Module that organises particle information in derived types * Particles are terminated and spawned using routines from this module so * that global particle counts (spawned, allocated, terminated) are kept * up to date * * Author: L. Bakels 2022 * *
!***************************************************************************** ! * ! Module that organises particle information in derived types * ! Particles are terminated and spawned using routines from this module so * ! that global particle counts (spawned, allocated, terminated) are kept * ! up to date * ! * ! Author: L. Bakels 2022 * ! * !***************************************************************************** module particle_mod use com_mod, only: maxspec,DRYDEP,WETDEP,DRYBKDEP,WETBKDEP,iout, & n_average,nspec,ipout,ipin use par_mod, only: dp,ispeed implicit none type :: coordinates real(kind=dp) :: & xlon, & ! longitude in grid coordinates ylat ! latitude in grid coordinates real :: & z ! height in meters #ifdef ETA real :: & zeta ! height in eta (ECMWF) coordinates #endif end type coordinates type :: velocities real :: & u, & ! x velocity v, & ! y velocity w ! z velocity #ifdef ETA real :: & weta ! z velocity in eta (ECMWF) coordinates #endif end type velocities type :: particle real(kind=dp) :: & xlon, & ! Longitude in grid coordinates ylat, & ! Latitude in grid coordinates xlon_prev, ylat_prev, & ! Keeping the previous positions in memory z, & ! height in meters z_prev ! Previous position #ifdef ETA real(kind=dp) :: & zeta, & ! Height in eta (ECMWF) coordinates zeta_prev ! Previous position #endif type(velocities) :: & !vel, & ! Velocities from interpolated windfields turbvel, & ! Random turbulent velocities mesovel ! Mesoscale turbulent velocities real :: & settling ! Settling velocity for dry and wet(?) deposit logical :: & alive=.false., & ! Flag to show if the particle is still in the running spawned=.false., & ! Flag to show that particle has spawned (includes terminated parts) nstop=.false. ! Flag to stop particle (used in advance, stopped in timemanager) #ifdef ETA logical :: & etaupdate=.false., & ! If false, z(meter) is more up-to-date than z(eta) meterupdate=.false. ! If false, z(eta) is more up-to-date than z(meter) #endif integer(kind=2) :: & icbt ! Forbidden state flag integer :: & tstart, & ! spawning time in seconds after start tend, & ! termination time in seconds after start npoint, & ! release point nclass, & !species(maxspec), & ! the number of the corresponding species file of the particle idt ! internal time of the particle ! real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: & ! mass, & ! Particle mass for each particle species ! mass_init, & ! Initial mass of each particle ! wetdepo, & ! Wet deposition (cumulative) ! drydepo, & ! Dry deposition (cumulative) ! prob ! Probability of absorption at ground due to dry deposition ! real,allocatable :: & ! val_av(:) ! Averaged values; only used when average_output=.true. real :: & ntime=0., & ! Number of timesteps to average over cartx_av=0., & ! Averaged x pos; carty_av=0., & ! Averaged y pos; cartz_av=0. ! Averaged z pos; end type particle type :: particlecount integer :: & alive=0, & ! Number of particles that are alive spawned=0, & ! Total number of spawned particles terminated=0, & ! Total number of particles that have been terminated allocated=0, & ! Number of total allocated particle spaces iterm_max=0, & ! Number of empty spaces for overwriting particles ninmem=0 ! Number of particles currently in memory logical,allocatable :: & inmem(:) ! Logical to keep track which particle numbers are allocated integer,allocatable :: & ialive(:), & ! Array that stores alive particle numbers up to count%alive for OMP loops iterm(:) ! Array that stores terminated particle numbers up to count%allocated end type type(particle), allocatable :: & part(:) ! This is where all particles are being stored type(particlecount) :: & count ! Keeping track of global particle number within the simulation real,allocatable :: & val_av(:,:), & ! Averaged values; only used when average_output=.true. xscav_frac1(:,:), & ! Only allocated when wet or dry deposit backward mode is switched on mass(:,:), & ! mass mass_init(:,:), & wetdeposit(:,:), & drydeposit(:,:), & prob(:,:) real,allocatable :: & xplum(:),yplum(:),zplum(:) ! Only allocated for iout=4 or 5 (plumetraj) integer,allocatable :: & nclust(:) ! Only allocated for iout=4 or 5 (plumetraj) ! private :: & ! count public :: & particle, & part, & alloc_particles, & dealloc_particle_range, & dealloc_particle, & dealloc_all_particles, & terminate_particle, & rewrite_ialive, & rewrite_iterm, & spawn_particle, & spawn_particles, & get_totalpart_num, & get_alivepart_num, & get_newpart_index, & particle_allocated, & update_xlon, & update_ylat, & update_z, & count, & val_av, & xscav_frac1, & mass, & mass_init, & wetdeposit, & drydeposit, & prob, & xplum, & yplum, & zplum, & nclust interface update_xlon procedure update_xlon_dp, update_xlon_sp, update_xlon_int end interface update_xlon interface set_xlon procedure set_xlon_dp, set_xlon_sp, set_xlon_int end interface set_xlon interface update_ylat procedure update_ylat_dp, update_ylat_sp, update_ylat_int end interface update_ylat interface set_ylat procedure set_ylat_dp, set_ylat_sp, set_ylat_int end interface set_ylat interface update_z procedure update_z_dp,update_z_sp end interface update_z interface set_z procedure set_z_dp,set_z_sp end interface set_z #ifdef ETA interface update_zeta procedure update_zeta_dp,update_zeta_sp end interface update_zeta interface set_zeta procedure set_zeta_dp,set_zeta_sp end interface set_zeta #endif contains logical function particle_allocated(ipart) !