L. Bakels 2022: This module contains all interpolation subroutines * Code has been organised into subroutines * Vertical logarithmic interpolation is optional (par_mod) * *
!***************************************************************************** ! * ! L. Bakels 2022: This module contains all interpolation subroutines * ! Code has been organised into subroutines * ! Vertical logarithmic interpolation is optional (par_mod) * ! * !***************************************************************************** module interpol_mod use par_mod use com_mod use windfields_mod use particle_mod implicit none real,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: & uprof,vprof,wprof, & usigprof,vsigprof,wsigprof, & rhoprof,rhogradprof logical,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: & indzindicator,depoindicator real :: u,v,w,usig,vsig,wsig real :: p1,p2,p3,p4,ddx,ddy,rddx,rddy,dtt,dt1,dt2 real :: xtn,ytn real :: dz1out,dz2out integer :: nix,njy integer :: ix,jy,ixp,jyp,ngrid,indz,indzp integer :: induv,indpuv logical :: lbounds(2) ! marking particles below or above bounds #ifdef ETA real,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: wprofeta ! ,wsigprofeta real :: ueta,veta,weta,wsigeta integer :: indzeta,indzpeta logical :: lbounds_w(2),lbounds_uv(2) ! marking particles below or above bounds #endif #ifdef ETA private :: interpol_wind_eta,stdev_eta,interpol_partoutput_val_eta #else private :: interpol_wind_meter,stdev_meter,interpol_partoutput_val_meter #endif interface hor_interpol procedure hor_interpol_4d,hor_interpol_2d end interface hor_interpol interface hor_interpol_nest procedure hor_interpol_4d_nest,hor_interpol_2d_nest end interface hor_interpol_nest interface find_ngrid procedure find_ngrid_dp, find_ngrid_sp end interface find_ngrid ! uprof,vprof,wprof,usigprof,vsigprof,wsigprof,indzindicator, wsigprofeta, ! rhoprof,rhogradprof,wprofeta,depoindicator, #ifdef ETA !$OMP THREADPRIVATE( & !$OMP u,v,w,usig,vsig,wsig, & !$OMP p1,p2,p3,p4,ddx,ddy,rddx,rddy,dtt,dt1,dt2,ix,jy,ixp,jyp, & !$OMP ngrid,indz,indzp, & !$OMP induv,indpuv,lbounds,lbounds_w,lbounds_uv, & !$OMP indzeta,indzpeta,ueta,veta,weta,wsigeta, & !$OMP xtn,ytn,nix,njy,dz1out,dz2out) #else !$OMP THREADPRIVATE( & !$OMP u,v,w,usig,vsig,wsig, & !$OMP p1,p2,p3,p4,ddx,ddy,rddx,rddy,dtt,dt1,dt2,ix,jy,ixp,jyp, & !$OMP ngrid,indz,indzp, & !$OMP induv,indpuv,lbounds,xtn,ytn,nix,njy,dz1out,dz2out) #endif contains subroutine alloc_interpol ! wsigprofeta(nzmax,numthreads), implicit none integer :: stat allocate( uprof(nzmax,numthreads),vprof(nzmax,numthreads),wprof(nzmax,numthreads), & usigprof(nzmax,numthreads),vsigprof(nzmax,numthreads),wsigprof(nzmax,numthreads), & rhoprof(nzmax,numthreads),rhogradprof(nzmax,numthreads), & indzindicator(nzmax,numthreads),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate interpol prof arrays" #ifdef ETA allocate( wprofeta(nzmax,numthreads),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate wprofeta" #endif if (DRYDEP) then allocate( depoindicator(maxspec,numthreads),stat=stat) if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate depoindicator" endif end subroutine alloc_interpol subroutine dealloc_interpol ! wsigprofeta, deallocate(uprof,vprof,wprof, & usigprof,vsigprof,wsigprof, & rhoprof,rhogradprof,indzindicator) #ifdef ETA deallocate(wprofeta) #endif if (DRYDEP) deallocate( depoindicator ) end subroutine dealloc_interpol subroutine init_interpol(itime,xt,yt,zt,zteta) ! This routine initialises all important values used in the interpol module ! This includes: ! - The current grid number in which the particle is positioned ! - The interpolation fractions of the grid (x,y,z) and of time integer, intent(in) :: itime ! time step real, intent(in) :: xt,yt ! particle positions real, intent(in) :: zt ! height in meters real, intent(in) :: zteta ! height in eta coordinates call find_ngrid(xt,yt) call find_grid_indices(xt,yt) call find_grid_distances(xt,yt) call find_time_vars(itime) call find_z_level(zt,zteta) end subroutine init_interpol subroutine find_grid_indices(xt,yt) real, intent(in) :: xt,yt ! particle positions if (ngrid.gt.0) then ! Nest xtn=(xt-xln(ngrid))*xresoln(ngrid) ytn=(yt-yln(ngrid))*yresoln(ngrid) ! ix=int(xtn) ! jy=int(ytn) ! nix=nint(xtn) ! njy=nint(ytn) nix=max(min(int(xtn),nxn(ngrid)-1),0) njy=max(min(int(ytn),nyn(ngrid)-1),0) ix=nix jy=njy ixp=ix+1 jyp=jy+1 return else ix=int(xt) jy=int(yt) nix=ix!nint(xt) njy=jy!nint(yt) ixp=ix+1 jyp=jy+1 endif ! eso: Temporary fix for particle exactly at north pole if (jyp.ge.nymax) then write(*,*) 'WARNING: interpol_mod.f90 jyp >= nymax. xt,yt:',xt,yt jyp=jyp-1 end if if (ixp.ge.nxmax) then write(*,*) 'WARNING: interpol_mod.f90 ixp >= nxmax. xt,yt:',xt,yt ixp=ixp-nxmax end if end subroutine find_grid_indices subroutine find_grid_distances(xt,yt) implicit none real, intent(in) :: xt,yt ! particle positions if (ngrid.le.0) then ddx=xt-real(ix) ddy=yt-real(jy) else ! Nest ddx=xtn-real(ix) ddy=ytn-real(jy) endif rddx=1.-ddx rddy=1.-ddy p1=rddx*rddy p2=ddx*rddy p3=rddx*ddy p4=ddx*ddy end subroutine find_grid_distances subroutine find_time_vars(itime) integer, intent(in) :: itime ! time step dt1=real(itime-memtime(1)) dt2=real(memtime(2)-itime) dtt=1./(dt1+dt2) end subroutine find_time_vars subroutine find_z_level(zt,zteta) real, intent(in) :: & zt, & ! height in meters zteta ! height in eta #ifdef ETA call find_z_level_meters(zt) call find_z_level_eta(zteta) #else call find_z_level_meters(zt) #endif end subroutine find_z_level subroutine find_z_level_meters(zt) real, intent(in) :: zt ! height in meters integer :: i indz=nz-1 indzp=nz if (zt.le.height(1)) then lbounds(1)=.true. lbounds(2)=.false. indz=1 indzp=2 else if (zt.ge.height(nz)) then lbounds(1)=.false. lbounds(2)=.true. else lbounds(1)=.false. lbounds(2)=.false. do i=2,nz if (height(i).gt.zt) then indz=i-1 indzp=i exit endif end do endif end subroutine find_z_level_meters #ifdef ETA subroutine find_z_level_eta(zteta) real, intent(in) :: zteta ! height in eta coordinates call find_z_level_eta_w(zteta) call find_z_level_eta_uv(zteta) end subroutine find_z_level_eta subroutine find_z_level_eta_w(zteta) real, intent(in) :: zteta ! height in eta coordinates integer :: i ! loop variable indzeta=nz-1 indzpeta=nz ! Flag particles that are above or below bounds if (zteta.ge.wheight(1)) then lbounds_w(1)=.true. lbounds_w(2)=.false. indzeta=1 indzpeta=2 else if (zteta.le.wheight(nz)) then lbounds_w(1)=.false. lbounds_w(2)=.true. else lbounds_w(1)=.false. lbounds_w(2)=.false. do i=2,nz if (wheight(i).lt.zteta) then indzeta=i-1 indzpeta=i exit endif end do endif end subroutine find_z_level_eta_w subroutine find_z_level_eta_uv(zteta) real, intent(in) :: zteta ! height in eta coordinates integer :: i ! loop variable induv=nz-1 indpuv=nz if (zteta.gt.uvheight(1)) then lbounds_uv(1)=.true. lbounds_uv(2)=.false. induv=1 indpuv=2 else if (zteta.lt.uvheight(nz)) then lbounds_uv(1)=.false. lbounds_uv(2)=.true. else lbounds_uv(1)=.false. lbounds_uv(2)=.false. do i=2,nz if (uvheight(i).lt.zteta) then induv=i-1 indpuv=i exit endif end do endif end subroutine find_z_level_eta_uv #endif subroutine find_vert_vars(vertlevels,zpos,zlevel,dz1,dz2,bounds,wlevel) !