L. Bakels 2022: This module contains the timemanager * *
! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later !***************************************************************************** ! * ! L. Bakels 2022: This module contains the timemanager * ! * !***************************************************************************** module timemanager_mod implicit none contains subroutine timemanager !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Handles the computation of trajectories, i.e. determines which * ! trajectories have to be computed at what time. * ! Manages dry+wet deposition routines, radioactive decay and the computation * ! of concentrations. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 20 May 1996 * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! Changes, Bernd C. Krueger, Feb. 2001: * ! Call of convmix when new windfield is read * !------------------------------------ * ! Changes Petra Seibert, Sept 2002 * ! fix wet scavenging problem * ! Code may not be correct for decay of deposition! * ! Changes Petra Seibert, Nov 2002 * ! call convection BEFORE new fields are read in BWD mode * ! Changes Caroline Forster, Feb 2005 * ! new interface between flexpart and convection scheme * ! Emanuel's latest subroutine convect43c.f is used * ! Changes Stefan Henne, Harald Sodemann, 2013-2014 * ! added netcdf output code * ! Changes Espen Sollum 2014 * ! For compatibility with MPI version, * ! variables uap,ucp,uzp,us,vs,ws,cbt now in module com_mod * ! Unified ECMWF and GFS builds * ! Marian Harustak, 12.5.2017 * ! Changes L Bakels 2022: - OpenMP parallelisation * ! - converting input to ETA coordinates * ! - spawning particles from part_ic.nc * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! DEP .true. if either wet or dry deposition is switched on * ! decay(maxspec) [1/s] decay constant for radioactive decay * ! DRYDEP .true. if dry deposition is switched on * ! ideltas [s] modelling period * ! itime [s] actual temporal position of calculation * ! ldeltat [s] time since computation of radioact. decay of depositions* ! loutaver [s] averaging period for concentration calculations * ! loutend [s] end of averaging for concentration calculations * ! loutnext [s] next time at which output fields shall be centered * ! loutsample [s] sampling interval for averaging of concentrations * ! loutstart [s] start of averaging for concentration calculations * ! loutstep [s] time interval for which concentrations shall be * ! calculated * ! loutrestart [s] time interval for which restart files will be produced * ! npoint index, which starting point the trajectory has * ! starting positions of trajectories * ! nstop serves as indicator for fate of particles * ! in the particle loop * ! nstop1 serves as indicator for wind fields (see getfields) * ! outnum number of samples for each concentration calculation * ! recoutnum number of samples for each receptor calculation * ! recoutnumsat number of samples for each satellite calculation * ! prob probability of absorption at ground due to dry * ! deposition * ! WETDEP .true. if wet deposition is switched on * ! weight weight for each concentration sample (1/2 or 1) * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! openmp change use omp_lib ! openmp change end use unc_mod use point_mod use xmass_mod use flux_mod use outgrid_mod ! use ohr_mod use par_mod use com_mod #ifdef ETA use coord_ecmwf_mod #endif use particle_mod use conv_mod use windfields_mod use advance_mod, only: advance use drydepo_mod use wetdepo_mod use plume_mod use initialise_mod use getfields_mod use output_mod use restart_mod use interpol_mod, only: alloc_interpol,dealloc_interpol #ifdef USE_NCF use chemistry_mod use initdomain_mod use receptor_netcdf_mod, only: readreceptors_satellite, verttransform_satellite use emissions_mod use totals_mod #endif use receptor_mod, only: receptoroutput implicit none real, parameter :: & e_inv = 1.0/exp(1.0) integer :: & j,i, & ! loop variables iterminate, & ! Keep track of terminated particles per timestep ks, & ! loop variable