! Include file for particle diffusion model FLEXPART *
! This file contains a global common block used by FLEXPART *
! *
! Author: A. Stohl *
! *
! June 1996 *
! *
! Update: 15 August 2013 IP *
! PS 19 Nov 2020: correct comment about lcw *
! Anne Tipka, Petra Seibert 2021-02: implement new interpolation *
! for precipitation according to #295 using 2 additional fields *
! *
module com_mod
use par_mod, only: dp, numpath, maxnests, maxndia, &
numclass, maxcolumn, maxrand, numwfmem, numpf, &
maxreagent, maxrecsample
implicit none
! Partoptions derived type. This decides which fields are being computed and output
type :: particleoptions
character(2) :: name
character(28) :: long_name
character(7) :: short_name
logical :: print
logical :: average=.false.
integer :: i_average=0
integer :: ncid
end type particleoptions
integer :: num_partopt=34
integer :: n_average
type(particleoptions),allocatable :: partopt(:)
! Variables defining where FLEXPART input/output files are stored
character :: path(numpath+2*maxnests)*120
integer :: length(numpath+2*maxnests)
character(len=256) :: pathfile, flexversion, flexversion_major, arg1, arg2
character(len=256) :: ohfields_path
character(len=256) :: gitversion
! path path names needed for trajectory model
! length length of path names needed for trajectory model
! pathfile file where pathnames are stored
! flexversion version of flexpart (descriptive long string)
! flexversion_major version of flexpart (major version number)
! arg input arguments from launch at command line
! ohfields_path path to binary files for OH fields
! Variables defining the general model run specifications
integer :: ibdate,ibtime,iedate,ietime,itime_init,loutnext_init,lrecoutnext_init
real :: outnum_init
real(kind=dp) :: bdate,edate
! ibdate beginning date (YYYYMMDD)
! ibtime beginning time (HHMISS)
! iedate ending date (YYYYMMDD)
! ietime ending time (HHMISS)
! itime_init starting time in [s] in case of a restart
! bdate beginning date of simulation (julian date)
! edate ending date of simulation (julian date)
! outnum_init concentration calculation sample number after restart
! loutnext_init first writing time after restart
integer :: ldirect,ideltas
! ldirect 1 for forward, -1 for backward simulation
! ideltas length of trajectory loop from beginning to
! ending date (s)
integer :: loutstep,loutaver,loutsample,loutrestart,method,lsynctime
integer :: lrecoutstep,lrecoutaver,lrecoutsample
real :: outstep
! loutstep [s] gridded concentration output every loutstep seconds
! loutaver [s] concentration output is an average over [s] seconds
! loutsample [s] sampling interval of gridded concentration output
! lrecoutstep [s] receptor concentration output every loutstep seconds
! lrecoutaver [s] receptor concentration output is an average over [s] seconds
! lrecoutsample [s] sampling interval of receptor concentration output
! loutrestart [s] time interval for writing restart files
! lsynctime [s] synchronisation time of all particles
! method indicator which dispersion method is to be used
! outstep = real(abs(loutstep))
real :: ctl,fine
integer :: ifine,iout,ipout,ipin,iflux,mdomainfill,ipoutfac
integer :: mquasilag,nested_output,ind_source,ind_receptor,nxshift
integer :: ind_rel,ind_samp,ioutputforeachrelease,linit_cond,sfc_only
integer :: surf_only ! deprecated
logical :: turbswitch
integer :: cblflag !added by mc for cbl
logical :: llcmoutput
! ctl factor, by which time step must be smaller than Lagrangian time scale
! ifine reduction factor for time step used for vertical wind
! Langevin equation for the vertical wind component
! ioutputforeachrelease Should each release be a seperate output field?