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This subroutine computes the vertical interpolation variables * ! logarithmically, unless log_interpol=.false. in the par_mod * ! * ! Author: L. Bakels * !***************************************************************************** real, intent(in) :: vertlevels(:) ! vertical levels in coordinate system real, intent(in) :: zpos ! verticle particle position integer, intent(in) :: zlevel ! vertical level of interest logical, intent(in) :: bounds(2),wlevel ! flag marking if particles are ! outside bounds real, intent(inout) :: dz1,dz2 ! fractional distance to point 1 ! (closer to ground) and 2 real :: dz,dh1,dh,pfact real :: psint1(2),psint,pr1,pr2,pr_test ! pressure of encompassing levels integer :: m ! Only do logarithmic interpolation when using ETA coordinates, since the ! levels are following pressure, while METER levels are linear. !############################################################## if (.not. log_interpol) then call find_vert_vars_lin(vertlevels,zpos,zlevel,dz1,dz2,bounds) return endif ! To check if taking the logarithm is safe if (wlevel) then pr_test=akm(zlevel+1)+bkm(zlevel+1) else pr_test=akz(zlevel+1)+bkz(zlevel+1) endif ! If the particle is below bounds (bounds(1)==.true.): if (bounds(1)) then dz1=0. dz2=1. ! If above bounds (bounds(2)==.true.): else if (bounds(2)) then dz1=1. dz2=0. ! Instead of the linear z variables, we need the ones that correspond to ! the pressure of the height of the particle in relation to the model levels !*************************************************************************** else if (pr_test.eq.0) then dz=1./(vertlevels(zlevel+1)-vertlevels(zlevel)) dz1=(zpos-vertlevels(zlevel))*dz dz2=(vertlevels(zlevel+1)-zpos)*dz else if (ngrid.le.0) then do m=1,2 call hor_interpol(ps,psint1(m),1,memind(m),1) end do else do m=1,2 call hor_interpol_nest(psn,psint1(m),1,memind(m),1) end do endif call temporal_interpolation(psint1(1),psint1(2),psint) dh = vertlevels(zlevel+1)-vertlevels(zlevel) dh1 = zpos - vertlevels(zlevel) if (wlevel) then pr1=akm(zlevel) + bkm(zlevel)*psint pr2=akm(zlevel+1) + bkm(zlevel+1)*psint else pr1=akz(zlevel) + bkz(zlevel)*psint pr2=akz(zlevel+1) + bkz(zlevel+1)*psint endif pfact = log(pr2/pr1)*dh1/dh dz = 1./(pr2-pr1) dz1 = pr1*(exp(pfact)-1.)*dz dz2 = 1.-dz1 endif ! else if ((vertlevels(zlevel).eq.0).or.(vertlevels(zlevel+1).eq.0)) then ! ! Linear interpolation for bottom or top layer is zero ! dz=1./(vertlevels(zlevel+1)-vertlevels(zlevel)) ! dz1=(zpos-vertlevels(zlevel))*dz ! dz2=(vertlevels(zlevel+1)-zpos)*dz ! else ! ! Logaritmic interpolation ! dz=1./(log(vertlevels(zlevel+1))-log(vertlevels(zlevel))) ! dz1=(log(zpos)-log(vertlevels(zlevel)))*dz ! dz2=(log(vertlevels(zlevel+1))-log(zpos))*dz ! endif end subroutine find_vert_vars subroutine find_vert_vars_lin(vertlevels,zpos,zlevel,dz1,dz2,bounds) real, intent(in) :: vertlevels(:) ! vertical levels in coordinate system real, intent(in) :: zpos ! verticle particle position integer, intent(in) :: zlevel ! vertical level of interest logical, intent(in) :: bounds(2) ! flag marking if particles are outside ! bounds real, intent(inout) :: dz1,dz2 ! fractional distance to point 1 ! (closer to ground) and 2 real :: dz ! If the particle is below bounds (bounds(1)==.true.): if (bounds(1)) then dz1=0. dz2=1. ! If above bounds (bounds(2)==.true.): else if (bounds(2)) then dz1=1. dz2=0. else dz=1./(vertlevels(zlevel+1)-vertlevels(zlevel)) dz1=(zpos-vertlevels(zlevel))*dz dz2=(vertlevels(zlevel+1)-zpos)*dz endif end subroutine find_vert_vars_lin subroutine find_ngrid_dp(xt,yt) real eps real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: xt,yt ! particle positions on grid integer :: j eps=nxmax/3.e5 if (nglobal.and.(real(yt).gt.switchnorthg)) then ngrid=-1 else if (sglobal.and.(real(yt).lt.switchsouthg)) then ngrid=-2 else ngrid=0 ! Temporary fix for nested layer edges: replaced eps with dxn and dyn (LB) do j=numbnests,1,-1 if (real(xt).gt.xln(j)+dxn(j) .and. real(xt).lt.xrn(j)-dxn(j) .and. & real(yt).gt.yln(j)+dyn(j) .and. real(yt).lt.yrn(j)-dyn(j)) then ngrid=j exit endif end do endif end subroutine find_ngrid_dp subroutine find_ngrid_sp(xt,yt) real :: eps real, intent(in) :: xt,yt ! particle positions on grid integer :: j eps=nxmax/3.e5 if (nglobal .and. yt.gt.switchnorthg) then ngrid=-1 else if (sglobal .and. yt.lt.switchsouthg) then ngrid=-2 else ngrid=0 ! Temporary fix for nested layer edges: replaced eps with dxn and dyn (LB) do j=numbnests,1,-1 if (xt.gt.xln(j)+dxn(j) .and. xt.lt.xrn(j)-dxn(j) .and. & yt.gt.yln(j)+dyn(j) .and. yt.lt.yrn(j)-dyn(j)) then ngrid=j exit endif end do endif end subroutine find_ngrid_sp subroutine hor_interpol_4d(field,output,zlevel,indexh,ztot) integer, intent(in) :: zlevel,ztot,indexh ! interpolation z level, z real, intent(in) :: field(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,ztot,numwfmem) ! input field to interpolate real, intent(inout) :: output ! interpolated values output=p1*field(ix ,jy ,zlevel,indexh) & + p2*field(ixp,jy ,zlevel,indexh) & + p3*field(ix ,jyp,zlevel,indexh) & + p4*field(ixp,jyp,zlevel,indexh) end subroutine hor_interpol_4d subroutine hor_interpol_2d(field,output) implicit none real, intent(in) :: field(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1) ! 2D imput field real, intent(inout) :: output ! Interpolated value output=p1*field(ix ,jy) & + p2*field(ixp,jy) & + p3*field(ix ,jyp) & + p4*field(ixp,jyp) end subroutine hor_interpol_2d subroutine hor_interpol_4d_nest(field,output,zlevel,indexh,ztot) integer, intent(in) :: zlevel,ztot,indexh ! interpolation z level, z real, intent(in) :: field(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,ztot,numwfmem,numbnests) ! input field to interpolate real, intent(inout) :: output ! interpolated values output=p1*field(ix ,jy ,zlevel,indexh,ngrid) & + p2*field(ixp,jy ,zlevel,indexh,ngrid) & + p3*field(ix ,jyp,zlevel,indexh,ngrid) & + p4*field(ixp,jyp,zlevel,indexh,ngrid) end subroutine hor_interpol_4d_nest subroutine hor_interpol_2d_nest(field,output) real, intent(in) :: field(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,numbnests) ! input field to interpolate real, intent(inout) :: output ! interpolated values output=p1*field(ix ,jy ,ngrid) & + p2*field(ixp,jy ,ngrid) & + p3*field(ix ,jyp,ngrid) & + p4*field(ixp,jyp,ngrid) end subroutine hor_interpol_2d_nest subroutine temporal_interpolation(time1,time2,output) real, intent(in) :: time1,time2 ! input data at two timesteps real, intent(inout) :: output ! interpolated data output=(time1*dt2+time2*dt1)*dtt end subroutine temporal_interpolation subroutine vert_interpol(input1,input2,dz1,dz2,output) real, intent(in) :: input1,input2 ! input data at two vertical levels, ! 