

There are two options to download FLEXPART:

  • tar ball

    You can download a tar ball with the latest release from the FLEXPART page and then untar the file:

    $ tar -xvf <flexpart_vX.X.tar>
  • git repository

    If you have git installed, you can clone the latest version from our git repository:

    $ git clone --single-branch --branch master


FLEXPART 11 is written in Fortran 2018. The following compilers can be used to compile FLEXPART:

  • GNU Fortran compiler version 8+ (gfortran)
  • Intel Fortran compiler (ifort)

For running FLEXPART in parallel mode, a compiler supporting OpenMP is required. In addition, libraries (in particular hdf5) should be compiled threadsafe.


FLEXPART uses the following libraries:

These libraries are usually available as packages in most Linux distributions and MacOS package managers. For example:

  • In Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt install libeccodes-dev libnetcdff
  • In MacOS + Homebrew: brew install eccodes netcdf

Compiling FLEXPART

FLEXPART is compiled with make, which uses the makefile in the src subdirectory. Starting from the root directory, you can then compile FLEXPART with the following steps:

$ cd src/
$ make -j -f <prefered_makefile>

This will create the executable FLEXPART_ETA. Note that this executable can only be used on ECMWF data.


Before compiling FLEXPART, you might want to change parameters defined in par_mod.f90

  • dp, sp, dep_prec: Setting the precision of the simulation.
  • lusekerneloutput: Switch for using a kernel for calculating concentrations/deposition. Default: True.
  • lparticlecountoutput: Switch to set output units to number of particles per grid cell. Default: False.
  • numpf: Number of precipitation fields read by the executable. This should correspond with the number of precipitation fields present in the meteorological data. Default: 1.
  • lpartoutputperfield: When using particle output (IPOUT=1), this switch sets if all selected fields are written to one netcdf file or a separate one for each field.
  • Many parameters that govern the different parameter schemes within FLEXPART.

Compiling FLEXPART without eta coordinates

$ make -j -f <prefered_makefile> eta=no

This will create the executable FLEXPART

Compiling FLEXPART without NetCDF libraries

$ make -j -f <prefered_makefile> eta=<yes/no> ncf=no

This will create the executable FLEXPART_BIN, or FLEXPART_ETA_BIN for eta=yes.


the makefile provided uses a predefined CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH, the default on most servers. If these paths are not available, you will need to edit the makefile, adding the correct paths manually.


The default and recommended optimisation flags in the makefile are -O3 -march=native -mtune=native -fopenmp. If not requiring a parallelised version, the -fopenmp can be switched off without consequence.


At the bottom of the default makefile, one can find the list of modules an how they depend on each other in ascending order.