****************************************** ! Checks if the memory of the particle is * ! still allocated * !****************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! Particle index !logical :: is_particle_allocated if (ipart.gt.count%allocated) then particle_allocated = .false. else particle_allocated = count%inmem(ipart) endif end function particle_allocated subroutine get_newpart_index(ipart,iterm_index) !************************************************** ! Returns the first free spot to put a new particle !************************************************** implicit none integer, intent(inout) :: ipart ! First free index integer, intent(inout) :: iterm_index integer :: i if (ipin.le.1 .and. ipout.eq.0 .and. ispeed.eq.0 ) then if ((ipin.eq.0 .and. count%terminated.eq.0) .or. & (count%allocated.gt.count%spawned)) then ipart = count%spawned + 1 else if (iterm_index.le.count%iterm_max) then ! Find dead particles to replace if (count%iterm(iterm_index).eq.-1) then error stop 'BUG: Attempting to overwrite particle: get_newpart_index.' endif ipart=count%iterm(iterm_index) count%iterm(iterm_index) = -1 iterm_index = iterm_index+1 else write(*,*) ipart ipart=count%allocated + 1 endif else ipart = count%spawned + 1 endif end subroutine get_newpart_index subroutine get_totalpart_num(npart) !******************************************** ! Returns total number of particles spawned * !******************************************** implicit none integer, intent(inout) :: npart ! Number of particles npart = count%spawned end subroutine get_totalpart_num subroutine get_alivepart_num(npart) !********************************************** ! Returns number of particles currently alive * !********************************************** implicit none integer, intent(inout) :: npart ! Number of particles npart = count%alive end subroutine get_alivepart_num subroutine spawn_particles(itime, nmpart) !****************************************************** ! Spawning particles ! ! This routine spawns new particles and allocates the ! memory if necessary. !****************************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: & itime, & ! spawning time nmpart ! number of particles that are being spawned integer :: & i ,j ! loop variable ! Check if new memory needs to be allocated !******************************************* if (nmpart+count%spawned.gt.count%allocated) then call alloc_particles( (nmpart+count%spawned) - count%allocated ) endif ! Set the spawning time for each new particle and mark it as alive !***************************************************************** part(count%spawned+1:count%spawned+nmpart)%tstart = itime part(count%spawned+1:count%spawned+nmpart)%alive = .true. part(count%spawned+1:count%spawned+nmpart)%spawned = .true. ! Updating the list with alive particle numbers that is used to ! loop over when doing particle computations !************************************************************* j=count%spawned+1 do i=count%alive+1,count%alive+nmpart count%ialive(i)=j j = j+1 end do ! Update the number of particles that are currently alive !******************************************************** count%alive = count%alive + nmpart ! Update the total number of spawned particles !********************************************* count%spawned = count%spawned + nmpart end subroutine spawn_particles subroutine spawn_particle(itime, ipart) !****************************************************** ! Spawning particles ! ! This routine spawns new particles and allocates the ! memory if necessary. !****************************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: & itime, & ! spawning time ipart ! number of particles that are being spawned ! Check if new memory needs to be allocated !******************************************* if (.not. particle_allocated(ipart)) call alloc_particle(ipart) if (part(ipart)%alive) then write(*,*) ipart, count%alive, count%terminated, count%allocated error stop 'Attempting to overwrite existing particle' endif ! Update the number of particles that are currently alive !******************************************************** count%alive = count%alive + 1 ! Set the spawning time for each new particle and mark it as alive !***************************************************************** part(ipart)%tstart = itime part(ipart)%alive = .true. part(ipart)%spawned = .true. ! Updating the list with alive particle numbers that is used to ! loop over when doing particle computations !