species kp, & ! loop variable for maxpointspec_act itime=0, & ! time index nstop1, & ! windfield existence flag loutnext, & ! following timestep loutstart,loutend, & ! concentration calculation starting and ending time lrecoutnext, & ! following timestep for receptor output lrecoutstart,lrecoutend,& ! receptor calculation interval start and end time ldeltat, & ! radioactive decay time itage,nage,inage, & ! related to age classes i_nan=0,ii_nan,total_nan_intl=0, & !added by mc to check instability in CBL scheme stat, & ! Check if allocation was successful thread ! openmp thread number ! logical :: & ! active_per_rel(maxpoint) ! are there particles active in each release real :: & filesize!(maxpoint) ! Keeping track of the size of the particledump output, so it can be splitted ! real(kind=dp) :: & ! jul ! integer :: & ! jjjjmmdd,ihmmss real :: & outnum, & ! number of samples for grid concentration calculation prob_rec(maxspec), & ! dry deposition related xmassfract ! dry deposition related real(dep_prec),allocatable,dimension(:) :: & drytmp ! dry deposition related logical :: itsopen real, dimension(maxrecsample) :: recoutnum ! number of samples for receptor calculation real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: recoutnumsat ! number of samples for satellite receptor calculation ! First output for time 0 !************************ if (itime_init.ne.0) then loutnext=loutnext_init lrecoutnext=lrecoutnext_init outnum=outnum_init else loutnext=loutstep/2 lrecoutnext=lrecoutstep/2 outnum=0. recoutnum(:)=0. ! recoutnumsat(:,:)=0. endif loutstart=loutnext-loutaver/2 loutend=loutnext+loutaver/2 lrecoutstart=lrecoutnext-lrecoutaver/2 lrecoutend=lrecoutnext+lrecoutaver/2 ! Initialise the nan count for CBL option !**************************************** sum_nan_count(:) = 0 nan_count(:) = 0 !********************************************************************** ! Loop over the whole modelling period in time steps of mintime seconds !********************************************************************** write(*,46) float(itime)/3600,itime,numpart 46 format(' Simulated ',f7.1,' hours (',i13,' s), ',i13, ' particles') filesize=0. ! active_per_rel=.false. do itime=itime_init,ideltas,lsynctime ! Computation of wet deposition, OH reaction and mass transfer ! between two species every lsynctime seconds ! maybe wet depo frequency can be relaxed later but better be on safe side ! wetdepo must be called BEFORE new fields are read in but should not ! be called in the very beginning before any fields are loaded, or ! before particles are in the system ! Code may not be correct for decay of deposition ! changed by Petra Seibert 9/02 !******************************************************************** ! Write basic information on the simulation to a file "header" for the ! first time step and open files that are to be kept open throughout ! the simulation. ! In addition, open new particle dump files if required and keep track ! of the size of these files. !********************************************************************* write(*,*) 'Time: ', itime, 'seconds. Total spawned:',count%spawned, 'alive:',count%alive, 'terminated:',count%terminated if (itime.eq.itime_init) then call SYSTEM_CLOCK(count_clock, count_rate, count_max) s_firstt = real(count_clock)/real(count_rate) endif ! Writing restart file !********************* if ((itime.ne.itime_init).and.(loutrestart.ne.-1).and.(mod(itime,loutrestart).eq.0)) then call output_restart(itime,loutnext,lrecoutnext,outnum) endif call init_output(itime,filesize) ! Get necessary wind fields if not available !******************************************* call getfields(itime,nstop1) !OMP on verttransform_ecmwf and readwind_ecmwf, getfields_mod.f90 if (nstop1.gt.1) error stop 'NO METEO FIELDS AVAILABLE' ! In case of ETA coordinates being read from file, convert the z positions to zeta !********************************************************************************* #ifdef ETA if ((itime.eq.itime_init).and.((ipin.eq.1).or.(ipin.eq.3).or.