1 being closer to ground real, intent(in) :: dz1,dz2 ! logarithmic interpolation values real, intent(inout) :: output ! interpolated data output = input1*dz2 + input2*dz1 ! input1**dz2 * input2**dz1 end subroutine vert_interpol subroutine bilin_spatial_interpol(field,output,zlevel,dz1,dz2,ztot) integer, intent(in) :: zlevel,ztot ! interpolation z level real, intent(in) :: field(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,ztot,numwfmem) ! input field to interpolate real, intent(in) :: dz1,dz2 real, intent(inout) :: output(2) ! interpolated values integer :: m,n,indzh real :: output1(2) do m=1,2 do n=1,2 indzh=zlevel+n-1 call hor_interpol_4d(field,output1(n),indzh,memind(m),ztot) end do !********************************** ! 2.) Linear vertical interpolation on logarithmic scale !********************************** call vert_interpol(output1(1),output1(2),dz1,dz2,output(m)) end do end subroutine bilin_spatial_interpol subroutine bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(field,output,zlevel,dz1,dz2,ztot) integer, intent(in) :: zlevel,ztot ! interpolation z level real, intent(in) :: field(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,ztot,numwfmem,numbnests) ! input field to interpolate real, intent(in) :: dz1,dz2 real, intent(inout) :: output(2) ! interpolated values integer :: m,n,indzh real :: output1(2) do m=1,2 do n=1,2 indzh=zlevel+n-1 call hor_interpol_4d_nest(field,output1(n),indzh,memind(m),ztot) end do !********************************** ! 2.) Linear vertical interpolation on logarithmic scale !********************************** call vert_interpol(output1(1),output1(2),dz1,dz2,output(m)) end do end subroutine bilin_spatial_interpol_nest subroutine compute_sl_sq(field,sl,sq,zlevel,indexh,ztot) integer, intent(in) :: zlevel,ztot,indexh ! interpolation z levels real, intent(in) :: field(0:nxmax-1,0:nymax-1,ztot,numwfmem) ! input field to interpolate real, intent(inout) :: sl,sq ! standard deviation sl=sl+field(ix ,jy ,zlevel,indexh)+field(ixp,jy ,zlevel,indexh) & +field(ix ,jyp,zlevel,indexh)+field(ixp,jyp,zlevel,indexh) sq=sq+field(ix ,jy ,zlevel,indexh)*field(ix ,jy ,zlevel,indexh)+ & field(ixp,jy ,zlevel,indexh)*field(ixp,jy ,zlevel,indexh)+ & field(ix ,jyp,zlevel,indexh)*field(ix ,jyp,zlevel,indexh)+ & field(ixp,jyp,zlevel,indexh)*field(ixp,jyp,zlevel,indexh) end subroutine compute_sl_sq subroutine compute_sl_sq_nest(field,sl,sq,zlevel,indexh,ztot) integer, intent(in) :: zlevel,ztot,indexh ! interpolation z levels real, intent(in) :: field(0:nxmaxn-1,0:nymaxn-1,ztot,numwfmem,numbnests) ! input field to interpolate real, intent(inout) :: sl,sq ! standard deviation sl=sl+field(ix ,jy ,zlevel,indexh,ngrid)+field(ixp,jy ,zlevel,indexh,ngrid) & +field(ix ,jyp,zlevel,indexh,ngrid)+field(ixp,jyp,zlevel,indexh,ngrid) sq=sq+field(ix ,jy ,zlevel,indexh,ngrid)*field(ix ,jy ,zlevel,indexh,ngrid)+ & field(ixp,jy ,zlevel,indexh,ngrid)*field(ixp,jy ,zlevel,indexh,ngrid)+ & field(ix ,jyp,zlevel,indexh,ngrid)*field(ix ,jyp,zlevel,indexh,ngrid)+ & field(ixp,jyp,zlevel,indexh,ngrid)*field(ixp,jyp,zlevel,indexh,ngrid) end subroutine compute_sl_sq_nest subroutine stdev(sl,sq,divisor,output) real, intent(in) :: sl,sq,divisor real, intent(out) :: output real :: xaux real,parameter :: eps=1.0e-30 xaux= sq - sl*sl/divisor if (xaux.lt.eps) then output=0. else output=sqrt(xaux/(divisor-1.)) endif end subroutine stdev ! Interpolation functions !************************ subroutine interpol_pbl(itime,xt,yt,zt,zteta,ithread) ! i i i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This subroutine interpolates everything that is needed for calculating the* ! dispersion. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 16 December 1997 * ! * ! Revision March 2005 by AST : all output variables in common block cal- * ! culation of standard deviation done in this * ! routine rather than subroutine call in order * ! to save computation time * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! itime [s] current temporal position * ! memtime(3) [s] times of the wind fields in memory * ! xt,yt,zt coordinates position for which wind data shall be * ! culated * ! * ! Constants: * ! * !***************************************************************************** use turbulence_mod integer,intent(in) :: ithread ! If OMP, number of the thread, otherwise 1 integer, intent(in) :: itime real, intent(in) :: xt,yt,zt,zteta integer :: m,n,indexh integer :: iw(2),iweta(2) real :: uh1(2),vh1(2),wh1(2),wetah1(2),rho1(2),rhograd1(2) real :: dz1weta,dz2weta real,parameter :: eps=1.0e-30 ! Auxiliary variables needed for interpolation real :: ust1(2),wst1(2),oli1(2),oliaux !******************************************** ! Multilinear interpolation in time and space !******************************************** ! ngrid and grid coordinates have already been definded, and are included ! in the input (for nested: xtn,ytn; for not nested: xts,yts) !************************************************************************ ! Determine the lower left corner and its distance to the current position !************************************************************************* call find_grid_distances(xt,yt) ! Calculate variables for time interpolation !******************************************* call find_time_vars(itime) !******************************************************** ! 1. Interpolate u*, w* and Obukhov length for turbulence !******************************************************** ! a) Bilinear horizontal interpolation if (ngrid.le.0) then ! No nest do m=1,2 indexh=memind(m) call hor_interpol(ustar,ust1(m),1,memind(m),1) call hor_interpol(wstar,wst1(m),1,memind(m),1) call hor_interpol(oli,oli1(m),1,memind(m),1) end do else ! Nest do m=1,2 indexh=memind(m) call hor_interpol_nest(ustarn,ust1(m),1,memind(m),1) call hor_interpol_nest(wstarn,wst1(m),1,memind(m),1) call hor_interpol_nest(olin,oli1(m),1,memind(m),1) end do endif ! b) Temporal interpolation call temporal_interpolation(ust1(1),ust1(2),ust) call temporal_interpolation(wst1(1),wst1(2),wst) call temporal_interpolation(oli1(1),oli1(2),oliaux) if (oliaux.ne.0.) then ol=1./oliaux else ol=99999. endif ! Within the PBL, only METER coordinates are used ! with the exception of mesoscale turbulence, ! which uses wsigeta computed in interpol_mesoscale !************************************************** ! Determine the level below the current position !*********************************************** call find_z_level_meters(zt) iw(:)=(/ indz, indzp /) ! w(eta) velocities are necessary for the Petterssen correction !************************************************************** #ifdef ETA call find_z_level_eta(zteta) iweta(:)=(/ indzeta, indzpeta /) #endif !************************************** ! 1.) Bilinear horizontal interpolation ! 2.) Temporal interpolation (linear) !************************************** ! Loop over 2 time steps and indz levels !