************************************************************* count%ialive(count%alive) = ipart ! Update the total number of spawned particles !********************************************* count%spawned = count%spawned + 1 end subroutine spawn_particle subroutine terminate_particle(ipart,itime) !***************************************************** ! Terminating specified particle ! ! This routine terminates a selected particle !***************************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: & ipart, & ! to be terminated particle index itime ! Time at which particle is terminated ! Flagging the particle as having been terminated !************************************************ part(ipart)%alive=.false. part(ipart)%tend=itime ! Update the number of current particles that are alive !****************************************************** count%alive = count%alive - 1 ! Update the total number of terminated particles during the whole run !********************************************************************** count%terminated = count%terminated + 1 end subroutine terminate_particle subroutine rewrite_ialive() implicit none integer :: i,j j=1 do i=1,count%allocated if (part(i)%alive) then count%ialive(j)=i j=j+1 endif end do count%alive=j-1 if (ipin.le.1 .and. ipout.eq.0 .and. ispeed.eq.0) call rewrite_iterm end subroutine rewrite_ialive subroutine rewrite_iterm() implicit none integer :: i,j j=1 do i=1,count%allocated if (.not. part(i)%alive) then count%iterm(j)=i j=j+1 endif end do count%iterm_max=j-1 end subroutine rewrite_iterm subroutine rewrite_ialive_single(ipart) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: & ipart ! to be terminated particle index integer :: & i, & ! loop variable iloc ! location of ipart in count%ialive ! And remove from the ialive array !********************************* ! iloc=findloc(count%ialive,ipart,1) ! findloc not supported in gcc<v9 iloc=count%allocated do i=1,count%alive+2 if (count%ialive(i).eq.ipart) then iloc=i exit endif end do if (iloc.ne.count%allocated) then !$OMP PARALLEL !$OMP WORKSHARE count%ialive(iloc:count%allocated-1)=count%ialive(iloc+1:count%allocated) !$OMP END WORKSHARE !$OMP END PARALLEL endif end subroutine rewrite_ialive_single subroutine alloc_particles(nmpart) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nmpart type(particle),allocatable :: tmppart(:) logical, allocatable :: tmpcount(:) real, allocatable :: tmpxscav(:,:),tmpval_av(:,:),tmpmass(:,:),tmpdepo(:,:) real, allocatable :: tmpxl(:),tmpyl(:),tmpzl(:) integer, allocatable :: tmpnclust(:) integer :: i,stat if (nmpart.gt.100) & write(*,*) 'Allocating ',nmpart,' particles', count%allocated, count%terminated, count%spawned ! Keeping track of the allocated memory in case ! there is a reason for deallocating some of it !********************************************** allocate( tmpcount(count%allocated+nmpart),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmpcount" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpcount(1:count%allocated) = count%inmem call move_alloc(tmpcount,count%inmem) allocate( tmpnclust(count%allocated+nmpart),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmpnclust" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpnclust(1:count%allocated) = count%ialive call move_alloc(tmpnclust,count%ialive) if (ipin.le.1 .and. ipout.eq.0) then allocate( tmpnclust(count%allocated+nmpart),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmpnclust" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpnclust(1:count%allocated) = count%iterm call move_alloc(tmpnclust,count%iterm) endif count%inmem(count%allocated+1:count%allocated+nmpart) = .true. ! Allocating new particle spaces !******************************* allocate( tmppart(count%allocated+nmpart),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmppart" do i=1,count%allocated+nmpart ! allocate( tmppart(i)%mass(maxspec),tmppart(i)%mass_init(maxspec),stat=stat) ! if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmppart" ! if (DRYDEP) then ! allocate( tmppart(i)%drydepo(maxspec),tmppart(i)%prob(maxspec),stat=stat) ! if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmppart" ! tmppart(i)%drydepo(maxspec)=0. ! endif ! if (WETDEP) then ! allocate( tmppart(i)%wetdepo(maxspec),stat=stat) ! if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmppart" ! tmppart(i)%wetdepo(maxspec)=0. ! endif tmppart(i)%ntime=0 ! Preventing particles to be written to partoutput when they just spawned end do if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmppart(1:count%allocated) = part call move_alloc(tmppart,part) allocate( tmpmass(count%allocated+nmpart,maxspec),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmpmass" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpmass(1:count%allocated,:) = mass call move_alloc(tmpmass,mass) allocate( tmpmass(count%allocated+nmpart,maxspec),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmpmass_init" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpmass(1:count%allocated,:) = mass_init