,vsig,wsig,wsigeta,eps_eta) implicit none integer, intent(inout) :: & nrand ! random number used for turbulence integer, intent(in) :: & ipart ! particle index real, intent(in) :: & eps_eta,usig,vsig,wsig,wsigeta real, intent(inout) :: & dxsave,dysave ! accumulated displacement in long and lat real :: & r,rs ! mesoscale related r=exp(-2.*real(abs(lsynctime))/real(lwindinterv)) rs=sqrt(1.-r**2) if (nrand+2.gt.maxrand) nrand=1 part(ipart)%mesovel%u=r*part(ipart)%mesovel%u+rs*rannumb(nrand)*usig*fturbmeso part(ipart)%mesovel%v=r*part(ipart)%mesovel%v+rs*rannumb(nrand+1)*vsig*fturbmeso dxsave=dxsave+part(ipart)%mesovel%u*real(lsynctime) dysave=dysave+part(ipart)%mesovel%v*real(lsynctime) #ifdef ETA part(ipart)%mesovel%w=r*part(ipart)%mesovel%w+rs*rannumb(nrand+2)*wsigeta*fturbmeso call update_zeta(ipart,part(ipart)%mesovel%w*real(lsynctime)) if (part(ipart)%zeta.ge.1.) call set_zeta(ipart,1.-(part(ipart)%zeta-1.)) if (part(ipart)%zeta.eq.1.) call update_zeta(ipart,-eps_eta) #else part(ipart)%mesovel%w=r*part(ipart)%mesovel%w+rs*rannumb(nrand+2)*wsig*fturbmeso call update_z(ipart,part(ipart)%mesovel%w*real(lsynctime)) if (part(ipart)%z.lt.0.) call set_z(ipart,-1.*part(ipart)%z) ! if particle below ground -> refletion #endif end subroutine turbulence_mesoscale subroutine hanna(z) ! i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Computation of \sigma_i and \tau_L based on the scheme of Hanna (1982) * ! Source: 'Atmospheric Turbulence and Air Polution', chapter 4 and 7, * ! J.A. Businger, edited by F.T.M. Nieuwstadt and H. van Dop * * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 4 December 1997 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! dsigwdz [1/s] vertical gradient of sigw * ! ol [m] Obukhov length * ! sigu, sigv, sigw standard deviations of turbulent velocity fluctuations * ! tlu [s] Lagrangian time scale for the along wind component. * ! tlv [s] Lagrangian time scale for the cross wind component. * ! tlw [s] Lagrangian time scale for the vertical wind component. * ! ust, ustar [m/s] friction velocity * ! wst, wstar [m/s] convective velocity scale * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none real :: corr,z !********************** ! 1. Neutral conditions !********************** ! The addition of 1.e-2 in sigu,sigv,sigw comes from ??? if (h/abs(ol).lt.1.) then ust=max(1.e-4,ust) corr=z/ust ! Eq. 7.25 Hanna 1982: sigu/ust=2.0*exp(-3*f*z/ust), ! where f, the Coriolis parameter, is set to 1e-4 sigu=1.e-2+2.0*ust*exp(-3.e-4*corr) ! Eq. 7.26 Hanna 1982: sigv/ust=sigw/ust=1.3*exp(-2*f*z/ust), ! where f, the Coriolis parameter, is set to 1e-4 sigw=1.3*ust*exp(-2.e-4*corr) ! ??? dsigwdz=-2.e-4*sigw sigw=sigw+1.e-2 sigv=sigw ! Eq.7.27 Hanna 1982: TL=0.5*z/sigw/(1+15*f*z/ust) assumed to be valid ! for all three components tlu=0.5*z/sigw/(1.+1.5e-3*corr) tlv=tlu tlw=tlu !*********************** ! 2. Unstable conditions !*********************** else if (ol.lt.0.) then ! Determine sigmas !***************** ! Eq. 4.15 Caughey 1982 sigu=1.e-2+ust*(12.-0.5*h/ol)**0.33333 sigv=sigu ! Ryall & Maryon 1998 sigw=sqrt(1.2*wst**2*(1.-.9*zeta)*zeta**0.66666+ & (1.8-1.4*zeta)*ust**2)+1.e-2 ! ??? dsigwdz=0.5/sigw/h*(-1.4*ust**2+wst**2* & (0.8*max(zeta,1.e-3)**(-.33333)-1.8*zeta**0.66666)) ! Determine average Lagrangian time scale !