*************************************** if (ngrid.le.0) then ! No nest do n=1,2 do m=1,2 call hor_interpol(ww,wh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) #ifdef ETA call hor_interpol(wweta,wetah1(m),iweta(n),memind(m),nzmax) #endif call hor_interpol(rho,rho1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol(drhodz,rhograd1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) if (ngrid.lt.0) then call hor_interpol(uupol,uh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol(vvpol,vh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) else call hor_interpol(uu,uh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol(vv,vh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) endif end do call temporal_interpolation(wh1(1),wh1(2),wprof(iw(n),ithread)) #ifdef ETA call temporal_interpolation(wetah1(1),wetah1(2),wprofeta(iweta(n),ithread)) #endif call temporal_interpolation(uh1(1),uh1(2),uprof(iw(n),ithread)) call temporal_interpolation(vh1(1),vh1(2),vprof(iw(n),ithread)) call temporal_interpolation(rho1(1),rho1(2),rhoprof(iw(n),ithread)) call temporal_interpolation(rhograd1(1),rhograd1(2),rhogradprof(iw(n),ithread)) end do else ! Nest do n=1,2 do m=1,2 call hor_interpol_nest(wwn,wh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) #ifdef ETA call hor_interpol_nest(wwetan,wetah1(m),iweta(n),memind(m),nzmax) #endif call hor_interpol_nest(uun,uh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol_nest(vvn,vh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol_nest(rhon,rho1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol_nest(drhodzn,rhograd1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) end do call temporal_interpolation(wh1(1),wh1(2),wprof(iw(n),ithread)) #ifdef ETA call temporal_interpolation(wetah1(1),wetah1(2),wprofeta(iweta(n),ithread)) #endif call temporal_interpolation(uh1(1),uh1(2),uprof(iw(n),ithread)) call temporal_interpolation(vh1(1),vh1(2),vprof(iw(n),ithread)) call temporal_interpolation(rho1(1),rho1(2),rhoprof(iw(n),ithread)) call temporal_interpolation(rhograd1(1),rhograd1(2),rhogradprof(iw(n),ithread)) indzindicator(iw(n),ithread)=.false. end do endif ! Only necessary for the Petterssen correction #ifdef ETA call find_vert_vars(wheight,zteta,indzeta, & dz1weta,dz2weta,lbounds_w,.true.) call vert_interpol(wprofeta(indzeta,ithread),wprofeta(indzpeta,ithread), & dz1weta,dz2weta,weta) #endif end subroutine interpol_pbl subroutine interpol_pbl_misslev(ithread) !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This subroutine interpolates u,v,w, density and density gradients. * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 16 December 1997 * ! Update: 2 March 1999 * ! * ! Revision March 2005 by AST : all output variables in common block cal- * ! culation of standard deviation done in this * ! routine rather than subroutine call in order * ! to save computation time * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! n level * ! * ! Constants: * ! * !***************************************************************************** integer,intent(in) :: ithread ! number of OMP thread starting at 1 real :: uh1(2),vh1(2),wh1(2),rho1(2),rhograd1(2) integer :: m,n,iw(2) ! Within the PBL, only METER coordinates are used ! with the exception of mesoscale turbulence, ! which uses wsigeta computed in interpol_mesoscale !************************************************** !******************************************** ! Multilinear interpolation in time and space !******************************************** iw(:)=(/ indz, indzp /) do n=1,2 if (indzindicator(iw(n),ithread)) then if (ngrid.le.0) then ! No nest do m=1,2 call hor_interpol(ww,wh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol(rho,rho1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol(drhodz,rhograd1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) if (ngrid.lt.0) then call hor_interpol(uupol,uh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol(vvpol,vh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) else call hor_interpol(uu,uh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol(vv,vh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) endif end do else ! Nest do m=1,2 call hor_interpol_nest(wwn,wh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol_nest(uun,uh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol_nest(vvn,vh1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol_nest(rhon,rho1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol_nest(drhodzn,rhograd1(m),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) end do endif call temporal_interpolation(wh1(1),wh1(2),wprof(iw(n),ithread)) call temporal_interpolation(uh1(1),uh1(2),uprof(iw(n),ithread)) call temporal_interpolation(vh1(1),vh1(2),vprof(iw(n),ithread)) call temporal_interpolation(rho1(1),rho1(2),rhoprof(iw(n),ithread)) call temporal_interpolation(rhograd1(1),rhograd1(2),rhogradprof(iw(n),ithread)) indzindicator(iw(n),ithread)=.false. endif end do end subroutine interpol_pbl_misslev subroutine interpol_pbl_short(zt,rhoa,rhograd,ithread) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: ithread ! number of OMP thread starting at 1 real, intent(in) :: zt real, intent(inout) :: rhoa,rhograd real :: dz1,dz2 call find_vert_vars(height,zt,indz,dz1,dz2,lbounds,.false.) call vert_interpol(wprof(indz,ithread),wprof(indzp,ithread),dz1,dz2,w) call vert_interpol(uprof(indz,ithread),uprof(indzp,ithread),dz1,dz2,u) call vert_interpol(vprof(indz,ithread),vprof(indzp,ithread),dz1,dz2,v) call vert_interpol(rhoprof(indz,ithread),rhoprof(indzp,ithread),dz1,dz2,rhoa) call vert_interpol(rhogradprof(indz,ithread),rhogradprof(indzp,ithread),dz1,dz2,rhograd) end subroutine interpol_pbl_short subroutine interpol_mesoscale(xt,yt,zt,zteta) use turbulence_mod real, intent(in) :: xt,yt,zt,zteta #ifdef ETA integer :: iuv(2),iweta(2) #endif integer :: iw(2) ! Where in the grid? Stereographic (ngrid<0) or nested (ngrid>0) !*************************************************************** call find_ngrid(xt,yt) call find_grid_indices(xt,yt) ! Determine the level below the current position !*********************************************** call find_z_level_meters(zt) iw(:)=(/ indz, indzp /) #ifdef ETA call find_z_level_eta(zteta) iuv(:)=(/ induv, indpuv /) iweta(:)=(/ indzeta, indzpeta /) call stdev_eta(iw,iuv,iweta) #else iw(:)=(/ indz, indzp /) call stdev_meter(iw) #endif end subroutine interpol_mesoscale subroutine interpol_wind(itime,xt,yt,zt,zteta) ! i i i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This subroutine interpolates the wind data to current trajectory position.* ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 16 December 1997 * ! * ! Revision March 2005 by AST : all output variables in common block cal- * ! culation of standard deviation done in this * ! routine rather than subroutine call in order * ! to save computation time * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! u,v,w wind components * ! itime [s] current temporal position * ! memtime(3) [s] times of the wind fields in memory * ! xt,yt,zt coordinates position for which wind data shall be * ! calculated * ! * ! Constants: * ! * !