call move_alloc(tmpmass,mass_init) if (DRYDEP) then allocate( tmpdepo(count%allocated+nmpart,maxspec),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate drydeposit" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpdepo(1:count%allocated,:) = drydeposit call move_alloc(tmpdepo,drydeposit) drydeposit(count%allocated+1:count%allocated+nmpart,:)=0. allocate( tmpdepo(count%allocated+nmpart,maxspec),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate prob" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpdepo(1:count%allocated,:) = prob call move_alloc(tmpdepo,prob) prob(count%allocated+1:count%allocated+nmpart,:)=0. endif if (WETDEP) then allocate( tmpdepo(count%allocated+nmpart,maxspec),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate wetdeposit" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpdepo(1:count%allocated,:) = wetdeposit call move_alloc(tmpdepo,wetdeposit) wetdeposit(count%allocated+1:count%allocated+nmpart,:)=0. endif ! If wet or dry deposition backward mode is switched on, xscav_frac1 ! needs to be allocated !******************************************************************* if (WETBKDEP.or.DRYBKDEP) then allocate( tmpxscav(count%allocated+nmpart,maxspec),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmpxscav" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpxscav(1:count%allocated,:) = xscav_frac1 call move_alloc(tmpxscav,xscav_frac1) ! Initialise it here xscav_frac1(count%allocated+1:count%allocated+nmpart,:) = -1. endif if (n_average.gt.0) then allocate( tmpval_av(count%allocated+nmpart,n_average),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate val_av" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpval_av(1:count%allocated,:) = val_av tmpval_av(count%allocated+1:count%allocated+nmpart,:) = 0 call move_alloc(tmpval_av, val_av) endif if ((iout.eq.4).or.(iout.eq.5)) then allocate( tmpxl(count%allocated+nmpart),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmpxl" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpxl(1:count%allocated) = xplum call move_alloc(tmpxl,xplum) allocate( tmpyl(count%allocated+nmpart),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmpyl" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpyl(1:count%allocated) = yplum call move_alloc(tmpyl,yplum) allocate( tmpzl(count%allocated+nmpart),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmpzl" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpzl(1:count%allocated) = zplum call move_alloc(tmpzl,zplum) allocate( tmpnclust(count%allocated+nmpart),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate tmpnclust" if (count%allocated.gt.0) tmpnclust(1:count%allocated) = nclust call move_alloc(tmpnclust,nclust) endif count%allocated = count%allocated+nmpart if (nmpart.gt.100) write(*,*) 'Finished allocation' end subroutine alloc_particles subroutine alloc_particle(ipart) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! Keeping track of the allocated memory in case ! there is a reason for deallocating some of it !********************************************** if (ipart.gt.count%allocated) then call alloc_particles(ipart-count%allocated) else error stop 'Error: You are trying to allocate an already existing particle' endif end subroutine alloc_particle subroutine dealloc_particle_range(istart,iend) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: istart,iend !deallocate( part(istart:iend) ) count%inmem(istart:iend) = .false. end subroutine dealloc_particle_range subroutine dealloc_particle(ipart) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index !deallocate( part(ipart) ) part = part(1:ipart) ! FORTRAN 2008 only count%inmem(ipart+1:) = .false. end subroutine dealloc_particle subroutine dealloc_all_particles() implicit none integer :: i if (n_average.gt.0) deallocate( val_av ) deallocate( part ) deallocate( count%inmem ) deallocate( count%ialive ) if (ipin.le.1 .and. ipout.eq.0) deallocate( count%iterm ) deallocate( mass, mass_init ) if (WETBKDEP.or.DRYBKDEP) then deallocate( xscav_frac1 ) endif if (WETDEP) deallocate( wetdeposit ) if (DRYDEP) deallocate( drydeposit,prob ) if ((iout.eq.4).or.(iout.eq.5)) then deallocate( xplum ) deallocate( yplum ) deallocate( zplum ) deallocate( nclust ) endif end subroutine dealloc_all_particles ! Update_xlon subroutine update_xlon_dp(ipart,xchange) !************************************** ! Updates the longitude of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: xchange part(ipart)%xlon = part(ipart)%xlon + xchange end subroutine update_xlon_dp subroutine update_xlon_sp(ipart,xchange) !************************************** ! Updates the longitude of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real, intent(in) :: xchange part(ipart)%xlon = part(ipart)%xlon + real(xchange,kind=dp) end subroutine update_xlon_sp subroutine update_xlon_int(ipart,xchange) !************************************** ! Updates the longitude of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index integer, intent(in) :: xchange part(ipart)%xlon = part(ipart)%xlon + real(xchange,kind=dp) end subroutine update_xlon_int ! End Update_xlon ! Set_xlon subroutine set_xlon_dp(ipart,xvalue) !