Source code for EcFlexpart

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Anne Fouilloux (University of Oslo)
# @Date: October 2014
# @Change History:
#    November 2015 - Leopold Haimberger (University of Vienna):
#        - extended with class Control
#        - removed functions mkdir_p, daterange, years_between, months_between
#        - added functions darain, dapoly, to_param_id, init128, normal_exit,
#          my_error, clean_up, install_args_and_control,
#          interpret_args_and_control,
#        - removed function __del__ in class EIFLexpart
#        - added the following functions in EIFlexpart:
#            - create_namelist
#            - process_output
#            - deacc_fluxes
#        - modified existing EIFlexpart - functions for the use in
#          flex_extract
#        - retrieve also longer term forecasts, not only analyses and
#          short term forecast data
#        - added conversion into GRIB2
#    February 2018 - Anne Philipp (University of Vienna):
#        - applied PEP8 style guide
#        - added documentation
#        - removed function getFlexpartTime in class EcFlexpart
#        - outsourced class ControlFile
#        - outsourced class MarsRetrieval
#        - changed class name from EIFlexpart to EcFlexpart
#        - applied minor code changes (style)
#        - removed "dead code" , e.g. retrieval of Q since it is not needed
#        - removed "times" parameter from retrieve-method since it is not used
#        - seperated function "retrieve" into smaller functions (less code
#          duplication, easier testing)
# @License:
#    (C) Copyright 2014-2020.
#    Anne Philipp, Leopold Haimberger
#    SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
#    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
#    International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
# or send a letter to
#    Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
#pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation
# this is disabled because for this specific case its an error in pylint
#pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate
# this is not useful in this case
#pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
# this error is a bug
#pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
# not necessary that we group the imports
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import glob
import shutil
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# software specific classes and modules from flex_extract
#pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
import _config
from Classes.GribUtil import GribUtil
from import (init128, to_param_id, silent_remove, product,
                        my_error, get_informations, get_dimensions,
                        execute_subprocess, to_param_id_with_tablenumber,
from Classes.MarsRetrieval import MarsRetrieval
from Classes.UioFiles import UioFiles
import Mods.disaggregation as disaggregation
#pylint: enable=wrong-import-position
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class EcFlexpart(object): ''' Class to represent FLEXPART specific ECMWF data. FLEXPART needs grib files in a specifc format. All necessary data fields for one time step are stored in a single file. The class represents an instance with all the parameter and settings necessary for retrieving MARS data and modifing them so they are fitting FLEXPART needs. The class is able to disaggregate the fluxes and convert grid types to the one needed by FLEXPART, therefore using the FORTRAN program. Attributes ---------- mreq_count : int Counter for the number of generated mars requests. inputdir : str Path to the directory where the retrieved data is stored. dataset : str For public datasets there is the specific naming and parameter dataset which has to be used to characterize the type of data. basetime : int The time for a half day retrieval. The 12 hours upfront are to be retrieved. dtime : str Time step in hours. acctype : str The field type for the accumulated forecast fields. acctime : str The starting time from the accumulated forecasts. accmaxstep : str The maximum forecast step for the accumulated forecast fields. marsclass : str Characterisation of dataset. stream : str Identifies the forecasting system used to generate the data. number : str Selects the member in ensemble forecast run. resol : str Specifies the desired triangular truncation of retrieved data, before carrying out any other selected post-processing. accuracy : str Specifies the number of bits per value to be used in the generated GRIB coded fields. addpar : str List of additional parameters to be retrieved. level : str Specifies the maximum level. expver : str The version of the dataset. levelist : str Specifies the required levels. glevelist : str Specifies the required levels for gaussian grids. gaussian : str This parameter is deprecated and should no longer be used. Specifies the desired type of Gaussian grid for the output. grid : str Specifies the output grid which can be either a Gaussian grid or a Latitude/Longitude grid. area : str Specifies the desired sub-area of data to be extracted. purefc : int Switch for definition of pure forecast mode or not. outputfilelist : list of str The final list of FLEXPART ready input files. types : dictionary Determines the combination of type of fields, time and forecast step to be retrieved. params : dictionary Collection of grid types and their corresponding parameters, levels, level types and the grid definition. server : ECMWFService or ECMWFDataServer This is the connection to the ECMWF data servers. public : int Decides which Web API Server version is used. dates : str Contains start and end date of the retrieval in the format "YYYYMMDD/to/YYYYMMDD" ''' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CLASS FUNCTIONS # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, c, fluxes=False): '''Creates an object/instance of EcFlexpart with the associated settings of its attributes for the retrieval. Parameters: ----------- c : ControlFile Contains all the parameters of CONTROL file and command line. fluxes : boolean, optional Decides if the flux parameter settings are stored or the rest of the parameter list. Default value is False. Return ------ ''' # set a counter for the number of generated mars requests self.mreq_count = 0 self.inputdir = c.inputdir self.dataset = c.dataset self.basetime = c.basetime self.dtime = c.dtime self.acctype = c.acctype self.acctime = c.acctime self.accmaxstep = c.accmaxstep self.marsclass = c.marsclass = self.number = c.number self.resol = c.resol self.accuracy = c.accuracy self.addpar = c.addpar self.level = c.level self.expver = c.expver self.levelist = c.levelist self.glevelist = '1/to/' + c.level # in case of gaussian grid self.gaussian = c.gaussian self.grid = c.grid self.area = c.area self.purefc = c.purefc self.outputfilelist = [] # Define the different types of field combinations (type, time, step) self.types = {} # Define the parameters and their level types, level list and # grid resolution for the retrieval job self.params = {} if fluxes: self._create_params_fluxes() else: self._create_params(c.gauss, c.eta,, c.cwc, c.wrf) if fluxes:# and not c.purefc: self._create_field_types_fluxes() else: self._create_field_types(c.type, c.time, c.step) return def _create_field_types(self, ftype, ftime, fstep): '''Create the combination of field type, time and forecast step. Parameters: ----------- ftype : list of str List of field types. ftime : list of str The time in hours of the field. fstep : str Specifies the forecast time step from forecast base time. Valid values are hours (HH) from forecast base time. Return ------ ''' i = 0 for ty, st, ti in zip(ftype, fstep, ftime): btlist = list(range(len(ftime))) if self.basetime == 12: btlist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] if self.basetime == 0: btlist = [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 0] # if ((ty.upper() == 'AN' and (int(c.time[i]) % int(c.dtime)) == 0) or # (ty.upper() != 'AN' and (int(c.step[i]) % int(c.dtime)) == 0 and # (int(c.step[i]) % int(c.dtime) == 0)) ) and \ # (int(c.time[i]) in btlist or c.purefc): if (i in btlist) or self.purefc: if ((ty.upper() == 'AN' and (int(ti) % int(self.dtime)) == 0) or (ty.upper() != 'AN' and (int(st) % int(self.dtime)) == 0)): if ty not in self.types.keys(): self.types[ty] = {'times': '', 'steps': ''} if ti not in self.types[ty]['times']: if self.types[ty]['times']: self.types[ty]['times'] += '/' self.types[ty]['times'] += ti if st not in self.types[ty]['steps']: if self.types[ty]['steps']: self.types[ty]['steps'] += '/' self.types[ty]['steps'] += st i += 1 return def _create_field_types_fluxes(self): '''Create the combination of field type, time and forecast step for the flux data. Parameters: ----------- Return ------ ''' if self.purefc: # need to retrieve forecasts for step 000 in case of pure forecast steps = '{}/to/{}/by/{}'.format(0, self.accmaxstep, self.dtime) else: steps = '{}/to/{}/by/{}'.format(self.dtime, self.accmaxstep, self.dtime) self.types[str(self.acctype)] = {'times': str(self.acctime), 'steps': steps} return def _create_params(self, gauss, eta, omega, cwc, wrf): '''Define the specific parameter settings for retrievment. The different parameters need specific grid types and level types for retrievement. We might get following combination of types (depending on selection and availability): (These are short cuts for the grib file names (leading sequence) SH__ML, OG__ML, GG__ML, SH__SL, OG__SL, GG__SL, OG_OROLSM_SL where: SH = Spherical Harmonics, GG = Gaussian Grid, OG = Output Grid, ML = Model Level, SL = Surface Level For each of this combination there is a list of parameter names, the level type, the level list and the grid resolution. There are different scenarios for data extraction from MARS: 1) Retrieval of etadot eta=1, gauss=0, omega=0 2) Calculation of etadot from divergence eta=0, gauss=1, omega=0 3) Calculation of etadot from omega (for makes sense for debugging) eta=0, gauss=0, omega=1 4) Retrieval and Calculation of etadot (only for debugging) eta=1, gauss=1, omega=0 5) Download also specific model and surface level data for FLEXPART-WRF Parameters: ----------- gauss : int Gaussian grid is retrieved. eta : int Etadot parameter will be directly retrieved. omega : int The omega paramterwill be retrieved. cwc : int The cloud liquid and ice water content will be retrieved. wrf : int Additional model level and surface level data will be retrieved for WRF/FLEXPART-WRF simulations. Return ------ ''' # SURFACE FIELDS #----------------------------------------------------------------------- self.params['SH__SL'] = ['LNSP', 'ML', '1', 'OFF'] self.params['OG__SL'] = ['SD/MSL/TCC/10U/10V/2T/2D/Z/LSM', \ 'SFC', '1', self.grid] if self.addpar: self.params['OG__SL'][0] += self.addpar if self.marsclass.upper() == 'EA' or self.marsclass.upper() == 'EP': self.params['OG_OROLSM__SL'] = ["SDOR/CVL/CVH/FSR", 'SFC', '1', self.grid] else: self.params['OG_OROLSM__SL'] = ["SDOR/CVL/CVH/SR", \ 'SFC', '1', self.grid] # MODEL LEVEL FIELDS #----------------------------------------------------------------------- self.params['OG__ML'] = ['T/Q', 'ML', self.levelist, self.grid] if not gauss and eta: self.params['OG__ML'][0] += '/U/V/ETADOT' elif gauss and not eta: self.params['GG__SL'] = ['Q', 'ML', '1', '{}'.format((int(self.resol) + 1) // 2)] self.params['SH__ML'] = ['U/V/D', 'ML', self.glevelist, 'OFF'] elif not gauss and not eta: self.params['OG__ML'][0] += '/U/V' else: # GAUSS and ETA print('Warning: Collecting etadot and parameters for gaussian grid ' 'is a very costly parameter combination, ' 'use this combination only for debugging!') self.params['GG__SL'] = ['Q', 'ML', '1', '{}'.format((int(self.resol) + 1) // 2)] self.params['GG__ML'] = ['U/V/D/ETADOT', 'ML', self.glevelist, '{}'.format((int(self.resol) + 1) // 2)] if omega: self.params['OG__ML'][0] += '/W' if cwc: self.params['OG__ML'][0] += '/CLWC/CIWC' # ADDITIONAL FIELDS FOR FLEXPART-WRF MODEL (IF QUESTIONED) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if wrf: # @WRF # THIS IS NOT YET CORRECTLY IMPLEMENTED !!! # # UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!! # print('WRF VERSION IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION!') # dummy argument #self.params['OG__ML'][0] += '/Z/VO' #if '/D' not in self.params['OG__ML'][0]: # self.params['OG__ML'][0] += '/D' #wrf_sfc = ['SP','SKT','SST','CI','STL1','STL2', 'STL3','STL4', # 'SWVL1','SWVL2','SWVL3','SWVL4'] #for par in wrf_sfc: # if par not in self.params['OG__SL'][0]: # self.params['OG__SL'][0] += '/' + par return def _create_params_fluxes(self): '''Define the parameter setting for flux data. Flux data are accumulated fields in time and are stored on the surface level. The leading short cut name for the grib files is: "OG_acc_SL" with OG for Regular Output Grid, SL for Surface Level, and acc for Accumulated Grid. The params dictionary stores a list of parameter names, the level type, the level list and the grid resolution. The flux data are: LSP/CP/SSHF/EWSS/NSSS/SSR Parameters: ----------- Return ------ ''' self.params['OG_acc_SL'] = ["LSP/CP/SSHF/EWSS/NSSS/SSR", 'SFC', '1', self.grid] return def _mk_targetname(self, ftype, param, date): '''Creates the filename for the requested grib data to be stored in. This name is passed as the "target" parameter in the request. Parameters ---------- ftype : str Shortcut name of the type of the field. E.g. AN, FC, PF, ... param : str Shortcut of the grid type. E.g. SH__ML, SH__SL, GG__ML, GG__SL, OG__ML, OG__SL, OG_OROLSM_SL, OG_acc_SL date : str The date period of the grib data to be stored in this file. Return ------ targetname : str The target filename for the grib data. ''' targetname = (self.inputdir + '/' + ftype + param + '.' + date + '.' + str(os.getppid()) + '.' + str(os.getpid()) + '.grb') return targetname def _start_retrievement(self, request, par_dict): '''Creates the Mars Retrieval and prints or submits the request depending on the status of the request variable. Parameters ---------- request : int Selects the mode of retrieval. 