***************************************************************************** integer, intent(in) :: itime real, intent(in) :: xt,yt,zt,zteta #ifdef ETA integer :: iuv(2),iweta(2) #else integer :: iw(2) #endif ! Where in the grid? Stereographic (ngrid<0) or nested (ngrid>0) !*************************************************************** call find_ngrid(xt,yt) call find_grid_indices(xt,yt) ! ! Multilinear interpolation in time and space ! !******************************************** ! Determine the lower left corner and its distance to the current position !************************************************************************* call find_grid_distances(xt,yt) ! Calculate variables for time interpolation !******************************************* call find_time_vars(itime) ! Interpolate over the windfields depending on the prefered ! coordinate system !********************************************************** #ifdef ETA ! Same for eta coordinates !************************* call find_z_level_eta(zteta) iuv(:) = (/ induv, indpuv /) iweta(:)= (/ indzeta, indzpeta /) call interpol_wind_eta(zteta,iuv,iweta) !call stdev_wind_eta(iw,iuv,iweta) #else ! Determine the level below the current position for u,v !******************************************************* call find_z_level_meters(zt) iw(:)=(/ indz, indzp /) call interpol_wind_meter(zt,iw) !call stdev_wind_meter(iw) #endif end subroutine interpol_wind subroutine interpol_wind_short(itime,xt,yt,zt,zteta) ! i i i i i !***************************************************************************** ! * ! This subroutine interpolates the wind data to current trajectory position.* ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 16 December 1997 * ! * ! Revision March 2005 by AST : all output variables in common block * ! * !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! u,v,w wind components * ! itime [s] current temporal position * ! memtime(3) [s] times of the wind fields in memory * ! xt,yt,zt coordinates position for which wind data shall be * ! calculated * ! * ! Constants: * ! * !***************************************************************************** integer, intent(in) :: itime real, intent(in) :: xt,yt,zt,zteta #ifdef ETA integer :: iuv(2),iweta(2) #else integer :: iw(2) #endif !******************************************** ! Multilinear interpolation in time and space !******************************************** ! Where in the grid? Stereographic (ngrid<0) or nested (ngrid>0) !*************************************************************** call find_ngrid(xt,yt) call find_grid_indices(xt,yt) call find_grid_distances(xt,yt) ! Calculate variables for time interpolation !******************************************* call find_time_vars(itime) ! Interpolate over the windfields depending on the prefered ! coordinate system !********************************************************** #ifdef ETA ! Determine the level below the current position for eta coordinates !******************************************************************* call find_z_level_eta(zteta) iuv(:)=(/ induv, indpuv /) iweta(:)=(/ indzeta, indzpeta /) ! Interpolate the u, v, weta windfields !************************************** call interpol_wind_eta(zteta,iuv,iweta) #else ! Determine the level below the current position for u,v !******************************************************* call find_z_level_meters(zt) iw(:)=(/ indz, indzp /) call interpol_wind_meter(zt,iw) #endif end subroutine interpol_wind_short subroutine interpol_partoutput_val(fieldname,output,j) integer, intent(in) :: j ! particle number character(2), intent(in) :: fieldname ! input field to interpolate over real, intent(inout) :: output ! Interpolate over the windfields depending on the prefered ! coordinate system !********************************************************** #ifdef ETA call interpol_partoutput_val_eta(fieldname,output,j) #else call interpol_partoutput_val_meter(fieldname,output,j) #endif end subroutine interpol_partoutput_val subroutine interpol_htropo_hmix(tropop,h) real, intent(inout) :: tropop ! height of troposphere real, intent(inout) :: h ! mixing height real :: h1(2) ! mixing height of 2 timesteps integer :: mind ! windfield index integer :: i,j,k,m ! loop variables h=0. if (ngrid.le.0) then if (interpolhmix) then do m=1,2 call hor_interpol(hmix,h1(m),1,memind(m),1) end do else do k=1,2 mind=memind(k) ! eso: compatibility with 3-field version do j=jy,jyp do i=ix,ixp if (hmix(i,j,1,mind).gt.h) h=hmix(i,j,1,mind) end do end do end do endif tropop=tropopause(nix,njy,1,memind(1)) else do k=1,2 mind=memind(k) do j=jy,jyp do i=ix,ixp if (hmixn(i,j,1,mind,ngrid).gt.h) h=hmixn(i,j,1,mind,ngrid) end do end do end do tropop=tropopausen(nix,njy,1,memind(1),ngrid) endif if (interpolhmix) h= (h1(1)*dt2 + h1(2)*dt1)*dtt end subroutine interpol_htropo_hmix subroutine interpol_density(itime,ipart,output) integer, intent(in) :: itime,ipart ! time and particle index real, intent(inout) :: output ! output density (rhoi) integer :: ind real :: dz1,dz2,rhoprof(2) ! Where in the grid? Stereographic (ngrid<0) or nested (ngrid>0) !*************************************************************** call find_ngrid(part(ipart)%xlon,part(ipart)%ylat) call find_grid_indices(real(part(ipart)%xlon),real(part(ipart)%ylat)) call find_grid_distances(real(part(ipart)%xlon),real(part(ipart)%ylat)) call find_time_vars(itime) ! Take density from 2nd wind field in memory !(accurate enough, no time interpolation needed) !*********************************************** #ifdef ETA call find_z_level_eta(real(part(ipart)%zeta)) call find_vert_vars(uvheight,real(part(ipart)%zeta),induv, & dz1,dz2,lbounds_uv,.false.) if (ngrid.le.0) then do ind=induv,indpuv call hor_interpol(rhoeta,rhoprof(ind-induv+1),ind,memind(2),nzmax) end do else do ind=induv,indpuv call hor_interpol_nest(rhoetan,rhoprof(ind-induv+1),ind,memind(2), & nzmax) end do endif #else call find_z_level_meters(real(part(ipart)%z)) call find_vert_vars(height,real(part(ipart)%z),indz, & dz1,dz2,lbounds,.false.) if (ngrid.le.0) then do ind=indz,indzp call hor_interpol(rho,rhoprof(ind-indz+1),ind,memind(2),nzmax) end do else do ind=indz,indzp call hor_interpol_nest(rhon,rhoprof(ind-indz+1),ind,memind(2),nzmax) end do endif #endif call vert_interpol(rhoprof(1),rhoprof(2),dz1,dz2,output) end subroutine interpol_density subroutine interpol_rain(itime,kz,yint1,yint2,yint3,ytint,yint4,intiy1,intiy2,icmv) ! i i o o o o o o o i !**************************************************************************** ! * ! Interpolation of meteorological fields on 2-d model layers. * ! In horizontal direction bilinear interpolation is used. * ! Temporally a linear interpolation is used. * ! Seven fields are interpolated at the same time. * ! * ! This is a special version of levlininterpol to save CPU time. * ! * ! 1 first time * ! 2 second time * ! * ! * ! Author: A. Stohl * ! * ! 