************************************** ! Sets the longitude of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: xvalue part(ipart)%xlon = xvalue end subroutine set_xlon_dp subroutine set_xlon_sp(ipart,xvalue) !************************************** ! Sets the longitude of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real, intent(in) :: xvalue part(ipart)%xlon = real(xvalue,kind=dp) end subroutine set_xlon_sp subroutine set_xlon_int(ipart,xvalue) !************************************** ! Sets the longitude of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index integer, intent(in) :: xvalue part(ipart)%xlon = real(xvalue,kind=dp) end subroutine set_xlon_int ! End Set_xlon ! Update_ylat subroutine update_ylat_dp(ipart,ychange) !************************************** ! Updates the latitude of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: ychange part(ipart)%ylat = part(ipart)%ylat + ychange end subroutine update_ylat_dp subroutine update_ylat_sp(ipart,ychange) !************************************** ! Updates the latitude of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real, intent(in) :: ychange part(ipart)%ylat = part(ipart)%ylat + real(ychange,kind=dp) end subroutine update_ylat_sp subroutine update_ylat_int(ipart,ychange) !************************************** ! Updates the latitude of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index integer, intent(in) :: ychange part(ipart)%ylat = part(ipart)%ylat + real(ychange,kind=dp) end subroutine update_ylat_int ! End Update_ylat ! Set_ylat subroutine set_ylat_dp(ipart,yvalue) !************************************** ! Sets the latitude of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: yvalue part(ipart)%ylat = yvalue end subroutine set_ylat_dp subroutine set_ylat_sp(ipart,yvalue) !************************************** ! Sets the latitude of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real, intent(in) :: yvalue part(ipart)%ylat = real(yvalue,kind=dp) end subroutine set_ylat_sp subroutine set_ylat_int(ipart,yvalue) !************************************** ! Sets the latitude of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index integer, intent(in) :: yvalue part(ipart)%ylat = real(yvalue,kind=dp) end subroutine set_ylat_int ! End Set_ylat ! Update z positions subroutine update_z_dp(ipart,zchange) !************************************** ! Updates the height of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: zchange part(ipart)%z = part(ipart)%z + zchange #ifdef ETA part(ipart)%meterupdate=.false. part(ipart)%etaupdate=.true. #endif end subroutine update_z_dp subroutine update_z_sp(ipart,zchange) !************************************** ! Updates the height of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real, intent(in) :: zchange part(ipart)%z = part(ipart)%z + real(zchange,kind=dp) #ifdef ETA part(ipart)%meterupdate=.false. part(ipart)%etaupdate=.true. #endif end subroutine update_z_sp #ifdef ETA subroutine update_zeta_dp(ipart,zchange) !************************************** ! Updates the height of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: zchange part(ipart)%zeta = part(ipart)%zeta + zchange part(ipart)%etaupdate=.false. part(ipart)%meterupdate=.true. end subroutine update_zeta_dp subroutine update_zeta_sp(ipart,zchange) !************************************** ! Updates the height of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real, intent(in) :: zchange part(ipart)%zeta = part(ipart)%zeta + real(zchange,kind=dp) part(ipart)%etaupdate=.false. part(ipart)%meterupdate=.true. end subroutine update_zeta_sp #endif ! End update z positions ! Update z positions subroutine set_z_dp(ipart,zvalue) !************************************** ! Updates the height of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: zvalue part(ipart)%z = zvalue #ifdef ETA part(ipart)%meterupdate=.false. part(ipart)%etaupdate=.true. #endif end subroutine set_z_dp subroutine set_z_sp(ipart,zvalue) !************************************** ! Updates the height of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real, intent(in) :: zvalue part(ipart)%z = real(zvalue,kind=dp) #ifdef ETA part(ipart)%meterupdate=.false. part(ipart)%etaupdate=.true. #endif end subroutine set_z_sp #ifdef ETA subroutine set_zeta_dp(ipart,zvalue) !************************************** ! Updates the height of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: zvalue part(ipart)%zeta = zvalue part(ipart)%etaupdate=.false. part(ipart)%meterupdate=.true. end subroutine set_zeta_dp subroutine set_zeta_sp(ipart,zvalue) !************************************** ! Updates the height of the particle !************************************** implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipart ! particle index real, intent(in) :: zvalue part(ipart)%zeta = real(zvalue,kind=dp) part(ipart)%etaupdate=.false. part(ipart)%meterupdate=.true. end subroutine set_zeta_sp #endif ! End update z positions end module particle_mod