(ipin.eq.4))) then if (count%allocated.le.0) error stop 'Something is going wrong reading the old particle file! & &No particles found.' !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(i) !$OMP DO do i=1,count%allocated ! Also includes particles that are not spawned yet ! If kindz>1, vertical positions computation if (ipin.eq.3 .or. ipin.eq.4) call kindz_to_z(i) #ifdef ETA call z_to_zeta(itime,part(i)%xlon,part(i)%ylat,part(i)%z,part(i)%zeta) part(i)%etaupdate = .true. part(i)%meterupdate = .true. #endif end do !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL endif #endif if (WETDEP .and. (itime.ne.0) .and. (numpart.gt.0)) then call wetdepo(itime,lsynctime,loutnext) endif ! compute chemical losses !************************ #ifdef USE_NCF if (CLREA .and. (itime.ne.0) .and. (numpart.gt.0)) then call chemreaction(itime) endif #endif ! compute convection for backward runs !************************************* if ((ldirect.eq.-1).and.(lconvection.eq.1).and.(itime.lt.0)) then call convmix(itime) endif ! Get chemical fields if not available !************************************* #ifdef USE_NCF if (CLREA) then call getchemfield(itime) call getchemhourly(itime) endif #endif ! Get emission fields if not available !************************************* #ifdef USE_NCF if (LEMIS.and.mdomainfill.eq.1) then call getemissions(itime) endif #endif ! Read satellite receptors !************************* #ifdef USE_NCF call readreceptors_satellite(itime) #endif if (.not.allocated(recoutnumsat)) then allocate(recoutnumsat(nlayermax,maxrecsample)) recoutnumsat(:,:)=0. endif ! Release particles !****************** if (mdomainfill.ge.1) then if (itime.eq.itime_init) then if (llcmoutput) then #ifdef USE_NCF call init_domainfill_ncf #else call init_domainfill #endif else call init_domainfill endif if (ipin.eq.2) then ! Particles initialized from partoutput #ifdef ETA !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(i,j) !$OMP DO do i=1,count%alive j=count%ialive(i) call update_z_to_zeta(itime,j) end do !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL #endif endif else call boundcond_domainfill(itime,loutend) endif else if ((ipin.eq.3).or.(ipin.eq.4)) then ! If reading from user defined initial conditions, check which particles are ! to be activated if (count%allocated.le.0) error stop 'Something is going wrong reading the part_ic.nc file!' do i=1,count%allocated if (.not. part(i)%alive) then if (ldirect.lt.0) then if ((part(i)%tstart.le.itime).and.(part(i)%tstart.gt.itime+lsynctime)) then call spawn_particle(itime,i) call init_mass_conversion(i,part(i)%npoint) endif else if ((part(i)%tstart.ge.itime).and.(part(i)%tstart.lt.itime+lsynctime)) then call spawn_particle(itime,i) call init_mass_conversion(i,part(i)%npoint) endif endif end do #ifdef ETA !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(i,j) !$OMP DO do i=1,count%alive j=count%ialive(i) if (part(j)%tstart.eq.itime) then call update_z_to_zeta(itime,j) end if end do !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL #endif call get_totalpart_num(numpart) else call releaseparticles(itime) endif ! Inject emissions !***************** #ifdef USE_NCF if (LEMIS.and.mdomainfill.eq.1) then call emissions(itime) endif #endif ! Compute convective mixing for forward runs ! for backward runs it is done before next windfield is read in !************************************************************** if ((ldirect.eq.1).and.(lconvection.eq.1)) then call convmix(itime) !OMP (not the nested part yet), conv_mod.f90 endif ! If middle of averaging period of output fields is reached, accumulated ! deposited mass radioactively decays !*********************************************************************** if (DEP.and.(itime.eq.loutnext).and.(ldirect.gt.0)) call deposit_decay() !OMP, unc_mod.f90 (needs test) ! Is the time within the computation interval, if not, skip !************************************************************ if ((ldirect*itime.ge.ldirect*loutstart).and.(ldirect*itime.le.ldirect*loutend)) then call SYSTEM_CLOCK(count_clock, count_rate, count_max) s_temp = (count_clock - count_clock0)/real(count_rate) ! If it is not time yet to write outputs, skip !