! iflux flux calculation options: 1 calculation of fluxes, 2 no fluxes
! iout output options: 1 conc. output (ng/m3), 2 mixing ratio (pptv), 3 both
! ipout particle dump options: 0 no, 1 every output interval, 2 only at end
! ipoutfac increase particle dump interval by factor (default 1)
! ipin read in particle positions from dumped file from a previous run
! fine real(ifine)
! mdomainfill 0: normal run
! 1: particles are initialized according to atmospheric mass distribution
! ind_source switches between different units for concentrations at the source
! NOTE that in backward simulations the release of computational particles
! takes place at the "receptor" and the sampling of particles at the "source".
! 1= mass units
! 2= mass mixing ratio units
! ind_receptor switches between different units for FLEXPART concentration at the receptor
! 1= mass units
! 2= mass mixing ratio units
! linit_cond switch on the output of sensitivity to initial conditions for backward runs
! 0=no, 1=mass unit, 2=mass mixing ratio unit
! mquasilag 0: normal run
! 1: Particle position output is produced in a condensed format and particles are numbered
! sfc_only switch output in grid_time files for surface only or full vertical resolution
! 0=no (full vertical resolution), 1=yes (surface only)
! nested_output: 0 no, 1 yes
! turbswitch determines how the Markov chain is formulated
! nxshift for global grids (in x), the grid can be shifted by
! nxshift grid points, in order to accomodate nested
! grids, and output grids overlapping the domain "boundary"
! nxshift must not be negative; "normal" setting would be 0
! ind_rel and ind_samp are used within the code to change between mass and mass-mix (see readcommand.f)
! cblflag !: 1 activate cbl skewed pdf routines with bi-gaussina pdf whan OL<0 added by mc
! llcmoutput switch for LCM output (uses mass ratio of species to air tracer) or normal output
integer :: mintime,itsplit
! mintime minimum time step to be used by FLEXPART
! itsplit time constant for splitting particles
integer :: lsubgrid,lconvection,lturbulence,lagespectra
! lsubgrid 1 if subgrid topography parameterization switched on, 2 if not
! lconvection 1 if convection parameterization switched on, 0 if not
! lturbulence 1 if turbulence parameterization switched on, 0 if not
! lagespectra 1 if age spectra calculation switched on, 2 if not
! mesoscale turbulence is found to give issues, so turned off by default
logical :: lmesoscale_turb=.false.
integer :: lnetcdfout
! lnetcdfout 1 for netcdf grid output, 0 if not. Set in COMMAND (namelist input)
integer :: linversionout
! linversionout 1 for one grid_time output file for each release containing all timesteps
integer :: nageclass
integer,allocatable,dimension(:) :: lage
! nageclass number of ageclasses for the age spectra calculation
! lage [s] ageclasses for the age spectra calculation
!ESO: Disable settling if more than 1 species per release point
logical :: lsettling=.true.
logical :: gdomainfill
! gdomainfill .T., if domain-filling is global, .F. if not
logical :: lcw=.false. ! ZHG Sep 2015 ! AT renamed
! whether or not cloud water data found in GRIB, overwritten if CW is found
logical :: lcwsum=.false. ! ESO Dec 2015 ! AT renamed
! whether or not both clwc and ciwc are present (if so they are summed)
logical :: lprecint ! AT, PS 2021
! true if new interpolation using additional precip fields is used
logical,dimension(maxnests) :: lcw_nest=.false.
logical,dimension(maxnests) :: lcwsum_nest=.false.
logical,dimension(maxnests) :: lprecintn
!NIK 16.02.2015
integer(selected_int_kind(16)),allocatable,dimension(:) :: icnt_belowcld, &
! Variables defining the release locations, released species and their
! properties, etc.