0: Retrieves the data from ECMWF. 1: Prints the mars requests to an output file. 2: Retrieves the data and prints the mars request. par_dict : dictionary Contains all parameter which have to be set for creating the Mars Retrievals. The parameter are: marsclass, dataset, stream, type, levtype, levelist, resol, gaussian, accuracy, grid, target, area, date, time, number, step, expver, param Return ------ ''' # increase number of mars requests self.mreq_count += 1 MR = MarsRetrieval(self.server, self.public, marsclass=par_dict['marsclass'], dataset=par_dict['dataset'], stream=par_dict['stream'], type=par_dict['type'], levtype=par_dict['levtype'], levelist=par_dict['levelist'], resol=par_dict['resol'], gaussian=par_dict['gaussian'], accuracy=par_dict['accuracy'], grid=par_dict['grid'], target=par_dict['target'], area=par_dict['area'], date=par_dict['date'], time=par_dict['time'], number=par_dict['number'], step=par_dict['step'], expver=par_dict['expver'], param=par_dict['param']) if request == 0: MR.display_info() MR.data_retrieve() elif request == 1: MR.print_infodata_csv(self.inputdir, self.mreq_count) elif request == 2: MR.print_infodata_csv(self.inputdir, self.mreq_count) MR.display_info() MR.data_retrieve() else: print('Failure') return def _mk_index_values(self, inputdir, inputfiles, keys): '''Creates an index file for a set of grib parameter keys. The values from the index keys are returned in a list. Parameters ---------- keys : dictionary List of parameter names which serves as index. inputfiles : UioFiles Contains a list of files. Return ------ iid : codes_index This is a grib specific index structure to access messages in a file. index_vals : list of list of str Contains the values from the keys used for a distinct selection of grib messages in processing the grib files. Content looks like e.g.: index_vals[0]: ('20171106', '20171107', '20171108') ; date index_vals[1]: ('0', '1200', '1800', '600') ; time index_vals[2]: ('0', '12', '3', '6', '9') ; stepRange ''' from eccodes import codes_index_get iid = None index_keys = keys indexfile = os.path.join(inputdir, _config.FILE_GRIB_INDEX) silent_remove(indexfile) grib = GribUtil(inputfiles.files) # creates new index file iid = grib.index(index_keys=index_keys, index_file=indexfile) # read the values of index keys index_vals = [] for key in index_keys: key_vals = codes_index_get(iid, key) # have to sort the key values for correct order, # therefore convert to int first key_vals = [int(k) for k in key_vals] key_vals.sort() key_vals = [str(k) for k in key_vals] index_vals.append(key_vals) # index_vals looks for example like: # index_vals[0]: ('20171106', '20171107', '20171108') ; date # index_vals[1]: ('0', '1200') ; time # index_vals[2]: (3', '6', '9', '12') ; stepRange return iid, index_vals
[docs] def retrieve(self, server, dates, public, request, inputdir='.'): '''Finalizing the retrieval information by setting final details depending on grid type. Prepares MARS retrievals per grid type and submits them. Parameters ---------- server : ECMWFService or ECMWFDataServer The connection to the ECMWF server. This is different for member state users which have full access and non member state users which have only access to the public data sets. The decision is made from command line argument "public"; for public access its True (ECMWFDataServer) for member state users its False (ECMWFService) dates : str Contains start and end date of the retrieval in the format "YYYYMMDD/to/YYYYMMDD" request : int Selects the mode of retrieval. 0: Retrieves the data from ECMWF. 1: Prints the mars requests to an output file. 2: Retrieves the data and prints the mars request. inputdir : str, optional Path to the directory where the retrieved data is about to be stored. The default is the current directory ('.'). Return ------ ''' self.dates = dates self.server = server self.public = public self.inputdir = inputdir oro = False # define times with datetime module t12h = timedelta(hours=12) t24h = timedelta(hours=24) # dictionary which contains all parameter for the mars request, # entries with a "None" will change in different requests and will # therefore be set in each request seperately retr_param_dict = {'marsclass':self.marsclass, 'dataset':self.dataset, 'stream':None, 'type':None, 'levtype':None, 'levelist':None, 'resol':self.resol, 'gaussian':None, 'accuracy':self.accuracy, 'grid':None, 'target':None, 'area':None, 'date':None, 'time':None, 'number':self.number, 'step':None, 'expver':self.expver, 'param':None} for ftype in sorted(self.types): # ftype contains field types such as # [AN, FC, PF, CV] for pk, pv in sorted(self.params.items()): # pk contains one of these keys of params # [SH__ML, SH__SL, GG__ML, GG__SL, OG__ML, OG__SL, # OG_OROLSM_SL, OG_acc_SL] # pv contains all of the items of the belonging key # [param, levtype, levelist, grid] if isinstance(pv, str): continue retr_param_dict['type'] = ftype retr_param_dict['time'] = self.types[ftype]['times'] retr_param_dict['step'] = self.types[ftype]['steps'] retr_param_dict['date'] = self.dates retr_param_dict['stream'] = retr_param_dict['target'] = \ self._mk_targetname(ftype, pk, retr_param_dict['date'].split('/')[0]) table128 = init128(_config.PATH_GRIBTABLE) ids = to_param_id_with_tablenumber(pv[0], table128) retr_param_dict['param'] = ids retr_param_dict['levtype'] = pv[1] retr_param_dict['levelist'] = pv[2] retr_param_dict['grid'] = pv[3] retr_param_dict['area'] = self.area retr_param_dict['gaussian'] = self.gaussian if pk == 'OG_OROLSM__SL' and not oro: oro = True # in CERA20C (class EP) there is no stream "OPER"! if self.marsclass.upper() != 'EP': retr_param_dict['stream'] = 'OPER' retr_param_dict['type'] = 'AN' retr_param_dict['time'] = '00' retr_param_dict['step'] = '000' retr_param_dict['date'] = self.dates.split('/')[0] retr_param_dict['target'] = self._mk_targetname('', pk, retr_param_dict['date']) elif pk == 'OG_OROLSM__SL' and oro: continue if pk == 'GG__SL' and pv[0] == 'Q': retr_param_dict['area'] = "" retr_param_dict['gaussian'] = 'reduced' if ftype.upper() == 'FC' and \ 'acc' not in retr_param_dict['target']: if (int(retr_param_dict['time'][0]) + int(retr_param_dict['step'][0])) > 23: dates = retr_param_dict['date'].split('/') sdate = datetime.strptime(dates[0], '%Y%m%d%H') sdate = sdate - timedelta(days=1) retr_param_dict['date'] = '/'.join( [sdate.strftime("%Y%m%d")] + retr_param_dict['date'][1:]) print('CHANGED FC start date to ' + sdate.strftime("%Y%m%d") + ' to accomodate TIME=' + retr_param_dict['time'][0] + ', STEP=' + retr_param_dict['time'][0]) # ------ on demand path -------------------------------------------------- if self.basetime is None: # ******* start retrievement self._start_retrievement(request, retr_param_dict) # ------ operational path ------------------------------------------------ else: # check if mars job requests fields beyond basetime. # if yes eliminate those fields since they may not # be accessible with user's credentials enddate = retr_param_dict['date'].split('/')[-1] elimit = datetime.strptime(enddate + str(self.basetime), '%Y%m%d%H') if self.basetime == 12: # -------------- flux data ---------------------------- if 'acc' in pk: startdate = retr_param_dict['date'].split('/')[0] enddate = datetime.strftime(elimit - t24h, '%Y%m%d') retr_param_dict['date'] = '/'.join([startdate, 'to', enddate]) # ******* start retrievement self._start_retrievement(request, retr_param_dict) retr_param_dict['date'] = \ datetime.strftime(elimit - t12h, '%Y%m%d') retr_param_dict['time'] = '00' retr_param_dict['target'] = \ self._mk_targetname(ftype, pk, retr_param_dict['date']) # ******* start retrievement self._start_retrievement(request, retr_param_dict) # -------------- non flux data ------------------------ else: # ******* start retrievement self._start_retrievement(request, retr_param_dict) elif self.basetime == 0: # retr_param_dict['date'] = \ # datetime.strftime(elimit - t24h, '%Y%m%d') timesave = ''.join(retr_param_dict['time']) if all(['/' in retr_param_dict['time'], pk != 'OG_OROLSM__SL', 'acc' not in pk]): times = retr_param_dict['time'].split('/') steps = retr_param_dict['step'].split('/') while int(times[0]) + int(steps[0]) <= 12: times = times[1:] if len(times) > 1: retr_param_dict['time'] = '/'.join(times) else: retr_param_dict['time'] = times[0] if all([pk != 'OG_OROLSM__SL', int(retr_param_dict['step'].split('/')[0]) == 0, int(timesave.split('/')[0]) == 0]): retr_param_dict['date'] = \ datetime.strftime(elimit, '%Y%m%d') retr_param_dict['time'] = '00' retr_param_dict['step'] = '000' retr_param_dict['target'] = \ self._mk_targetname(ftype, pk, retr_param_dict['date']) # ******* start retrievement self._start_retrievement(request, retr_param_dict) else: raise ValueError('ERROR: Basetime has an invalid value ' '-> {}'.format(str(self.basetime))) if request == 0 or request == 2: print('MARS retrieve done ... ') elif request == 1: print('MARS request printed ...') return
[docs] def write_namelist(self, c): '''Creates a namelist file in the temporary directory and writes the following values to it: maxl, maxb, mlevel, mlevelist, mnauf, metapar, rlo0, rlo1, rla0, rla1, momega, momegadiff, mgauss, msmooth, meta, metadiff, mdpdeta Parameters ---------- c : ControlFile Contains all the parameters of CONTROL file and command line. filename : str Name of the namelist file. Return ------ ''' from genshi.template.text import NewTextTemplate from genshi.template import TemplateLoader from genshi.template.eval import UndefinedError import numpy as np try: loader = TemplateLoader(_config.PATH_TEMPLATES, auto_reload=False) namelist_template = loader.load(_config.TEMPFILE_NAMELIST, cls=NewTextTemplate) self.inputdir = c.inputdir area = np.asarray(self.area.split('/')).astype(float) grid = np.asarray(self.grid.split('/')).astype(float) if area[1] > area[3]: area[1] -= 360 maxl = int(round((area[3] - area[1]) / grid[1])) + 1 maxb = int(round((area[0] - area[2]) / grid[0])) + 1 stream = namelist_template.generate( maxl=str(maxl), maxb=str(maxb), mlevel=str(self.level), mlevelist=str(self.levelist), mnauf=str(self.resol), metapar='77', rlo0=str(area[1]), rlo1=str(area[3]), rla0=str(area[2]), rla1=str(area[0]), momega=str(, momegadiff=str(c.omegadiff), mgauss=str(c.gauss), msmooth=str(c.smooth), meta=str(c.eta), metadiff=str(c.etadiff), mdpdeta=str(c.dpdeta) ) except UndefinedError as e: print('... ERROR ' + str(e)) sys.exit('\n... error occured while trying to generate namelist ' + _config.TEMPFILE_NAMELIST) except OSError as e: print('... ERROR CODE: ' + str(e.errno)) print('... ERROR MESSAGE:\n \t ' + str(e.strerror)) sys.exit('\n... error occured while trying to generate template ' + _config.TEMPFILE_NAMELIST) try: namelistfile = os.path.join(self.inputdir, _config.FILE_NAMELIST) with open(namelistfile, 'w') as f: f.write(stream.render('text')) except OSError as e: print('... ERROR CODE: ' + str(e.errno)) print('... ERROR MESSAGE:\n \t ' + str(e.strerror)) sys.exit('\n... error occured while trying to write ' + namelistfile) return
[docs] def deacc_fluxes(self, inputfiles, c): '''De-accumulate and disaggregate flux data. Goes through all flux fields in ordered time and de-accumulate the fields. Afterwards the fields are disaggregated in time. Different versions of disaggregation is provided for rainfall data (darain, modified linear) and the surface fluxes and stress data (dapoly, cubic polynomial). Parameters ---------- inputfiles : UioFiles Contains the list of files that contain flux data. c : ControlFile Contains all the parameters of CONTROL file and command line. Return ------ ''' import numpy as np from eccodes import (codes_index_select, codes_get, codes_get_values, codes_set_values, codes_set, codes_write, codes_release, codes_new_from_index, codes_index_release) table128 = init128(_config.PATH_GRIBTABLE) # get ids from the flux parameter names pars = to_param_id(self.params['OG_acc_SL'][0], table128) iid = None index_vals = None # get the values of the keys which are used for distinct access # of grib messages via product and save the maximum number of # ensemble members if there is more than one if '/' in self.number: # more than one ensemble member is selected index_keys = ["number", "date", "time", "step"] # maximum ensemble number retrieved # + 1 for the control run (ensemble number 0) maxnum = int(self.number.split('/')[-1]) + 1 # remember the index of the number values index_number = index_keys.index('number') # empty set to save ensemble numbers which were already processed ens_numbers = set() # index for the ensemble number inumb = 0 else: index_keys = ["date", "time", "step"] # maximum ensemble number maxnum = None # get sorted lists of the index values # this is very important for disaggregating # the flux data in correct order iid, index_vals = self._mk_index_values(c.inputdir, inputfiles, index_keys) # index_vals looks like e.g.: # index_vals[0]: ('20171106', '20171107', '20171108') ; date # index_vals[1]: ('0', '600', '1200', '1800') ; time # index_vals[2]: ('0', '3', '6', '9', '12') ; stepRange if c.rrint: # set start and end timestamps for retrieval period if not c.purefc: start_date = datetime.strptime(c.start_date + '00', '%Y%m%d%H') end_date = datetime.strptime(c.end_date + '23', '%Y%m%d%H') else: sdate_str = c.start_date + '{:0>2}'.format(index_vals[1][0]) start_date = datetime.strptime(sdate_str, '%Y%m%d%H') edate_str = c.end_date + '{:0>2}'.format(index_vals[1][-1]) end_date = datetime.strptime(edate_str, '%Y%m%d%H') end_date = end_date + timedelta(hours=c.maxstep) # get necessary grid dimensions from grib files for storing the # precipitation fields info = get_informations(os.path.join(c.inputdir, inputfiles.files[0])) dims = get_dimensions(info, c.purefc, c.dtime, index_vals, start_date, end_date) # create