30 August 1996 * ! * ! * ! PS, AP 04/2019, 11/2020: * ! put back temporal interpolation of rain, from v10.01 * ! and cloud bottom / thickness interpolation * ! PS, AP 01/2021: * ! interpolate particle temperature and cloud total water * ! PS, AP 02/2021: * ! interpolation of precipitation using two additional fields * ! which are temporally equidistant between the main fields * ! * !**************************************************************************** ! * ! Variables: * ! * ! dt1,dt2 time differences between fields and current position * ! dz1,dz2 z distance between levels and current position * ! height(nzmax) heights of the model levels * ! mm help variable * ! indz the level closest to the current trajectory position * ! indzh help variable * ! itime current time * ! ix,jy x,y coordinates of lower left subgrid point * ! level level at which interpolation shall be done 2d, =1 * ! kz level at which interpolation shall be done * ! memind(3) points to the places of the wind fields * ! nx,ny actual field dimensions in x,y and z direction * ! nxmax,nymax,nzmax maximum field dimensions in x,y and z direction * ! xt current x coordinate * ! yint the final interpolated value * ! yt current y coordinate * ! yy?(0:nxmax,0:nymax,nzx2d,3) meteorological field used for interpolation * ! yyt(0:nxmax,0:nymax,nzmax,3) tt field * ! iy1,iy2(0:nxmax,0:nymax,3) cloud bottom, thickness fields (integer) * ! zt current z coordinate * ! * !**************************************************************************** use par_mod, only: numwfmem, numpf use com_mod, only: lcw implicit none integer, intent(in) :: kz, icmv, itime integer, intent(out) :: intiy1,intiy2 real, intent(out) :: yint1,yint2,yint3,ytint,yint4 integer :: m integer :: mm real :: ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,ipsum real :: dt,dtp1,dtp2,rt real :: y1(2),y2(2),y3(2),y4(2),yi1(2),yi2(2),ytt(2) ! interpolated values integer, dimension(2) :: ip, mp !********************************************************************** ! 1.) Bilinear horizontal interpolation ! This has to be done separately for 2 fields (Temporal) !******************************************************* ! Loop over 2 time steps !*********************** !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PS, AT new interpolation of precip with 2 additional fields ! therefore, we need a special treatment of lsp,cp which are in yy1,yy2 !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 1.1 1.2 1.3 ip(1).mp(1) ! 1.2 1.3 2.1 ip(2).mp(2) ! ! ||___|___|___||___|___|___|| ! ! ip 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ! m 1 2 ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- dt1 = real(itime - memtime(1)) dt2 = real(memtime(2) - itime) dt = real(memtime(2) - memtime(1)) if (dt.eq.0. .and. dt1.eq.0.) then ! Fix if last last timestep and memtime(2)=memtime(1) dt = 1. dt2 = 1. endif dtt = dt/3. if (numpf .eq. 1) then mp(1) = 1 mp(2) = 2 ip(1) = 1 ip(2) = 1 dtp1 = dt1 dtp2 = dt2 else rt = abs(dt1/dt) if (0 .le. rt .and. rt .lt. 1./3.) then mp(1) = 1 mp(2) = 1 ip(1) = 1 ip(2) = 2 dtp1 = dt1 dtp2 = dt2 - 2.*dtt elseif (1./3. .le. rt .and. rt .lt. 2./3.) then mp(1) = 1 mp(2) = 1 ip(1) = 2 ip(2) = 3 dtp1 = dt1 - dtt dtp2 = dt2 - dtt elseif (2./3. .le. rt .and. rt .lt. 1.) then mp(1) = 1 mp(2) = 2 ip(1) = 3 ip(2) = 1 dtp1 = dt1 - 2.*dtt dtp2 = dt2 endif endif if (ngrid.le.0) then ! No nest do m=1,2 mm=memind(mp(m)) y1(m)= p1*lsprec(ix ,jy ,1,ip(m),mm) & + p2*lsprec(ixp,jy ,1,ip(m),mm) & + p3*lsprec(ix ,jyp,1,ip(m),mm) & + p4*lsprec(ixp,jyp,1,ip(m),mm) y2(m)= p1*convprec(ix ,jy ,1,ip(m),mm) & + p2*convprec(ixp,jy ,1,ip(m),mm) & + p3*convprec(ix ,jyp,1,ip(m),mm) & + p4*convprec(ixp,jyp,1,ip(m),mm) mm=memind(m) y3(m)= p1*tcc(ix ,jy ,1,mm) & + p2*tcc(ixp,jy ,1,mm) & + p3*tcc(ix ,jyp,1,mm) & + p4*tcc(ixp,jyp,1,mm) #ifdef ETA ytt(m)=p1*tteta(ix ,jy ,kz,mm) & + p2*tteta(ixp,jy ,kz,mm) & + p3*tteta(ix ,jyp,kz,mm) & + p4*tteta(ixp,jyp,kz,mm) #else ytt(m)=p1*tt(ix ,jy ,kz,mm) & + p2*tt(ixp,jy ,kz,mm) & + p3*tt(ix ,jyp,kz,mm) & + p4*tt(ixp,jyp,kz,mm) #endif if (lcw) & y4(m)= p1*ctwc(ix ,jy ,mm) & + p2*ctwc(ixp,jy ,mm) & + p3*ctwc(ix ,jyp,mm) & + p4*ctwc(ixp,jyp,mm) !PS clouds: ip1=1. ip2=1. ip3=1. ip4=1. ipsum=1. if (icloudbot(ix ,jy ,mm) .eq. icmv) then ip1=0. ipsum=ipsum-p1 endif if (icloudbot(ixp,jy ,mm) .eq. icmv) then ip2=0. ipsum=ipsum-p2 endif if (icloudbot(ix ,jyp,mm) .eq. icmv) then ip3=0. ipsum=ipsum-p3 endif if (icloudbot(ixp,jyp,mm) .eq. icmv) then ip4=0. ipsum=ipsum-p4 endif if (ipsum .eq. 0.) then yi1(m)=icmv else yi1(m)=(ip1*p1*icloudbot(ix ,jy ,mm) & + ip2*p2*icloudbot(ixp,jy ,mm) & + ip3*p3*icloudbot(ix ,jyp,mm) & + ip4*p4*icloudbot(ixp,jyp,mm))/ipsum ! AP test output ! if (yi1(m) .lt. 1.) then ! write(*,*) ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,ipsum ! write(*,*) p1,p2,p3,p4 ! write(*,*) iy1(ix ,jy ,mm), iy1(ixp,jy ,mm), iy1(ix ,jyp,mm), iy1(ixp,jyp,mm) ! endif endif ip1=1. ip2=1. ip3=1. ip4=1. ipsum=1. if (icloudtop(ix ,jy ,mm) .eq. icmv) then ip1=0. ipsum=ipsum-p1 endif if (icloudtop(ixp,jy ,mm) .eq. icmv) then ip2=0. ipsum=ipsum-p2 endif if (icloudtop(ix ,jyp,mm) .eq. icmv) then ip3=0. ipsum=ipsum-p3 endif if (icloudtop(ixp,jyp,mm) .eq. icmv) then ip4=0. ipsum=ipsum-p4 endif if (ipsum .eq. 0.) then yi2(m)=icmv else yi2(m)=(ip1*p1*icloudtop(ix ,jy ,mm) & + ip2*p2*icloudtop(ixp,jy ,mm) & + ip3*p3*icloudtop(ix ,jyp,mm) & + ip4*p4*icloudtop(ixp,jyp,mm))/ipsum endif !PS end clouds end do else ! Nest do m=1,2 mm=memind(mp(m)) y1(m)= p1*lsprecn(ix ,jy ,1,ip(m),mm,ngrid) & + p2*lsprecn(ixp,jy ,1,ip(m),mm,ngrid) & + p3*lsprecn(ix ,jyp,1,ip(m),mm,ngrid) & + p4*lsprecn(ixp,jyp,1,ip(m),mm,ngrid) y2(m)= p1*convprecn(ix ,jy ,1,ip(m),mm,ngrid) & + p2*convprecn(ixp,jy ,1,ip(m),mm,ngrid) & + p3*convprecn(ix ,jyp,1,ip(m),mm,ngrid) & + p4*convprecn(ixp,jyp,1,ip(m),mm,ngrid) mm=memind(m) y3(m)= p1*tccn(ix ,jy ,1,mm,ngrid) & + p2*tccn(ixp,jy ,1,mm,ngrid) & + p3*tccn(ix ,jyp,1,mm,ngrid) & + p4*tccn(ixp,jyp,1,mm,ngrid) #ifdef ETA ytt(m)=p1*ttetan(ix ,jy ,kz,mm,ngrid) & + p2*ttetan(ixp,jy ,kz,mm,ngrid) & + p3*ttetan(ix ,jyp,kz,mm,ngrid) & + p4*ttetan(ixp,jyp,kz,mm,ngrid) #else ytt(m)=p1*ttn(ix ,jy ,kz,mm,ngrid) & + p2*ttn(ixp,jy ,kz,mm,ngrid) & + p3*ttn(ix ,jyp,kz,mm,ngrid) & + p4*ttn(ixp,jyp,kz,mm,ngrid) #endif if (lcw_nest(ngrid)) & y4(m)= p1*ctwcn(ix ,jy ,mm,ngrid) & + p2*ctwcn(ixp,jy ,mm,ngrid) & + p3*ctwcn(ix ,jyp,mm,ngrid) & + p4*ctwcn(ixp,jyp,mm,ngrid) !PS clouds: ip1=1. ip2=1. ip3=1. ip4=1. ipsum=1. if (icloudbotn(ix ,jy ,mm,ngrid) .eq. icmv) then ip1=0. ipsum=ipsum-p1 endif if (icloudbotn(ixp,jy ,mm,ngrid) .eq. icmv) then ip2=0. ipsum=ipsum-p2 endif if (icloudbotn(ix ,jyp,mm,ngrid) .eq. icmv) then ip3=0. ipsum=ipsum-p3 endif if (icloudbotn(ixp,jyp,mm,ngrid) .eq. icmv) then ip4=0. ipsum=ipsum-p4 endif if (ipsum .eq. 0.) then yi1(m)=icmv else yi1(m)=(ip1*p1*icloudbotn(ix ,jy ,mm,ngrid) & + ip2*p2*icloudbotn(ixp,jy ,mm,ngrid) & + ip3*p3*icloudbotn(ix ,jyp,mm,ngrid) & + ip4*p4*icloudbotn(ixp,jyp,mm,ngrid))/ipsum endif ip1=1. ip2=1. ip3=1. ip4=1. ipsum=1. if (icloudtopn(ix ,jy ,mm,ngrid) .eq. icmv) then ip1=0. ipsum=ipsum-p1 endif if (icloudtopn(ixp,jy ,mm,ngrid) .eq. icmv) then ip2=0. ipsum=ipsum-p2 endif if (icloudtopn(ix ,jyp,mm,ngrid) .eq. icmv) then ip3=0. ipsum=ipsum-p3 endif if (icloudtopn(ixp,jyp,mm,ngrid) .eq. icmv) then ip4=0. ipsum=ipsum-p4 endif if (ipsum .eq. 0.) then yi2(m)=icmv else yi2(m)=(ip1*p1*icloudtopn(ix ,jy ,mm,ngrid) & + ip2*p2*icloudtopn(ixp,jy ,mm,ngrid) & + ip3*p3*icloudtopn(ix ,jyp,mm,ngrid) & + ip4*p4*icloudtopn(ixp,jyp,mm,ngrid))/ipsum endif !PS end clouds end do endif !