*********************************************** if ((itime.eq.loutend).and.(outnum.gt.0).and.(itime.ne.0)) then if ((iout.eq.4).or.(iout.eq.5)) call plumetraj(itime) if (iflux.eq.1) call fluxoutput(itime) if (ipout.eq.1) then if (mod(itime,ipoutfac*loutstep).eq.0) then call output_particles(itime)!,active_per_rel) ! dump particle positions endif endif endif ! Check whether concentrations are to be calculated and outputted !**************************************************************** call output_conc(itime,loutstart,loutend,loutnext,outnum) call SYSTEM_CLOCK(count_clock, count_rate, count_max) s_writepart = s_writepart + ((count_clock - count_clock0)/real(count_rate)-s_temp) endif ! Check whether receptor concentrations are to be calculated !*********************************************************** if ((ldirect*itime.ge.ldirect*lrecoutstart).and. & ((numreceptor.gt.0.).or.(numsatreceptor.gt.0)).and. & (ldirect*itime.le.ldirect*lrecoutend)) then call receptoroutput(itime,lrecoutstart,lrecoutend,lrecoutnext,recoutnum,recoutnumsat) endif if (itime.eq.ideltas) exit ! almost finished ! Compute interval since radioactive decay of deposited mass was computed !************************************************************************ if (itime.lt.loutnext) then ldeltat=itime-(loutnext-loutstep) else ! first half of next interval ldeltat=itime-loutnext endif ! Loop over all particles !************************ ! Various variables for testing reason of CBL scheme, by mc well_mixed_vector=0. !erase vector to test well mixed condition: modified by mc well_mixed_norm=0. !erase normalization to test well mixed condition: modified by mc avg_ol=0. avg_wst=0. avg_h=0. avg_air_dens=0. !erase vector to obtain air density at particle positions: modified by mc !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! openmp change ! LB, openmp following CTM version !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(prob_rec,inage,nage,itage,ks,kp,thread,j,i,xmassfract) #if (defined _OPENMP) thread = OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM() ! Starts with 0 #else thread = 0 #endif !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic,max(1,numpart/1000)) ! SCHEDULE(dynamic, max(1,numpart/1000)) !max(1,int(real(numpart)/numthreads/20.))) do i=1,count%alive j=count%ialive(i) ! If integration step is due, do it !********************************** ! Determine age class of the particle !************************************ itage=abs(itime-part(j)%tstart) nage=1 if (lagespectra.eq.1) then do inage=1,nageclass nage=inage if (itage.lt.lage(nage)) exit end do endif ! Initialize newly released particle !*********************************** if ((part(j)%tstart.eq.itime).or.(itime.eq.0)) then #ifdef ETA call update_zeta_to_z(itime, j) #endif call init_particle(itime,j,thread) endif ! Memorize particle positions !**************************** part(j)%xlon_prev=part(j)%xlon part(j)%ylat_prev=part(j)%ylat part(j)%z_prev=part(j)%z #ifdef ETA part(j)%zeta_prev=part(j)%zeta #endif ! RECEPTOR: dry/wet depovel !**************************** ! Before the particle is moved ! the calculation of the scavenged mass shall only be done once after release ! xscav_frac1 was initialised with a negative value if (DRYBKDEP) then do ks=1,nspec if ((xscav_frac1(j,ks).lt.0)) then #ifdef ETA call update_zeta_to_z(itime,j) #endif call get_vdep_prob(itime,real(part(j)%xlon),real(part(j)%ylat), & real(part(j)%z),prob_rec,thread+1) if (DRYDEPSPEC(ks)) then ! dry deposition xscav_frac1(j,ks)=prob_rec(ks) else mass(j,ks)=0. xscav_frac1(j,ks)=0. endif endif enddo endif ! Integrate Langevin equation for lsynctime seconds !************************************************* call advance(itime,j,thread) if (part(j)%nstop.eqv..true.) cycle if (n_average.gt.0) call partpos_avg(itime,j) ! Calculate the gross fluxes across layer interfaces !*************************************************** if (iflux.eq.1) call calcfluxes(itime,nage,j,real(part(j)%xlon_prev), & real(part(j)%ylat_prev),real(part(j)%z_prev),thread+1) end do !