!change Sabine Eckhardt, only save the first 1000 identifier for releasepoints
character :: compoint(1001)*45
integer :: numpoint
!sec, now dynamically allocated:
! ireleasestart(maxpoint),ireleaseend(maxpoint)
! real xpoint1(maxpoint),ypoint1(maxpoint)
!real xpoint2(maxpoint),ypoint2(maxpoint)
!real zpoint1(maxpoint),zpoint2(maxpoint)
!integer*2 kindz(maxpoint)
integer,allocatable,dimension(:) :: specnum
!real xmass(maxpoint,maxspec)
real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: decay
real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: weta_gas,wetb_gas
real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: crain_aero,csnow_aero
! NIK: 31.01.2013- parameters for in-cloud scavening
real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: ccn_aero,in_aero
real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: reldiff,henry,f0
real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: density,dquer,dsigma
integer,allocatable,dimension(:) :: ndia
real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: vsetaver,cunningham,weightmolar
real,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: vset,schmi,fract
real,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: ri,rac
real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: rcl,rgs,rlu
real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: rm,dryvel
! Daria Tatsii: species shape properties
real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: Fn,Fs ! Newton and Stokes' regime
real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: ks1,ks2,kn2
integer,allocatable,dimension(:) :: ishape,orient
! chemical reagent variables
character(len=256) :: reag_path(maxreagent)
character(len=16) :: reagents(maxreagent), reag_unit(maxreagent)
integer :: reag_hourly(maxreagent), nreagent
! reaction rates
real,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: reaccconst,reacdconst,reacnconst
! emissions variables for LCM
character(len=256),allocatable,dimension(:) :: emis_path,emis_file,emis_name
integer,allocatable,dimension(:) :: emis_unit
real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: emis_coeff
real,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: area_hour,point_hour
real,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: area_dow,point_dow
!integer npart(maxpoint)
integer :: nspec,maxpointspec_act
character(len=10),allocatable,dimension(:) :: species
! compoint comment, also "name" of each starting point
! numpoint actual number of trajectory starting/ending points
! ireleasestart,ireleaseend [s] starting and ending time of each release
! xmass total mass emitted
! xpoint1,ypoint1 lower left coordinates of release area
! xpoint2,ypoint2 upper right coordinates of release area
! zpoint1,zpoint2 min./max. z-coordinates of release points
! kindz 1: zpoint is in m agl, 2: zpoint is in m asl
! npart number of particles per release point
! nspec number of different species allowed for one release
! maxpointspec_act number of releaspoints for which a different output shall be created
! species name of species
! decay decay constant of radionuclide
! weta_gas, wetb_gas parameters for below-cloud wet scavenging coefficients (gasses)
! crain_aero, csnow_aero parameters for below-cloud wet scavenging coefficients (aerosols)
! ccn_aero, cin_aero parameters for in-cloud wet scavenging coefficients (aerosols)
! reldiff diffusivitiy of species relative to diff. of H2O
! henry [M/atm] Henry constant
! f0 reactivity relative to that of O3
! ri [s/m] stomatal resistance
! rcl [s/m] lower canopy resistance
! rgs [s/m] ground resistance
! rlu [s/m] leaf cuticular resistance
! rm [s/m] mesophyll resistance
! dryvel [m/s] constant dry deposition velocity
! density [kg/m3] density of particles
! dquer [m] mean diameter of particles
! dsigma dsigma=10 or dsigma=0.1 means that 68% of the
! mass are between 0.1*dquer and 10*dquer
! fract mass fraction of each diameter interval
! vset [m/s] gravitational settling velocity in ni intervals
! cunningham Cunningham slip correction (strictly valid only near surface)
! vsetaver [m/s] average gravitational settling velocity
! schmi Schmidt number**2/3 of each diameter interval
! weightmolar [g/mol] molecular weight
! area_hour, point_hour daily variation of emission strengths for area and point sources
! area_dow, point_dow day-of-week variation of emission strengths for area and point sources
! Variables associated with the ECMWF meteorological input data ("wind fields")