empty numpy arrays if not maxnum: lsp_np = np.zeros((dims[1] * dims[0], dims[2]), dtype=np.float64) cp_np = np.zeros((dims[1] * dims[0], dims[2]), dtype=np.float64) else: lsp_np = np.zeros((maxnum, dims[1] * dims[0], dims[2]), dtype=np.float64) cp_np = np.zeros((maxnum, dims[1] * dims[0], dims[2]), dtype=np.float64) # index counter for time line it_lsp = 0 it_cp = 0 # store the order of date and step date_list = [] step_list = [] # initialize dictionaries to store flux values per parameter orig_vals = {} deac_vals = {} for p in pars: orig_vals[p] = [] deac_vals[p] = [] # "product" genereates each possible combination between the # values of the index keys for prod in product(*index_vals): # e.g. prod = ('20170505', '0', '12') # ( date ,time, step) print('CURRENT PRODUCT: ', prod) # the whole process has to be done for each seperate ensemble member # therefore, for each new ensemble member we delete old flux values # and start collecting flux data from the beginning time step if maxnum and prod[index_number] not in ens_numbers: ens_numbers.add(prod[index_number]) inumb = len(ens_numbers) - 1 # re-initialize dictionaries to store flux values per parameter # for the next ensemble member it_lsp = 0 it_cp = 0 orig_vals = {} deac_vals = {} for p in pars: orig_vals[p] = [] deac_vals[p] = [] for i in range(len(index_keys)): codes_index_select(iid, index_keys[i], prod[i]) # get first id from current product gid = codes_new_from_index(iid) # if there is no data for this specific time combination / product # skip the rest of the for loop and start with next timestep/product if not gid: continue # create correct timestamp from the three time informations cdate = str(codes_get(gid, 'date')) time = codes_get(gid, 'time') // 100 # integer step = codes_get(gid, 'step') # integer ctime = '{:0>2}'.format(time) t_date = datetime.strptime(cdate + ctime, '%Y%m%d%H') t_dt = t_date + timedelta(hours=step) t_m1dt = t_date + timedelta(hours=step-int(c.dtime)) t_m2dt = t_date + timedelta(hours=step-2*int(c.dtime)) if c.basetime is not None: t_enddate = datetime.strptime(c.end_date + str(c.basetime), '%Y%m%d%H') else: t_enddate = t_date + timedelta(2*int(c.dtime)) # if necessary, add ensemble member number to filename suffix # otherwise, add empty string if maxnum: numbersuffix = '.N{:0>3}'.format(int(prod[index_number])) else: numbersuffix = '' if c.purefc: fnout = os.path.join(c.inputdir, 'flux' + t_date.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H') + '.{:0>3}'.format(step-2*int(c.dtime)) + numbersuffix) gnout = os.path.join(c.inputdir, 'flux' + t_date.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H') + '.{:0>3}'.format(step-int(c.dtime)) + numbersuffix) hnout = os.path.join(c.inputdir, 'flux' + t_date.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H') + '.{:0>3}'.format(step) + numbersuffix) else: fnout = os.path.join(c.inputdir, 'flux' + t_m2dt.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + numbersuffix) gnout = os.path.join(c.inputdir, 'flux' + t_m1dt.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + numbersuffix) hnout = os.path.join(c.inputdir, 'flux' + t_dt.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + numbersuffix) print("outputfile = " + fnout) f_handle = open(fnout, 'wb') h_handle = open(hnout, 'wb') g_handle = open(gnout, 'wb') # read message for message and store relevant data fields, where # data keywords are stored in pars while True: if not gid: break parId = codes_get(gid, 'paramId') # integer step = codes_get(gid, 'step') # integer time = codes_get(gid, 'time') # integer ni = codes_get(gid, 'Ni') # integer nj = codes_get(gid, 'Nj') # integer if parId not in orig_vals.keys(): # parameter is not a flux, find next one continue # define conversion factor if parId == 142 or parId == 143: fak = 1. / 1000. else: fak = 3600. # get parameter values and reshape values = codes_get_values(gid) values = (np.reshape(values, (nj, ni))).flatten() / fak # save the original and accumulated values orig_vals[parId].append(values[:]) if c.marsclass.upper() == 'EA' or step <= int(c.dtime): # no de-accumulation needed deac_vals[parId].append(values[:] / int(c.dtime)) else: # do de-accumulation deac_vals[parId].append( (orig_vals[parId][-1] - orig_vals[parId][-2]) / int(c.dtime)) # store precipitation if new disaggregation method is selected # only the exact days are needed if c.rrint: if start_date <= t_dt <= end_date: if not c.purefc: if t_dt not in date_list: date_list.append(t_dt) step_list = [0] else: if t_date not in date_list: date_list.append(t_date) if step not in step_list: step_list.append(step) # store precipitation values if maxnum and parId == 142: lsp_np[inumb, :, it_lsp] = deac_vals[parId][-1][:] it_lsp += 1 elif not maxnum and parId == 142: lsp_np[:, it_lsp] = deac_vals[parId][-1][:] it_lsp += 1 elif maxnum and parId == 143: cp_np[inumb, :, it_cp] = deac_vals[parId][-1][:] it_cp += 1 elif not maxnum and parId == 143: cp_np[:, it_cp] = deac_vals[parId][-1][:] it_cp += 1 # information printout print(parId, time, step, len(values), values[0], np.std(values)) # length of deac_vals[parId] corresponds to the # number of time steps, max. 4 are needed for disaggegration # with the old and original method # run over all grib messages and perform # shifting in time if len(deac_vals[parId]) >= 3: if len(deac_vals[parId]) > 3: if not c.rrint and (parId == 142 or parId == 143): values = disaggregation.darain(deac_vals[parId]) else: values = disaggregation.dapoly(deac_vals[parId]) if not (step == c.maxstep and c.purefc \ or t_dt == t_enddate): # remove first time step in list to shift # time line orig_vals[parId].pop(0) deac_vals[parId].pop(0) else: # if the third time step is read (per parId), # write out the first one as a boundary value if c.purefc: values = deac_vals[parId][1] else: values = deac_vals[parId][0] if not (c.rrint and (parId == 142 or parId == 143)): codes_set_values(gid, values) if c.purefc: codes_set(gid, 'stepRange', max(0, step-2*int(c.dtime))) else: codes_set(gid, 'stepRange', 0) codes_set(gid, 'time', t_m2dt.hour*100) codes_set(gid, 'date', int(t_m2dt.strftime('%Y%m%d'))) codes_write(gid, f_handle) # squeeze out information of last two steps # contained in deac_vals[parId] # Note that deac_vals[parId][0] has not been popped # in this case if step == c.maxstep and c.purefc or \ t_dt == t_enddate: # last step if c.purefc: values = deac_vals[parId][3] codes_set_values(gid, values) codes_set(gid, 'stepRange', step) #truedatetime = t_m2dt + timedelta(hours=2*int(c.dtime)) codes_write(gid, h_handle) else: values = deac_vals[parId][3] codes_set_values(gid, values) codes_set(gid, 'stepRange', 0) truedatetime = t_m2dt + timedelta(hours=2*int(c.dtime)) codes_set(gid, 'time', truedatetime.hour * 100) codes_set(gid, 'date', int(truedatetime.strftime('%Y%m%d'))) codes_write(gid, h_handle) if parId == 142 or parId == 143: values = disaggregation.darain(list(reversed(deac_vals[parId]))) else: values = disaggregation.dapoly(list(reversed(deac_vals[parId]))) # step before last step if c.purefc: codes_set(gid, 'stepRange', step-int(c.dtime)) #truedatetime = t_m2dt + timedelta(hours=int(c.dtime)) codes_set_values(gid, values) codes_write(gid, g_handle) else: codes_set(gid, 'stepRange', 0) truedatetime = t_m2dt + timedelta(hours=int(c.dtime)) codes_set(gid, 'time', truedatetime.hour * 100) codes_set(gid, 'date', int(truedatetime.strftime('%Y%m%d'))) codes_set_values(gid, values) codes_write(gid, g_handle) codes_release(gid) gid = codes_new_from_index(iid) f_handle.close() g_handle.close() h_handle.close() codes_index_release(iid) if c.rrint: self._create_rr_grib_dummy(inputfiles.files[0], c.inputdir) self._prep_new_rrint(dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], lsp_np, cp_np, maxnum, index_keys, index_vals, c) return