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL #ifdef _OPENMP call omp_set_num_threads(numthreads_grid) #endif ! Terminating particles flagged in advance call iterminate=0 do i=1,count%allocated if ((part(i)%nstop).and.(part(i)%alive)) then call terminate_particle(i,itime) iterminate=iterminate+1 endif end do if (iterminate.gt.0) call rewrite_ialive() if (DRYDEP.or.WETDEP.or.LDECAY.or.(lagespectra.eq.1)) then !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(prob_rec,nage,inage,itage,ks,kp,thread,i,j,xmassfract,drytmp) !num_threads(numthreads_grid) #if (defined _OPENMP) thread = OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM() ! Starts with 0 #else thread = 0 #endif if (DRYDEP) then allocate( drytmp(maxspec),stat=stat ) if (stat.ne.0) write(*,*)'ERROR: could not allocate drytmp inside of OMP loop' endif !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(static) !, max(1,numpart/1000)) ! SCHEDULE(dynamic, max(1,numpart/1000)) !max(1,int(real(numpart)/numthreads/20.))) do i=1,count%alive j=count%ialive(i) ! If integration step is due, do it !********************************** ! Determine age class of the particle !************************************ itage=abs(itime-part(j)%tstart) nage=1 if (lagespectra.eq.1) then do inage=1,nageclass nage=inage if (itage.lt.lage(nage)) exit end do endif ! Dry deposition and radioactive decay for each species ! Also check maximum (of all species) of initial mass remaining on the particle; ! if it is below a threshold value, terminate particle !***************************************************************************** if (DRYDEP.or.WETDEP.or.LDECAY) then xmassfract=0. do ks=1,nspec if (DRYDEPSPEC(ks)) then ! dry deposition (and radioactive decay) call drydepo_massloss(j,ks,ldeltat,drytmp(ks)) else if (decay(ks).gt.0.) then ! no dry depo, but radioactive decay mass(j,ks) = mass(j,ks) * & exp( -real(abs(lsynctime)) * decay(ks) ) endif ! Skip check on mass fraction when npoint represents particle number if (mdomainfill.eq.0.and.mquasilag.eq.0) then if (ipin.eq.3 .or. ipin.eq.4) then if (mass_init(j,ks).gt.0) & xmassfract = max( xmassfract, & mass(j,ks) / mass_init(j,ks) ) else if (xmass(part(j)%npoint,ks).gt.0.) then xmassfract = max( xmassfract, real( npart(part(j)%npoint) ) * & mass(j,ks) / xmass(part(j)%npoint,ks) ) endif else xmassfract=1.0 end if end do if (xmassfract.le.minmassfrac) then ! flag all particles carrying less mass for termination after parallel region part(j)%nstop=.true. endif endif ! Sabine Eckhardt, June 2008 ! don't create depofield for backward runs if (DRYDEP.AND.(ldirect.eq.1).and.(iout.ne.0)) then if (ioutputforeachrelease.eq.1) then kp=part(j)%npoint else kp=1 endif call drydepokernel(part(j)%nclass,drytmp,real(part(j)%xlon), & real(part(j)%ylat),nage,kp,thread+1) if (nested_output.eq.1) call drydepokernel_nest( & part(j)%nclass,drytmp,real(part(j)%xlon),real(part(j)%ylat), & nage,kp,thread+1) endif ! Terminate trajectories that are older than maximum allowed age !*************************************************************** if (lagespectra.eq.1) then if ((part(j)%alive).and.(abs(itime-part(j)%tstart).ge.lage(nageclass))) then if (linit_cond.ge.1) call initcond_calc(itime+lsynctime,j,thread+1) ! flag all particles for termination after parallel region part(j)%nstop=.true. endif endif end do !loop over particles !$OMP END DO if (DRYDEP) deallocate(drytmp) !$OMP END PARALLEL ! Terminating particles flagged due to insufficient mass or exceeded max age iterminate=0 do i=1,count%allocated if ((part(i)%nstop).and.(part(i)%alive)) then call terminate_particle(i,itime) iterminate=iterminate+1 endif end do if (iterminate.gt.0) call rewrite_ialive() endif !(DRYDEP.or.WETDEP.or.LDECAY.or.(lagespectra.eq.1)) #ifdef _OPENMP call omp_set_num_threads(numthreads) #endif ! OpenMP Reduction for dynamically allocated arrays. This is done manually since this ! is not yet supported in most OpenMP versions !