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FLEXPART Development at IMGW

This is the home page for those parts of the documentation for the FLEXPART model and related information that are located at the University of Vienna (Univie), Department of Meteorology and Geophysics (IMGW). Most of this was located on until Summer 2024. However, with the move of the development of FLEXPART from NILU to Univie, where now Univie's gitlab instance is used, the trac system on site has been replaced by a limited number of static html pages, while the bulk of the functionality has been transferred to this site at University of Vienna.

The FLEXPART working group at University of Vienna is responsible for the content here, together with other FLEXPART developers.

Documentation of FLEXPART

FLEXPART documentation (to come)

Documentation of flex_extract

flex_extract documentation (to come)

Documentation of FLEXPART Fortran Code

Automated code documentation created by FORD (to come)

FLEXTRA Trajectory Model

All about FLEXTRA


Please feel free to create a branch and create a merge request for changes and additions to the flexpart landing page at the University of Vienna.

Authors and acknowledgment

(to come)


FLEXPART is made available under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
FLEXPART license statement
Explanation and conditions @

Project status


Imprint (to come)

Last update: July 17, 2024
Created: June 4, 2024