integer :: memtime(numwfmem),memind(3),lwindinterv ! eso: or memind(numwfmem)
! memtime [s] validation times of wind fields in memory
! memind pointer to wind field, in order to avoid shuffling
! of wind fields
! lwindinterv [s] Interval between wind fields currently in memory
! Variables associated with the ECMWF input data (nested wind fields)
! NOTE: all nested variables have the same name as the variables used
! for the mother domain, except with a 'n' appended at the end
integer :: numbnests, nxmaxn, nymaxn
! nxmax,nymax maximum dimension of wind fields in x and y
! direction, respectively
! numbnests number of nested grids
! Variables defining the polar stereographic projection
logical :: xglobal,sglobal,nglobal
real :: switchnorthg,switchsouthg
!xglobal T for global fields, F for limited area fields
!sglobal T if domain extends towards south pole
!nglobal T if domain extends towards north pole
!switchnorthg,switchsouthg same as parameters switchnorth,
! switchsouth, but in grid units
real :: southpolemap(9),northpolemap(9)
!southpolemap,northpolemap define stereographic projections
! at the two poles
! Landuse inventory
! Sabine Eckhardt Dec 06: change to new landuse inventary - 11 classes, 1200 x 600 global
integer(kind=1) :: landinvent(1200,600,6)
real :: z0(numclass)
! landinvent landuse inventory (numclass=11 classes)
! z0 roughness length for the landuse classes
! Variables characterizing the output grid and containing the model results
integer :: numxgrid,numygrid,numzgrid
real :: dxout,dyout,outlon0,outlat0,xoutshift,youtshift
integer :: numxgridn,numygridn
real :: dxoutn,dyoutn,outlon0n,outlat0n,xoutshiftn,youtshiftn
!real outheight(maxzgrid),outheighthalf(maxzgrid)
logical,allocatable,dimension(:) :: DRYDEPSPEC,WETDEPSPEC
! numxgrid,numygrid number of grid points in x,y-direction
! numxgridn,numygridn number of grid points in x,y-direction for nested output grid
! numzgrid number of vertical levels of output grid
! dxout,dyout grid distance of output grid
! dxoutn,dyoutn grid distance of nested output grid
! outlon0,outlat0 lower left corner of output grid
! outlon0n,outlat0n lower left corner of nested output grid
! xoutshift,youtshift xlon0-outlon0, ylat0-outlat0
! xoutshiftn,youtshiftn xlon0-outlon0n, ylat0-outlat0n
! outheight [m] upper levels of the output grid
! outheighthalf [m] half (middle) levels of the output grid cells
! DEP .true., if either dry or wet depos. is switched on
! DRYDEP .true., if dry deposition is switched on
! DRYDEPSPEC .true., if dry deposition is switched on for that species
! WETDEP .true., if wet deposition is switched on
! WETDEPSPEC .true., if wet deposition is switched on for that species
! CLREA .true., if chemical reactions is switched on
! ASSSPEC .true., if there are two species asscoiated
! DRYBKDEP,WETBKDEP .true., for bkwd runs, where mass deposited and source regions is calculated - either for dry or for wet deposition
! (i.e. transfer of mass between these two occurs
! LEMIS .true., if particle mass should change due to surface fluxes
! if output for each releasepoint shall be created maxpointspec=number of releasepoints
! else maxpointspec is 1 -> moved to unc_mod
! the OUTGRID is moved to the module outgrid_mod
! gridunc,griduncn uncertainty of outputted concentrations
! wetgridunc,wetgriduncn uncertainty of accumulated wet deposited mass on output grid
! drygridunc,drygriduncn uncertainty of accumulated dry deposited mass on output grid
! oroout,orooutn [m] height of model topography at output grid
! area,arean [m2] area of each grid cell
! volume,volumen [m3] volume of each grid cell
! ... field names with n at the end indicate a nested output grid
! Variables defining receptor points
! general receptors
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: xreceptor,yreceptor,zreceptor
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: treceptor
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: receptorarea
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: creceptor,crecuncert
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: xkreceptor,nnreceptor
character(len=16), allocatable, dimension(:) :: receptorname
integer :: cpointer(maxrecsample)
integer :: numreceptor, numcurrec
logical :: lrecregular
! satellite receptors
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: xsatellite,ysatellite
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: tsatellite