**************************************** ! Eq. 7.17 Hanna 1982 tlu=0.15*h/sigu tlv=tlu if (z.lt.abs(ol)) then tlw=0.1*z/(sigw*(0.55-0.38*abs(z/ol))) else if (zeta.lt.0.1) then tlw=0.59*z/sigw else tlw=0.15*h/sigw*(1.-exp(-5*zeta)) endif !********************* ! 3. Stable conditions !********************* else sigu=1.e-2+2.*ust*(1.-zeta) ! Eq. 7.20 Hanna 1982 sigv=1.e-2+1.3*ust*(1.-zeta) ! Eq. 7.19 Hanna 1982 sigw=sigv dsigwdz=-1.3*ust/h ! ??? tlu=0.15*h/sigu*(sqrt(zeta)) ! Eq. 7.22 Hanna 1982 tlv=0.467*tlu ! Eq. 7.23 Hanna 1982 tlw=0.1*h/sigw*zeta**0.8 ! Eq. 7.24 Hanna 1982 endif tlu=max(10.,tlu) tlv=max(10.,tlv) tlw=max(30.,tlw) if (dsigwdz.eq.0.) dsigwdz=1.e-10 end subroutine hanna subroutine hanna1(z) ! i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Computation of \sigma_i and \tau_L based on the scheme of Hanna (1982) * ! Source: 'Atmospheric Turbulence and Air Polution', chapter 4 and 7, * ! J.A. Businger, edited by F.T.M. Nieuwstadt and H. van Dop * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 4 December 1997 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! dsigwdz [1/s] vertical gradient of sigw * ! ol [m] Obukhov length * ! sigu, sigv, sigw standard deviations of turbulent velocity fluctuations * ! tlu [s] Lagrangian time scale for the along wind component. * ! tlv [s] Lagrangian time scale for the cross wind component. * ! tlw [s] Lagrangian time scale for the vertical wind component. * ! ust, ustar [m/s] friction velocity * ! wst, wstar [m/s] convective velocity scale * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none real :: z,s1,s2 !********************** ! 1. Neutral conditions !********************** if (h/abs(ol).lt.1.) then ust=max(1.e-4,ust) ! Eq. 7.25 Hanna 1982: sigu/ust=2.0*exp(-3*f*z/ust), ! where f, the Coriolis parameter, is set to 1e-4 sigu=2.0*ust*exp(-3.e-4*z/ust) sigu=max(sigu,1.e-5) ! Eq. 7.26 Hanna 1982: sigv/ust=sigw/ust=1.3*exp(-2*f*z/ust), ! where f, the Coriolis parameter, is set to 1e-4 sigv=1.3*ust*exp(-2.e-4*z/ust) sigv=max(sigv,1.e-5) sigw=sigv ! ??? dsigw2dz=-6.76e-4*ust*exp(-4.e-4*z/ust) ! Eq.7.27 Hanna 1982: TL=0.5*z/sigw/(1+15*f*z/ust) assumed to be valid ! for all three components tlu=0.5*z/sigw/(1.+1.5e-3*z/ust) tlv=tlu tlw=tlu !*********************** ! 2. Unstable conditions !*********************** else if (ol.lt.0.) then ! Determine sigmas !***************** ! Eq. 4.15 Caughey 1982 sigu=ust*(12.-0.5*h/ol)**0.33333 sigu=max(sigu,1.e-6) sigv=sigu ! Eq. 7.15 Hanna 1982 if (zeta.lt.0.03) then sigw=0.96*wst*(3*zeta-ol/h)**0.33333 dsigw2dz=1.8432*wst*wst/h*(3*zeta-ol/h)**(-0.33333) else if (zeta.lt.0.4) then s1=0.96*(3*zeta-ol/h)**0.33333 s2=0.763*zeta**0.175 if (s1.lt.s2) then sigw=wst*s1 dsigw2dz=1.8432*wst*wst/h*(3*zeta-ol/h)**(-0.33333) else sigw=wst*s2 dsigw2dz=0.203759*wst*wst/h*zeta**(-0.65) endif else if (zeta.lt.0.96) then sigw=0.722*wst*(1-zeta)**0.207 dsigw2dz=-.215812*wst*wst/h*(1-zeta)**(-0.586) else if (zeta.lt.1.00) then sigw=0.37*wst dsigw2dz=0. endif sigw=max(sigw,1.e-6) ! Determine average Lagrangian time scale !**************************************** ! Eq. 7.17 Hanna 1982 tlu=0.15*h/sigu tlv=tlu if (z.lt.abs(ol)) then tlw=0.1*z/(sigw*(0.55-0.38*abs(z/ol))) else if (zeta.lt.0.1) then tlw=0.59*z/sigw else tlw=0.15*h/sigw*(1.-exp(-5*zeta)) endif !