The Fortran makefile for calc_etadot

The Fortran program calc_etadot will be compiled during the installation process to produce the executable called calc_etadot.

Flex_extract includes several makefiles which can be found in the directory flex_extract_vX.X/Source/Fortran, where vX.X should be substituted by the current flex_extract version number. A list of these makefiles is shown below:

Remote/Gateway mode:
Files to be used as they are!
makefile_ecgate: For use on the ECMWF server ecgate.
makefile_cray: For use on the ECMWF servers cca/ccb.
Local mode
It is necessary to adapt ECCODES_INCLUDE_DIR and ECCODES_LIB if they don’t correspond to the standard paths pre-set in the makefiles.
makefile_fast: For use with the gfortran compiler and optimisation mode.
makefile_debug: For use with the gfortran compiler and debugging mode. Primarily for developers.
makefile_local_gfortran: Linked to makefile_fast. Default value.

They can be found at flex_extract_vX.X/Source/Fortran/, where vX.X should be substituted by the current flex_extract version number.


It is necessary to adapt ECCODES_INCLUDE_DIR and ECCODES_LIB in these makefiles if other than standard paths are used.

Thus, go to the Fortran source directory and open the makefile of your choice, and check / modify with an editor of your choice:

cd flex_extract_vX.X/Source/Fortran
nedit makefile_fast

Set the paths to the eccodes library on your local machine, if necessary.


This can vary from system to system. It is suggested to use a command like

# for the ECCODES_INCLUDE_DIR path do:
$ dpkg -L libeccodes-dev | grep eccodes.mod
# for the ECCODES_LIB path do:
$ dpkg -L libeccodes-dev | grep

to find out the path to the eccodes library.

Assign these paths to the parameters ECCODES_INCLUDE_DIR and ECCODES_LIB in the makefile, and save it.

# these are the paths on Debian Buster:
ECCODES_LIB= -L/usr/lib -leccodes_f90 -leccodes -lm

If you want to use another compiler than gfortran locally, you can still take makefile_fast, and adapt everything that is compiler-specific in this file.