************************************************************************************ #ifdef _OPENMP if (iflux.eq.1) then do i=1,numthreads flux(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=flux(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)+flux_omp(:,:,:,:,:,:,:,i) flux_omp(:,:,:,:,:,:,:,i)=0. end do endif if (linit_cond.ge.1) then do i=1,numthreads_grid init_cond(:,:,:,:,:)=init_cond(:,:,:,:,:)+init_cond_omp(:,:,:,:,:,i) init_cond_omp(:,:,:,:,:,i)=0. end do endif if (DRYDEP.AND.(ldirect.eq.1).and.(iout.ne.0)) then do i=1,numthreads_grid drygridunc(:,:,:,:,:,:)=drygridunc(:,:,:,:,:,:)+gridunc_omp(:,:,1,:,:,:,:,i) gridunc_omp(:,:,1,:,:,:,:,i)=0. end do if (nested_output.eq.1) then do i=1,numthreads_grid drygriduncn(:,:,:,:,:,:)=drygriduncn(:,:,:,:,:,:)+griduncn_omp(:,:,1,:,:,:,:,i) griduncn_omp(:,:,1,:,:,:,:,i)=0. end do endif endif #endif ! write(*,*) 'DRYGRIDUNC:',sum(drygridunc),drygridunc(20,270,1,1,1,1),drygridunc(19,269,1,1,1,1) ! Counter of "unstable" particle velocity during a time scale of ! maximumtl=20 minutes (defined in com_mod) !*************************************************************** total_nan_intl=0 i_nan=i_nan+1 ! added by mc to count nan during a time of maxtl (i.e. maximum tl fixed here to 20 minutes, see com_mod) do i=1,numthreads sum_nan_count(i_nan)=sum_nan_count(i_nan)+nan_count(i) end do if (i_nan > maxtl/lsynctime) i_nan=1 !lsynctime must be <= maxtl do ii_nan=1, (maxtl/lsynctime) total_nan_intl=total_nan_intl+sum_nan_count(ii_nan) end do ! Output to keep track of the numerical instabilities in CBL simulation and if ! they are compromising the final result (or not) if (cblflag.eq.1) print *,j,itime,'nan_synctime',sum_nan_count(i_nan),'nan_tl',total_nan_intl if (itime.eq.itime_init) then call SYSTEM_CLOCK(count_clock, count_rate, count_max) s_firstt = real(count_clock)/real(count_rate) - s_firstt endif ! Output totals !************** #ifdef USE_NCF if ((mdomainfill.eq.1).and.(llcmoutput)) then do ks=1,nspec tot_mass(ks)=sum(real(mass(1:count%alive,ks),kind=dp)) end do call totals_write(itime) endif #endif end do ! Complete the calculation of initial conditions for particles not yet terminated !***************************************************************************** call finalise_output(itime) ! Output residual emissions !************************** #ifdef USE_NCF if (LEMIS.and.(ipout.eq.2)) then call em_res_write endif #endif ! De-allocate memory and end !*************************** call dealloc_all_particles call dealloc_windfields call dealloc_domainfill call dealloc_drydepo call dealloc_convect call dealloc_getfields call dealloc_interpol call dealloc_random if (numbnests.ge.1) call dealloc_windfields_nest if (iflux.eq.1) deallocate(flux) if (ipin.ne.3 .and. ipin.ne.4) deallocate(xmasssave) if (CLREA) then deallocate(CL_field,lonCL,latCL,altCL) endif deallocate(reaccconst,reacdconst,reacnconst) deallocate(emis_path,emis_file,emis_name,emis_unit,emis_coeff) if (lnetcdfout.eq.1) then #ifdef USE_NCF call dealloc_netcdf if (LEMIS) then deallocate(em_field,em_res,em_area,mass_field) endif #endif else inquire(unit=unitoutrecept, opened=itsopen) if (itsopen) close(unitoutrecept) inquire(unit=unitoutreceptppt, opened=itsopen) if (itsopen) close(unitoutreceptppt) inquire(unit=unitoutsatellite, opened=itsopen) if (itsopen) close(unitoutsatellite) endif deallocate(xpoint1,xpoint2,ypoint1,ypoint2,zpoint1,zpoint2) deallocate(xmass) deallocate(ireleasestart,ireleaseend,npart,kindz) deallocate(nan_count) if (ipout.ne.0) deallocate( partopt ) if (iout.ne.0) then deallocate(outheight,outheighthalf) deallocate(oroout, area, volume) deallocate(gridunc) deallocate(gridcnt) #ifdef _OPENMP deallocate(gridunc_omp) deallocate(gridcnt_omp) #endif if (ldirect.gt.0) then deallocate(drygridunc,wetgridunc) #ifdef _OPENMP deallocate(drygridunc_omp,wetgridunc_omp) #endif endif if (nested_output.eq.1) then deallocate(orooutn, arean, volumen) if (ldirect.gt.0) then deallocate(griduncn,drygriduncn,wetgriduncn) #ifdef _OPENMP deallocate(griduncn_omp,drygriduncn_omp,wetgriduncn_omp) #endif endif endif endif end subroutine timemanager end module timemanager_mod