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: satellitearea
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: zsatellite
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: csatellite, csatuncert
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: xksatellite, nnsatellite
character(len=24), allocatable, dimension(:) :: satellitename
integer :: numsatreceptor, nlayermax, numsatellite, numcursat
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: nnsatlayer
integer :: csatpointer(maxrecsample)
! xreceptor,yreceptor,zreceptor receptor position
! creceptor concentrations at receptor points
! receptorarea area of 1*1 grid cell at receptor point
! numreceptor number of receptors (non-satellite)
! numcurrec number of receptors in current time interval (updated each time interval)
! lrecregular logical if receptor output should be at regular intervals (and not according to RECEPTORS namelist)
! numsatreceptor number of satellite receptors (aka. retrievals)
! numcursat number of satellite receptors in current time interval (updated each time interval)
! numsatellite number of satellite instruments
! nlayermax max number of vertical layers in satellite retrievals
! nnsatlayer actual number of vertical layers for each satellite
! Variables characterizing each particle
integer :: numpart=0
integer :: numparticlecount
integer :: maxspec ! Number of chemical species per release
!integer :: maxndia ! Number of diameter bins (now set in par_mod.f90)
!real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: xscav_frac1
! Variables used for writing out interval averages for partoutput
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: npart_av
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: part_av_cartx,part_av_carty,part_av_cartz,part_av_z,part_av_topo
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: part_av_pv,part_av_qv,part_av_tt,part_av_rho,part_av_tro,part_av_hmix
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: part_av_uu,part_av_vv,part_av_energy
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) ::checklifetime, species_lifetime
! numpart actual number of particles in memory
! itra1 (maxpart) [s] temporal positions of the particles
! npoint(maxpart) indicates the release point of each particle
! nclass (maxpart) one of nclassunc classes to which the particle is attributed
! itramem (maxpart) [s] memorized release times of the particles
! itrasplit (maxpart) [s] next time when particle is to be split into two
! idt(maxpart) [s] time step to be used for next integration
! numparticlecount counts the total number of particles that have been released
! xtra1,ytra1,ztra1 spatial positions of the particles
! xmass1 [kg] particle masses
! xscav_frac1 fraction of particle masse which has been scavenged at receptor
! Info table on available chemical species/radionuclides
!character*10 specname(maxtable)
!real decaytime(maxtable),wetscava(maxtable),wetscavb(maxtable)
!real drydiff(maxtable),dryhenry(maxtable),dryactiv(maxtable)
!real partrho(maxtable),partmean(maxtable),partsig(maxtable)
!real dryvelo(maxtable),weightmol(maxtable),ohreact(maxtable)
! specname Name of chemical species/radionuclide
! decaytime Half time of radionuclides
! wetscava, wetscavb Parameters for calculating scavenging coefficients
! drydiff diffusivitiy of species relative to diff. of H2O
! dryhenry [M/atm] Henry constant
! dryactiv reactivity relative to that of O3
! partrho [kg/m3] density of particles
! partmean [m] mean diameter of particles
! partsig [m] mean stand. deviation of particle diameter
! dryvelo [cm/s] constant dry deposition velocity
! weightmol [g/mol] molecular weight
! ohreact OH reaction rate
! Random number field
real :: rannumb(maxrand+2)
! rannumb field of normally distributed random numbers
! variables to control stability of CBL scheme under variation
! of statistics in time and space
integer :: sum_nan_count(3600),maxtl=1200
integer,allocatable,dimension(:) :: nan_count
!added by mc , note that for safety sum_nan_count(N) with N>maxtl
! variables to test well-mixed state of CBL scheme not to be included in final release
real :: well_mixed_vector(50),h_well,well_mixed_norm,avg_air_dens(50),avg_ol,avg_wst,avg_h
! modified by mc to test well-mixed for cbl
! Verbosity, testing flags, namelist I/O
logical :: debug_mode=.false.
integer :: verbosity=0
integer :: info_flag=0
integer :: count_clock, count_clock0, count_rate, count_max
real :: tins
logical, parameter :: nmlout=.true.
