Output files

An overview of all possible output files is provided in the table below. Notice that not all these files are written out in every model run; the user settings control which files are produced. At the beginning of a run, FLEXPART records descriptive metadata to either the gridded NetCDF output file (IOUT>8 or LNETCDFOUT=1), the particle output (IPOUT](running.md#iout)=1), or to a dedicated binary file header and a plain text file header_txt (with the exception of the orography data and release information). Corresponding files header_nest are produced if nested output is selected.

When IOUT is set to a non-zero value, FLEXPART produces gridded output. When requiring binary files (IOUT<8), separate files are created for every output time step (LOUTSTEP), species and domain (mother and, if requested, nest). The naming convention for these files is grid_type_date_nnn. When requiring NetCDF output (IOUT>8), this information is all contained in one file for the mother grid, and one for a possible nested grid (NESTED_OUTPUT). When IPOUT is switched on, this information is also contained in the partoutput_nnn.nc files.

Name Format Switches Description of contents
** Header **
header binary IOUT<8 run metadata + ancillary data, included in grid_conc_date.nc and partoutput_date.nc when IOUT>8 and IPOUT=1, respectively.
header_nest binary NESTED_OUTPUT=1 IOUT<8 run metadata + ancillary data, included in grid_conc_date_nest.nc and partoutput_date_nest.nc when IOUT>8 and IPOUT=1, respectively.
header_txt text IOUT<8 human-readable run metadata (from COMMAND)
header_txt_releases text IOUT<8 human-readable run metadata (from RELEASES or part_ic.nc)
dates text IOUT<8 time series: dates of output files
** Gridded data **
grid_conc_date_nnn binary LDIRECT=1 IOUT=1,3,5 3D tracer mass density and 2D deposition
grid_pptv_date_nnn binary LDIRECT=1 IOUT=2,3 3D tracer volume mixing ratio and 2D deposition
grid_time_date_nnn binary LDIRECT=-1 IOUT=1 3D sensitivity of atmospheric receptor to emissions
grid_drydep_date_nnn binary LDIRECT=-1 IOUT=1 IND_RECEPTOR=3 3D sensitivity of dry deposition receptor to emissions
grid_wetdep_date_nnn binary LDIRECT=-1 IOUT=1 IND_RECEPTOR=4 3D sensitivity of wet deposition receptor to emissions
grid_conc_date.nc NetCDF LDIRECT=1 IOUT=9,10,11,13 3D tracer and 2D wet and dry deposition
grid_time_date.nc NetCDF LDIRECT=-1 IOUT=9 3D sensitivity of atmospheric receptor to emissions
grid_drydep_date.nc NetCDF LDIRECT=-1 IOUT=9 IND_RECEPTOR=3 3D sensitivity of dry deposition receptor to emissions
grid_wetdep_date.nc NetCDF LDIRECT=-1 IOUT=9 IND_RECEPTOR=4 3D sensitivity of wet deposition receptor to emissions
grid_initial_nnn binary LDIRECT=-1 LINIT_COND>0 3D sensitivity of receptor concentrations and deposition to initial conditions
** Nested gridded data **
grid_conc_nest_date_nnn binary NESTED_OUTPUT=1 LDIRECT=1 IOUT=1,3,5 3D tracer mass density and 2D deposition
grid_pptv_nest_date_nnn binary NESTED_OUTPUT=1 LDIRECT=1 IOUT=2,3 3D tracer volume mixing ratio and 2D deposition
grid_time_nest_date_nnn binary NESTED_OUTPUT=1 LDIRECT=-1 IOUT=1 3D sensitivity of atmospheric receptor to emissions
grid_drydep_nest_date_nnn binary NESTED_OUTPUT=1 LDIRECT=-1 IOUT=1 IND_RECEPTOR=3 3D sensitivity of dry deposition receptor to emissions
grid_wetdep_nest_date_nnn binary NESTED_OUTPUT=1 LDIRECT=-1 IOUT=1 IND_RECEPTOR=4 3D sensitivity of wet deposition receptor to emissions
grid_conc_nest_date.nc NetCDF NESTED_OUTPUT=1 LDIRECT=1 IOUT=9,10,11,13 3D tracer and 2D wet and dry deposition
grid_time_nest_date.nc NetCDF NESTED_OUTPUT=1 LDIRECT=-1 IOUT=9 3D sensitivity of atmospheric receptor to emissions
grid_drydep_nest_date.nc NetCDF NESTED_OUTPUT=1 LDIRECT=-1 IOUT=9 IND_RECEPTOR=3 3D sensitivity of dry deposition receptor to emissions
grid_wetdep_nest_date.nc NetCDF NESTED_OUTPUT=1 LDIRECT=-1 IOUT=9 IND_RECEPTOR=4 3D sensitivity of wet deposition receptor to emissions
** Particle data **
partoutput_date.nc NetCDF IPOUT=1,2,3 Data at particle level. Output fields set in PARTOPTIONS
partinit_date.nc NetCDF IPOUT=1,2,3 IPIN=1 Initial particle data at t=0. Output fields set in PARTOPTIONS
restart_date binary LOUTRESTART>=0 Binary restart files are written to file at each LOUTRESTART interval, see Restarting a simulation