def _prep_new_rrint(self, ni, nj, nt, lsp_np, cp_np, maxnum, index_keys, index_vals, c): '''Calculates and writes out the disaggregated precipitation fields. Disaggregation is done in time and original times are written to the flux files, while the additional subgrid times are written to extra files output files. They are named like the original files with suffixes "_1" and "_2" for the first and second subgrid point. Parameters ---------- ni : int Amount of zonal grid points. nj : int Amount of meridional grid points. nt : int Number of time steps. lsp_np : numpy array of float The large scale precipitation fields for each time step. Shape (ni * nj, nt). cp_np : numpy array of float The convective precipitation fields for each time step. Shape (ni * nj, nt). maxnum : int The maximum number of ensemble members. It is None if there are no or just one ensemble. index_keys : dictionary List of parameter names which serves as index. index_vals : list of list of str Contains the values from the keys used for a distinct selection of grib messages in processing the grib files. Content looks like e.g.: index_vals[0]: ('20171106', '20171107', '20171108') ; date index_vals[1]: ('0', '1200', '1800', '600') ; time index_vals[2]: ('0', '12', '3', '6', '9') ; stepRange c : ControlFile Contains all the parameters of CONTROL file and command line. Return ------ ''' import numpy as np print('... disaggregation of precipitation with new method.') tmpfile = os.path.join(c.inputdir, 'rr_grib_dummy.grb') # initialize new numpy arrays for disaggregated fields if maxnum: lsp_new_np = np.zeros((maxnum, ni * nj, nt * 3), dtype=np.float64) cp_new_np = np.zeros((maxnum, ni * nj, nt * 3), dtype=np.float64) else: lsp_new_np = np.zeros((1, ni * nj, nt * 3), dtype=np.float64) cp_new_np = np.zeros((1, ni * nj, nt * 3), dtype=np.float64) # do the disaggregation, but neglect the last value of the # original time series. This one corresponds for example to # 24 hour, which we don't need. we use 0 - 23 UTC for a day. if maxnum: for inum in range(maxnum): for ix in range(ni*nj): lsp_new_np[inum, ix, :] = disaggregation.IA3(lsp_np[inum, ix, :])[:-1] cp_new_np[inum, ix, :] = disaggregation.IA3(cp_np[inum, ix, :])[:-1] else: for ix in range(ni*nj): lsp_new_np[0, ix, :] = disaggregation.IA3(lsp_np[ix, :])[:-1] cp_new_np[0, ix, :] = disaggregation.IA3(cp_np[ix, :])[:-1] # write to grib files (full/orig times to flux file and inbetween # times with step 1 and 2, respectively) print('... write disaggregated precipitation to files.') if maxnum: # remember the index of the number values index_number = index_keys.index('number') # empty set to save unique ensemble numbers which were already processed ens_numbers = set() # index for the ensemble number inumb = 0 else: inumb = 0 # index variable of disaggregated fields it = 0 # "product" genereates each possible combination between the # values of the index keys for prod in product(*index_vals): # e.g. prod = ('20170505', '0', '12') # ( date ,time, step) # or prod = ('0' , '20170505', '0', '12') # (number, date ,time, step) cdate = prod[index_keys.index('date')] ctime = '{:0>2}'.format(int(prod[index_keys.index('time')])//100) cstep = '{:0>3}'.format(int(prod[index_keys.index('step')])) date = datetime.strptime(cdate + ctime, '%Y%m%d%H') date += timedelta(hours=int(cstep)) start_period, end_period = generate_retrieval_period_boundary(c) # skip all temporary times # which are outside the retrieval period if date < start_period or \ date > end_period: continue # the whole process has to be done for each seperate ensemble member # therefore, for each new ensemble member we delete old flux values # and start collecting flux data from the beginning time step if maxnum and prod[index_number] not in ens_numbers: ens_numbers.add(prod[index_number]) inumb = int(prod[index_number]) it = 0 # if necessary, add ensemble member number to filename suffix # otherwise, add empty string if maxnum: numbersuffix = '.N{:0>3}'.format(int(prod[index_number])) else: numbersuffix = '' # per original time stamp: write original time step and # the two newly generated sub time steps if c.purefc: fluxfilename = 'flux' + date.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H') + '.' + cstep else: fluxfilename = 'flux' + date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + numbersuffix # write original time step to flux file as usual fluxfile = GribUtil(os.path.join(c.inputdir, fluxfilename)) fluxfile.set_keys(tmpfile, filemode='ab', wherekeynames=['paramId'], wherekeyvalues=[142], keynames=['perturbationNumber', 'date', 'time', 'stepRange', 'values'], keyvalues=[inumb, int(date.strftime('%Y%m%d')), date.hour*100, 0, lsp_new_np[inumb, :, it]] ) fluxfile.set_keys(tmpfile, filemode='ab', wherekeynames=['paramId'], wherekeyvalues=[143], keynames=['perturbationNumber', 'date', 'time', 'stepRange', 'values'], keyvalues=[inumb, int(date.strftime('%Y%m%d')), date.hour*100, 0, cp_new_np[inumb, :, it]] ) # rr for first subgrid point is identified by step = 1 fluxfile.set_keys(tmpfile, filemode='ab', wherekeynames=['paramId'], wherekeyvalues=[142], keynames=['perturbationNumber', 'date', 'time', 'stepRange', 'values'], keyvalues=[inumb, int(date.strftime('%Y%m%d')), date.hour*100, '1', lsp_new_np[inumb, :, it+1]] ) fluxfile.set_keys(tmpfile, filemode='ab', wherekeynames=['paramId'], wherekeyvalues=[143], keynames=['perturbationNumber', 'date', 'time', 'stepRange', 'values'], keyvalues=[inumb, int(date.strftime('%Y%m%d')), date.hour*100, '1', cp_new_np[inumb, :, it+1]] ) # rr for second subgrid point is identified by step = 2 fluxfile.set_keys(tmpfile, filemode='ab', wherekeynames=['paramId'], wherekeyvalues=[142], keynames=['perturbationNumber', 'date', 'time', 'stepRange', 'values'], keyvalues=[inumb, int(date.strftime('%Y%m%d')), date.hour*100, '2', lsp_new_np[inumb, :, it+2]] ) fluxfile.set_keys(tmpfile, filemode='ab', wherekeynames=['paramId'], wherekeyvalues=[143], keynames=['perturbationNumber', 'date', 'time', 'stepRange', 'values'], keyvalues=[inumb, int(date.strftime('%Y%m%d')), date.hour*100, '2', cp_new_np[inumb, :, it+2]] ) it = it + 3 # jump to next original time step in rr fields return def _create_rr_grib_dummy(self, ifile, inputdir): '''Creates a grib file with a dummy message for the two precipitation types lsp and cp each. Parameters ---------- ifile : str Filename of the input file to read the grib messages from. inputdir : str, optional Path to the directory where the retrieved data is stored. Return ------ ''' gribfile = GribUtil(os.path.join(inputdir, 'rr_grib_dummy.grb')) gribfile.copy_dummy_msg(ifile, keynames=['paramId','paramId'], keyvalues=[142,143], filemode='wb') return