! These variables are used to avoid having separate versions of
! files in cases where differences with MPI version are minor (eso)
integer :: mpi_mode=0 ! .gt. 0 if running MPI version
logical :: lroot=.true. ! true if serial version, or if MPI .and. root process
logical, parameter :: interpolhmix=.false. ! true if the hmix shall be interpolated
integer :: numthreads,numthreads_grid ! number of available threads in parallel sections
!integer :: nclassunc2, nrecclunc, ngriclunc
! Set maximum number of threads for doing grid computations in COMMAND
! Recommended to set this to max 16
! High numbers create more overhead and a larger memory footprint
integer :: maxthreadgrid
! Maximum output of each partoutput NetCDF-4 file in Mb
! before a new one is created
integer :: maxfilesize
! This flag sets all vertical interpolation to logarithmic instead of linear
integer :: logvertinterp
logical :: log_interpol=.false.
!LB 04.05.2021, simple timing of IO and total running time
real :: s_readwind=0, s_writepartav=0, s_writepart=0, s_temp=0, s_total=0, s_firstt=0
real, parameter :: eta_convert=1000000., zfac=100.
subroutine alloc_com
implicit none
integer :: stat
allocate( icnt_belowcld(maxspec),icnt_incld(maxspec),stat=stat)
if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate cnt_belowcld or icnt_incld"
allocate( specnum(maxspec),decay(maxspec),weta_gas(maxspec), &
wetb_gas(maxspec),crain_aero(maxspec),csnow_aero(maxspec), &
ccn_aero(maxspec),in_aero(maxspec),ndia(maxspec), &
reldiff(maxspec),henry(maxspec),f0(maxspec),density(maxspec), &
if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate particle property arrays 1"
allocate( vsetaver(maxspec),cunningham(maxspec), &
weightmolar(maxspec),ri(5,numclass),rac(5,numclass), &
rcl(maxspec,5,numclass),rgs(maxspec,5,numclass), &
if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate particle property arrays 2"
allocate( Fn(maxspec),Fs(maxspec),ks1(maxspec),ks2(maxspec), &
if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate particle shape arrays"
allocate( area_hour(maxspec,24),point_hour(maxspec,24), &
area_dow(maxspec,7),point_dow(maxspec,7), &
if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate species arrays"
allocate( DRYDEPSPEC(maxspec),WETDEPSPEC(maxspec),stat=stat)
if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate DRYDEPSPEC or WETDEPSPEC"
! allocate( creceptor(numreceptor,maxspec),stat=stat)
! if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate creceptor"
end subroutine alloc_com
subroutine alloc_com_ndia
implicit none
integer :: stat
if (stat.ne.0) error stop "Could not allocate vset,schmi or fract"
end subroutine alloc_com_ndia
subroutine dealloc_com
deallocate(icnt_belowcld,icnt_incld,specnum,decay,weta_gas,wetb_gas, &
crain_aero,csnow_aero,ccn_aero,in_aero,reldiff,henry,f0,density,dquer, &
dsigma,ndia,vsetaver,cunningham,weightmolar,vset,schmi,fract,ri,rac,rcl, &
rgs,rlu,rm,dryvel,Fn,Fs,ks1,ks2,kn2,ishape, &
end subroutine dealloc_com
subroutine mpi_alloc_part(nmpart)
! Dynamic allocation of arrays
! For FLEXPART version 9.2 and earlier these arrays were statically declared
! with size maxpart. This function is introduced so that the MPI version
! can declare these arrays with smaller size ("maxpart per process"), while
! the serial version allocate at run-time with size maxpart
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nmpart ! maximum number of particles (per process)
if (ipout.eq.3) then
& part_av_cartz(nmpart),part_av_z(nmpart),part_av_topo(nmpart))
& part_av_rho(nmpart),part_av_tro(nmpart),part_av_hmix(nmpart))
end if
end subroutine mpi_alloc_part
subroutine update_gitversion(gitversion_tmp)
character(len=256) :: gitversion_tmp
end subroutine
end module com_mod