************************************ ! 2.) Temporal interpolation (linear) !************************************ yint1=(y1(1)*dtp2+y1(2)*dtp1)/dtt ! lsp yint2=(y2(1)*dtp2+y2(2)*dtp1)/dtt ! cp yint3=(y3(1)*dt2+y3(2)*dt1)/dt yint4=(y4(1)*dt2+y4(2)*dt1)/dt ytint=(ytt(1)*dt2+ytt(2)*dt1)/dt !PS clouds:450. ! write(*,*) yi1(1),yi1(2),yi2(1),yi2(2),dt,dt1,dt2 intiy1=int((yi1(1)*dt2 + yi1(2)*dt1)/dt) if (int(yi1(1)) .eq. icmv) intiy1=int(yi1(2)) if (int(yi1(2)) .eq. icmv) intiy1=int(yi1(1)) intiy2=int((yi2(1)*dt2 + yi2(2)*dt1)/dt) if (int(yi2(1)) .eq. icmv) intiy2=int(yi2(2)) if (int(yi2(2)) .eq. icmv) intiy2=int(yi2(1)) ! write(*,*) 'before cbot: ', intiy1, ' cthick: ', intiy2 if (intiy1 .ne. icmv .and. intiy2 .ne. icmv) then intiy2 = intiy2 !intiy1 + intiy2 ! convert cloud thickness to cloud top else intiy1=icmv intiy2=icmv endif if (intiy2 .ne. icmv .and. intiy2 .lt. 0) then write(*,*) itime, memind(1), memind(2) write(*,*) yi1(1),yi1(2),yi2(1),yi2(2),dt,dt1,dt2 write(*,*) 'final cbot: ', intiy1, ' ctop: ', intiy2 stop 'intiy2 (cloud top) negative' endif !PS end clouds end subroutine interpol_rain !********************* !* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS * !********************* ! Interpolation of wind fields !***************************** #ifdef ETA subroutine interpol_wind_eta(zteta,iuv,iweta) !* PRIVATE FUNCTION * real, intent(in) :: zteta integer,intent(in) :: iuv(2),iweta(2) integer :: n,m real :: uh(2),vh(2),wetah(2),uh1(2),vh1(2),wetah1(2) real :: dz1uv,dz2uv,dz1weta,dz2weta !********************************************************************** ! 1.) Bilinear horizontal interpolation ! This has to be done separately for 6 fields (Temporal(2)*Vertical(3)) !********************************************************************** ! Vertical distance to the level below and above current position !**************************************************************** call find_vert_vars(uvheight,zteta,induv,dz1uv,dz2uv,lbounds_uv,.false.) call find_vert_vars(wheight,zteta,indzeta,dz1weta,dz2weta,lbounds_w,.true.) ! Loop over 2 time steps and 2 levels !************************************ if (ngrid.le.0) then ! No nest do m=1,2 do n=1,2 call hor_interpol(wweta,wetah1(n),iweta(n),memind(m),nzmax) if (ngrid.lt.0) then call hor_interpol(uupoleta,uh1(n),iuv(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol(vvpoleta,vh1(n),iuv(n),memind(m),nzmax) else call hor_interpol(uueta,uh1(n),iuv(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol(vveta,vh1(n),iuv(n),memind(m),nzmax) endif end do call vert_interpol(uh1(1),uh1(2),dz1uv,dz2uv,uh(m)) call vert_interpol(vh1(1),vh1(2),dz1uv,dz2uv,vh(m)) call vert_interpol(wetah1(1),wetah1(2),dz1weta,dz2weta,wetah(m)) end do else ! Nest do m=1,2 do n=1,2 ! wetah1(n) = p1*wwetan(ix ,jy ,iweta(n),memind(m),ngrid) & ! + p2*wwetan(ixp,jy ,iweta(n),memind(m),ngrid) & ! + p3*wwetan(ix ,jyp,iweta(n),memind(m),ngrid) & ! + p4*wwetan(ixp,jyp,iweta(n),memind(m),ngrid) call hor_interpol_nest(wwetan,wetah1(n),iweta(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol_nest(uuetan,uh1(n),iuv(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol_nest(vvetan,vh1(n),iuv(n),memind(m),nzmax) end do call vert_interpol(uh1(1),uh1(2),dz1uv,dz2uv,uh(m)) call vert_interpol(vh1(1),vh1(2),dz1uv,dz2uv,vh(m)) call vert_interpol(wetah1(1),wetah1(2),dz1weta,dz2weta,wetah(m)) end do endif call temporal_interpolation(uh(1),uh(2),u) call temporal_interpolation(vh(1),vh(2),v) call temporal_interpolation(wetah(1),wetah(2),weta) end subroutine interpol_wind_eta #else subroutine interpol_wind_meter(zt,iw) !* PRIVATE FUNCTION * real, intent(in) :: zt integer,intent(in) :: iw(2) integer :: n,m real :: uh(2),vh(2),wh(2),uh1(2),vh1(2),wh1(2) real :: dz1w,dz2w !********************************************************************** ! 1.) Bilinear horizontal interpolation ! This has to be done separately for 6 fields (Temporal(2)*Vertical(3)) !********************************************************************** ! Vertical distance to the level below and above current position !**************************************************************** call find_vert_vars(height,zt,indz,dz1w,dz2w,lbounds,.false.) ! Loop over 2 time steps and 2 levels !************************************ if (ngrid.le.0) then ! No nest do m=1,2 do n=1,2 call hor_interpol(ww,wh1(n),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) if (ngrid.lt.0) then call hor_interpol(uupol,uh1(n),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol(vvpol,vh1(n),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) else call hor_interpol(uu,uh1(n),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol(vv,vh1(n),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) endif end do call vert_interpol(wh1(1),wh1(2),dz1w,dz2w,wh(m)) call vert_interpol(uh1(1),uh1(2),dz1w,dz2w,uh(m)) call vert_interpol(vh1(1),vh1(2),dz1w,dz2w,vh(m)) end do else ! Nest do m=1,2 do n=1,2 call hor_interpol_nest(wwn,wh1(n),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol_nest(uun,uh1(n),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call hor_interpol_nest(vvn,vh1(n),iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) end do call vert_interpol(wh1(1),wh1(2),dz1w,dz2w,wh(m)) call vert_interpol(uh1(1),uh1(2),dz1w,dz2w,uh(m)) call vert_interpol(vh1(1),vh1(2),dz1w,dz2w,vh(m)) end do endif call temporal_interpolation(wh(1),wh(2),w) call temporal_interpolation(uh(1),uh(2),u) call temporal_interpolation(vh(1),vh(2),v) end subroutine interpol_wind_meter #endif #ifdef ETA subroutine interpol_partoutput_val_eta(fieldname,output,j) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: j ! particle number character(2), intent(in) :: fieldname ! input field to interpolate over real, intent(inout) :: output real :: field1(2) if (int(dz1out).eq.