L. Bakels 2022: this module contains all subroutines related to * calculations between dates: caldate and juldate * *
! SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FLEXPART 1998-2019, see flexpart_license.txt ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later !***************************************************************************** ! * ! L. Bakels 2022: this module contains all subroutines related to * ! calculations between dates: caldate and juldate * ! * !***************************************************************************** module date_mod use par_mod, only: dp implicit none contains subroutine caldate(juliandate,yyyymmdd,hhmiss) ! i o o !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculates the Gregorian date from the Julian date * ! * ! AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl (21 January 1994), adapted from Numerical Recipes* ! * ! PS 2020-07-27: add a check to avoid giving back 240000 for hhmiss * ! * ! * ! Variables: * ! dd Day * ! hh Hour * ! hhmiss Hour, Minute, Second * ! ja,jb,jc,jd,je help variables * ! jalpha help variable * ! juliandate Julian Date * ! julday help variable * ! mi Minute * ! mm Month * ! ss Seconds * ! yyyy Year * ! yyyymmdd Year, Month, Day * ! * ! Constants: * ! igreg help constant * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: yyyymmdd,yyyy,mm,dd,hhmiss,hh,mi,ss integer :: julday,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jalpha real(kind=dp) :: juliandate integer,parameter :: igreg=2299161 julday=int(juliandate) ! PS check to avoid 240000 as hhmiss: if ((juliandate-julday)*86400._dp .ge. 86399.5_dp) then juliandate = juliandate + juliandate-julday-86399.5_dp/86400._dp julday=int(juliandate) endif if(julday.ge.igreg)then jalpha=int(((julday-1867216)-0.25)/36524.25) ja=julday+1+jalpha-int(0.25*jalpha) else ja=julday endif jb=ja+1524 jc=int(6680.+((jb-2439870)-122.1)/365.25) jd=365*jc+int(0.25*jc) je=int((jb-jd)/30.6001) dd=jb-jd-int(30.6001*je) mm=je-1 if (mm.gt.12) mm=mm-12 yyyy=jc-4715 if (mm.gt.2) yyyy=yyyy-1 if (yyyy.le.0) yyyy=yyyy-1 yyyymmdd=10000*yyyy+100*mm+dd hh=int(24._dp*(juliandate-real(julday,kind=dp))) mi=int(1440._dp*(juliandate-real(julday,kind=dp))-60._dp*real(hh,kind=dp)) ss=nint(86400._dp*(juliandate-real(julday,kind=dp))-3600._dp*real(hh,kind=dp)- & 60._dp*real(mi,kind=dp)) if (ss.eq.60) then ! 60 seconds = 1 minute ss=0 mi=mi+1 endif if (mi.eq.60) then mi=0 hh=hh+1 endif hhmiss=10000*hh+100*mi+ss end subroutine caldate real(kind=dp) function juldate(yyyymmdd,hhmiss) !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculates the Julian date * ! * ! AUTHOR: Andreas Stohl (15 October 1993) * ! * ! Variables: * ! dd Day * ! hh Hour * ! hhmiss Hour, minute + second * ! ja,jm,jy help variables * ! juldate Julian Date * ! julday help variable * ! mi Minute * ! mm Month * ! ss Second * ! yyyy Year * ! yyyymmddhh Date and Time * ! * ! Constants: * ! igreg help constant * ! * !***************************************************************************** implicit none integer :: yyyymmdd,yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mi,ss,hhmiss integer :: julday,jy,jm,ja integer,parameter :: igreg=15+31*(10+12*1582) !real(kind=dp) :: juldate yyyy=yyyymmdd/10000 mm=(yyyymmdd-10000*yyyy)/100 dd=yyyymmdd-10000*yyyy-100*mm hh=hhmiss/10000 mi=(hhmiss-10000*hh)/100 ss=hhmiss-10000*hh-100*mi if (yyyy.eq.0) then error stop 'juldate: there is no year zero' end if if (yyyy.lt.0) yyyy=yyyy+1 if (mm.gt.2) then jy=yyyy jm=mm+1 else jy=yyyy-1 jm=mm+13 endif julday=int(365.25*jy)+int(30.6001*jm)+dd+1720995 if (dd+31*(mm+12*yyyy).ge.igreg) then ja=int(0.01*jy) julday=julday+2-ja+int(0.25*ja) endif juldate=real(julday,kind=dp) + real(hh,kind=dp)/24._dp + & real(mi,kind=dp)/1440._dp + real(ss,kind=dp)/86400._dp end function juldate !***************************************************************************** ! * ! Calculates number of days in a month * ! * ! Author: Rona Thompson (Sep 2023) * ! * ! Variables: * ! yyyymm year and month * ! eomday number of days in month (end of month day) * ! * !***************************************************************************** integer function calceomday(yyyymm) integer, intent(in) :: yyyymm integer :: yyyy,mm integer, dimension(12) :: leapdays,days integer :: eomday leapdays=(/31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/) days=(/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/) yyyy=floor(yyyymm/100.) mm=yyyymm-yyyy*100 if((float(yyyy)/100.).eq.float(yyyy/100)) then if((float(yyyy)/400.).eq.float(yyyy/400)) then eomday=leapdays(mm) else eomday=days(mm) endif else if((float(yyyy)/4.).eq.float(yyyy/4)) then eomday=leapdays(mm) else eomday=days(mm) endif endif calceomday=eomday end function calceomday end module date_mod