********************* ! 3. Stable conditions !********************* else sigu=2.*ust*(1.-zeta) sigv=1.3*ust*(1.-zeta) sigu=max(sigu,1.e-6) sigv=max(sigv,1.e-6) sigw=sigv dsigw2dz=3.38*ust*ust*(zeta-1.)/h tlu=0.15*h/sigu*(sqrt(zeta)) tlv=0.467*tlu tlw=0.1*h/sigw*zeta**0.8 endif tlu=max(10.,tlu) tlv=max(10.,tlv) tlw=max(30.,tlw) end subroutine hanna1 subroutine hanna_short(z) ! i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Computation of \sigma_i and \tau_L based on the scheme of Hanna (1982) * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 4 December 1997 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! dsigwdz [1/s] vertical gradient of sigw * ! ol [m] Obukhov length * ! sigu, sigv, sigw standard deviations of turbulent velocity fluctuations * ! tlu [s] Lagrangian time scale for the along wind component. * ! tlv [s] Lagrangian time scale for the cross wind component. * ! tlw [s] Lagrangian time scale for the vertical wind component. * ! ust, ustar [m/s] friction velocity * ! wst, wstar [m/s] convective velocity scale * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none real :: z !********************** ! 1. Neutral conditions !********************** if (h/abs(ol).lt.1.) then ust=max(1.e-4,ust) sigw=1.3*exp(-2.e-4*z/ust) dsigwdz=-2.e-4*sigw sigw=sigw*ust+1.e-2 tlw=0.5*z/sigw/(1.+1.5e-3*z/ust) !*********************** ! 2. Unstable conditions !*********************** else if (ol.lt.0.) then ! Determine sigmas !***************** sigw=sqrt(1.2*wst**2*(1.-.9*zeta)*zeta**0.66666+ & (1.8-1.4*zeta)*ust**2)+1.e-2 dsigwdz=0.5/sigw/h*(-1.4*ust**2+wst**2* & (0.8*max(zeta,1.e-3)**(-.33333)-1.8*zeta**0.66666)) ! Determine average Lagrangian time scale !**************************************** if (z.lt.abs(ol)) then tlw=0.1*z/(sigw*(0.55-0.38*abs(z/ol))) else if (zeta.lt.0.1) then tlw=0.59*z/sigw else tlw=0.15*h/sigw*(1.-exp(-5*zeta)) endif !********************* ! 3. Stable conditions !********************* else sigw=1.e-2+1.3*ust*(1.-zeta) dsigwdz=-1.3*ust/h tlw=0.1*h/sigw*zeta**0.8 endif tlu=max(10.,tlu) tlv=max(10.,tlv) tlw=max(30.,tlw) if (dsigwdz.eq.0.) dsigwdz=1.e-10 end subroutine hanna_short subroutine windalign(u,v,ffap,ffcp,ux,vy) ! i i i i o o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Transformation from along- and cross-wind components to u and v * ! components. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 3 June 1996 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! ffap turbulent wind in along wind direction * ! ffcp turbulent wind in cross wind direction * ! u main wind component in x direction * ! ux turbulent wind in x direction * ! v main wind component in y direction * ! vy turbulent wind in y direction * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none real :: u,v,ffap,ffcp,ux,vy,ffinv,ux1,ux2,vy1,vy2,sinphi,cosphi real,parameter :: eps=1.e-30 ! Transform along wind components !******************************** ffinv=1./max(sqrt(u*u+v*v),eps) sinphi=v*ffinv vy1=sinphi*ffap cosphi=u*ffinv ux1=cosphi*ffap ! Transform cross wind components !******************************** ux2=-sinphi*ffcp vy2=cosphi*ffcp ! Add contributions from along and cross wind components !******************************************************* ux=ux1+ux2 vy=vy1+vy2 end subroutine windalign end module turbulence_mod