-1) then call find_z_level_eta(real(part(j)%zeta)) call find_vert_vars(uvheight,real(part(j)%zeta),induv,dz1out,dz2out, & lbounds_uv,.false.) endif select case(fieldname) case('PR','pr') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(prseta,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(prsetan,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('PV','pv') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(pveta,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(pvetan,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('QV','qv') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(qv,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(qvn,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('TT','tt') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(tteta,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(ttetan,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('UU','uu') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(uueta,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(uuetan,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('VV','vv') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(vveta,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(vvetan,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('WW','ww') call find_z_level_meters(real(part(j)%z)) call find_vert_vars(height,real(part(j)%z),indz,dz1out,dz2out,lbounds,.false.) if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(ww,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(wwn,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) dz1out = -1 case('RH','rh') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(rhoeta,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(rhoetan,field1,induv,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) end select end subroutine interpol_partoutput_val_eta #else subroutine interpol_partoutput_val_meter(fieldname,output,j) implicit none !* PRIVATE FUNCTION * integer, intent(in) :: j ! particle number character(2), intent(in) :: fieldname ! input field to interpolate over real, intent(inout) :: output real :: field1(2) if (int(dz1out).eq.-1) then call find_z_level_meters(real(part(j)%z)) call find_vert_vars(height,real(part(j)%z),indz,dz1out,dz2out,lbounds,.false.) endif select case(fieldname) case('PR','pr') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(prs,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(prsn,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('PV','pv') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(pv,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(pvn,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('QV','qv') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(qv,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(qvn,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('TT','tt') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(tt,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(ttn,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('UU','uu') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(uu,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(uun,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('VV','vv') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(vv,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(vvn,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('WW','ww') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(ww,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(wwn,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) case('RH','rh') if (ngrid.le.0) then call bilin_spatial_interpol(rho,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) else call bilin_spatial_interpol_nest(rhon,field1,indz,dz1out,dz2out,nzmax) endif call temporal_interpolation(field1(1),field1(2),output) end select end subroutine interpol_partoutput_val_meter #endif ! #ifdef ETA ! subroutine interpol_pbl_eta(zt,zteta,rhoa,rhograd,ithread) ! integer,intent(in) :: ithread ! real, intent(in) :: zt,zteta ! real, intent(inout) :: rhoa,rhograd ! real :: dz1w,dz2w,dz1uv,dz2uv,dz1weta,dz2weta ! call find_vert_vars(height,zt,indz,dz1w,dz2w,lbounds,.false.) ! call find_vert_vars(uvheight,zteta,induv,dz1uv,dz2uv,lbounds_uv,.false.) ! call find_vert_vars(wheight,zteta,indzeta,dz1weta,dz2weta,lbounds_w,.true.) ! call vert_interpol(wprof(indz,ithread),wprof(indzp,ithread),dz1w,dz2w,w) ! call vert_interpol(uprof(induv,ithread),uprof(indpuv,ithread),dz1uv,dz2uv,u) ! call vert_interpol(vprof(induv,ithread),vprof(indpuv,ithread),dz1uv,dz2uv,v) ! call vert_interpol(rhoprof(induv,ithread),rhoprof(indpuv,ithread),dz1uv,dz2uv,rhoa) ! call vert_interpol(rhogradprof(induv,ithread),rhogradprof(indpuv,ithread),dz1uv,dz2uv,rhograd) ! call vert_interpol(wprofeta(indzeta,ithread),wprofeta(indzpeta,ithread),dz1weta,dz2weta,weta) ! end subroutine interpol_pbl_eta ! #endif #ifdef ETA subroutine stdev_eta(iw,iuv,iweta) !* PRIVATE FUNCTION * ! Standard deviation of surrounding grid points ! Only used in mesoscale turbulence calculations !*********************************************** integer,intent(in) :: iw(2),iuv(2),iweta(2) real :: wsl,wsq,usl,usq,vsl,vsq,wetasl,wetasq integer :: n,m real,parameter :: eps=1.0e-30 ! Standard deviations !******************** wsl=0. wsq=0. usl=0. usq=0. vsl=0. vsq=0. wetasl=0. wetasq=0. if (ngrid.le.0) then ! No nest do m=1,2 do n=1,2 call compute_sl_sq(ww,wsl,wsq,iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call compute_sl_sq(wweta,wetasl,wetasq,iweta(n),memind(m),nzmax) if (ngrid.lt.0) then call compute_sl_sq(uupoleta,usl,usq,iuv(n),memind(m),nzmax) call compute_sl_sq(vvpoleta,vsl,vsq,iuv(n),memind(m),nzmax) else call compute_sl_sq(uueta,usl,usq,iuv(n),memind(m),nzmax) call compute_sl_sq(vveta,vsl,vsq,iuv(n),memind(m),nzmax) endif end do end do else ! Nest do m=1,2 do n=1,2 call compute_sl_sq_nest(wwn,wsl,wsq,iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call compute_sl_sq_nest(wwetan,wetasl,wetasq,iweta(n),memind(m),nzmax) call compute_sl_sq_nest(uuetan,usl,usq,iuv(n),memind(m),nzmax) call compute_sl_sq_nest(vvetan,vsl,vsq,iuv(n),memind(m),nzmax) end do end do endif call stdev(wsl,wsq,16.,wsig) call stdev(usl,usq,16.,usig) call stdev(vsl,vsq,16.,vsig) call stdev(wetasl,wetasq,16.,wsigeta) end subroutine stdev_eta #else subroutine stdev_meter(iw) !* PRIVATE FUNCTION * ! Standard deviation of surrounding grid points ! Only used in mesoscale turbulence calculations !*********************************************** integer,intent(in) :: iw(2) real :: wsl,wsq,usl,usq,vsl,vsq integer :: n,m real,parameter :: eps=1.0e-30 ! Standard deviations !******************** wsl=0. wsq=0. usl=0. usq=0. vsl=0. vsq=0. if (ngrid.le.0) then ! No nest do m=1,2 do n=1,2 call compute_sl_sq(ww,wsl,wsq,iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) if (ngrid.lt.0) then call compute_sl_sq(uupol,usl,usq,iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call compute_sl_sq(vvpol,vsl,vsq,iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) else call compute_sl_sq(uu,usl,usq,iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call compute_sl_sq(vv,vsl,vsq,iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) endif end do end do else ! Nest do m=1,2 do n=1,2 call compute_sl_sq_nest(wwn,wsl,wsq,iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call compute_sl_sq_nest(uun,usl,usq,iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) call compute_sl_sq_nest(vvn,vsl,vsq,iw(n),memind(m),nzmax) end do end do endif call stdev(wsl,wsq,16.,wsig) call stdev(usl,usq,16.,usig) call stdev(vsl,vsq,16.,vsig) end subroutine stdev_meter #endif end module interpol_mod