[docs] def create(self, inputfiles, c): '''An index file will be created which depends on the combination of "date", "time" and "stepRange" values. This is used to iterate over all messages in each grib file which were passed through the parameter "inputfiles" to seperate specific parameters into fort.* files. Afterwards the FORTRAN program is called to convert the data fields all to the same grid and put them in one file per unique time step (combination of "date", "time" and "stepRange"). Note ---- This method is based on the ECMWF example Parameters ---------- inputfiles : UioFiles Contains a list of files. c : ControlFile Contains all the parameters of CONTROL file and command line. Return ------ ''' from eccodes import (codes_index_select, codes_get, codes_get_values, codes_set_values, codes_set, codes_write, codes_release, codes_new_from_index, codes_index_release) # generate start and end timestamp of the retrieval period start_period = datetime.strptime(c.start_date + c.time[0], '%Y%m%d%H') start_period = start_period + timedelta(hours=int(c.step[0])) end_period = datetime.strptime(c.end_date + c.time[-1], '%Y%m%d%H') end_period = end_period + timedelta(hours=int(c.step[-1])) # @WRF # THIS IS NOT YET CORRECTLY IMPLEMENTED !!! # # UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!! # #if c.wrf: # table128 = init128(_config.PATH_GRIBTABLE) # wrfpars = to_param_id('sp/mslp/skt/2t/10u/10v/2d/z/lsm/sst/ci/sd/\ # stl1/stl2/stl3/stl4/swvl1/swvl2/swvl3/swvl4', # table128) # these numbers are indices for the temporary files "fort.xx" # which are used to seperate the grib fields to, # for the Fortran program input # 10: U,V | 11: T | 12: lnsp | 13: D | 16: sfc fields # 17: Q | 18: Q, SL, GG| 19: omega | 21: etadot | 22: clwc+ciwc fdict = {'10':None, '11':None, '12':None, '13':None, '16':None, '17':None, '18':None, '19':None, '21':None, '22':None} iid = None index_vals = None # get the values of the keys which are used for distinct access # of grib messages via product if '/' in self.number: # more than one ensemble member is selected index_keys = ["number", "date", "time", "step"] else: index_keys = ["date", "time", "step"] iid, index_vals = self._mk_index_values(c.inputdir, inputfiles, index_keys) # index_vals looks like e.g.: # index_vals[0]: ('20171106', '20171107', '20171108') ; date # index_vals[1]: ('0', '600', '1200', '1800') ; time # index_vals[2]: ('0', '12', '3', '6', '9') ; stepRange # "product" genereates each possible combination between the # values of the index keys for prod in product(*index_vals): # e.g. prod = ('20170505', '0', '12') # ( date ,time, step) print('current product: ', prod) for i in range(len(index_keys)): codes_index_select(iid, index_keys[i], prod[i]) # get first id from current product gid = codes_new_from_index(iid) # if there is no data for this specific time combination / product # skip the rest of the for loop and start with next timestep/product if not gid: continue #============================================================================================ # remove old fort.* files and open new ones # they are just valid for a single product for k, f in fdict.items(): fortfile = os.path.join(c.inputdir, 'fort.' + k) silent_remove(fortfile) fdict[k] = open(fortfile, 'wb') #============================================================================================ # create correct timestamp from the three time informations cdate = str(codes_get(gid, 'date')) ctime = '{:0>2}'.format(codes_get(gid, 'time') // 100) cstep = '{:0>3}'.format(codes_get(gid, 'step')) timestamp = datetime.strptime(cdate + ctime, '%Y%m%d%H') timestamp += timedelta(hours=int(cstep)) cdate_hour = datetime.strftime(timestamp, '%Y%m%d%H') # if basetime is used, adapt start/end date period if c.basetime is not None: time_delta = timedelta(hours=12-int(c.dtime)) start_period = datetime.strptime(c.end_date + str(c.basetime), '%Y%m%d%H') - time_delta end_period = datetime.strptime(c.end_date + str(c.basetime), '%Y%m%d%H') # skip all temporary times # which are outside the retrieval period if timestamp < start_period or \ timestamp > end_period: continue # @WRF # THIS IS NOT YET CORRECTLY IMPLEMENTED !!! # # UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!! # #if c.wrf: # if 'olddate' not in locals() or cdate != olddate: # fwrf = open(os.path.join(c.outputdir, # 'WRF' + cdate + '.' + ctime + '.000.grb2'), 'wb') # olddate = cdate[:] #============================================================================================ # savedfields remembers which fields were already used. savedfields = [] # sum of cloud liquid and ice water content scwc = None while 1: if not gid: break paramId = codes_get(gid, 'paramId') gridtype = codes_get(gid, 'gridType') if paramId == 77: # ETADOT codes_write(gid, fdict['21']) elif paramId == 130: # T codes_write(gid, fdict['11']) elif paramId == 131 or paramId == 132: # U, V wind component codes_write(gid, fdict['10']) elif paramId == 133 and gridtype != 'reduced_gg': # Q codes_write(gid, fdict['17']) elif paramId == 133 and gridtype == 'reduced_gg': # Q, gaussian codes_write(gid, fdict['18']) elif paramId == 135: # W codes_write(gid, fdict['19']) elif paramId == 152: # LNSP codes_write(gid, fdict['12']) elif paramId == 155 and gridtype == 'sh': # D codes_write(gid, fdict['13']) elif paramId == 246 or paramId == 247: # CLWC, CIWC # sum cloud liquid water and ice if scwc is None: scwc = codes_get_values(gid) else: scwc += codes_get_values(gid) codes_set_values(gid, scwc) codes_set(gid, 'paramId', 201031) codes_write(gid, fdict['22']) scwc = None # @WRF # THIS IS NOT YET CORRECTLY IMPLEMENTED !!! # # UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!! # #elif c.wrf and paramId in [129, 138, 155] and \ # levtype == 'hybrid': # Z, VO, D # # do not do anything right now # # these are specific parameter for WRF # pass else: if paramId not in savedfields: # SD/MSL/TCC/10U/10V/2T/2D/Z/LSM/SDOR/CVL/CVH/SR # and all ADDPAR parameter codes_write(gid, fdict['16']) savedfields.append(paramId) else: print('duplicate ' + str(paramId) + ' not written') # @WRF # THIS IS NOT YET CORRECTLY IMPLEMENTED !!! # # UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!! # #try: # if c.wrf: # # model layer # if levtype == 'hybrid' and \ # paramId in [129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 138, 155]: # codes_write(gid, fwrf) # # sfc layer # elif paramId in wrfpars: # codes_write(gid, fwrf) #except AttributeError: # pass codes_release(gid) gid = codes_new_from_index(iid) #============================================================================================ for f in fdict.values(): f.close() #============================================================================================ # call for Fortran program to convert e.g. reduced_gg grids to # regular_ll and calculate detadot/dp pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(c.inputdir) if os.stat('fort.21').st_size == 0 and c.eta: print('Parameter 77 (etadot) is missing, most likely it is ' 'not available for this type or date / time\n') print('Check parameters CLASS, TYPE, STREAM, START_DATE\n') my_error('fort.21 is empty while parameter eta ' 'is set to 1 in CONTROL file') # ============================================================================================ # write out all output to log file before starting fortran programm sys.stdout.flush() # Fortran program creates file fort.15 (with u,v,etadot,t,sp,q) execute_subprocess([os.path.join(c.exedir, _config.FORTRAN_EXECUTABLE)], error_msg='FORTRAN PROGRAM FAILED!')#shell=True) os.chdir(pwd) # ============================================================================================ # create name of final output file, e.g. EN13040500 (ENYYMMDDHH) # for CERA-20C we need all 4 digits for the year sinc 1900 - 2010 if c.purefc: if c.marsclass == 'EP': suffix = cdate[0:8] + '.' + ctime + '.' + cstep else: suffix = cdate[2:8] + '.' + ctime + '.' + cstep else: if c.marsclass == 'EP': suffix = cdate_hour[0:10] else: suffix = cdate_hour[2:10] # if necessary, add ensemble member number to filename suffix if 'number' in index_keys: index_number = index_keys.index('number') if len(index_vals[index_number]) > 1: suffix = suffix + '.N{:0>3}'.format(int(prod[index_number])) fnout = os.path.join(c.inputdir, c.prefix + suffix) print("outputfile = " + fnout) # collect for final processing self.outputfilelist.append(os.path.basename(fnout)) # # get additional precipitation subgrid data if available # if c.rrint: # self.outputfilelist.append(os.path.basename(fnout + '_1')) # self.outputfilelist.append(os.path.basename(fnout + '_2')) # ============================================================================================ # create outputfile and copy all data from intermediate files # to the outputfile (final GRIB input files for FLEXPART) orolsm = os.path.basename(glob.glob(c.inputdir + '/OG_OROLSM__SL.*.' + c.ppid + '*')[0]) if c.marsclass == 'EP': fluxfile = 'flux' + suffix else: fluxfile = 'flux' + cdate[0:2] + suffix if not c.cwc: flist = ['fort.15', fluxfile, 'fort.16', orolsm] else: flist = ['fort.15', 'fort.22', fluxfile, 'fort.16', orolsm] with open(fnout, 'wb') as fout: for f in flist: shutil.copyfileobj(open(os.path.join(c.inputdir, f), 'rb'), fout) if with open(os.path.join(c.outputdir, 'OMEGA'), 'wb') as fout: shutil.copyfileobj(open(os.path.join(c.inputdir, 'fort.25'), 'rb'), fout) # ============================================================================================ # @WRF # THIS IS NOT YET CORRECTLY IMPLEMENTED !!! # # UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!! # #if c.wrf: # fwrf.close() codes_index_release(iid) return
[docs] def calc_extra_elda(self, path, prefix): ''' Calculates extra ensemble members for ELDA - Stream. This is a specific feature which doubles the number of ensemble members for the ELDA Stream. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the output files. prefix : str The prefix of the output filenames as defined in Control file. Return ------ ''' from eccodes import (codes_grib_new_from_file, codes_get_array, codes_set_array, codes_release, codes_set, codes_write) # max number maxnum = int(self.number.split('/')[-1]) # get a list of all prepared output files with control forecast (CF) cf_filelist = UioFiles(path, prefix + '*.N000') cf_filelist.files = sorted(cf_filelist.files) for cffile in cf_filelist.files: with open(cffile, 'rb') as f: cfvalues = [] while True: fid = codes_grib_new_from_file(f) if fid is None: break cfvalues.append(codes_get_array(fid, 'values')) codes_release(fid) filename = cffile.split('N000')[0] for i in range(1, maxnum + 1): # read an ensemble member g = open(filename + 'N{:0>3}'.format(i), 'rb') # create file for newly calculated ensemble member h = open(filename + 'N{:0>3}'.format(i+maxnum), 'wb') # number of message in grib file j = 0 while True: gid = codes_grib_new_from_file(g) if gid is None: break values = codes_get_array(gid, 'values') # generate a new ensemble member by subtracting # 2 * ( current time step value - last time step value ) codes_set_array(gid, 'values', values-2*(values-cfvalues[j])) codes_set(gid, 'number', i+maxnum) codes_write(gid, h) codes_release(gid) j += 1 g.close() h.close() print('wrote ' + filename + 'N{:0>3}'.format(i+maxnum)) self.outputfilelist.append( os.path.basename(filename + 'N{:0>3}'.format(i+maxnum))) return
[docs] def process_output(self, c): '''Postprocessing of FLEXPART input files. The grib files are postprocessed depending on the selection in CONTROL file. The resulting files are moved to the output directory if its not equal to the input directory. The following modifications might be done if properly switched in CONTROL file: GRIB2 - Conversion to GRIB2 ECTRANS - Transfer of files to gateway server ECSTORAGE - Storage at ECMWF server Parameters ---------- c : ControlFile Contains all the parameters of CONTROL file and command line. Return ------ ''' print('\n\nPostprocessing:\n Format: {}\n'.format(c.format)) if _config.FLAG_ON_ECMWFSERVER: print('ecstorage: {}\n ecfsdir: {}\n'. format(c.ecstorage, c.ecfsdir)) print('ectrans: {}\n gateway: {}\n destination: {}\n ' .format(c.ectrans, c.gateway, c.destination)) print('Output filelist: ') print(sorted(self.outputfilelist)) for ofile in self.outputfilelist: ofile = os.path.join(self.inputdir, ofile) if c.format.lower() == 'grib2': execute_subprocess(['grib_set', '-s', 'edition=2,' + 'productDefinitionTemplateNumber=8', ofile, ofile + '_2'], error_msg='GRIB2 CONVERSION FAILED!') execute_subprocess(['mv', ofile + '_2', ofile], error_msg='RENAMING FOR NEW GRIB2 FORMAT ' 'FILES FAILED!') if c.ectrans and _config.FLAG_ON_ECMWFSERVER: proc = execute_subprocess(['ectrans', '-overwrite', '-gateway', c.gateway, '-remote', c.destination, '-source', ofile], error_msg='TRANSFER TO LOCAL SERVER FAILED!') # apl: start # if the ectrans routine returns 1 => file should have # been copied in tmp folder, where it will be deleted # after a successful transfer try: import time time.sleep(10) if(proc==1): execute_subprocess(['rm', ofile]) except TypeError: break # apl: end if c.ecstorage and _config.FLAG_ON_ECMWFSERVER: execute_subprocess(['ecp', '-o', ofile, os.path.expandvars(c.ecfsdir)], error_msg='COPY OF FILES TO ECSTORAGE ' 'AREA FAILED!') if c.outputdir != c.inputdir: execute_subprocess(['mv', os.path.join(c.inputdir, ofile), c.outputdir], error_msg='RELOCATION OF OUTPUT FILES ' 'TO OUTPUTDIR FAILED!') return